Friday, July 30, 2010

Fwd: [Heaven] Digest for - 15 Messages in 15 Topics

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Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:49:18 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for - 15 Messages
in 15 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Sun Surges Toward Prophetic 2012 - 2013 Maximum: Disturbances
Could Take Down Power Grid, Bring Apocalypse [1 Update]
- DNA Factory Plans To Open Within 6 Months [1 Update]
- Plankton, Base Of Food Supply, In Big Decline [1 Update]
- Farmers Brace For 'Worst' Locust Plague On Record [1 Update]
- The Case For Obama's Impeachment: Socialist Takeover Must Stop [1 Update]
- From The White House To The Big House: Obama Is Up To 25
Impeachable Crimes And Counting [1 Update]
- Return To Soviet-Era, Russia To Prosecute 'Thought Crimes' [1 Update]
- The Next Big Privacy Concern: RFID "Spychips" [1 Update]
- White House Proposal Would Allow FBI Access To Records Of Internet
Activity Without Court Order [1 Update]
- Truck-Borne Laser Weapon On Way Soon [1 Update]
- Philistine Temple Ruins Uncovered In Goliath's Hometown [1 Update]
- Spacequakes Rumble Near Earth [1 Update]
- Big Brother in your ... underwear? [1 Update]
- Key News Events [1 Update]

Topic: Sun Surges Toward Prophetic 2012 - 2013 Maximum: Disturbances
Could Take Down Power Grid, Bring Apocalypse

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:10PM -0400

*Sun Surges Toward Prophetic 2012 - 2013 Maximum: Disturbances Could Take
Down Power Grid, Bring
In March 1989, six million Quebecers lost power for nine hours after a
massive solar flare—an explosion of magnetic energy from the sun—created
electric ground currents here on Earth, collapsing the power grid. Another
geomagnetic storm, in 1921, brought ground currents 10 times as strong. But
the fiercest one ever recorded, called the Carrington Event of 1859,
electrified telegraph lines—even setting telegraph papers on fire—and
created northern lights visible as far south as Cuba and Hawaii. If such a
storm were to strike today, the consequences would be devastating. But NASA
researchers say severe space weather could be on the way. Every 11 years,
for reasons that aren't completely understood, our sun hits what's called
its solar maximum: an especially active period when sun spots, solar flares
and "coronal mass ejections—these clouds of plasma that flow out of the sun
at millions of kilometres an hour," as astronomer Sten Odenwald puts it, are
more likely to occur. The resulting streams of particles and pulses of
electromagnetic energy create what's called space weather, which can have
all sorts of impacts here, throwing the Earth's magnetic field into disarray
and disrupting everything from GPS systems to the power grid. We're now
coming out of a quiet period for the sun, as it wakes up and moves toward
the next solar maximum, expected in 2013, and experts say we should be
preparing for the worst.


Topic: DNA Factory Plans To Open Within 6 Months

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:09PM -0400

*DNA Factory Plans To Open Within 6 Months
*Good news for all you aspiring Craig Venters out there. Before the end of
the year, synthetic biologists will have a stocked factory of DNA building
blocks with which to remix microbe life forms – one that will provide
standardized, reliable components for the most creative of life sciences.
Best of all? It's free. As we previously reported, the International Open
Facility Advancing Biotechnology (BIOFAB) is a project to produce thousands
of standardized genetic "parts" for researchers to use in the pioneering
work of synthetic biology. Started with a seed grant from the National
Science Foundation (NSF), BIOFAB is the world's very first biological
design-build facility. They will be providing bioparts to researchers gratis
to speed along national research into new drugs, biofuels, chemicals, you
name it – all the promising frontiers of synthetic biology. And they should
be open for business within 6 months. So what exactly is a synthetic biology
"part"? Good question – that was exactly the topic of the project's first
human practices report. The short answer is that biological parts are small
snippets of DNA with basic, well-understood functions (e.g. the production
of a certain protein). Building a microbe from scratch is no easy task,
especially if you have to identify and characterize all of these building
blocks yourself. That's exactly what synthetic biologists have been doing –
it costs millions of dollars and takes years of legwork.


