Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fwd: [Heaven] Digest for heavensoon@googlegroups.com - 13 Messages in 13 Topics

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From: heavensoon+noreply@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 11:54:17 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for heavensoon@googlegroups.com - 13 Messages
in 13 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <heavensoon+digest@googlegroups.com>

Today's Topic Summary

Group: heavensoon@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/topics

- Genetically Engineered Salmon Under FDA Consideration [1 Update]
- Atheist: War On Christianity Is War On All Americans [1 Update]
- Obama's Islamification Of America [1 Update]
- Obama To Use US Tax Dollars To Build Mosques, Sends Radical Abroad
To Raise "Understanding" About Islam [1 Update]
- More College Students Mentally Ill [1 Update]
- The Lost Art Of Critical Thinking: Part 1 -- A Broad Stroke [1 Update]
- Singularity Summit 2010: No Place For Human Values In A
'Posthuman' Future? [1 Update]
- Gulf Shrimpers Find Oil In Reopened Fishing Areas. Governnment
Says "Shut Up". [1 Update]
- Scientists stunned as bee populations continue to decline [1 Update]
- Poisonous smog returns to Moscow [1 Update]
- Key News Events [1 Update]
- Search the Scriptures Daily Programs for this week: [1 Update]

Topic: Genetically Engineered Salmon Under FDA Consideration
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/7429c92922a22d6b

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:24PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/e9e0535d46d64eff

*Genetically Engineered Salmon Under FDA
With a global population pressing against food supplies and vast areas of
the ocean swept clean of fish, tiny AquaBounty Technologies Inc. of Waltham,
Mass., says it can help feed the world. The firm has developed genetically
engineered salmon that reach market weight in half the usual time. What's
more, it hopes to avoid the pollution, disease and other problems associated
with saltwater fish farms by having its salmon raised in inland facilities.
The Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve what would be the
nation's first commercial genetically modified food animal. "This is the
threshold case. If it's approved, there will be others," said Eric
Hallerman, head of the fisheries and wildlife sciences department at
Virginia Tech University. "If it's not, it'll have a chilling effect for
years." Some in the fish farming industry are leery of the move toward
engineered fish. "No! It is not even up for discussion," Jorgen
Christiansen, director of communications for Oslo-based Marine Harvest, one
of the world's largest salmon producers, wrote in an e-mail. Christiansen
said his company worries "that consumers would be reluctant to buy
genetically modified fish, regardless of good food quality and food safety."
Some critics call AquaBounty's salmon "Frankenfish."


Topic: Atheist: War On Christianity Is War On All Americans
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/c03db1003a3aec47

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:23PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/3323f5f0e8e6bbb1

*Atheist: War On Christianity Is War On All
Political Columnist and author S.E. Cupp appeared on The 700 Club, June 4,
to talk about why she believes there is so much disdain for Judeo-Christian
values among the media, what motivates her as an atheist to defend
Christianity, and why she believes a war on Christianity is a war on all
Americans. Political comedien Bill Maher says religion is a "neurological
disorder." MSNBC's Keith Olbermann called prolifers "Christian jihadists."
CBS News Anchor Katie Couric claims Christian values are "repugnant"
Christian America is under attack. The enemy? The mainstream media.
According to author and political columnist S.E. Cupp, the goal of the
mainstream media is to overthrow God and silence Christian America for good.
Cupp warns that the mainstream media is using its influence to wage war
against the nation's Judeo-Christian heritage. In her book, Losing Our
Religion, Cupp, who is a self-proclaimed atheist, takes a look beyond her
own beliefs. She contends it's not extremists in the news who are the most
hostile threat to our nation's values. It's the news media itself. Through
her book Cupp exposes the media's overt hostility toward traditional values.


