Wednesday, January 18, 2012


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Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 17:24:09 +0000
Subject: Searching-For-Truth: Digest for - 5 Messages in 5 Topics
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Today's Topic Summary


- [NDhighlights] #4485 - Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - Editor: Jerry
Katz [1 Update]
- Fw: [] SaLuSa01.06.12. [1 Update]
- [Wisdom-l] from Conscious Immortality [1 Update]
- [Historiography1] Study Shows Humans Were Skilled Fishermen 42,000
Years Ago [1 Update]
- [Para-Discuss] Nibiru 2011: NASA Discovers 10th Planet [1 Update]

Topic: [NDhighlights] #4485 - Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - Editor: Jerry Katz

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 18 01:16PM

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From: "Jerry Katz" <>
Date: Jan 18, 2012 12:50 PM
Subject: [NDhighlights] #4485 - Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - Editor: Jerry
To: <>, "iam" <>, "NDS" <>, "NDH" <>


*#4485 - Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - Editor: Jerry Katz*
*The Nonduality Highlights* -


This issue features news of Rupert Spira's new books. I find them different
than his first book. Whereas the feel of his first book was a sinuous
dance, the current books are more granular, easier to absorb as
confessional segments.


*Presence *

*Volume I The Art of Peace and Happiness*

*Volume II The Intimacy of All Experience*


*Rupert Spira*


*Order from Non-Duality Press:*

*Order from*
* *

Volume I

Your self, Aware Presence, knows no resistance to any appearance and, as
such, is happiness itself; like the empty space of a room it cannot be
disturbed and is, therefore, peace itself; like this page, it is intimately
one with whatever appears on it and is thus love itself; and like water
that is not affected by the shape of a wave, it is pure freedom. Causeless
joy, imperturbable peace, love that knows no opposite and freedom at the
heart of all experience….this is your ever-present nature under all

Rupert Spira


* is a profound and luminous book with great power and is obviously the
fruit of many years of contemplation. These two volumes together are a
relentless and utterly thorough examination of the nature of
experience, exploring
every square centimeter of the territory with absolute excellence and
ruthlessly precise analysis. Their astuteness and clarity will be extremely
exciting to those readers who are ready for the next steps in lifting the
veil of separation and I suspect it will become a spiritual classic that
readers will savour slowly and return to again and again.

Victoria Ritchie

Former Manager of Watkins Bookshop and Editor for Eckhart Tolle

Volume II


All that is known is experiencing and experiencing is not divided into one
part (an inside self) that experiences and another part (an outside object,
other or world) that is experienced. Experiencing is seamless and intimate,
made of 'knowing' or Awareness alone. This intimacy, in which there is no
room for selves, objects or others, is love itself. It lies at its heart of
all experience, completely available under all circumstances.

Rupert Spira

* is one of the most exciting and illuminating books on non-duality I have
encountered and its precision, articulateness in naming the nameless,
unparalleled depth and ability to inspire were constantly appreciated. This
book succeeds in taking the reader beyond concepts and into the
experiential level. The irony is that this work, which is so advanced and
sophisticated in its use of language, thought and conceptualization, is
inexorably directed towards pure experiencing. It is a brilliant and lucid
work carrying great strength and authority suggesting it is an indisputable
source of Truth.**

Victoria Ritchie

Former Manager of Watkins Bookshop and Editor for Eckhart Tolle



Review of Presence by Fred Davies:

I continue to reread Rupert Spira's groundbreaking new Presence book set.
These books have more potential to liberate more suffering than anything
written since The Power of Now. Twelve years ago, when The Power of Now was
published, a great many of us would not, as a group, have been ready for
Rupert's new Presence book set. However, as a result of that title, and the
cumulative effect of the great number of clear and fine titles that have
been published since then, a very large number of people, at many different
levels of the theoretical spiritual path, are now ready and waiting for
these books. I do hope they reach the vast audience they deserve. I hope
they reach YOU.

I'm going to run out of superlatives in regard to Rupert Spira's new
Presence book set, so let me start right away: Brilliant! Brilliant!
Brilliant! In all candor, I am in awe. The clarity here jumps off the page
and into the reader. The first volume (Presence: The Art of Peace and
Happiness) has an opening section that is just over 30 pages long. It is, I
think, the best description of its section title, Our True Nature, that I
have ever read. It is worth the price of admission, all by itself.

