Sunday, January 29, 2012

Open Tarot Nexus

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Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 20:41:59 +0000
Subject: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for
- 6 Messages in 5 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Angel Paths for January 28 - The Aeon (Judgement) [1 Update]
- Judgement from Joan Bunning Learn Tarot [1 Update]
- Card of the Day for January 28 - Judgement [1 Update]
- A Phrase A Week - Handle with kid gloves [2 Updates]
- Saturday January 28, 2012: On This Day [1 Update]

Topic: Angel Paths for January 28 - The Aeon (Judgement)

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 28 01:56PM -0500

The Aeon (Judgement)

The Aeon (or Judgement, Last Judgement, Atonement, Resurrection) is
numbered twenty and often shows figures arising from graves in answer
to the clarion call of an angel. The Thoth deck veers away from the
Christian overtones and instead we see the goddess Nuit, a primal sky
goddess from the beginning of creation. Her body is arched above our
heads and curves to imply the ankh cross, a symbol of immortality and
life. A child-like male figure stands within the ankh's loop with his
finger to his lips in the traditional mystical gesture of silence. A
seated regal figure is behind him. Both figures are said to represent
Horus, first as child and then as ruler.

Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. When his father was murdered by
his brother Set, Horus was protected and raised by Isis. Horus'
ascension to manhood triggered a series of battles with Set,
culminating in his assumption to the throne of Egypt. Set was sent
away defeated and thus Horus is seen as a god of redemption.

The Aeon forces us to acknowledge that our actions set up a chain of
cause-and-effect for which we are solely responsible. Here we pass
through the fire of purification, shedding dead and dying wood as we
go. We judge ourselves frankly, forgive, and leave the past behind.
And then we are free to step into the light.

Working with the Aeon

he Aeon is another of those cards which indicate that we have reached
a turning point - from this moment forward everything changes. There
will often be big decisions to be made (which will later be executed
with the Universe, the Arcanum which naturally follows this one).
Sometimes we'll find ourselves weary after struggling through a tough
patch, but at the same time, now we see light at the end of the

When we make life-changing decisions, we will often spend quite a long
time thinking before we make up our minds. And during that period, we
often berate ourselves for our indecisiveness and uncertainty.

When we do that, we are missing something so simple, and yet vitally
important - that every decision we take has its moment. And if we are
not sure now, perhaps that's because we have not yet reached this
particular decision's moment in time. There will come a moment, if we
are true to ourselves, when we know exactly what we need to do. And
when that moment comes there will be no further prevarication, no
doubt, no fear.

This is because time itself has enormous power. To find the right time
for anything is a really useful life skill. When a choice comes to its
own moment, it becomes empowered by its own momentum, and at that
moment we can move forward with confidence. Sometimes, then, just of
itself, this card will bring about changes on the day that it rules.

The Aeon is also about directing our lives in accordance with what we
have already learned. So when this card rules the day, try examining
your wealth of experience - in any area you choose to. Look at what
you know, what you understand, what you need and how far you've
already come. And give yourself a great big pat on the back! You
already have a treasure house!

Affirmation: I trust myself in this moment

Topic: Judgement from Joan Bunning Learn Tarot

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 28 01:52PM -0500






[ Actions ] [ Opposing Cards ] [ Reinforcing Cards ] [ Description ] [
Reversed? ]


