Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fwd: [Heaven] Digest for - 7 Messages in 7 Topics

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Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 11:47:19 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for - 7 Messages
in 7 Topics
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Today's Topic Summary


- Obamacare's Bitter Pill For Israel [1 Update]
- Microsoft's Skinput Turns Hands, Arms Into Buttons [1 Update]
- President Reagan Likened The 1981 Biometric Plan To The Biblical
"Mark Of The Beast," But It's Developing Anyway [1 Update]
- A High-Tech National ID Card? [1 Update]
- Immigration Reform Could Cause All, Both Small And Great, To
Receive A Biometric SSC [1 Update]
- Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter [1 Update]

Topic: Obamacare's Bitter Pill For Israel

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 20 05:34PM -0400

*Obamacare's Bitter Pill For
For American taxpayers, the devil is in the details of the new health care
law. But for the Jewish people and the State of Israel the devil is in the
comparison between Barack Obama's steamrollering of health care legislation
and his developing Middle East policy. The president succeeded in enacting
health care reform - something many of his predecessors had attempted but
failed. But that's not because those past presidents didn't want universal
healthcare or weren't as passionate or concerned about the need for reform.
It was just that - for them - the proposals were either unworkable or the
cost was simply too high. Or perhaps a mixture of both. But for Obama, none
of that mattered - not that the legislation was viewed by many as deeply
flawed, or that there would not be enough doctors to handle the new system,
or that it appeared there might not be enough votes to get it through, or
that the cost was so high it might bankrupt the country. The data could
always be fudged, and the numbers double-counted. And if there weren't
enough votes they could use devices like "reconciliation" or "deeming." And
to heck with the price - what's a trillion dollars anyway? Not that much
more than the stimulus package, and Americans swallowed that one without a


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Topic: Microsoft's Skinput Turns Hands, Arms Into Buttons

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 20 05:33PM -0400

*Microsoft's Skinput Turns Hands, Arms Into
In Chris Harrison's ideal world, mobile phones would be the size of
matchbooks. They'd have full-size keyboards. They'd browse the Web. They'd
play videos. And, most importantly, you'd never have to touch them. Sound
like too much to ask? Maybe not. Harrison, a graduate student at Carnegie
Mellon University and a former intern at Microsoft Research, has developed a
working prototype of a system called Skinput that does just that,
essentially by turning a person's hand and forearm into a keyboard and
screen. "People don't love the iPhone keyboard. They use them. But they
don't love them," Harrison said in a interview at the recent Computer-Human
Interaction conference. "If you could make the iPhone keyboard as big as an
arm -- that would be huge." Using Skinput, a person could tap their thumb
and middle finger together to answer a call; touch their forearm to go to
the next track on a music player; or flick the center of their palm to
select a menu item. All of these sign-language-like movements, which are
customizable, would control a gadget in a person's pocket through a
Bluetooth connection.


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Topic: President Reagan Likened The 1981 Biometric Plan To The
Biblical "Mark Of The Beast," But It's Developing Anyway

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 20 05:32PM -0400

*President Reagan Likened The 1981 Biometric Plan To The Biblical "Mark Of
The Beast," But It's Developing
A new wave of controversy is developing in Washington over ways to deal with
illegal immigration as senators consider using biometrics, the unchangeable
physical attributes of fingerprints or other identifying marks.
President Reagan likened a 1981 biometric plan to the biblical "mark of the
beast," and even President Clinton said the idea evoked "Big Brother,"
according to a key opponent. But biometrics already is in use in schools
nationwide, with one company boasting that some 1 million students use its
fingerprint-based technologies for student lunches. The issue arose over the
last week in the Summit School District in New Jersey, where officials
confirmed their schools are being set up with biometrics on a
building-by-building basis. Parents at Washington Elementary recently
received a notice that the school was "implementing a biometric finger
scanning identification program in an effort to provide our elementary
students with a safe and easy way to identify themselves when entering the
school and using the cafeteria."


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Topic: A High-Tech National ID Card?

