Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fwd: Digest for - 6 Messages in 6 Topics

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Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 14:18:41 +0000
Subject: Digest for - 6
Messages in 6 Topics
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Today's Topic Summary


- Present activities are the background of next body [1 Update]
- The Minute Independence and its reach [1 Update]
- [granthraj] Answers from A Maha-Bhagavata - How to Handle
Criticism ? [1 Update]
- Sunday Lecture 01-08-2010 [1 Update]
- [granthraj] Remember Krishna without Deviation - Part 1 [1 Update]

Topic: Present activities are the background of next body

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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jul 30 02:06AM +0530

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Saci Gaurasundara Das . <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:44 AM
Subject: Present activities are the background of next body

*Present activities are the background of next body*
*Here the living entity is described as isvara, the controller of his own
body. If he likes, he can change his body to a higher grade, and if he likes
he can move to a lower class. Minute independence is there. The change his
body undergoes depends upon him. At the time of death, the consciousness he
has created will carry him on to the next type of body. If he has made his
consciousness like that of a cat or dog, he is sure to change to a cat's or
dog's body. And if he has fixed his consciousness on godly qualities, he
will change into the form of a demigod. And if he is in Krsna consciousness,
he will be transferred to Krsnaloka in the spiritual world and will
associate with Krsna. It is a false claim that after the annihilation of
this body everything is finished. The individual soul is transmigrating from
one body to another, and his present body and present activities are the
background of his next body. One gets a different body according to karma,
and he has to quit this body in due course. It is stated here that the
subtle body, which carries the conception of the next body, develops another
body in the next life. This process of transmigrating from one body to
another and struggling while in the body is called karsati, or struggle for
existence. *
*>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 15.8*


Your Servant In Service Of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev,
Saci Gaurasundara Das
Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare
Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

My Bhagavad-gita Lecture Videos on Youtube

Topic: The Minute Independence and its reach

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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jul 30 02:06AM +0530

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Saci Gaurasundara Das . <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:43 AM
Subject: The Minute Independence and its reach

*The Minute Independence and its reach*
*The whole process is that all living entities, being constitutionally parts
and parcels of the supreme living being, the Absolute Personality of
Godhead, have proportionately minute independence of action also. So the
preliminary qualification for entering into the devotional service of the
Lord is that one become a willing cooperator, and as such one should
voluntarily cooperate with persons who are already engaged in the
transcendental devotional service of the Lord. By cooperating with such
persons, the prospective candidate will gradually learn the techniques of
devotional service, and with the progress of such learning one becomes
proportionately free from the contamination of material association. Such a
purificatory process will establish the prospective candidate in firm faith
and gradually elevate him to the stage of transcendental taste for such
devotional service. Thus he acquires a genuine attachment for the devotional
service of the Lord, and his conviction carries him on to the point of
ecstasy, just prior to the stage of transcendental love.*
*Such knowledge of devotional service may be divided into two sections,
namely preliminary knowledge of the nature of devotional service and the
secondary knowledge of its execution.*
*>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 2.7.19*

Your Servant In Service Of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev,
Saci Gaurasundara Das
Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare
Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

My Bhagavad-gita Lecture Videos on Youtube

Topic: [granthraj] Answers from A Maha-Bhagavata - How to Handle Criticism ?

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jul 30 02:43AM +0530

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kumar muthu <>
Date: Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 8:27 AM
Subject: [granthraj] Answers from A Maha-Bhagavata - How to Handle Criticism

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and
Srila Gurudev.

Recently I was going through the diary which contained my conversations with
our beloved Gurudev, HDG Mahavishnu Gosvami Maharaj. I seek the permission
of the devotees to allow me to share the contents of one of the
conversations. I will try and list down the points which I had taken down on
my note book. The conversation was a question and answer session on the
following verse sung by Madhavendra Puri. This verse was found in the
purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 2.4.3-4

*mugdham maam nigadantu neeti-nipunaa bhraantam muhur vaidikaah
mandam baandhava-sancayâ jada-dhiyam muktaadaraah sodaraah
unmattam dhanino viveka-caturaah kaamam mahaa-daambhikam
moktum na kshaamate manaag api mano govinda-paada-sprhaam *

"*Let the sharp moralist accuse me of being illusioned; I do not mind.
Experts in Vedic activities may slander me as being misled, friends and
relatives may call me frustrated, my brothers may call me a fool, the
wealthy mammonites may point me out as mad, and the learned philosophers may
assert that I am much too proud; still my mind does not budge an inch from
the determination to serve the lotus feet of Govinda, though I be unable to
do it.*"

I could see that Maharaj really liked this verse as he was very pleased to
hear the translation and asked me to repeat it a few times.