making a judgment having a day of reckoning

separating the wheat from the chaff

making an honest appraisal

getting off the fence

using critical faculties

taking a stand

making hard choices feeling reborn awakening to possibilities


enjoying renewed hope

making a fresh start

seeing everything in a new light

discovering joy hearing a call recognizing your true vocation

feeling inner conviction

feeling an impulse to act

deciding to make a difference

feeling drawn in a new direction

knowing what you must do

answering a need finding absolution feeling cleansed and refreshed

releasing guilts and sorrows

forgiving yourself and others

atoning for past mistakes

unburdening yourself

feeling sins washed away

OPPOSING CARDS: Some Possibilities

Death - death, endings

Five of Cups - regret, mistakes

Nine of Swords - guilt, blame, feelings of sinfulness

REINFORCING CARDS: Some Possibilities

Fool - rebirth, new starts

Justice - deciding, accepting past mistakes/actions

Seven of Pentacles - decision point


On Card 20, we see people rising up at the call of an angel. It is
Judgment Day, when the faithful are brought to heaven, but what about
those who are not saved? Have they been judged and found wanting? For
their sins, will they be denied the presence of God? It is this aspect
of judgment that is unsettling. How can judgment be reconciled with

In fact, judgment comes in two forms. The hurtful kind says, "What you
did is wrong, and you are bad and worthless for having done it." This
type of judgment separates and leaves no room for redemption. It is
possible to judge without condemning. We assess the matter, weigh all
sides and try to discern the truth. We recognize the need to choose
and hope for the courage to do so wisely - but without blame.

In readings, Card 20 can be a reminder that judgments are necessary;
sometimes you must decide. At such moments, it is best to consider the
matter carefully and then commit yourself without censure. If you are
being judged yourself, learn from the process. Take what is of value,
correct what needs correcting, but never lose sight of your worth.

Card 20 also stands for the feelings that come with salvation. When
the angel calls, you are reborn - cleansed of all guilts and burdens.
The past and its mistakes are behind you, and you are ready to begin
anew. You may even feel a calling - a personal conviction of what you
are meant to do. If you are in a low period, in need of hope and
absolution, Judgement can show you that renewal is at hand.

See also the Fool's Journey.

Topic: Card of the Day for January 28 - Judgement

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 28 01:45PM -0500


Attribution - Fire; sometimes Saturn or Pluto

Judgement is represented by the number 20 or 2, and it signifies a
cooperation with the higher spiritual forces in your life.

Rider-Waite Imagery

Archangel Gabriel Blows his horn. This card is a wake-up call. The
people have gray bodies which is a sign of resurrection. Gray in
general is a mediating color between black & white. It was also used
to represent resurrected bodies. The Red cross is equal armed which
represents equanimity. The red is alchemical fire & masculinity; the
white feminine.

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)

Part I: The Veil and its Symbols

20. The Last judgment. I have spoken of this symbol already, the form
of which is essentially invariable, even in the Etteilla set. An angel
sounds his trumpet per sepulchra regionum, and the dead arise. It
matters little that Etteilla omits the angel, or that Dr. Papus
substitutes a ridiculous figure, which is, however, in consonance with
the general motive of that Tarot set which accompanies his latest
work. Before rejecting the transparent interpretation of the symbolism
which is conveyed by the name of the card and by the picture which it
presents to the eye, we should feel very sure of our ground. On the
surface, at least, it is and can be only the resurrection of that
triad father, mother, child-whom we have met with already in the
eighth card. M. Bourgeat hazards the suggestion that esoterically it
is the symbol of evolution of which it carries none of the signs.
Others say that it signifies renewal, which is obvious enough; that it
is the triad of human life; that it is the "generative force of the
earth and eternal life." Court de Gebelin makes himself impossible as
usual, and points out that if the grave-stones were removed it could
be accepted as a symbol of creation.

Part II: The Doctrine Behind the Veil

I have said that this symbol is essentially invariable in all Tarot
sets, or at least the variations do not alter its character. The great
angel is here encompassed by clouds, but he blows his bannered
trumpet, and the cross as usual is displayed on the banner. The dead
are rising from their tombs; a woman on the right, a man on the left
hand, and between them their child, whose back is turned. But in this
card there are more than three who are restored, and it has been
thought worth while to make this variation as illustrating the
insufficiency of current explanations. It should be noted that all the
figures are as one in the wonder, adoration and ecstasy expressed by
their attitudes. It is the card which registers the accomplishment of
the great work of transformation in answer to the summons of the
Supernal which summons is heard and answered from within.