Topic: Plankton, Base Of Food Supply, In Big Decline

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:08PM -0400

*Plankton, Base Of Food Supply, In Big
Despite their tiny size, plant plankton found in the world's oceans are
crucial to much of life on Earth. They are the foundation of the bountiful
marine food web, produce half the world's oxygen and suck up harmful carbon
dioxide. And they are declining sharply. Worldwide phytoplankton levels are
down 40 percent since the 1950s, according to a study published Wednesday in
the journal Nature. The likely cause is global warming, which makes it hard
for the plant plankton to get vital nutrients, researchers say. The numbers
are both staggering and disturbing, say the Canadian scientists who did the
study and a top U.S. government scientist. "It's concerning because
phytoplankton is the basic currency for everything going on in the ocean,"
said Dalhousie University biology professor Boris Worm, a study co-author.
"It's almost like a recession ... that has been going on for decades." Half
a million datapoints dating to 1899 show that plant plankton levels in
nearly all of the world's oceans started to drop in the 1950s. The biggest
changes are in the Arctic, southern and equatorial Atlantic and equatorial
Pacific oceans. Only the Indian Ocean is not showing a decline. The study's
authors said it's too early to say that plant plankton is on the verge of


Topic: Farmers Brace For 'Worst' Locust Plague On Record

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:07PM -0400

*Farmers Brace For 'Worst' Locust Plague On
There is a warning the spring locust plague could be the worst on record due
to the increasing use of modern farming methods. A central west New South
Wales agronomist says direct drilling to sow crops in the western region has
not destroyed the egg beds and the tall, dry pasture will make it almost
impossible to detect hatchings. Forbes district agronomist Graham Falconer
says time is running out to check for signs of the pest. "It could be one of
the worst plagues ever on record if control is not taken, there is no doubt
about that. You'd be probably looking as early as August out in the western
areas to do surveys and probably right through till the middle of October,"
he said. The State Government is being urged to increase funding and conduct
a coordinated aerial sweep for signs of the locusts as part of its $18.5
million assistance package. Mr Falconer says a GPS grid survey is needed.
"There could be a really major problem if those hatchings are not controlled
very early and farmers are going to find it extremely difficult," he said.


Topic: The Case For Obama's Impeachment: Socialist Takeover Must Stop

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:07PM -0400

*The Case For Obama's Impeachment: Socialist Takeover Must
President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The
Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda.
Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached. He is slowly — piece
by painful piece — erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there —
yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our
constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic
procedures and the rule of law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime;
and assaulting the very pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela's
leftist strongman, Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution
from above — one that is polarizing America along racial, political and
ideological lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard
Nixon. His policies are Balkanizing the country. It's time for him to go.


Topic: From The White House To The Big House: Obama Is Up To 25
Impeachable Crimes And Counting

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:06PM -0400

*From The White House To The Big House: Obama Is Up To 25 Impeachable Crimes
And Counting* <>
Last week Rep. Michelle Bachmann was asked what Republicans had in mind
should they retake the House of Representatives this November, she replied
"I think that all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after
another and expose all the nonsense that is going on." Considering the sheer
volume of illegal and impeachable offences committed by Obama and his
cohorts over the past couple of years, the House will be very busy indeed.
Putting aside Obama's inept leadership, weakening of our national defenses
and transparent attempt to socialize our great nation, there are a number of
more practical crimes that once investigated could lead to Obama's
impeachment and perhaps even his well deserved imprisonment. 25 Obama Crimes
the House Should Investigate in 2011: 1) Convicted felon and Chicago real
estate developer Tony Rezko's purchase of land adjacent to Obama's house in
Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama
for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko's $625,000 investment too
small to be developed and, for all intents and purposes, worthless; 2) The
provision of Obama campaign...