*Question 1*: I find that I cannot handle criticisms. My mind becomes very
unstable after I hear anyone criticizing my actions. How do I deal with this

Gurudev said - "*The criticism that we receive is the medicine to cure our
disease.If you do something wrong you must be prepared to face the music.
You think that you are perfect and that is why you cannot handle
criticisms.Krishna is so merciful that he is allowing you to get some
criticism. If not
how will you know your disease? Your chanting and reading of Bhagavatam has
not killed your pride. Then what is the point of studying these things? You
think that you are perfect.*"

*Question 2*: What happens when I get criticized even when I have done
nothing wrong?

Gurudev's reply to this question is indeed a eye-opener for us. He said, "*Why
do you think that you are perfect? If smoke is coming then the fire must be
burning somewhere. Even if you have genuinely not committed any mistake
criticism will always be there. That is the nature of this age. Please
remember that even our own family members will criticise. What to speak of
our material relations, even in this line of devotion you will be
criticised. You may not even know but even then they will criticize. Please
read the verse. Please don't bother about these things. Everyone suffers his
own vibrations. Krishna is not going to look at the list of criticisms that
you have received. He only looks at your sincerity in pursuing uninterrupted
Bhakti. The problem is that whenever everyone acts according to how we want
them to act we praise them and we are friendly. The moment they act against
our desires we speak harshly and our behaviour completely changes. We always
have an agenda but we don't have Krishna. Please don't use Bhakti to satisfy
your senses. Don't hide your agenda under Bhakti. We use Bhakti to carry out
our material plans. This is the embarrassment*." Then Maharaj quoted the
following verse from Srimad Bhagavatam 5.19.7:

*na janma nunam mahato na saubhagam
na vaan na buddhir naakritis tosha-hetuh
tair yad visrishtaan api no vanaukasash
cakaara sakhye bata lakshmanaagrajah *

"*One cannot establish a friendship with the Supreme Lord Ramacandra on the
basis of material qualities such as one's birth in an aristocratic family,
one's personal beauty, one's eloquence, one's sharp intelligence or one's
superior race or nation. None of these qualifications is actually a
prerequisite for friendship with Lord Shri Ramacandra. Otherwise how is it
possible that although we uncivilized inhabitants of the forest have not
taken noble births, although we have no physical beauty and although we
cannot speak like gentlemen, Lord Ramacandra has nevertheless accepted us as

Gurudev continued - "*It's because we want all these name and fame that we
cannot take criticism. Krishna doesnt want your name and fame. He wants
Bhakti. So why are we bothered about criticisms? Let them say - but you just
hold on to Lord's feet. What else can you do? Promise me that you will never
be bothered by these things. Dont waste your time. May Lord bless you.*"

I have tried to list down whatever I had managed to take down from the
conversation. Please forgive me for my offences. Prabhus and Matajis -
please kindly pray that I will never sway according to criticisms but only
sway according to Gurudev's orders. In his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam
2.8.6 Srila Prabhupada mentions - *Pure devotees like Narada and Nityananda
Prabhu take up the order of the spiritual master as the sustenance of life.
They do not mind what becomes of the future of their lives. They take the
matter very seriously as the order comes from the higher authority, from the
representative of the Lord, or from the Lord Himself.*

Thank you very much.
Your servant,
Madan Mohan das,

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Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

My Bhagavad-gita Lecture Videos on Youtube

Topic: Sunday Lecture 01-08-2010

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jul 31 12:00PM +0530

*Hare Krishna!***

*Please accept my good wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.*

*Please come and hear lecture on Bhagavad-gita on every Sunday at 11.00 am
in ISKCON's **GURGAON** Center, **Sector 31, House no 74 Gurgaon Haryana**.

*You can also refer your friends and relatives in Gurgaon to attend these
lectures by different devotees. *

*Next Lecture:*

*Date: 01-08-2010 SUNDAY*

*Time: 10:30 AM *

*Venue: ISKCON's center, Sector 31, House no 74, Gurgaon, Haryana*

*Speaker: Sri Krishna Hari Das (Dr Satish Gosain)*

* *

*Topic: Bhagavad-gita Chapter 17 Verse 01 (Bg. 17.01)*


*[There are three types of faith, corresponding to and evolving from the
three modes of material nature. Acts performed by those whose faith is in
passion and ignorance yield only impermanent, material results, whereas acts
performed in goodness, in accord with scriptural injunctions, purify the
heart and lead to pure faith in Lord Krsna and devotion to Him.]*