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 20 05:32PM -0400

*A High-Tech National ID
Trust in the federal government is at one of its lowest levels in the last
50 years. Tea partiers suspect the Obama administration of plotting to
establish totalitarian rule. Talk of secession is in the air in some states.
And Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. has a great idea: Issuing every American a
Social Security card with information from a fingerprint or retinal scan.
What's the matter, Senator? Are you afraid our paranoia is fading? If so,
you're on the right track. If you want to give Americans the willies,
biometric national ID cards are the way to do it. Schumer thinks this step
is crucial to making our immigration laws enforceable. But even it were to
work exactly as designed, I don't think Ameicans would stand for it. A lot
of people don't even like filling out census forms, seeing the questions as
an invasion of privacy. Giving fingerprints to the feds is not going to be a
popular idea. Who knows what uses it might have to officious government
agencies? As the American Civil Liberties Union notes, the new ID could be
required for voting, buying a gun, getting on an airplane, and who knows
what else. All this for what? To keep poor foreigners from taking arduous,
low-paying jobs. A lot of Americans want to put an end to illegal
immigration. But if the price of that achievement is lining up at the
federal building for a retinal scan, I'm betting we'll choose not to pay it.


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Topic: Immigration Reform Could Cause All, Both Small And Great, To
Receive A Biometric SSC

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 20 05:31PM -0400

*Immigration Reform Could Cause All, Both Small And Great, To Receive A
Biometric SSC*<,0,1577617.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&>
Because she was born in Chicago, Karen Peisker never imagined her bosses at
United Parcel Service would suddenly question her right to legally work in
the country. But last month, an electronic employee verification system
flagged the truck driver for possible identity fraud because she had been
using her married name, Rivera, on her driver's license since 2007. Though
Peisker joined the company in 1985, it put her at risk of being fired until
she proved she was who she said she was. "I couldn't believe it," said
Peisker, 50, who repeatedly had to show up to work with her birth
certificate, marriage license and U.S. passport until the confusion was
cleared up. Not uncommon, such problems with the federal E-verify software
system — intended to pluck illegal immigrants out of the work force — have
led to proposals for a more wide-reaching solution that could be as
culturally transformative as it is controversial. Until recently, it also
might have seemed as futuristic as a movie thriller. Two U.S. senators
prominent in immigration reform efforts have proposed that all Americans be
issued biometric Social Security cards, containing data from either a
fingerprint or retinal scan to help employers determine whether the holder
is legal.


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Topic: Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 20 05:27PM -0400

*------- This Week's Hot News --------*


*I. A Polish MP has charged that Russia caused the crash of the airplane
carrying the President and virtually his entire government!*

*If true, this story supports Cutting Edge belief that Russia is now moving
aggressively to bring all former U.S.S.R. nations into her planned
supernation, Nation #5.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Russia engineered air crash that killed President
Polish MP charges", *Mail Online,* *13th April 2010

"The Russian government prevented the Polish president's plane from landing
four times to divert him from a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the
Katyn massacre, according to an MP. Artur Gorski said the Russians 'came up
with some dubious reasons' that the aircraft couldn't land because they
feared President Leck Kaczynski's presence would overshadow a similar event
hosted by the Russian prime minister a few days before."

"And their alleged plan ended in disaster when the Polish pilots made one
final and disastrous attempt to land, killing Mr Kaczynski, his wife, and 94
others on board the plane.

In the News Alert of Monday, April 12, we suggested that the reason the
Polish airplane went down, killing virtually the entire government, was that
Russia was moving agressively to create her Supernation #5 of the Illuminati
global reorganization plan

This major breaking story alleges the same basic premise, that Russia caused
this crash.

The Russians countered, saying that the crash was the fault of the Polish
airliner crew.

"One of the Russian air traffic controllers involved in the tragedy said he
believes the Polish air force pilot Arkadiusz Protasiuk, 36, was under
severe pressure 'to land at any cost' so that the president would not miss
the commemoration of the death of 22,000 Poles slaughtered by Stalin ... He
believes the captain 'was desperate to land because of the high ranking
passengers he was carrying. It killed both the crew and the passengers.' It
was known that Mr Kaczynski once fired a flight crew when they refused to
land at Tbilisi - and flew to another airport, he said."