Topic: Obama's Islamification Of America
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/9a5c968565d89a8a

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:23PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/3dd49f52af027b72

*Obama's Islamification Of
President Obama says Islam has always been part of America, which raises the
question, does the president know something about American history that we
don't? It has become customary for presidents to offer greetings to various
religious communities on the occasion of their most holy days. Presidents
Ford and Carter both issued Ramadan messages, as did Presidents Clinton and
George W. Bush. The Ramadan greeting became intensely political during Mr.
Bush's tenure because he was seeking to dispel the charge that the war on
terrorism was a crusade against Islam. But Mr. Obama has used the occasion
of Ramadan to rewrite U.S. history and give Islam a prominence in American
annals that it has not earned. In this year's greeting, Mr. Obama said the
rituals of Ramadan "remind us of the principles that we hold in common and
Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of
all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great
diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a
reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American
Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country."


Topic: Obama To Use US Tax Dollars To Build Mosques, Sends Radical
Abroad To Raise "Understanding" About Islam
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/bc111f8c2c5af821

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:22PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/a96b03677238a67d

*Obama To Use US Tax Dollars To Build Mosques, Sends Radical Abroad To Raise
"Understanding" About
The State Department is sending Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf - the mastermind of
the Ground Zero Mosque - on a trip through the Middle East to foster
"greater understanding" about Islam and Muslim communities in the United
States. However, important questions are being raised about whether this is
simply a taxpayer-funded fundraising jaunt to underwrite his reviled
project, which is moving ahead in Lower Manhattan. Mr. Rauf is scheduled to
go to Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar, the usual stops for
Gulf-based fundraising. The State Department defends the five-country tour
saying that Mr. Rauf is "a distinguished Muslim cleric," but surely the
government could find another such figure in the United States who is not
seeking millions of dollars to fund a construction project that has so
strongly divided America. By funding the trip so soon after New York City's
Landmarks Preservation Commission gave the go-ahead to demolish the building
on the proposed mosque site, the State Department is creating the appearance
that the U.S. government is facilitating the construction of this shameful


Topic: More College Students Mentally Ill
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/e1fec33db9e2461

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:21PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/3cc3b01a74bc330f

*More College Students Mentally
The number of college students who are afflicted with a serious mental
illness is rising, according to data presented Thursday at the annual
meeting of the American Psychological Assn. in San Diego. The findings came
from an analysis of 3,265 college students who used campus counseling
services between September 1997 and August 2009. The students were screened
for mental disorders, suicidal thoughts and self-injurious behavior. In
1998, 93% of the students seeking counseling were diagnosed with one mental
disorder, compared to 96% of students in 2009. The percentage of students
with moderate to severe depression rose from 34% to 41% while the number of
students on psychiatric medications increased from 11% to 24%. However, the
number of students who said they had thought about suicide within two weeks
of counseling fell from 26% in 1998 to 11% in 2009—a figure that could
reflect improvements in suicide prevention and counseling outreach on
college campuses. Efforts have been made in recent years to improve the
lives of college students who have mental illness.


Topic: The Lost Art Of Critical Thinking: Part 1 -- A Broad Stroke
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/ca0811372ad28e82

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:20PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/784d5e70c9457195

*The Lost Art Of Critical Thinking: Part 1 -- A Broad
*To promote campus-wide dialogue and "a shared intellectual experience,"
seventy-nine out of one hundred of our top American universities ask their
incoming freshmen to read one designated book over the summer. The exercise
promises to stimulate abstract thinking by posing questions like "What is
meant by what was read?" or "How does this fit with what I already know?"
Problem is participating students read no works of classical antiquity, no
classical works of Christian or Jewish thought, science, or history.
Instead, incoming freshmen typically read books that feature "quick
impressions, snappy ideas, or empathetic evoking of misfortune." Some even
read comic books (called "graphic novels") that tend to be "short,
caffeinated, and emotional" in words of NAS President Peter Wood. Speaking
of which, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) examined some 180 books
selected by 290 participating schools only to find that many choices relaxed
into liberal biases and did little to stretch demands of college-level
study. Rather than foster mastery of fact acquisition, fluency,
maintenance, expansion, and reasoned application, students instead read
emotive books featuring the "politics of change" (psycho-politics) "with a
distinctly disaffected view of American society and Western civilization."