Topic: Return To Soviet-Era, Russia To Prosecute 'Thought Crimes'

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:06PM -0400

*Return To Soviet-Era, Russia To Prosecute 'Thought
The bill, criticised by rights groups, would allow the Federal Security
Service (FSB) to issue official warnings to individuals whose actions are
deemed to be creating the conditions for crime. Rights groups say the bill
would essentially put the special service above the law and harks back to
Soviet times when the much-feared FSB predecessor KGB used warnings to
persecute dissidents. The bill had already sailed through the lower and
upper houses of parliament and was today signed into law by the Russian
President, Dmitry Medvedev. The opposition says the FSB security service is
already extremely powerful and empowering it further would contravene Mr
Medvedev's pledge to liberalise Russia. In response to protests from human
rights activists, lawmakers earlier removed an amendment allowing the FSB to
summon people to their offices to hand out the warnings and also publish
their warnings in the media. Earlier this month, Mr Medvedev launched a
staunch defence of the law, saying its aim was to improve Russian
legislation and had been drawn up on his personal orders.


Topic: The Next Big Privacy Concern: RFID "Spychips"

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:05PM -0400

*The Next Big Privacy Concern: RFID
Radio-frequency I.D. (RFID) tags are a convenient way to track items and cut
costs for companies. But this technology is increasingly being used to track
other things, like security badges — or even people — giving it the
potential to cause a horrific erosion of privacy. Tracking people with smart
tags, their shopping preferences, their activities, and their personal
belongings sounds like something from a sci-fi thriller. But If you got your
panties in a twist over Walmart's decision to track your undies via RFID
smart tags, then you'll be doublely concerned at how close we are to
cradle-to-grave surveillance. RFID tags reached a tipping point with
Walmart's announcement that, starting next month, the retailer will place
removable "smart tags" on consumer goods. The RFID tags can be read by
hand-held scanners to track inventory levels and keep a better eye on loss
prevention. Recent drops in the cost per RFID tags have encouraged adoption
of this technology. With Wal-Mart publicly embracing RFID, you'll see other
retailers quickly fall in line. If your trash is filled with RFID tags, your
trash could be exploited by cybercriminals (driving by with a RFID reader).


Topic: White House Proposal Would Allow FBI Access To Records Of
Internet Activity Without Court Order

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:04PM -0400

*White House Proposal Would Allow FBI Access To Records Of Internet Activity
Without Court Order*<>
The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel
companies to turn over records of an individual's Internet activity without
a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or
intelligence investigation. The administration wants to add just four words
-- "electronic communication transactional records" -- to a list of items
that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge's approval. Government
lawyers say this category of information includes the addresses to which an
Internet user sends e-mail; the times and dates e-mail was sent and
received; and possibly a user's browser history. It does not include, the
lawyers hasten to point out, the "content" of e-mail or other Internet


Topic: Truck-Borne Laser Weapon On Way Soon

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:04PM -0400

*Truck-Borne Laser Weapon On Way
A powerful laser weapon that can fit on a light truck is set to be the
military's answer to the dilemma of overreacting to enemy attack and harming
friendly forces in the process. The laser-beam weapon, being developed by
the U.S. Army and Boeing, is seen to be a more focused alternative to
artillery or rocket response to enemy action that usually results in
innocent civilians or friendly forces being caught up in the onslaught. Death
and injury among third-party individuals near or around a scene of battle is
one of the classic scenarios that carries with it acute embarrassment -- or
worse -- for both military leaders and politicians. The new laser weapon
being developed aims to avoid, if not completely eliminate, that
eventuality. The High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator system will
consist of a laser weapon system mounted on an Oshkosh Defense military
truck. Traveling at the speed of light the laser beam will hit targets with
unprecedented swiftness. And no bullets will rain down on anyone in the
process, says Boeing's Marc Selinger in an article on the innovation.