Herein is the intimation of a significance which cannot well be
carried further in the present place. What is that within us which
does sound a trumpet and all that is lower in our nature rises in
response, almost in a moment, almost in the twinkling of an eye? Let
the card continue to depict, for those who can see no further, the
Last judgement and the resurrection in the natural body; but let those
who have inward eyes look and discover therewith. They will understand
that it has been called truly in the past a card of eternal life, and
for this reason it may be compared with that which passes under the
name of Temperance.


A cosmic wake-up call.

A desire for something higher or better than where you are now.

You come into communion with your religious or spiritual ideas and
practice them daily.

Spiritual reincarnation.

Positive change is imminent.

Health matters show improvement.

Dormant matters coming back to life.

Accountability for one's actions.

Walk your talk!



Work well done.

A legal judgement in one's favour.

Forgiveness, apology.



A need to evaluate.

Personal soul searching.

Cleansing, purification.

The bottom line is suddenly revealed.

Are you on track with your objectives?

Judge frankly, forgive, and leave the past behind.

You must face a final decision about something important in your life.

It's time to judge a phase, project, relationship, or experience in
your life and bring it to a close. It is time to prepare to move on to
something else.

You can look forward to a time of awakening, renewal, and renaissance.
It's possible a change of consciousness can come from this.

Get ready to welcome "the next step."

This is the end of a cycle and it is time to reap the rewards of past
actions. Wipe the slate clean and begin anew.


Unpleasant atmosphere.

Denying the inevitable.

Unwillingness to accept change, clinging to the past.

Feeling one is to old to try, or too old to make the effort.

Awareness that comes after the fact.

A fear of failure or a fear of being judged.

Worry, foreboding, fear of death.

Divorce or separation.

The awaited news does not come.

Failure to find happiness in old age.

Try thinking bigger.

Stop banging your head into a wall.

Reproaching oneself for missed opportunities.

Guilty feelings.

Indecision, weakness, procrastination.


Arthritis, bone decay, dental problems, thinning hair, wrinkling skin;
general signs of ageing. (E. Hazel)

1. Fey

2. Dorata

3. Housewives

4. Wonderland

5. Wheel of Change

6. Celestial

Topic: A Phrase A Week - Handle with kid gloves

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From: Sesheta <>
Date: Jan 28 01:11PM -0500

Handle with kid gloves


Handle a situation, or a person or an object, delicately and gingerly.


Kid gloves are, of course, gloves made from the skin of a young goat.
I say 'of course' but, in fact, when they were first fashioned in the
18th century they were more often made from lambskin, as that was
easier to come by. They were clearly not intended for use when you
were pruning the hedge and wearing kid gloves was the sartorial
equivalent of pale white skin, that is, it indicated that the wearer
was rich enough to indulge in a life of genteel indoor idleness. The
earliest mentions of kid gloves are from England in the 1730s and the
following is a typical report of a wealthy gentleman, laid out in his
'Sunday best', from Bagnall's News, in The Ipswich Journal, December

The Corpse of Mr. Thorp, A Distiller in Soho, who died a few Days
since, said to be worth £10000 was put into his Coffin, quilted within
with white Sattin; and after several yards of fine Holland
[best-quality linen] were wrapt about his Body... on his Head was a
Cap of the same Holland tied with a white Ribbond; he has about his
Neck two Yards of Cambrick; a Cambrick Handkerchief between his Hands,
on which he had a pair of white Kid Gloves: and in this manner he lay
in state some Days and was afterwards buried in Buckinghamshire.

Long-Wellesley Handle with kid gloves At that time, kid gloves were
viewed as rather ostentatious and only suitable for the nouveau riche
- much as heavy gold chains might be viewed today. In the 19th
century, kid glove wearing was taken up by a notable member of the
gentry, William Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley, the fourth Earl of
Mornington, which might have been expected to establish them as a
desirable accessory. The Preston Chronicle included this item in
February 1837:

Mr. Long Wellesley is, also, a man of excellent taste, though he rides
in kid gloves, which Brummel used to say a man should be scouted
[dismissed scornfully] for doing.