Topic: Singularity Summit 2010: No Place For Human Values In A
'Posthuman' Future?
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/44d147fc852cda5b

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:19PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/86c866cfcd65d009

*Singularity Summit 2010: No Place For Human Values In A 'Posthuman' Future?
The next evolutionary stop for humanity is a planetary superorganism, and
it's not a new idea, said Scott. He showed images of 8-foot mounds created
by "termite super organisms." If you look at humans through this
perspective, we too have processes for orchestrating internal behaviors, and
exhibit robustness, brutal internal competition, and need for a "membrane",
meaning, by way of example, you can travel from your home to a foreign
country and always be under a cover. The reason for this transition is that
we progressed from simple biology plus simple non biology to complex biology
plus complex non biology. According to the biophysicist, it's important to
note the nature of this transition to understand, at least slightly, where
it may lead: * When new materials arrive they don't replace but they
supplement * You get new levels of complexity that subsume old ones * You
get homeostatic localized environments * Component parts get completely
refashioned (mitochondria, which have a bacterial ancestry, doesn't exist
alone) Back to the big question. Where will humans remain? According to
Scott, the singularity is underway, but no one really knows what it means.
"We give ourselves a lot more credit that we should. We don't know the
future. It is going to get really weird, really quickly."


Topic: Gulf Shrimpers Find Oil In Reopened Fishing Areas. Governnment
Says "Shut Up".
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/79610620a0756104

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:16PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/a9513de37f361245

Gulf Shrimpers Find Oil In Reopened Fishing Areas. Governnment Says "Shut
Up". Sierra Club Alleges Areas Were Solely Reopened to Limit BP's Liability
Published on 08-16-2010
Source: Washington's Blog

While the government says that the oil is gone, shrimpers say its still

The Press-Register reports:

Opening state offshore waters to fishing and winding down the cleanup
effort on the coast is premature, said Louie Miller, state director of the
Mississippi Sierra Club.

"We've got shrimpers out there saying there is oil out there," Miller
said. "We had a meeting Wednesday night where we had over 150 shrimpers...
who are saying there is oil out there and these underwater plumes are
varying in size and shape. This stuff is obviously moving around out there."


[William Walker, executive director of the Mississippi Department of
Marine Resources] "If you are not going to validate what you are saying
through accepted scientific protocol and approaches, then quit talking about
it without any evidence what you are saying is true," Walker said.

In other words, shut up.

Obviously, gulf shrimpers have a strong motivation to have everyone think
that the shrimp is safe and the oil is all gone. They wouldn't be speaking
out unless the problem was fairly bad.

Indeed, the Sierra Club accuses the government of reopening oiled fishing
grounds to limit BP's liability:

The existence of oil is irrefutable, Miller said. Oil has reappeared on
beaches in Alabama, Petit Bois and Horn islands and continues to wash ashore
in Louisiana, he said.

Miller said there also is evidence of submerged oil.

"It is a weird thing. It is like strands, this black water, as they are
calling it. It is like strands that are about three to four times the
thickness of human hair. These things can be about foot-and-a-half, to five-
to six-feet-long."

Miller said the assumption is oil that has been dispersed.

"To open up these waters, in my opinion, is nothing more than to limit
the liability of BP to pay claims," he said.

"Because now they can deny any claims after the time at which these
waters were opened back up," Miller said.

PBS Newshour also covered the shrimpers' distrust of the government's claims
that all is well:

PBS: [Vice president of the Louisiana Shrimpers Association Acy] Cooper
says despite government claims that most of the oil is gone, there's plenty
of it still on the bottom.

COOPER: I went out there and we made about four or five passes with the
wheel, with the boat, stirred up the mud, and before you know it, oil was
coming up. So these are the kind of areas that we need to distinguish where
it's at, and these are the new places we need to keep closed. We don't need
to open this. Keep them out of there.

(Video here). And see this.

Is the Sierra Club right? Are still-oiled fishing areas being reopened
solely to limit BP's liability?

Are fishing areas instead being reopened to try to save the Gulf fishing
industry (even though local fishermen and shrimpers would rather have
dangerous areas remain closed so that Gulf seafood's reputation isn't
permanently destroyed)?