* *

*The two extremes in the tree of the material world were dealt with in
Chapter Sixteen. In one extreme of the tree there are those influenced by
the mode of goodness (the top part of the perverted tree which means the
roots) and in the other extreme are those under passion and ignorance (the
bottom of the tree, the top branches and leaves). But what is the situation
in be-tween? What types of people are in between?*

* *

*Arjuna asks a very interesting question at the beginning of Chapter

* *

*arjuna uvaca*

*ye sastra-vidhim utsrjya / yajante sraddhayanvitah*

*tesam nistha tu ka krsna / sattvam aho rajas tamah*

* *

*Arjuna inquired: O Krsna, what is the situation of those who do not follow
the principles of scripture but worship accord-ing to their own imagination?
Are they in goodness, in passion or in ignorance?*

* *

*The question is very interesting because often the hindu philosophy says
that is not exactly what one does that is impor-tant, it is the faith that
one has in what he is doing. This may seem like a very strange philosophy
but faith in what one is doing it is considered very important in
contemporary society - faith in oneself.*

* *

*It is quite understood that by having faith in oneself one is going to
achieve good results, but not exactly good by the standards of the
Bhagavad-gita. But to a certain extent one can get exactly what he wants.*

* *

*Arjuna is asking what happens if someone actually places his firm
conviction, his firm faith in something but it is not as the scriptures
dictate, which is the important thing mentioned by Krsna in the end of
Chapter Sixteen?*

* *

*Krsna extorts Arjuna to follow the scriptures in order to elevate oneself
to the mode of goodness and ultimately to surrender to the Supreme Person in
the spiritual world and to avoid those qualities that will lead one into
hell. The three gates to hell, lust, greed and anger, Krsna tells Arjuna to

* *

*If one doesn't have faith in the scriptures or doesn't follow them exactly,
what is his fate? Is he progressing or going down as a demon because of
rejecting the scriptures? This is Arjuna's question.*

* *

*Krsna answers this question immediately in Section A and then in Sections
B, C, D and E, Krsna relates four basic qualities of a civilized man. In
these sections, except for the last one, food, sacrifices, austerities and
charity will be describe ac-cording to the different modes. If one has a
predominant situa-tion in the mode of goodness, he tends to perform his
sacrifices, austerities, etc according to that mode and therefore he will
tend to go up. And if one is situated in the lower mode of nature he is
going to perform his activities in those modes and he will tend to go down.*

* *

*This Chapter fills up the tree of the material world in rela-tionship to
the soul's entanglement within the material world, his entanglement within
different material bodies and his trans-migration. It fills up the picture
and this Chapter completes the basic message of the Bhagavad-gita by
rounding up the different mixtures of the modes of material nature in the

* *
Srila Prabhupada has described at different times the three modes of nature
as corresponding to different colors. Goodness is compared to yellow,
passion to red and ignorance compared to blue. When we take these colors and
mix them in different pro-portions we can make different color combinations.
Three multi-plied by three makes nine and nine multiplied by nine makes
eighty-one. It can go further and further in subtle combinations of the
material modes that affect any particular soul trapped in this material
world. Therefore at times we find someone whose modes basically agree with
us but there will be always some differences due to different subtle
combinations of shades of the material modes, which cause different bodies,
characters, situa-tions etc, within the material world.

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

My Bhagavad-gita Lecture Videos on Youtube


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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jul 20 08:05PM +0530

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sita Rani Devi Dasi <>
Date: Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 4:51 PM

* Spiritual Advancement*

It is impossible to make spiritual advancement unless we chant regularly
with full faith and attention. If you have too much work, then reduce the
work so that your chanting of 16 rounds must be executed without fail. If
you want to develop love of God, then you have to make an effort.

*Divine Instructions*

*The holy name is the most valuable asset that you can possess! *

> - By H.H.Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

My Bhagavad-gita Lecture Videos on Youtube

Topic: [granthraj] Remember Krishna without Deviation - Part 1

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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jul 30 02:18AM +0530

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vidya <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 8:16 PM
Subject: [granthraj] Remember Krishna without Deviation - Part 1

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and
Srila Gurudev.

