Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fwd: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for - 6 Messages in 6 Topics

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Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 20:51:36 +0000
Subject: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for
- 6 Messages in 6 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Today's wwftd is... geocaching [1 Update]
- Angel Paths for January 10 - Prince of Swords (Knight) [1 Update]
- Touchstone Tarot - Knight of Swords [1 Update]
- Card of the Day for January 10 - Knight of Swords [1 Update]
- Tuesday January 10, 2012: On This Day [1 Update]
- A.Word.A.Day--hypochondriac [1 Update]

Topic: Today's wwftd is... geocaching

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 10 11:57AM -0500

The worthless word for the day is: geocaching

[blend of geo + cache]

A type of scavenger hunt in which participants are given the
geographical coordinates of a cache of items, which they then locate
using GPS navigation hence, geocacher

"Geocaching is a new Web-based fad that could have Alaskans flying to
Finland to find treasure hidden under fallen trees. Players stash the
goods -- any-thing from native art to sunglasses -- and leave
directions at"

- Time, Oct. 2000

"..these RVers had apparently decided to get a jump on the tourist
season and be the first geocachers of the year to make it to the sites
in question."

- Neal Stephenson, REAMDE (2011)


Topic: Angel Paths for January 10 - Prince of Swords (Knight)

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 10 10:12AM -0500

The Prince of Swords

One of the most common interpretation of this card is that it
represents a dangerous or treacherous man - which, IMHO, is a very
superficial way of looking at a Court card.

Certainly this Prince can be sly, dishonest and untrustworthy - but
only when badly dignified by the cards around him. The card can also
sometimes come up to mark a person who is angry, or vengeful.

But the pure Prince of Swords type is a highly intellectual and
usually well-educated person, with a rapid fire mind and a great
capacity for abstract thinking. He produces ideas with astonishing
speed, but often moves on too quickly to follow through or elaborate
on them. He can be challenging, entertaining, stimulating - and
completely exhausting!

The card represents a private person, who defends his inner space
quite determinedly. This is some-one who is hard to get to know - in
fact, you'll probably not succeed entirely no matter how long you know
him. He is a thinker, and chooses those he shares his thoughts with
carefully. He's usually also very independent, and often appears
unemotional and cold.

Sometimes the Prince of Swords will come up to represent somebody who
is embarking on a serious course of occult study - with the Knight
indicating the dedicated initiate.

The bad reputation comes from one peculiarity of this card and the
Knight of Swords, I think. They both tend to appear when a man is
angry, violent or vicious. However this is a function of the Suit -
Swords deal with conflict and pain quite extensively. So don't imagine
that every Prince of Swords you see is bad - most of them aren't.

Working with the Prince of Swords

On a day ruled by the Prince of Swords it will be our inner world we
need to direct our attention towards. We need to study our thoughts,
and allow them the time to extend. Too often a thought crosses our
mind and we are unable to give that thought the room to grow and
develop until it achieves its maximum potential - and because this
happens very often we fail to live up to ourselves too.

So try to set time aside for quiet inner contemplation when the Prince
of Swords is having an influence. Think about your own opinions on
given topics.not necessarily personal ones..but more general issues as
well. You know, often we fail to converse with ourselves even to the
extent that we converse with our acquaintances. We take for granted
what we think and what we know.even though our opinions may not have
been revised in years.

As constantly growing individuals, our opinions certainly will change
on some subjects..and if we don't give ourselves the time to check
them out every now and again, we can become alienated from our own
development. This can lead to all kinds of problems - see the 8,9 and
10 of Swords for examples of this.

Ask yourself questions like..what's your favourite food? When did you
last eat it? Which was your happiest holiday so far? Why? What's your
current favourite garment in your wardrobe? Why? What happy memories
do you have of the last week? What's the best thing that happened this
year so far?

In having this conversation with yourself, you will almost certainly
come across things that you had not placed much importance on
before..and these things will have slid into your subconscious
mind...from where they could later surface unexpectedly.