Or is it just part of the same old attempt to cover up the severity of the

Copyright © 2006-2010 BlackListedNews.com


Topic: Scientists stunned as bee populations continue to decline
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/d1023c5dfe67245a

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:12PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/4d6799f459c00b37

Scientists stunned as bee populations continue to decline

David Gutierrez
Natural News
Aug 16, 2010

Scientists remain stymied as honeybees in the United States and across the
world continue to die in large numbers.

"There are a lot of beekeepers who are in trouble" said David Mendes,
president of the American Beekeeping Federation. "Under normal condition you
have 10 percent winter losses … this year there are 30, 40 to 50 percent

For many years, beekeepers have been plagued by colony collapse disorder, in
which formerly healthy bees abruptly vanish from their hives. The number of
beehives in the United States dropped 32 percent in 2007, another 36 percent
in 2008 and still another 29 percent in 2009.

A number of explanations for the phenomenon have been suggested, including
diseases, parasites, malnutrition, but toxic chemicals are emerging as a
major concern among beekeepers.

"It might not be the only factor but it's a contributing factor," said Jeff
Pettis of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Bee Research Laboratory in
Beltsville, Maryland.

Having A Supply Of Healthy Foods That Last Just Makes Sense

Scientists stunned as bee populations continue to decline 260310banner2

A study recently published in the journal Public Library of Science found
121 different pesticides in 887 samples taken from beehives in 23 U.S.
states and Canada.

"I don't put my bees in Florida because the last couple of years there has
been tremendous increase in pesticide use in the orange crop to fight a
disease," Mendes said.

"A few years ago they did not use any pesticide at all."

Pettis said that the destruction of natural lands is having a negative
impact on the health of bees, which require a "diverse natural habitat."

"The world population growth is in a sense the reason for pollinators'
decline," he said. "Because we need to produce more and more food to feed
the world we grow crops in larger fields."

The irony, he noted, is that global agriculture depends heavily on honeybees
to pollinate critical food crops.

"A growing world means growing more food and to do that we need
pollinators," he said. "And the fact that the world is continuing to grow is
the driving force behind the habitat destruction."

Sources for this story include: http://www.breitbart.com/article.ph….


Topic: Poisonous smog returns to Moscow
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/5b7b315ec78d64da

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:08PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/3e4f139bdc15fa3e

Poisonous smog returns to Moscow

Aug 15, 11:53 AM (ET)

MOSCOW (AP) - The poisonous smog that contributed to a higher death rate in
Moscow last week returned to Russia's capital Sunday, officials said.

The concentration of carbon monoxide in Moscow air early Sunday was more
than five times what is considered normal, said Alexey Popikov of weather
monitors Mosecomonitoring.

In addition, "The level of hydrocarbon emissions - the substances that give
the air this unpleasant smell - was 5.5 times higher than the usual Moscow
level this morning," he told The Associated Press. He added, however, that
by Monday winds will disperse most the smog.

Acrid smoke from forest and peat bog fires blanketed Moscow until early this
week, nearly doubling the number of recorded deaths and grounding planes in

Emergency officials said the number of wildfires outside Moscow stood at 16
early Sunday.

Muscovites expressed disappointment with official efforts to stop the fires.

"I thought this nightmare was over, but here we go, it's back," said 28-year
old graphic designer Mikhail Talalikhin. "Our mayor once pledged to stop
snowfall, why doesn't he start by making rain?"

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said in October that he would use planes to
intercept advancing storm fronts and hit them with dry ice and silver iodine

Officials warned that fires still rage in a national park near one of
Russia's largest nuclear research facilities in Sarov, 400 kilometers (250
miles) east of Moscow.

"The fire threatens Sarov as long as the Mordovsky (national park) is
burning," the head of the national nuclear agency, Sergei Kiriyenko, told
RIA Novosti news agency. He added, though, that some 3,000 firefighters
working in Sarov made sure that the danger is "no longer critical," RIA
Novosti reported.

This summer is the hottest since records began in Russia 130 years ago.
Daily highs have reached up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius), compared
with the usual summer average of 75 F (24 C).

Wildfires have raged across central and western Russia. More than 50 people
have died in the wildfires and more than 2,000 homes have been destroyed.

Fires together with drought have cost Russia a third of its wheat crop,
prompting authorities to ban wheat exports.