The dismissal of the gloves by the socialite and fashion authority
Beau Brummell was enough to send them to the back of the 19th century
chav wardrobe. Incidentally, I wasn't familiar with the word 'scouted'
as meaning 'scorned' and when I looked it up I found this first usage
in Samuel Palmer's Moral Essays, 1710:

They pass the rhodomontade till they're expos'd and scouted.

That led me to 'rhodomontade', another word I didn't know, which turns
out to mean 'to speak boastfully or bombastically'. All in all,
Brummel clearly didn't think much of kid gloves and they continued not
to be worn by 'persons of quality'.

In fact, the description 'kid-gloved' came to be used as an insult,
implying a lack of manhood, as was recorded in The Leicester Chronicle
in January 1842:

This contraband system of political allusions appears to suit the
taste and nerves of the cautious, gentlemanly, kid-gloved
Conservatism, which cannot endure the shock of attending a public

It was only when the expression (and presumably also, the gloves)
crossed the Atlantic that the negative connotations were lost and
'handling (or treating) with kid gloves' began to be used as we use it
today, that is with the meaning 'delicately; carefully'. The New-York
monthly magazine The Knickerbocker has the first example of the term
in print, from 1849:

"Belligerent topics are not our forte and never was; neither do we
handle them with kid gloves, when they fairly come in the way."

The Phrase A Week newsletter goes to 125,000 subscribers (93,500 by
e-mail, 31,500 by RSS feed).

You may make a donation to support this list at

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---------- 2 of 2 ----------
From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 28 01:40PM -0500

Handle with kid gloves


Handle a situation, or a person or an object, delicately and gingerly.


Kid gloves are, of course, gloves made from the skin of a young goat.
I say 'of course' but, in fact, when they were first fashioned in the
18th century they were more often made from lambskin, as that was
easier to come by. They were clearly not intended for use when you
were pruning the hedge and wearing kid gloves was the sartorial
equivalent of pale white skin, that is, it indicated that the wearer
was rich enough to indulge in a life of genteel indoor idleness. The
earliest mentions of kid gloves are from England in the 1730s and the
following is a typical report of a wealthy gentleman, laid out in his
'Sunday best', from Bagnall's News, in The Ipswich Journal, December

The Corpse of Mr. Thorp, A Distiller in Soho, who died a few Days
since, said to be worth £10000 was put into his Coffin, quilted within
with white Sattin; and after several yards of fine Holland
[best-quality linen] were wrapt about his Body... on his Head was a
Cap of the same Holland tied with a white Ribbond; he has about his
Neck two Yards of Cambrick; a Cambrick Handkerchief between his Hands,
on which he had a pair of white Kid Gloves: and in this manner he lay
in state some Days and was afterwards buried in Buckinghamshire.

Long-Wellesley Handle with kid gloves At that time, kid gloves were
viewed as rather ostentatious and only suitable for the nouveau riche
- much as heavy gold chains might be viewed today. In the 19th
century, kid glove wearing was taken up by a notable member of the
gentry, William Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley, the fourth Earl of
Mornington, which might have been expected to establish them as a
desirable accessory. The Preston Chronicle included this item in
February 1837:

Mr. Long Wellesley is, also, a man of excellent taste, though he rides
in kid gloves, which Brummel used to say a man should be scouted
[dismissed scornfully] for doing.

The dismissal of the gloves by the socialite and fashion authority
Beau Brummell was enough to send them to the back of the 19th century
chav wardrobe. Incidentally, I wasn't familiar with the word 'scouted'
as meaning 'scorned' and when I looked it up I found this first usage
in Samuel Palmer's Moral Essays, 1710:

They pass the rhodomontade till they're expos'd and scouted.