Since the truth can never be told, but only pointed to, Rupert then goes on
to share his marvelous "translation", so to speak, of the most direct path
to this singular-yet-shared True Nature. It is wonderful to have a
meticulous artist at the wheel here. If you've not been to his website, I
suggest you add a "dot com" to Rupert Spira and go there immediately
following this review, and the subsequent purchase of both volumes of this
new set. When you go to his site, you'll see that Rupert's expression of
our True Nature is seemingly divided between art and teaching Nonduality.
In fact, there is Nonduality in the art, and there is art in his Nondual
teaching. Let me add that both are HIGH art.

The field of Nonduality is not, shall we say, overburdened with quality
writing. There is a lot of clarity out there; I'm not suggesting there is
not. Yet the ability to transfer that clarity from one human to another is
too often insufficiently translated by a writer's lack of facility with
language, and/or technical writing skills. Rupert does not share this
problem. Our field could also use a truckload of editors and proofreaders.
Awakening lands where it lands, and everything's done on the cheap and I
get that; I'm being more matter of fact than I am critical. But it is a
sheer joy to stumble upon an exception. That truck I spoke of must have
stopped at Rupert's house a long time ago. (Now, doubtlessly, I'll leave a
glaring typo somewhere in this review.)

I recently watched a DVD set of Dialogue Excerpts of one of Francis
Lucille's retreats (see the Stillness Speaks or Nonduality Press websites).
Francis, who of course studied under Jean Klein, is one of the clearest,
widest openings one could ever hope to find. He is also Rupert's teacher
and has been for over a decade. When the camera plays on the audience,
there is Rupert, eyes closed, silently soaking in what's being offered
through Francis. There is something very moving about that. Call me
unsophisticated, but my eye witnesses there the deep example of humility
that also shines forth on every page of this book.

Let me say just a bit more about these books. The first book takes us
through all of our methods of apparently achieving the miracle of
separation, and ways to reverse that. When speaking of our core problem of
misidentification, Rupert uses the term, "exclusive identification" when
speaking of our normal mode of life. I love that. I have often said, "You
are the body, but you're not JUST the body." I'm putting Rupert on public
notice that I'll be stealing "exclusive identification" at every
opportunity. There is one attention-stopping observation after the other as
he leads you down the path bordered by fear and desire. The great quotes to
drink in are simply too numerable to count.

In the second volume (Presence: The Intimacy of All Experience) we find
something akin to "dialogues", where a question is asked and then Rupert
answers it. What touched me here was the encouraging gentleness and sweet
wisdom with which these questioners and their questions were welcomed and
discussed. The clarity and brilliance is there to the last page and beyond.

It's a great book set. I'll read it again. Right away. That's the highest
praise I have. Namaste.

*Order from Non-Duality Press:*

*Order from*
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Topic: Fw: [] SaLuSa01.06.12.

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 18 10:23AM

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From: "Malcolm & Fiona" <>
Date: Jan 17, 2012 11:46 AM
Subject: Fw: [] SaLuSa01.06.12.
To: "iris carling" <>


*-------Original Message-------*

*From:* Barbara Stone <>
*Date:* 06/01/2012 14:40:02
*To:* Barbara Stone <>
*Subject:* [] SaLuSa01.06.12.

January 6

Dearest e:family

...worth sending to you methinks... more guidance, wisdom and upliftment
from beloved SaLuSa...


Love to you

Barbara Cheryth x x x

*SaLuSa 6-January-2012

Nothing will be able to stand in the way of the changes that are about to
commence, as they are essential to bring the end-times into being. It is
all change as you step up into the higher vibrations, and quickly move
through the Ascension process. The thought that you will never have to
return to Earth on the Wheel of Rebirth, must be one that makes all of the
effort you have put in well worthwhile. More so as you get a good idea of
what it means in reality, by leaving behind the drudgery, harshness and
strength sapping energies of the lower dimension. Even now as so many lift
up out of it the aggression, antagonism and hatred still wreaks havoc on
Earth, but will soon play itself out as the energies of peace settle upon
it. One day very soon the futility of confrontation and war, will make way
for loving relationships and co-operation amongst all people. Even now the
young ones amongst you see the pointless waste of life and energy in the
pursuit of conquest, and want an immediate end to it. Peace is coming and
this time it will not be temporary, but be permanent and carry you forward
to a blissful and ecstatic state.