Topic: Philistine Temple Ruins Uncovered In Goliath's Hometown

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:02PM -0400

*Philistine Temple Ruins Uncovered In Goliath's
Bar Ilan University archaeologists have uncovered the ruins of a Philistine
temple in the ancient city of Gath, home of the Biblical Goliath, buried in
one of the largest tels (ancient ruin mounds) in Israel. The temple and a
number of ritual items dating back to the 10th century BCE were discovered
at Tel Tsafit (Tell es-Safit/Gath) by Professor Aren Maeir of BIU's Martin
(Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology and his
international team. The tel is located about halfway between Ashkelon and
Jerusalem, near Kiryat Gat along the southern coastal plain. "Interestingly,
the architectural design of this temple, with its two central pillars, is
reminiscent of the architectural image that is described in the well-known
Biblical story of Samson and the Philistines," Maeir said. He added that the
discovery could indicate that the story of Samson reflects a type of temple
that was in use in Philistia at the time.


Topic: Spacequakes Rumble Near Earth

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 08:01PM -0400

*Spacequakes Rumble Near
Researchers using NASA's fleet of five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a
form of space weather that packs the punch of an earthquake and plays a key
role in sparking bright Northern Lights. They call it "the spacequake." A
spacequake is a temblor in Earth's magnetic field. It is felt most strongly
in Earth orbit, but is not exclusive to space. The effects can reach all the
way down to the surface of Earth itself. "Magnetic reverberations have been
detected at ground stations all around the globe, much like seismic
detectors measure a large earthquake," says THEMIS principal investigator
Vassilis Angelopoulos of UCLA. It's an apt analogy because "the total energy
in a spacequake can rival that of a magnitude 5 or 6 earthquake," according
to Evgeny Panov of the Space Research Institute in Austria. Panov is first
author of a paper reporting the results in the April 2010 issue of
Geophysical Research Letters (GRL).


Topic: Big Brother in your ... underwear?

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 07:52PM -0400

Big Brother in your ... underwear?
Posted: July 29, 2010
1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

You know that many of the credit cards in your wallet contain
radio-frequency identification chips. You may drive a car with an RFID
transponder on your windshield, used for certain automated toll systems.
Even your identification may contain such technology. But what will you do
when RFID chips have been embedded even in ... your underwear?

Two years ago, RFID technology was the topic of the very first Technocracy
column here at WorldNetDaily. Every word of what I wrote then still applies,
but the technology of RFID tracking has continued to move forward inexorably
in the intervening years:

According to the old aphorism about boiling a frog, if you toss a live
frog into a pot of boiling water, he'll sense the immediate danger and jump
out. If, however, you place the frog in tepid water and slowly increase the
temperature until he's dead, the frog won't know what's happening until it's
too late. This is the cultural danger that RFID represents. If we woke up
tomorrow to face armed guards and identity checkpoints just to travel our
states' major highways from city to city, we'd protest about the police
state erected as we slept. We'd balk at the notion of handing over detailed
travel plans to stone-faced government enforcers, and we'd rail against the
invasion of privacy when told we must submit itineraries to the authorities.
YetRFID technology makes it possible to gain this same information – and
thus to achieve this same level of potential cataloging and control
concerning citizens' movements – completely passively and conveniently.

RFID -- what's the big deal? Learn everything you need to know about this
Big Brother technology in "Spychips"

In that column, I warned you about such applications as vehicle transponders
for toll-taking and medical RFID tags used to track people and animals.
Public awareness of RFID is rising, even as the technology becomes more
widespread. While you'll obviously have every warning (you hope) when your
government wants to plant a chip in your wrist, you may not realize that
your big-box retail store wants to implant the same chip in your pants and

Just days ago, USA Today reported that Wal-Mart is introducing a new, more
widespread RFID inventory-tag system. "Wal-Mart Stores ... is putting
electronic identification tags on men's clothing," wrote Anne D'Innocenzio
for the Associated Press. "But the move is raising eyebrows among privacy
experts." She goes on to explain, "The tags [which give Wal-Mart employees
direct and real-time control over inventory levels] work by reflecting a
weak radio signal to identify the product." But as AP reported, Katherine
Albrecht of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering
worries that such inventory tags in individual clothing items could allow
stores to track individual customer's movements. The actual privacy risk of
the inventory system, of course, hinges on whether theRFID tags are easily
removable or somehow embedded in the clothing.

