Saturday, January 28, 2012

Open Tarot Nexus

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Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 20:53:31 +0000
Subject: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for
- 4 Messages in 4 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Angel Paths for January 27 - Prince of Cups (Knight) [1 Update]
- Card of the Day for January 27 - Knight of Cups [1 Update]
- Friday January 27, 2012: On This Day [1 Update]
- A.Word.A.Day--gascon [1 Update]

Topic: Angel Paths for January 27 - Prince of Cups (Knight)

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 27 11:45AM -0500

The Prince of Cups

Men represented by this card are complex and powerful beings. They are
self-contained - even secretive - giving an impression of calmness and
serenity. However under that veneer they can often be intense and
volatile. They tend to hide their deepest passions, and to protect
them fiercely.

They are often creative - artistically or musically inclined, and have
deep involvement in these areas. Many of the more successful artists
and musicians in our lives would come up as a Prince of Cups.

Emotionally they can sometimes be turbulent and moody, but can also
often hide their emotions and refuse to share them with others.
However, having a highly developed sensitivity to emotional ups and
downs, they will identify yours even before you have. Talking to
somebody like this about emotional matters is usually a rewarding
experience, because they are highly perceptive and use their intuition

If this card comes up to indicate an alteration in a person's
behaviour, it will generally indicate a man moving into a new romantic
relationship and feeling somewhat troubled by this. The Knight is the
card that comes up to indicate a man happily falling in love.

Look for surrounding cards to clarify whether any misgivings are
justified - for instance, the Moon or the 7 of Cups would be warnings
of danger; also look at whether cards like the 7 of Swords or the 7 of
Disks come up - these may indicate inner personal worries that will
only cause problems if allowed to.

Working with the Prince of Cups

This card represents the watery quality of air, and as such brings a
very important life principle to our experiences when it rules the
day. It teaches us about how to shape our desires into realities, and
offers a powerful supportive energy to assist us.

As we've said so often, the things that we wish hardest for, invest
most energy into, manifest in our lives. This is why it is so crucial
to be vigilant and watchful about the way we're thinking and feeling.
If we sink into negativity, and empower that feeling with strong
emotions like loneliness, grief or suffering we inadvertently
introduce even more negativity into our lives.

Likewise, when we want something strongly enough, and charge that
desire with our longing, our hope, our positive energy we will find
that thing manifesting for us. This card teaches us how to do
to explore our dreams, our desires, our wishes and to propel them into
everyday life.

The things we work with can be material, emotional or spiritual - the
Prince of Cups works with desire on all levels. All we have to do is
wish hard enough. And his energy will help us to achieve our aims.

So on a day ruled by him, select one thing that you really really
want, and spend a little time visualising it, imagining what it would
feel like to have it, or experience it, and then gather all your
strong feelings up into a bundle and push them out into the Universe..

Stay alert, over the four weeks which follow, for signs that you are
moving closer to your goal, or have already achieved it. Some things
will take longer than others.but as long as you keep your hopes high
for that particular wish, it will eventually wing its way back to you.

Affirmation: I create my life daily and build my future.

Topic: Card of the Day for January 27 - Knight of Cups

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 27 11:43AM -0500


Attribution - Libra-Scorpio Cusp (20 degrees Libra to 20 degrees Scorpio)

Samhain, Halloween, all Hallows. This area of the sky includes most of
Virgo, including the star Spica, and most of Bootes, including the
star Arcturus. Also includes the constellations of Libra and
Centaurus. This section of the zodiac, from Libra to Scorpio, is
called the Via Combusta, the Burning Way, and is considered unlucky
(Liz Hazel)

Cups is the suit of emotion, inner states, feelings, relationships,
memories, spiritual experiences. This suit talks about friendship,
family, love and happiness. The cup is the container of something
sacred. It is the suit of artists, musicians, creativity, healing,
imagination. In it's negative form it can represent anger, resentment,
misunderstandings, hurt, pain, rejection, disputes, divorce, conflict,
inconsiderate behaviour.

Rider-Waite Imagery

Court cards can represent your personality, someone close to you and
situations you find yourself in. Usually they describe all three at

The knight sits on a white (spirit) horse. He is holding a golden cup
in one hand. His armor (Mars) is covered in fish (water). His helmet
has wings (mercury) on it. There is a desert in the background. A
stream (emotions) runs through it and there are cliffs (limitations,
boundaries) in the background.

The Knight is emotional support in action. He is like the King of
Cups. He is concerned with providing emotional support but he is much
more active. He is traveling to people to help them out, helping them
find their emotional home.

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)

Graceful, but not warlike; riding quietly, wearing a winged helmet,
referring to those higher graces of the imagination which sometimes
characterize this card. He too is a dreamer, but the images of the
side of sense haunt him in his vision.

Divinatory Meanings

Upright: Arrival, approach–sometimes that of a messenger; advances,
proposition, demeanour, invitation, incitement.

Reversed: Trickery, artifice, subtlety, swindling, duplicity, fraud.

Some Additional Meanings of the Lesser Arcana

Knight: A visit from a friend, who will bring unexpected money to the
Querent. Reversed: Irregularity.


Here is The Grail Knight, the Knight in shining armour, someone who
will come when needed, an excellent friend.

He is a person of high intelligence and deeply romantic. He is usually
skilled in the arts and understands human needs. He sets high
standards – only his best will do.

Someone creative, nurturing, caring, idealistic, charming and companionable.

A handsome, engaging man.

Very private and seldom reveals the depth of self to others.

These people are often counsellors or therapists.

A marriage proposal could be in the offing or perhaps competition for a love.

The arrival of a lover.

Escapist dreams and longings.

Creativity that lacks practicality.

Dreaming your life away.

An envelope with money in it.