That led me to 'rhodomontade', another word I didn't know, which turns
out to mean 'to speak boastfully or bombastically'. All in all,
Brummel clearly didn't think much of kid gloves and they continued not
to be worn by 'persons of quality'.

In fact, the description 'kid-gloved' came to be used as an insult,
implying a lack of manhood, as was recorded in The Leicester Chronicle
in January 1842:

This contraband system of political allusions appears to suit the
taste and nerves of the cautious, gentlemanly, kid-gloved
Conservatism, which cannot endure the shock of attending a public

It was only when the expression (and presumably also, the gloves)
crossed the Atlantic that the negative connotations were lost and
'handling (or treating) with kid gloves' began to be used as we use it
today, that is with the meaning 'delicately; carefully'. The New-York
monthly magazine The Knickerbocker has the first example of the term
in print, from 1849:

"Belligerent topics are not our forte and never was; neither do we
handle them with kid gloves, when they fairly come in the way."

The Phrase A Week newsletter goes to 125,000 subscribers (93,500 by
e-mail, 31,500 by RSS feed).

You may make a donation to support this list at

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Topic: Saturday January 28, 2012: On This Day

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 28 01:10PM -0500

On This Day:

Saturday January 28, 2012

This is the 28th day of the year, with 338 days remaining in 2012.

Fact of the Day: cat lifespan

Most cats will reach about 11 or 12 years of age. Some make it to 18
and very few to 20 and beyond. Much depends on whether the cat is
exclusively an indoor cat. If this is the case, these cats often reach
15+ years of age.


Feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Amadeus of Lausanne, St. Peter
Nolasco, St. Peter Thomas, and St. Paulinus of Aquileia.


28 - Roman Emperor Nerva named Trajan, an army general, as his successor.

1521 - The Diet of Worms began, at which Protestant reformer Martin
Luther was declared an outlaw by the Roman Catholic church.

1547 - Edward VI, age nine, succeeded as King of England (until 1553)
upon the death of Henry VIII.

1782 - Congress approved the Great Seal of the United States.

1902 - The Carnegie Institute was established in Washington DC

1908 - Author and activist Julia Ward Howe, composer of "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic," became the first woman elected to the American
Academy of Arts and Letters.

1915 - The Coast Guard was created by an act of Congress, to fight
contraband trade and aid distressed vessels at sea.

1916 - Louis D. Brandeis was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson to
the Supreme Court, becoming its first Jewish member.

1918 - The Bolsheviks occupied Helsinki, Finland.

1935 - Iceland became the first country to introduce legalized abortion.

1986 - The space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff
from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven crew members.

2002 - TAME Flight 120, a Boeing 727-100 crashes in the Andes
Mountains in southern Colombia killing 92.


1841 - Sir Henry Morton Stanley, British journalist and explorer of Africa.

1855 - William Seward Burroughs, American inventor.

1884 - Auguste Piccard, Swiss balloonist, physicist, and deep-sea explorer.

1887 - Arthur Rubinstein, Polish-American virtuoso pianist.

1912 - Jackson Pollock, American artist.

1933 - Susan Sontag, American author.

1936 - Alan Alda (born Alphonso Joseph D'Abruzzo), American actor,
writer, and director.

1968 - Sarah Ann McLachlan, Canadian musician, singer, and songwriter.

1977 - Takuma Sato, Japanese Formula One driver.

1981 - Elijah Wood, American actor.


814 - Charlemagne, King of the Franks from 768 until his death.

1939 - WB(William Butler) Yeats, Irish poet, dramatist, and prose writer.

1983 - Frank Forde, an Australian politician and the 15th Prime
Minister of Australia.

1986 - Crew of Space Shuttle Challenger: Greg Jarvis, Christa
McAuliffe, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Francis R.
Scobee, and Michael J. Smith.

2007 - Emma Tillman, the world's oldest living person from January 24-28, 2007. On This Day

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