New RFID risks are as close as your back pocket. When my new New York state
driver's license arrived, this "enhanced" identification came with a
built-in liability. It's RFID-enabled, meaning its built-in chip contains an
identification number that can be scanned wirelessly. The license arrived in
a small foil-lined envelope with the words "RADIO FREQUENCY PROTECTIVE
SLEEVE" emblazoned across it. Beneath this are the words:

The RIFD tag does not include any personal information, only a unique
reference number. Keep the card in sleeve when not in use.

This begs the question: If the RFID chip in your driver's license does not
contain any personal information, why must it be protected by the sleeve at

Last year, Popular Mechanics ran an article on the unique security risks of
RFID-enabled credit cards. "[A] team of researchers at the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst," wrote Joel Johnson, "was recently able to construct
scanners capable of skimming both the cardholder name and card number from a
variety of first-generation RFID credit cards. Then they found a way to
transmit that data back to a card reader, tricking it into accepting a
'purchase.'" What's worse, recounted Johnson, was that "many of the
supposedly encrypted cards sent card numbers, expiration dates and
cardholder names in plain text – which could be read through the envelopes
the cards were mailed in."

Concerned consumers have been taking their personal data security into their
own hands for a while now. On YouTube, you'll even find some people yanking
the RFID chips out of their cards. While this may seem drastic, it's
understandable considering the attitude of the companies issuing the RFID
cards themselves. Adam Savage of Mythbusters claims the banks behind the
credit-card companies intimidated his network into killing a planned episode
on the insecurity of RFID bank cards.

So what can you do?

For some time now, I have been personally testing the RFID-blocking products
offered by Identity Stronghold. What I quickly discovered about my
"enhanced" license was that the sleeve was awkward to use and slowed the
process of producing and showing ID considerably. Identity Stronghold's
RFID-blocking wallet solves this problem, giving me one secure place to
carry my chip-equipped cards and identification. I've carried mine since the
arrival of my new license forced me to clean out my billfold. The company
offers a complete line of RFID-blocking products, including badge holders,
passport sleeves and shielded bags for wireless phones.

Obviously, just tucking your RFID-equipped cards into such a wallet or
sleeve doesn't solve all your problems. You've still got to be aware of the
risks. You've got to conduct yourself responsibly as an informed, reasonably
– dare I say it – paranoid consumer, at least in regard to your personal

In 2008, I predicted in Technocracy that as the cost of the technology
decreases and the transponders themselves become even smaller, it is
inevitable that RFID tagging and tracking will become an even greater part
of the lives of American citizens. This dilemma hasn't changed. You're not
paranoid, as the old saying goes, if everybody out there really is out to
get you. Your enemies, in this case, are data thieves ... and they truly are
out to get your ones and zeroes.


Topic: Key News Events

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 07:44PM -0400

*Key News Events*

* <>DVD*

*I. A Clinton-appointed Judge has ruled several key sections of Arizona's
Immigration Law to be unconstitutional!*

*President Obama and the Federal Government win a big test of whether a
state's rights can be overridden. This ruling does not bode well for the
future of our freedoms and liberties.*

NEWS BRIEF: *"Arizona immigration law SB 1070 - Judge blocks some
The Washington Post, July 29, 2010

"A federal judge on Wednesday blocked the most contested provisions of
Arizona's new immigration law one day before they were to take effect,
ratcheting up the legal and political debate over the increasingly divisive
issue. U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton's ruling handed the Obama
administration a key initial victory in its lawsuit against Arizona and Gov.
Jan Brewer (R). It also set up a legal struggle that is likely to play out
over several years and across numerous states, with Brewer vowing to take
the case to the U.S. Supreme Court and legal experts saying the high court
is likely to hear it. "

Remember that one of Cutting Edge's distinctives is that we always look at
the opposite end of the public rhetoric to see if we can find the truth
there, rather than from a Mass Media which parrots the Illuminati line and
even to most alternative sites who do not understand either the Plan nor how
it fits with Bible prophecy nor that the Republican and Democrat parties are
simply an outworking of the *"Dialectic

What is really at stake in all this hoopla over illegal immigration is the
formation of the North American Union, supernation #1 in the Illuminati Plan
to reorganize all nations of the world into 10 -- the same number which
Daniel 7:7-8 foretells! (Read
This immigration issue is very important, but not for the reason the entire
Republican/Conservative/Right/Christian world is clamoring. This issue is
important because the Obama Administration is ready to use the controversy
to publicize the radical "solution" that the "real" answer to the illegal
immigration issue is to create the North American Union and to declare
everyone on the North American Continent a "North American Citizen".