An opportunity approaches.

A pleasant invitation.

Taking action designed to make you happy.

Devotion, love, respect.

Pursuing a venture with your whole heart.


A man who wants to be the sexual object in a relationship.

A departure.

A postponement of an offer or proposal.

Losing touch with some of your fantasies.

You must combine action with dreaming.

Someone who doesn't relate well with others around him.

Fear of commitment.

Doesn't tell the whole truth about how he feels.

Can't express himself emotionally.

A swindler, a fraud, a trickster, con artist.

Someone sensual, idle, untruthful, irresponsible, dishonest, sly, cunning.

False affection.

Playing emotional games.

Living in your fantasies.

A seducer of wives.

Unrequited love.

He's too good to be true.


May be addicted to alcohol or drugs.

Transsexuals, cross-dressers, bisexuals or individuals who seem
sexually ambivalent. Gender confusion.

1. Robin Wood

2. Morgan Greer

3. Amber (Julian!)

4. Kazanlar

5. Haindl

6. Herbal

Topic: Friday January 27, 2012: On This Day

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 27 11:40AM -0500

On This Day:

Friday January 27, 2012

This is the 27th day of the year, with 339 days remaining in 2012.

Fact of the Day: Dow Jones

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is compiled by averaging closing
prices of 30 actively traded blue chip stocks (including AT&T, Coca
Cola, Walt Disney, Exxon, Goodyear, Texaco, Fed Ex, and USAir - to
name a few) and adjusting by the current appropriate divisor appearing
under the Dow's Half-Hourly Averages. The divisor is "adjusted for
splits and stock dividends equal to 10% or more of the market value of
an issue..." (Barron's)


Feast day of St. Julian of Le Mans, St. Marius or May, St. Angela
Merici, and St. Vitalian, pope.

United Kingdom: Holocaust Memorial Day.

Germany: Day of Remembrance for Victims of Nazism.


1785 - The first state-chartered school, the University of Georgia,
was incorporated.

1825 - Congress approved Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma),
clearing the way for forced relocation of the Eastern Indians on the
"Trail of Tears."

1862 - President Abraham Lincoln issued General War Order No. 1,
setting in motion the Union armies.

1880 - Thomas Edison received a patent for his electric incandescent lamp.

1888 - The National Geographic Society was incorporated in Washington DC

1924 - Vladimir Lenin's body was laid in a marble tomb on Red Square
near the Kremlin.

1926 - John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor, gave the first public
demonstration of a true television system, in London.

1945 - Soviet troops liberated the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz
and Birkenau in Poland.

1951 - The era of atomic testing in Nevada's desert began as an Air
Force plane dropped a one-kiloton bomb on Frenchman Flats.

1973 - The Vietnam peace accords were signed in Paris. The US military
draft ended.

1975 - The Senate began an investigation of activities by the FBI and
the CIA. (On November 20, the committee released its report, charging
both US government agencies with illegal activities.)

1996 - Germany first observes International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

1998 - First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton appears
on The Today Show, calling the attacks against her husband part of a
vast right-wing conspiracy.

2002 - Several explosions at a military dump in Lagos, Nigeria kill
more than 1,000.


1756 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer.

1832 - Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, British author who wrote under the
pen name Lewis Carroll.

1832 - Lewis Carroll (pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), English
writer, mathematician, and photographer.

1850 - Samuel Gompers, American labor union leader, first president of
the American Federation of Labor.

1859 - Kaiser Wilhelm II, German emperor during World War I, forced to
abdicate in 1918.

1885 - Jerome (David) Kern, American musical comedy composer.

1900 - Hyman Rickover, US Navy admiral and nuclear engineer ("Father
of the Nuclear Navy").

1908 - William Randolph Hearst Jr., American media mogul.

1918 - Skitch (Lyle) Henderson, American bandleader, TV musical director.

1938 - Troy Donahue (Merle Johnson), American actor.

1948 - Mikhail Baryshnikov, Russian-born American ballet dancer,
ballet director, actor.

1959 - Keith Olbermann, American news anchor, commentator and radio


1596 - Sir Francis Drake, an English privateer, navigator, slave
trader, and politician of the Elizabethan era.

1910 - Thomas Crapper, a plumber and inventor who founded Thomas
Crapper & Co. Ltd. in London.

1947 - Al Capone, American gangster.

1967 - Astronauts Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White II, and
Roger B. Chaffee, in a flash fire during a launch pad test aboard
their Apollo I spacecraft at Cape Kennedy, Florida.

1972 - Mahalia Jackson, an American gospel singer.

1973 - William Nolde, last American combat casualty of the Vietnam War.

1989 - Thomas Sopwith, British aviation pioneer as well as a
celebrated yachtsman.

1993 - André the Giant (born André René Roussimoff), professional
wrestler and actor.

2004 - Jack Paar, American talk show host. On This Day `

Topic: A.Word.A.Day--gascon

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 27 11:28AM -0500
Url: The Magic of Words

Jan 27, 2012

This week's theme

Words from the Mediterranean

This week's words






A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg





noun: A braggart.

adjective: Boastful.


After Gascon, a native of the Gascony region in France, from the
stereotype of Gascons as boasters. Earliest documented use: before


Were people from Gascony full of boasts and bravado? Not necessarily.
Historical rivalries lead one people to generalize others' names as
having some shortcoming and some of those names become part of the
language. Other examples of such words are solecism, Boeotian, and


"Here indeed the King of Cornwall plays the gascon, not the King of
Little Britain."

John Wesley Hales and Frederick James Furnivall (eds.); Bishop Percy's
Folio Manuscript: Ballads and Romances; 1867.


I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to
keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old
acquaintance among the pines. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and
author (1817-1862)

Books by Anu Garg

© 2012

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