Scientists say the heatwave reflects the global climate's increased


Topic: Key News Events
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/f3572a6be9670e1b

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:05PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/c0f477d6912eadb2

*Key News Events*


*I. A current news report reveals that the Mass Media suffered government
censorship as it tried to report the widespread radiation poisoning in
Nagasaki, Japan!*

*The Pentagon knew all about the effects of uranium radiation poisoning in
1945 - why then did it doom her own soldiers by using uranium weapons in
Iraq and Afghanistan in 1991, 2001, and 2003?*

NEWS BRIEF: "*How Press Censorship Hid the Shocking Truth About Nagasaki
A-Bomb 65 Years
* by Greg Mitchell, Huffington Post, August 9. 2010

"Nagasaki, which lost over 70,000 civilians (and a few military personnel)
to a new weapon 65 years ago today, has always been The Forgotten A-Bomb
City. No one ever wrote a bestselling book called Nagasaki, or made a film
... when the plutonium bomb exploded above Nagasaki it made the uranium-type
bomb dropped on Hiroshima obsolete. In fact, if it had not exploded
off-target, the death toll in the city would have easily topped the
Hiroshima total."

Until I read this news report, I did not realize that the Nagasaki bomb was
different than the Hiroshima bomb. This news is incredible, because it means
that, before using its first new technological weapon, the American military
had gone on to develop a second-stage weapon!

But, why did the Press suffer government censorship over news reports from

The answer is simple and yet profound. The Plutonium bomb used over Nagasaki
was killing so people with uranium radiation poisoning that the government
did not want the average person back home to realize it.

"An early article that George Weller filed, on Sept. 8, 1945 -- two days
after he reached the city, before any other journalist -- hailed the
'effectiveness of the bomb as a military device', as his son describes it,
and made no mention of the bomb's special, radiation-producing properties.
But later that day, after visiting two hospitals and shaken by what he saw,
he described a mysterious 'Disease X' that was killing people who had seemed
to survive the bombing in relatively good shape. A month after the atomic
inferno, they were passing away pitifully, some with legs and arms 'speckled
with tiny red spots in patches'."

"Others have suggested that the real reason for the censorship was the
United States did not want the world to learn about the morally troubling
radiation effects ..."

Does this report mean that the first atomic bomb, released over Hiroshima
only a few days earlier, did not release uranium radiation? No, of course,
it did; but, the first-stage atomic weapon released a lot less lethal
radiation than did its second-stage cousin, the plutonium bomb, used against

American officials were most anxious to keep a tight lid on this most
troubling story. What this current news story does prove is that scientists
working on the Manhattan Project knew of the uranium radiation effects
immediately after August 9, 1945, if they did not know beforehand.

The American government certainly knew of the radiation properties in early,
1980's, when it began to rebuild the American war machine, replacing
conventional weaponry with Depleted Uranium munitions. Remember, the word
"depleted" does not mean the uranium was safe; it only means that as much
uranium as possible has been taken out by nuclear energy plants. The medical
fact is that the nuclear energy industry can take out only 70% of the
uranium in the rods, leaving 30% of the original uranium still in that

The result is already proving catastrophic in Afghanistan and in Iraq, as we
have reported on many occasions since the Iraq invasion began on March 20,
2003. Today, the *population is dying
the acceleration of the dying is dramatically increasing. I concluded, early
in the Iraq War, that the reason the Pentagon invaded with less than
one-half of the force which their own studies indicated was needed was that
the real objective of the war was NOT to win, but to spread deadly uranium
munitions over one billion people living in one of the most populous
Gap"* <http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1833.cfm> areas in the
underdeveloped world.

Furthermore, the *American soldiers who wielded these uranium weapons are
now dying* <http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1843.cfm>.

One of the most important realizations I received came during my tour with
Army Intelligence during the Vietnam War era. Because I was stationed at a
Pentagon-level facility, and because I had a Top Secret Crypto clearance, I
was privy to a lot of insider information. I realized that officials on both
sides of the political aisle did not have the best interest of the American
soldier in their inner heart. They simply viewed soldiers as dispensable,
"throw-away soldiers".