Rather than reporting the details of this ruling, which is what every other
Conservative website is doing, let us look at how this entire episode is
being maneuvered into creating the North American Union. The Illuminati is
using a domestic variation of the *Dialectic
which we have long called the *"Six Step Attitudinal Change

Remember, this is a Plan of the Global Elite which goes back centuries to
Sir Francis Bacon in the very early 1600's; the Illuminati has been wanting
to unite South America into one superstate and North America into another
superstate for over 400 years (Manly P. Hall, 33rd Mason, *"America's
Assignment With Destiny: The Adepts In The Western Esoteric Tradition"*) .

Then, in 1972, their desire was incorporated into a global plan to
reorganize the entire world into exactly 10 superstates, and that plan
fulfills Bible prophecy.

Now let us see how this illegal immigration controversy is being manipulated
to eventually create what no Conservative wants, i.e, the North American
Union. In fact, you will see the surprising truth that genuine Conservatives
are being tricked into fighting this battle, not realizing that their
efforts will simply propel the Illuminati Plan forward!

*Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan *

*Step 1*. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in
public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

*Step 2*. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

*Step 3*. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated
becomes the SUBJECT

of the debate.

*Step 4*. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under
discussion gradually dulling its effect.

*Step 5*. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

*Step 6*. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to
moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the
means to ACHIEVE it.

This illegal immigration issue has been raging for over 30 years, and I
believe the Illuminati has finally decided to use this *"Six Step
Attitudinal Change Plan" <>* to
finally knock all the obstacles down. After over 3 decades of intense
pressure, the Arizona government, led by Governor Brewer, took action which
many people have considered to be "so offensive that it can scarcely be
discussed in public". The Arizona Law actually does something about illegal
immigration, in that it "empowers police to question people who they have a
'reasonable suspicion' are illegal immigrants".

This law has enough teeth that many illegal immigrants were reported to be
leaving Arizona before the law was scheduled to take effect.

From the moment the Arizona legislator passed this bill and the governor
signed it, Liberals all over this land began to take pot shots at the law,
thus setting off Step #2 -- shock and then outrage. Now that this Liberal
judge has ruled with the Federal Government, it is Conservatives who are
outraged and shocked.

This outrage and shock will play itself out to Step #4, where sheer
repetition of the subject will be played across America in endless TV
debates, newspaper columns and citizen outrage. Gradually, the debate will
become somewhat muted because the energy of each side will be spent, and
Step #5 will silently begin to take hold.

Then, at the right time, someone who is respected will speak from a
respected forum and pronounce a new, bold idea that will solve the illegal
immigration problem, hopefully to nearly everyone's satisfaction. This
respected public person will propose that a North American Union should be
completed so that every illegal immigrant instantly becomes a legal North
American Citizen.

This is the issue, and while I am totally and instinctively opposed to
anything which will erode and destroy our national sovereignty, I am a
Biblical realist who understands that this North American Union will occur
because it creates Nation #1 in the prophetic 10-nation global
reorganization. The issue for people who understand what is going on, is the
plucking of souls from the fire before God's judgment falls upon the entire

Very few people can see the link between this Arizona illegal immigration
issue and the appearance of Antichrist. Yet, such a link exists and it is
strong. As we detail in *NEWS2363*<>,
Antichrist cannot arise on the world scene until all of the 10 supernations
are formed. To the extent to which this story advances the establishment of
North America, it has significant Antichrist implications.