Get to know yourself.and then stay in close contact; you're the very
best friend you could ever have. Make friends with yourself!!

Affirmation: I look within, and grow to understand myself.

Topic: Touchstone Tarot - Knight of Swords

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 10 10:11AM -0500

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords


A ruthless-looking young man in beautiful black and gold armor holds a
sword poised at the ready. He rests his left hand on a matching
helmet. His beard is close-trimmed and his hair is short. A pillar
behind him features a carving of a man carrying a heavy weight. Behind
him is a window with a heavy wooden shutter. A moth rests on the wall.

This is William the Silent, also known as William of Orange, who had
the dubious honor of being the first head of state to be assassinated
by firearm. With an expression like that, I'm not surprised.

William of Orange is a national hero in the Netherlands as he led a
successful revolt against Spain for Dutch independence. The Dutch
flag, national anthem and coat of arms are all in tribute to him: even
the color worn by Dutch Olympic athletes is orange.


The warrior. Always the first to start an argument or charge into
battle. Brilliant, but yet to be softened by age. Can be hurtful, but
honest – if you want the harsh truth, ask him. Travel by air.


Acts first, thinks later. A brash, foolhardy person who always thinks
that they are right. Stand your ground, their aggression is a bluff.


Sword hilt, blade: GENTILESCHI, Artemisia, Judith Beheading
Holofernes, 1612-21, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.

Sword grip: VOUET, Simon, Magdalene, 1614-15, Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome.

Room: Master of Flémalle, Madonna with the Child, 1433-35, The
Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Knight: MOR VAN DASHORST, Anthonis, Portrait of William of Orange,
1555, Staatliche Museen, Kassel.

Black butterfly: BEERT, Osias, Still Life with Cherries and
Strawberries in China Bowls, 1608, Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

Topic: Card of the Day for January 10 - Knight of Swords

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 10 10:09AM -0500


Attribution - Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp (20 degrees Capricorn to 20
degrees Aquarius)

Air of Air – Master of Debate

Swords is the suit of the intellect. It represents air, authority,
thought, reason, justice, truth and ethical principles. It is
knowledge, conflict, struggles and turmoil.

Court cards can represent various aspects of yourself and can also
represent other people. Knights are said to represent adults from
their early 20's to about 40 years of age or an adult who is very
youthful for his age. Knights often refer literally to men but can
also represent women in the role of the Knight – perhaps referring to
a masculine aspect of her personality.

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)

He is riding in full course, as if scattering his enemies. In the
design he is really a prototypical hero of romantic chivalry. He might
almost be Galahad, whose sword is swift and sure because he is clean
of heart.

Divinatory Meanings

Upright: Skill, bravery, capacity, defence, address, enmity, wrath,
war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin. There is therefore a
sense in which the card signifies death, but it carries this meaning
only in its proximity to other cards of fatality.

Reversed: Imprudence, incapacity, extravagance.

Some Additional Meanings of the Lesser Arcana

Knight: A soldier, man of arms, satellite, stipendiary; heroic action
predicted for soldier. Reversed: Dispute with an imbecile person; for
a woman, struggle with a rival, who will be conquered.


Rapid comings and goings.

Pay attention to coming events.

A man of action.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Cuts to the chase and tells the truth – even if it hurts.

Wisdom, knowledge, setting up a system of thought.

Brave, fearless, ruthless against opposition.

Will always defend the underdog.

Skillful, capable.

Heroic, ironic, cynical, impetuous, self-assured.

Focus your mind and use your wits.

Being honourable includes knowing the truth, speaking the truth, and
acting on the truth.

Use what you know.

This person is a clever debater and a natural political activist.

Stick to your principles even when doing so makes it difficult to get along.

Righteous anger.

Don't let go of your rights too easily.

Put your mind to it!

Advertising, promotion, public relations, diplomats, salesmen (E. Hazel)


A pugnacious, argumentative man.


Throwing caution to the wind.

A fickle, flighty man.

Delays, apprehensions, conflicts.