We probably will never know the exact cause of the crash, nor who caused it.

But, reality is that Russia will probably find it easier now to draw Poland
into Supernation #5. President Kaczynski was pro-West and pro-Israel and
would be expected to fight Russia's encroachment at any cost.

Russia is likely now to seek a government far more receptive to Russian


II. This latest episode of the Roman Catholic priestly sex scandal is not
going away any time soon!

*Now, Catholic faithful throughout Europe are rising up to reveal the horrid
acts which have been committed against them all these many years by the
celibate Roman Catholic priests.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*European Catholic sex abuse hot lines log jump in
*", Excite News, April 13, 2010

"VIENNA (AP) - Telephone hot lines in Europe offering help to people
claiming abuse by Roman Catholic priests are being deluged with calls as the
crisis spreads - with one center reporting complaints jumping from about 10
cases a year to more than a thousand in the past few weeks. Experts say the
record influx of calls reflects an increasing realization among victims that
they are not alone and that they will not be scorned for breaking their
silence about horrors that in many cases go back decades."


Cutting Edge created this DVD, above,*"Catholicism: White Sepulcher
Christianity"* <>, in May, 2002. to
answer, once and for all, the real reason Catholic priests have been
committing sexual sins for the better part of 1,200 years. This book to the
right reports that, before the 20th Century, the sexual sin which priests
were committing the most commonly was heterosexual sin as they preyed on
their female victims within the confessional.

Only in the last 100 years has the sexual sin turned homosexual.

Only when you study this disaster from the understanding that Catholicism is
not Christianity, but merely White Magic Witchcraft in disguise, will you
understand what has happened to you or to your loved ones!

Since May, 2002, we believed that this scandal will someday break open with
the force of a mighty volcano, as people by the tens of millions will come
forward to reveal that they have been a victim, too.

" 'Until now, many people were afraid they wouldn't be respected', said Max
Friedrich, a prominent Austrian psychiatrist. 'There's also a certain
comfort knowing you're not the only one to have experienced such abuse'. In
the Netherlands, the Help and Law line was set up in 1995 and generally
dealt with roughly 10 reports of abuse per year. Since March it has received
some 1,300 new reports ... "


<>*III. Is Great Britain going
to arrest Pope Benedict XVI as he visits London in September?*

*Two prominent atheists are seeking legal opinion as to whether the Pope
could be charged with sexual offenses while he is visiting England. *NEWS
BRIEF: "*Richard Dawkins calls for arrest of Pope Benedict
*Times Online, April 11, 2010

"RICHARD DAWKINS, the atheist campaigner, is planning a legal ambush to have
the Pope arrested during his state visit to Britain ';for crimes against
humanity'. Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, the atheist author, have asked
human rights lawyers to produce a case for charging Pope Benedict XVI over
his alleged cover-up of sexual abuse in the Catholic church."

People have naturally felt an overwhelming sense of anger and helplessness
as they witness the Roman Catholic Church maintain their code of silence and
cover-up in cases of child sexual abuse which must number in the millions
when you consider the past 100 years.

The Catholic Church not only instinctively protects their sexually deviant
priests, but they only reluctantly admit guilt when the few cases -- so far
-- do surface and capture the attention of the public. But, the attitude of
Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes seems to be arrogant beyond

The sexaul sins of the Catholic priesthood have stacked high to Heaven and
surely, the time has come for Justice! Dawkins and Hitchens want that
justice to start here and now and have asked lawyers whose expertise is in
human rights to offer their opinion as to whether the Pope could be arrested
when he steps on English soil. Is there any legal precedent for this kind of

"The pair believe they can exploit the same legal principle used to arrest
Augusto Pinochet, the late Chilean dictator, when he visited Britain in 1998
... Benedict will be in Britain between September 16 and 19, visiting
London, Glasgow and Coventry, where he will beatify Cardinal John Henry
Newman, the 19th-century theologian. Dawkins and Hitchens believe the Pope
would be unable to claim diplomatic immunity from arrest because, although
his tour is categorised as a state visit, he is not the head of a state
recognised by the United Nations."