However you are in the midst of so many different energies that are
creating turmoil at present. The old guard cling onto their paradigm that
kept them in power, but the new one is all powerful and will brush aside
all that remains of it until Love and Light permeate the Earth. In just a
few months the changes will be under way and more noticeable, and will
serve notice on the dark Ones that the New Age is in progress of
manifesting. Their actions can no longer carry the threat that they used to
have, as their power structure continues to collapse. So Dear Ones, at this
important stage on your path to Ascension do not let any fear laden
prophecies take hold of your imagination. We of the Galactic Federation are
with you all of the time, and well aware of what is likely to lay ahead. We
cannot do everything for you, but will assert ourselves if necessary to
protect you.

We shall soon be more active in your skies, and one reason will be to show
people that we can enter your space and protect ourselves. We do of course
take care not to create an incident that would aid the dark Ones, who still
seek an opportunity to cause mayhem if possible. For many, many years our
craft have been seen by millions of people, but with deliberate suppression
of the facts it may not seem that high. Disclosure is therefore more a
question of how soon our existence can be officially acknowledged, so that
the truth can be given about us. Since the end of the last World War we
have met with officials of all the major powers on Earth, and offered our
help which has been spurned on each occasion. We could have enabled world
peace but the Illuminati cared not for the lives of the people of Earth,
but only in control and amassing great wealth. These moments will take
their place in your history, as you need to understand how your lives have
been manipulated by them. Their power has been such that many good souls of
the Light, have sacrificed their lives in trying to overcome their plans.
The truth behind many assassinations will also be made known, and the
culprits will answer for their crimes.

As we often remind you all progresses well, and although time is racing
away we will be able to complete our mission totally according to plan. We
may need to speed up our actions, but that presents no problems to us so
you may rest easy. Just keep your eyes on the finishing line spreading Love
and Light as you go along. Also be prepared to help those who will be
confused by what is going to happen, as most of you working for the Light
know sufficient to be able to do so. The best assurance you can give is
that we are working with you, and that there is nothing to fear. In the end
you will gain more than you could possibly lose, and that does apply to
physical possessions although we will not support anything acquired except
through honest dealings.

Numbers of you are entering this final period at an age when you are not
necessarily in good health. Be assured that by the time you take your place
in Ascension all bodies will have changed to crystalline, and that means
all signs of disease or illness will have disappeared. Like Mother Earth
who will have been returned to a pristine condition, you too will no longer
show the ravages of time, and also have a physical body that has reverted
to the perfection of its original blueprint. Aging has no place in the
higher vibrations, and you will choose exactly how you will look should you
desire to alter your features. As you go even higher in the dimensions,
your powers of creation will continue to grow and eventually you will
become a Being of Light. You have much laid out before you and it is yours
for the taking once you ascend. The world may be your oyster now, but the
Universe will be your playground in the near future.

It is not yet party time, but the celebrations will start once you have
the proof that the ones who have enslaved you have been removed. Life will
take on a different hue and each day it will be a joy to be alive. The
purpose of it will be understood and people will go forward knowing how to
make the most of opportunities that come up, and reap their deserved
rewards. You will have clear goals to follow, and they will be your choice
as freewill is still with you. If you want to emulate the life of someone
you admire, you may be surprised to know that they will come to you as that
person. All souls in the higher realms can easily appear as they were from
any incarnation, and share their knowledge and skills with you. There is no
status that places one soul above another except that there is a Universal
Law, that states you cannot proceed higher than the level that your
vibrations resonate with.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel sure you are registering the expansion
of your awareness, and it will help you through the coming changes. As you
are beginning to understand, life beyond Earth is never ending and offers
the most wondrous opportunities to experience whatever you desire. You have
all the time you need and in fact are not subject to time as you know it
now, and travel by thought is instantaneous. Therefore there is no measure
of time and no calendar necessary, as all is in the Now and that means the
past, present and future. Much that you now accept as normal is only
peculiar to your Earthly existence, so be prepared and of an open mind so
that you can adjust more easily. You will take it all into your stride, and
with your higher level of consciousness totally understand the wonderful
gifts of the Creator that fill all dimensions of the Universe.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Topic: [Wisdom-l] from Conscious Immortality

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 17 11:57PM

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Topic: [Historiography1] Study Shows Humans Were Skilled Fishermen
42,000 Years Ago

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 17 11:54PM

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Topic: [Para-Discuss] Nibiru 2011: NASA Discovers 10th Planet

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Date: Jan 17 11:51PM

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