Difficulty maintaining stamina.

Someone opposed to your thoughts and actions right now.

Not able to communicate clearly.

Dishonesty and deception.


Constantly in trouble.

A braggart, trouble maker, bully, rascals and rogues.

Someone mean, cunning, dishonest, and sly.

Apt to say something quick and hurtful without thinking.

Prejudice and flawed perspectives.

Harshly expressing views and opinions.

Debating turning into argument.

Can you listen to a person making a total fool of himself and resist
the temptation to say so?

Hit and run; swift escape.

1. Alleged

2. Celtici

3. Durer

4. Haindl

5. Housewives

6. Native American

Topic: Tuesday January 10, 2012: On This Day

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 10 09:58AM -0500

On This Day:

Tuesday January 10, 2012

This is the 10th day of the year, with 356 days remaining in 2012.

Fact of the Day: food dates

"Sell by" tells the store how long to display the product for sale.
You should buy this product before the date. "Best if used by" or
"Best before" is a date recommended for best flavor or quality. It is
not a purchase by or safety date. "Use by" is a date determined by the
manufacturer as the last date recommended for use of the product at
'peak quality'. "Closed" or "coded" dates are packing numbers for use
by the manufacturer.


Feast day of St. Marcian of Constantinople, St. William of Bourges,
St. Agatho, pope, St. Dermot or Diarmaid, St. Peter Orseolo, and St.
John the Good.


1776 - Thomas Paine published "Common Sense," a scathing attack on
King George III's reign over the colonies and a call for complete

1861 - Florida seceded from the Union.

1870 - John D. Rockefeller incorporated Standard Oil.

1901 - The Texas oil boom started in Beaumont.

1920 - The League of Nations was established as the Covenant of the
League of Nations/Treaty of Versailles went into effect and had its
first meeting in Geneva.

1922 - Arthur Griffith, the founder of Sinn Féin and one of the
architects of the 1921 peace treaty with Britain, was elected
president of the newly established Irish Free State.

1923 - Four years after the end of World War I, President Warren G.
Harding ordered US occupation troops stationed in Germany to return

1928 - The Soviet Union and Josef Stalin ordered the exile of Leon Trotsky.

1946 - The first General Assembly of the United Nations convened at
Westminster Central Hall in London.

1949 - Vinyl records were launched by RCA (45 rpm) and Columbia (33.3 rpm).

1971 - "Masterpiece Theatre" premiered on PBS with host Alistair Cooke
introducing a drama series, "The First Churchills."

1984 - The United States and the Vatican established full diplomatic
relations for the first time in 117 years.

2000 - America Online agreed to buy Time-Warner for $162 billion,
making it the largest corporate merger to date.

2001 - American Airlines agreed to buy Trans World Airlines and, in a
separate transaction, revealed plans to acquire 20% of US Airways.


1864 - George Washington Carver, American chemist, agronomist.


1971 - Coco (Gabrielle) Chanel, French fashion designer. On This Day

Topic: A.Word.A.Day--hypochondriac

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 10 09:56AM -0500
Url: The Magic of Words

Jan 10, 2012

This week's theme

Words coined using combining forms

This week's words



The Anagram Times

Read it today

A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg





noun: One who is excessively and chronically preoccupied with
imaginary or innocuous symptoms as indicators of some serious disease.


From Greek hypochondrios (abdomen, which was believed to be the seat
of melancholy), from hypo- (under) + khondros (cartilage [of the
breastbone]). Earliest documented use: 1599.


"'Gadhafi was described as a hypochondriac who insisted that all
examinations and procedures be filmed and then spent hours reviewing
them with physicians whom he trusted,' the ambassador reported."

Joshua Norman; US Envoy to Libya Wikileaks' First Casualty?; CBS News
(New York); Jan 5, 2011.

Explore "hypochondriac" in the Visual Thesaurus.


Remorse is a violent dyspepsia of the mind. -Ogden Nash, poet (1902-1971)

Books by Anu Garg

© 2012

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