"... lawyers believe they can ask the Crown Prosecution Service to initiate
criminal proceedings against the Pope, launch their own civil action against
him or refer his case to the International Criminal Court."

Later in this newsletter, we talk again about the World Court and how that
body gains strength with every single case they try. Were the World Court to
try a sitting Pope, their international prestige would skyrocket, carrying
with it enormous additional power and authority.

In conclusion:

" 'There is every possibility of legal action against the Pope occurring',
said Stephens. 'Geoffrey and I have both come to the view that the Vatican
is not actually a state in international law. It is not recognised by the
UN, it does not have borders that are policed and its relations are not of a
full diplomatic nature'."

I am positive that the Vatican will be watching this development very
carefully. If Vatican lawyers believe there is any possibility that Pope
Benedict XVI will be arrested when he arrives in Great Britain, they will
demand assurances from the office of the Prime Minister that England will
not carry out any arrest threat. If such assurance is not given, Pope
Benedict will most assuredly cancel his planned trip.

The time may very well come when this tide of sexual complaints may force
Pope Benedict XVI to resign his throne so a radically different priest may
be appointed. This next priest is said to be the final Pope, the False
Prophet of Revelation 13:10-18.

We are witnessing the greatest single explosion of prophecy being fulfilled
in modern world history, and you and I have a front-row seat!


*IV. Is the eligibility noose beginning to tighten around President Obama's

NEWS BRIEF: "*Kenyan Officials
Obama is 'son of this soil'* ", By Drew Zahn, World Net Daily, April 12,

"On the floor of the Kenyan National Assembly the day after Barack Obama was
elected U.S. president, members of the African country's parliament
celebrated 'a Kenyan ruling the USA', calling Obama 'a son of the soil of
this country'."

Every single time that President Obama seems to put this issue behind him as
to whether he is a native born American, someone from Kenya seems to reopen
the wound. Are the people of Kenya wanting Obama to finally admit that he
was born in that country? It certainly seems that way!

Listen to these Kenyan leaders brag that Obama is a Kenyan by birth.

" 'Could we allow … a Motion for Adjournment so that we could also continue
the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA?' asked the MP for the
Ikolomani Constituency, Dr. Boni Khalwale. The mood on the floor of the
Parliament was so raucous that day that an extended debate occurred on
whether or not to call the session off to celebrate Obama's election
victory. Several MPs were even reported missing, allegedly because they were
still out partying."

"Nominated MP Millie Odhiambo requested of the chair, 'The president-elect,
Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this
continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that
the country which he originates from should show the same excitement, pomp
and color. I, therefore, seek leave of the House that we adjourn to discuss
the issue'."

" 'Honorable members, as you may be aware, the people of the United States
of America have just had a historic election where the son of this soil,
Barrack Hussein Obama, has been elected the 44th president of the United
States of America and the first African-American president in the history of
that country', said Farah..."

This situation is filled with peril for the Democrat Party and the Liberals
who have seen a great deal of success in advancing their agenda during the
first full year of Obama's Presidency. It is possible that, if Obama is
proven to have been born in Kenya, not only would he be forced out of the
White House, but every single document he signed as President would become
"null and void".

Including National Health Care.

Chaos and pandemonium would reign supreme. However, remember that the
Illuminati deliberately believes in deliberately creating chaos so that
their order -- their agenda -- will emerge victorious.

The motto of 33 degree Masonry is "Ordo Ab Chaos"--"order out of chaos."

Should Barack Obama finally be forced out of his office, you can bet that
the Illuminati planned for it and will use the ensuing chaos to their
supreme advantage!

<>*V. The World Court is
getting stronger by the case they try.*

*One day, American laws will be subjected to the whim and the will of the
World Court. We need to pay attention what is happening there.*

Karadzic genocide trial to hear from 1st witness", *Excite News, April 13,

"THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Witness testimony begins Tuesday in Radovan
Karadzic's genocide trial, with a Bosnian Muslim testifying about the
horrors of life in a notorious Serb-run detention camp during his country's
bloody 1992-95 war. Karadzic's case is the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal's
most important since former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic died in
his jail cell in 2006 before judges at the U.N. court could reach a verdict
in his trial. The cases cover many of the same atrocities."