As the death toll mounts rapidly in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American
Illuminati does not want her soldiers to still be in the country. When
people start to drop dead in the streets and offices and homes of Iraq, and
when trucks are needed to haul away the bodies, it will not be seemly for
American troops to still be in the country.

Now you know the whole story.

* <http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=962>DVD*

*II. President Obama proves that his inner heart beats as a Muslim!*

*He throws his support to the establishment of an Islamic mosque at 9/11
Ground Zero and he issues a very pro-Islamic Ramadan proclamation.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Mosque dispute takes Obama off-message on Gulf
*", Los Angeles Times, August 15, 2010

"It was meant to be a quick family trip to the Gulf Coast to show that local
beaches are safe for swimming and that the Obamas can vacation as humbly as
the next family. But President Obama's visit was overshadowed by his foray
into the dispute over the mosque planned near the former World Trade Center
site, once again drowning out what was supposed to be a sharp, focused
message. The night before leaving Washington, the president defended plans
to put an Islamic community center two blocks from where Manhattan's twin
towers fell."

Even though the idea of allowing an Islamic mosque to be built on the very
ground on which Islamic militants supposedly launched their attacks of
9/11/2001, is reprehensible to those who believe that Islamic forces
actually carried out the attacks.

[Jim, put in the pictures of the Illuminati Cards of the Twin Towers under
attack and of the Pentagon on fire]

But, to Cutting Edge readers, who know that the attacks of 9/11 were really
planned years in advance by the Illuminati in order to overthrow this
existing civilization so they can employ their New World Order, we view this
event somewhat differently. As these 1995 Illuminati Card Game cards, above,
prove, the plan to launch these attacks were known by Steve Jackson of Steve
Jackson Games, as early as 1990, when he began planning this role-playing
game. (Read full details in our Illuminati Card Game
Each card represents an action the Illuminati is planning to undertake in
order to overthrow this current civilization - including the Twin Towers and
the Pentagon cards.

The Muslim terrorists were simply the "straw man" set up by the Illuminati
to take the fall for the devastating attack!

Therefore, the issue of the Islamic mosque on Ground Zero must be viewed on
the same basis as whether a Baptist or a Lutheran Church could be approved
for that location. Because we defend Freedom of Religion in this country, we
must allow the Islamic religion the same right to build as we want for our
Protestant churches.

"Bleeding heart Liberal", Ed Koch, has this fundamental right clearly in

NEWS BRIEF: "*Former NYC mayor: Ground Zero mosque
World Net Daily, August 15, 2010

"Former New York Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat who campaigned for President
Obama in 2008, but who has also publicly blasted his party for failing to
support Israel, has chimed in on the controversial plans to build an Islamic
mosque near Ground Zero, calling the construction 'insensitive' to victims
and survivors of the 9-11 attacks."

"Koch nonetheless agreed with President Obama's recent controversial remarks
defending the construction, arguing that, insensitive or not, Muslims have
'a right' to build the mosque. "It's insensitive for the sponsors of the
mosque to go forward, but they have an absolute right under our Constitution
to build a mosque anywhere you can build a church or a synagogue or a Hindu
temple," Koch said in a radio interview. 'Therefore, while it's perfectly
understandable that survivors of the 9-11 catastrophe and the families of
those who didn't survive are distressed, nevertheless what comes first is
the law'."

Now, let us examine President Obama's outrageous promotion of Islam during
this Ramadan proclamation.


*III. President Obama promotes Islam in a most deceitful way, revealing that
his true inner heart beats as any Muslim in the world.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Obama's Ramadan
by Joseph Farah, World Net Daily, August 14, 2010

"There's a whole lot of pretending going on in our world today ... in
blessing the Muslim holiday of
Barack Obama added that Islam 'is a faith known for great diversity and
racial equality' and that it 'has always been part of America'."

Farah then lists some of the intolerable aspects of the Quran:

* "Did I overlook a reformation in the religion that has resulted in one
genocide after another for the last 1,300 years?"