*II. Where is the moral outrage from the Vatican as the global scandal of
its sexually deviant priests continues to spread around the world?*

*Key Biblical Understanding:*

*"Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot
iron" (1 Timothy 4:2)*

NEWS BRIEF: *"Where Is the Vatican's Outrage About Child
by Carla Seaquist, Huffington Post, July 27, 2010

"In a world much out of joint, to molest a child must remain a crime, an
inviolate taboo, an unforgivable sin. So, where is the Vatican's outrage at
the worldwide epidemic of sexual abuse of children perpetrated by its own
clergy -- a sin of the very first order, given the defenselessness of the
victims and the power and trust invested in the molesting men of God? The
world -- and the molested -- have been waiting, waiting for the Catholic
Church's hierarchy to do the right thing in these months of crisis. Sadly,
the wait will be longer."

In our current newsletter<>,
we quote an article which states that in Rome, 98% if all priests are gay.
Since the Vatican is located in Rome, you must understand that this
statistic probably is true of the sexual orientation of Vatican officials.
Indeed, Vatican officials are seen then as trying to put a lid on an
explosive issue rather than solving the disaster and extending relief and
healing balm to the victims!

Now, let us return to our featured article:

"Rather than coming to a ringing and instantaneous defense of defiled
children, the Vatican went instantaneously to self-defense -- of itself as
an institution -- first asking forgiveness for an unforgivable sin, then
shifting blame for clerical sinning to the secular world for its sexual
permissiveness, and then, after a barrage of bad press internationally,
making itself out as a victim of media bias."

"What blasphemy ... And now, finally summoning itself to action, the church
in Rome misfires -- badly. Earlier last month Pope Benedict called for the
're-evangelization' of the secular world, establishing a Pontifical Council
for just this purpose -- pointing the finger, yet again, away from the
church's own internal problems."

"Taken together, it's hard not to conclude that another Reformation may be
needed in the Catholic Church -- because, as many have observed by now, the
defilement of children by clergy is infinitely more significant than the
selling of indulgences in exchange for access to God, the proximate cause
that moved Martin Luther to protest in the 16th century, leading to the
first Reformation and the Protestant breakaway. "

As our new DVD, shown above,* "Catholicism: A Church On Haunted
*, Catholic priests have been sexually deviant for over 1, 200 years --
preying on young men, young women and married women -- because that is the
nature and the makeup of Roman Catholicism! Just as zebras have stripes
because that is their genetic code, so Catholic priests are sexually deviant
because that is their spiritual genetic make-up!

Doubt it not!


*III. The Iraqi Civil War can hardly wait for the last of America's combat
troops to leave on August 31.*

NEWS BRIEF: *"Militants kill 23 security force members across
WEAR ABC TV, July 29, 2010

"BAGHDAD (AP) -- Militants have killed nearly two dozen security force
members in attacks across Iraq today. The heaviest toll came in a Sunni
neighborhood of Baghdad, where 16 Iraqi troops died in what appeared to be
coordinated assaults ... Another 17 people were wounded in the attack. The
neighborhood was once an insurgent stronghold."

"Elsewhere, a suicide bomber drove a minibus into the main gate of an Iraqi
army base near Saddam Hussein's hometown, killing four soldiers and wounding

"In the western city of Fallujah, a pair of roadside bombs killed two Iraqi
soldiers and wounded eight others."

"And in the northern city of Mosul, a bomb attached to a police vehicle
killed one policeman and injured two others."

NEWS BRIEF: *"Twelve killed in Iraq as Shiite pilgrimage
Associated Press, July 28, 2010

"KARBALA, Iraq — A series of attacks in Baghdad and a holy Iraqi city killed
12 people, while five others died in a helicopter crash, as major religious
ceremonies came to a close ... In the deadliest attack, mortars killed seven
people and wounded 46 in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, south of Baghdad,
as pilgrims gathered late on Tuesday to mark the birthday of the Mahdi, the
12th and last Shiite imam."