"Karadzic, 64, is charged with genocide, crimes against humanity and war
crimes for allegedly orchestrating atrocities perpetrated by Bosnian Serb
troops and paramilitary thugs throughout the war. He faces a life sentence
if convicted."

Please understand that a World Court is very important to the Illuminati and
to their plan for a global dictatorship.

Remember these facts about individual governments versus a global

1. At the Tower of Babel [Genesis 11], the peoples of the world spoke one
language, and they physically lived in one area of the world rather than
spreading out to fill and to subdue the earth, as God commanded in Genesis
9:1. The people became filled with pride and rebelled against God. They
decided to build a religious worship tower as the symbol of their rebellion.
They had formed a One World Government, Religion, and Economy.
2. In anger, God moved against this monumental human effort. He instantly
created many different languages so that men could not communicate with each
other in finishing their worship tower. This sudden change in the languages
spoken by the people caused the construction of the tower to immediately
cease. Further, the people who could understand each other coalesced into
groups and began to move away from the groups who spoke a different
language. This was the genesis of nations.
3. God made it quite clear that His plan in this age was for many nations
to exist, none of which would ever gain global control. (Daniel 2:21)
4. Satan's plan of rebellion has always envisioned bringing all nations
back under a single global control. The Bible states repeatedly that, for a
very short time, at the End of the Age, God will allow Satan to bring the
world back under a one-man, global government. This single ruler will be
Antichrist, aided by the False Prophet.
5. The very fact that all the functions of society (Government, Economy,
Religion) are rapidly going global to an unprecedented degree, is reason
enough to know that we are at the End of the Age.
6. We should know that any attempt to promote this globalization of
Government, Economy, and Religion is a work of Satan, not God.

Since most people instinctively understand that a global court system is a
dynamic threat to their individual liberties and freedoms, the Illuminati
must condition all peoples of all sovereign states that a World Court is no
threat whatsoever.

That conditioning is now underway in the cases being heard at The Hague.

<>*VI. Another component of a
global dictatorship is a global crime fighting


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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 20 05:26PM -0400


[TBC: "MEMRI" is the Middle East Media Research Institute which monitors
Islamic media, including TV, movies, newspapers, publications, etc.]

MEMRI Special Dispatch | 2873 | March 24, 2010

Palestinian Authority TV Airs Play from Damascus Opera House Lauding Child
Martyrdom, Portraying Jews with Stereotypical Antisemitic Characteristics

On January 10, 2010, an antisemitic play lauding child martyrdom was aired
by Palestinian Authority TV.

The play, Wasitat Al-'Iqd ("The Most Beautiful Pearl in the Necklace"),
written and directed by Muhammad Omar, was presented at the Damascus Opera
House January 10-11, 2010, as part of the Jerusalem - Capital of Arab
Culture festivities. It is set in Jerusalem in 2004, and the plot revolves
around the "Zionist-Palestinian" conflict in the city.

The following are excerpts from the play.

Jew: "Your child in exchange for the house. One for the other."

Palestinian man: "Are you authorized [to cut a deal]?"

Jew: "No, no. Absolutely not. You can call it an initiative by a do-gooder.
No more."

Palestinian man: "A do-gooder?"From Time Immemorial

Palestinian woman: "Get out of the house! Get out!"

Jew: "A house can be compensated for, but a child... Think about it. Think
about it carefully, and let me know what you've decided. You may find me in
the nearby Talmud institute."

Palestinian woman: "A house can be compensated for, but a child... You
[expletive deleted]"

Chorus: "A house can be compensated for, but a child cannot."

"A child can be compensated for, but a house cannot. No, it can't." [These
lines repeated several times]

"Alaa will be compensated for."

"Mari'i will be compensated for."

"Yahya, Elias, Zahara, and Firas - they will all be compensated for."

"They will all be compensated for."

"But the Canaanite olive tree cannot be compensated for."

"Your land in its entirety, oh Palestine, cannot be compensated for."

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit:

[TBC: "The land in its entirety" is yet another reminder of Islamic intent
to take all of the land regardless of historically long established and
biblically mandated claims by Israel.]


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