In Bhagavad-Gita verse 8.14 Lord Krishna says,

*ananya-cetaah satatam / yo maam smarati nityashah
tasyaaham sulabhah paartha / nitya-yuktasya yoginah *

"*For one who always remembers Me without deviation, I am easy to obtain, O
son of Prtha, because of his constant engagement in devotional service.*"

Srila Prabhupada in his purports says that *the special qualification of the
pure devotee is that he is always thinking of Krishna without deviation and
without considering the time or place. There should be no impediments. He
should be able to carry out his service anywhere and at any time. Some say
that the devotee should remain in holy places like Vrindavan or some holy
town where the Lord lived, but a pure devotee can live anywhere and create
the atmosphere of Vrindavan by his devotional service. It was Sri Advaita
who told Lord Caitanya, "Wherever You are, O Lord-there is Vrindavan."*

I was listening to one of the nectarean classes given by our beloved Guru
Maharaj HH Mahavishnu Goswami on the above verse and I shall make a humble
effort to transcribe the same. Maharaj says – 'There are so many deviations
in devotional service so a devotee should try not to engage himself in
materialistic association. Grazing the cows is Vedic activity. Krishna
doesn't do anything else. It is his daily paricharya to graze the cows. As
told many times, the science of Vedic culture is present everywhere. When I
was In Uganda I heard that the President of Uganda was on his annual leave.
In those holidays he was grazing the cows. And he insists that all
presidents should graze the cow once in year to keep themselves mentally
healthy. That is very correct. We devotees have chosen not to associate with
men attracted to money and women. We have voluntarily accepted this
austerity and this austerity should be performed very nicely. Temples should
be away from city and should be large, so that it is easy for devotees to
perform unflinching devotional service. *Every vibration is stored in the
atmosphere be it material or spiritual. So creating a spiritual vibrations
is very important. Devotees think, how to glorify Lord, where to go and
preach, how can I serve Srila Prabhupada - then these vibrations stay in
atmosphere, thus cleaning the atmosphere around the devotees and temple. If
you are engaged in thinking auspicious things and about Krishna, everything
auspicious comes to you. Even if you think inauspicious, forget about
vibrations, even then you are destroyed. Words come afterwards, just
thinking brings inauspiciousness to you. The talk comes afterwards, ideas
come before that. As soon as idea is polluted, your life is polluted*.
That's why Krishna says in above verse "*ananya-cetah satatam yo maam
smarati nityasah*". "Undeviatingly you think of Me." One can understand that
at material platform, if just thinking brings those results then what to
speak at spiritual platform ? Krishna here rewards, those who remember Him
regularly. Find out ways and means so that we will not forget Him.
Then "*tasyaaham
sulabhah paartha*" - They can very easily attain Krishna and how ?
yoginah*" - "always engaged in remembering Me."

We are very lucky while reading this that we are thinking about Krishna and
our mind is not deviated. It's a pure devotional service. Right now we
are *ananya
cetah * – Undeviated.* In our available time, each second has got to be
utilized in serving and remembering Krishna.* Rest of the work should be
minimized to meet our requirements. Don't run behind money. *Our faith in
Krishna should not dwindle*. As soon as our faith dwindles we try to take
shelter of money, gold, good country, high paid job etc though you know that
you are not body, but soul. This body has to die one or the other day. In
order to strengthen the faith we have to get rid of inauspicious ideas. If a
lady is attached only to her husband and if husband is attached only to his
wife then though married, they both are brahmachari.

Atri Rsi had wife named Anasuya. Once demigods Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh went
to test Anasuya. And Anasuya was very chaste. Anasuya came out with some
charity in her hands, but then these demigods said that they will accept the
charity if she gives without wearing a single cloth. It was a great problem.
She cannot deny charity and cannot even give charity. She was chaste lady.
Chastity has huge power. Even a chaste husband has lot of power. They can do
whatever they want. So Anasuya converted these 3 demigods into 3 small
babies. She then took out clothes and gave charity to 3 demigods. The
demigods were very much pleased. Then they asked her to ask for any
benediction and she asked them that, "If you are all really pleased then
please combine together and become my son." Thats how Dattatreya was born.
Dattatreya is Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.

Similarly chastity should be there in devotional service also. *ananya
cetaah satatam yo maam smarati nityasah*. Constantly attached only to
Krishna without deviating our mind. Our Bhakti must be undeviated,
unflinching. If you are attached to Krishna through knowledge, scriptural
evidences then we will remain unflinchingly devoted to Krishna. Unless you
read Srila Prabhupad books, you won't be able to convince yourself. Then
what to speak of convincing others ? First you have to convince yourself.
And arguments that helped you in convincing yourself will help in convincing
others also. This is the secret of studying Vedic scriptures. This is the
way of "*ananya cetaah satatam yo maam smarati nityasah*".'

Krishna willing, we shall hear the remaining part of Maharaj's class, on how
to attain Him in the next mail.

Thank you very much.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev,
Vinayasheela devi dasi,

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Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
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Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:

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