* Has the Quran been rewritten to excise Muhammad's characterizations of
blacks as 'ugly', 'raisin heads' and 'pug-nosed slaves'? "

* "Didn't it also say in that book that when Allah created the white man, he
touched his right shoulder and he came out destined for paradise, but when
he touched the left shoulder of the black man, he came out destined for

* "Who does Obama think sold all those millions of black Africans into
slavery in Europe and America? Is he not aware that black slavery is still
alive in some Muslim countries in the Middle East? "


Now, Farah rightly reports the inherent anti-semitism in Islam's Quran

""The Hour [Day of Resurrection] will not arrive until you fight the Jews,
[until a Jew will hide behind a rock or tree] and the rock and the tree will
say: 'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill

The "Ancient Hatred" against Israel by the descendents of Esau -- as
reported by the DVD,
*"Isralestine"*<http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2219>-- has
been entirely picked up by the Koran. This reality means that the
followers of Islam have brought upon themselves God's curse of the House of
Esau at the End of the Age.

Joe Farah continues his expose' of Islam:

"Dignity of all human beings? In Islam, Muslim males have a higher worth
than any others. A Muslim man can have up to four wives, beat them and
change them as he pleases. "

"How about Islam always being a part of America?

"Perhaps Obama is referring to the Barbary pirates attacking American
commercial ships, capturing their crews and holding them for ransom. Or
maybe he's thinking back further to the reason Christopher Columbus
journeyed West – to find a safe trade route to the East, one that would mean
avoiding the murderous mujahedeen who had blocked the land routes."

"Were any of the founders Muslim?"

Joe Farah is right. President Obama's pretension about Islam to the American
people is reprehensible. The truth of Islam is exactly what the DVD, above,
"Islam Rising" reports. Radical Islam states that the entire world must be
conquered for Allah, by the edge of the sword, or by the threat of the

Muslim conquerors committed genocide in Africa 1,200 years ago, to the point
where the vast majority of people in that continent are Islamic. They plan
to do the same to the entire world, if they ever get the chance.

That is the true face of Islam, President Obama!


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From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:03PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/de0b7474b01fc0b2


Peer-Reviewed Paper Investigating Origin of Information Endorses Irreducible
Complexity and Intelligent Design [Excerpts]

A peer-reviewed paper, "Information and Entropy -- Top-Down or Bottom-Up
Development in Living Systems?," by University of Leeds professor Andy
McIntosh in the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics
expressly endorses intelligent design (ID) via an exploration of a key
question in ID thinking:

The ultimate question in origins must be: Can information increase in a
purely materialistic or naturalistic way? It is not satisfactory to simply
assume that information has to have arisen in this way. The alternative of
original design must be allowed and all options examined carefully.

A professor of thermodynamics and combustion theory, McIntosh is well
acquainted with the workings of machinery. His argument is essentially

(1) First, he defines the term "machine" (a device which locally raises the
free energy) and observes that the cell is full of machines. Such machines
pose a challenge to neo-Darwinian evolution due to their irreducibly complex

(2) Second, he argues that the information in living systems (similar to
computer software) uses such machines and in fact requires machines to
operate (what good is a program without a computer to run it?). An example
is the genome sitting on the DNA molecule. From a thermodynamics
perspective, the only way to make sense of this situation is to understand
that the information is non-material and constrains the thermodynamics so
that the local matter and energy are in a non-equilibrium state.

McIntosh addresses the objection that, thermodynamically speaking, highly
organized low entropy structures can be formed at the expense of an increase
in entropy elsewhere in the universe. However, he notes that this argument
fails when applied to the origin of biological information: whilst this
argument works for structures such as snowflakes that are formed by natural
forces, it does not work for genetic information because the information
system is composed of machinery which requires precise and non-spontaneous
raised free energy levels - and crystals like snowflakes have zero free
energy as the phase transition occurs.



Topic: Search the Scriptures Daily Programs for this week:
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From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 05:03PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/da34e4e06c89d657

Search the Scriptures Daily Programs for this week:

Cover Article
Is Today's Bible the Same as the
Religion in the News
An Observation From a Muslim Feminist

Contending for the Faith
Can Muslims Turn to Mary for Comfort?<http://www.thebereancall.org/node/958>

Understanding the Scriptures
What is the True Bread From Heaven? <http://www.thebereancall.org/node/959>


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