As we have stated repeatedly over the past several years, President Bush's
attack on Iraq was not meant to be the final chapter in God's last judgment
on Ancient Babylon. One of the goals of the *"Pentagon's New
Map"*<>is to break up
countries where a single dictator is preventing proper
movement of his country toward the global group of nations called the
"Functioning Core". Saddam Hussein had remarkably established a unified Iraq
where he held together the three very separate and very different groups,
the Shi'ites, the Sunnis and the Kurds. One of the major goals of this
invasion was to break Hussein's unnatural hold over these peoples and allow
Iraq to disintegrate into three separate countries, thus making Iraq that
much easier to control by outside forces. (Read full details in
entitled, *"Iraq Now Splitting Into Three Nations -- Is Bible Prophecy Being

Mark my words, once American forces are gone, Iraq will split into the most
bloody war between Shi'ite and Sunni. And, when they bleed each other white,
the Kurds will pounce from the north, thus completing the prophecy of Isaiah



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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jul 29 07:43PM -0400


The sufficiency of God's Word can be seen throughout the Bible, but we quote
two well-known passages here. One passage clearly shows that God intends His
Word to be sufficient in matters of life and conduct and the other indicates
the direct involvement of God Himself in and through His Word:

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of
Jesus our Lord, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things
that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath
called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and
precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature,
having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust (2 Peter

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the
joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but
all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do
(Hebrews 4:12-13).

Considering the depth and magnitude of God's Word and its application by
God, who knows "the thoughts and intents of the heart," one wonders why so
many professing Christians rush after the wisdom of men. The following
question will surely reveal the confidence one has in the Word of God in
contrast to the wisdom of men: Is the Word of God sufficient to deal with
the same problems of living that Christians take to psychotherapists? If the
Word sufficient confuses anyone, then use its synonym, the word "enough."

This question is usually sufficient, i.e. enough, to distinguish those who
truly believe in and trust God's Word from those who have confidence in the
very wisdom of men about which the Scripture warns. Nevertheless, promoters
of psychotherapy and its underlying psychologies often undermine confidence
in God and His sufficient Word by clouding this clear distinction of
sufficiency with smoke screens of logical fallacies.

One example of such a cloud cover can be seen in psychiatrist Dwight L
Carlson's article titled "Exposing the Myth that Christians should not have
Emotional Problems," which appeared in Christianity Today (2/9/98). We
printed Louis Whallon's excellent response to Carlson's article in the
May-June 1998 PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter ("Exposing the Myth that
Christians need Psychotherapy"). Here we only bring up one problem having to
do with Carlson's confused thinking.

In his article Carlson employs a number of logical fallacies which, when
examined, reveal his illogical reasoning. If Carlson's purpose in writing
his article was to demonstrate that he knows how to use logical fallacies he
succeeded. For example, he says, "I know it sounds unscriptural to say that
some individuals need more than the church can offer-but if my car needs the
transmission replaced, do I expect the church to do it? Or, if I break my
leg, do I consult my pastor about it? For some reason, when it comes to
emotional needs, we think the church should be able to meet them all."
Notice that he is, by inference, equating "transmission replaced" and broken
legs with "emotional needs." This tangible/intangible, physical/mental
confusion is dominant in Carlson's article. This confusion between the
physical (transmission/legs) and the mental (emotions) is the same logical
error made by many psychiatrists in the past when they labeled problems of
living as "diseases." Thankfully, many in psychiatry have repented of this
error, though some psychiatrists such as Carlson continue to perpetuate this
myth. The error of confusing the mind and the body opens the door for the
medical model to be used in the mental realm.

Quite often people resort to what is called the "medical model" in order to
justify the use of psychotherapy. In using the medical model, they assume
that mental illness can be thought of and talked about in the same manner
and terms as medical illness. After all, these people reason, both are
called "illnesses."

Carlson apparently does not believe that the Word of God empowered by the
Holy Spirit is sufficient to deal with problems of living or why else is he
so strongly supporting the use of psychotherapy and its underlying
psychologies? What Carlson and others who have so little confidence in
Scripture need to explain (without resorting to logical fallacies) is why
Christians need the twentieth century opinions of men instead of only the
Word of God to deal with problems of living. Carlson has written a book
titled Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded? A more significant question to
ask Carlson is "Why do Christians shoot their Bibles?"


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