Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:36:52 +0000
Subject: Digest for - 3
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Today's Topic Summary
- [ISKCON_jivatattva] Formula of Karma [1 Update]
- [HKYOGA] Openings in IBM for freshers (2010 and 2011 passout only)
[1 Update]
- [granthraj] Graciously Overtaken by Lord's Mercy [1 Update]
Topic: [ISKCON_jivatattva] Formula of Karma
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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jan 13 06:58PM +0530
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From: Jiva Tattva <>
Date: Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:54 AM
Subject: [ISKCON_jivatattva] Formula of Karma
To: "" <>
Dear Devotee Member
"Srila Prabhupad Ki Jai"
Why this stress on being good in this world filled with hypocrites,
cheaters, debauchees?
In the whole world if the statistics is taken there are more good people
than the bad people.
Count the no of prisons this will help you to understand. Prisons
are meant for the people who break the Law of the Land, and you will see
that in a district or a town there will be just one prison house that
occupies a vary small potion of that land. In some villages even today you
will not find any prison likewise this material world is also a prison which
is just 1/4 of the spiritual world which is 3/4.
So do not get disheartened be a Kshatriya by mood and Vaisnava by act fight
maya with the help of Holy Name.
We find more bad people than good people so there is no motivation to
remain good, wearing saffron means saints but even the saints cheat you; so
where to go?
Taking shelter of saffron cloth and cheating tradition started when Ravana
gave room to such a taught and kidnapped Sita (Reflection of Sita). This
trend is going on from that time therefore Guru Sadhu Sastras say use the
tried and tested method of choosing you spiritual teacher who should and
will help you become good. See the Achar of such a person watch him observe
him and when they meet the required standard then surrender to such
aperson. Therefore this stress of Prachar by Achar.
"Open your eyes before marriage in choosing the right girl to who stand by
you in your thick and thin. Close your eye after marriage as there is no
room for choice or options at that stage. Same with the Guru Theory
of tried and tested method is what is recommended"
To identify Good first we need to know what is good.
There are so many demons among devotees. As you would get to read there
were so many demons killed by Krsna in Vrindavan. Filter these demons
identify the demons with the help of Guru Sadhu and Sastra and fight to
If it is expected for every body to be good why the lord has created bad in
the first palace?
The Supreme merciful Lord always gives us choice so that we can execute our
free will and choose this will help us prove ourselves to the Lord that we
know how to use our freedom when it is given to us.
This is a screening process that helps filter the best person who by this
testing process is chosen to come closer to the lord to become his
confidential servant. This confidential servants are awarded full freedom
and the Lord limits his duties to just listening to these confidential
devotees doing what is expected out of these devotees.
These confidential devotees in tern carrying the job of the Lord as they
know the mood of the Lord and therefore they are called representatives of
the Lord.
Logical example:
The father and the son are same and different persons altogether. However
when a wedding invitation is given to father and if the father decides to
send is son instead of he attending the wedding it is same as the father
going. Likewise when the confidential devotee comes it is same as the Lords
Coming to the inner understanding and meaning of BAD. The sastras say there
is nothing completely bad in this material world as even in the bad the all
merciful lord has placed good in it. So weather we like or know still we do
good and weather we like or know still we do bad.
So nobody can ever say I have never done anything bad or a person can never
say he never done any good.
This shows that though the Lord gives us freedom still he protects us in
care we go wrong. It is like a father tells his son who is so particular to
have freedom gives that freedom but monitors him without his knowledge
so that in time of need he is always around for his child.
KARMA is made up like that and the formula of Karma is in every good there
is bad hidden and in every bad there is good hidden. Only the percentage
varies. In doing good the percentage of good is more than bad and in doing
bad the percentage of Bad is more than the good.
But in both the case we need to enjoy and suffer our choices.
Therefore it is said in GURU SADHU SASTRA taht KArma means good karma. BAD
karma is called vikaram or forbidden activity. Shastras see Karma as
positive and it is addressed in BG as Karma Yoga. Linking with Krsna
through KARMA.
For more information please long on to our blogs
"Gaura Bhakta Vrida Ki Jai"
Iskcon_Jivatattva Group Team
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Yours Servant
Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
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Topic: [HKYOGA] Openings in IBM for freshers (2010 and 2011 passout only)
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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jan 13 11:48AM +0530
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From: Bindu Madhavan <>
Date: Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:31 AM
Subject: [HKYOGA] Openings in IBM for freshers (2010 and 2011 passout only)
Hare Krishna
Openings in IBM.
Devotees can contact Vijay pr for details.
Your servant,
Bandhu Madhava das
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From: Vijay Kaparthi <>
Date: Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 12:02 PM
Subject: Openings in IBM for freshers (2010 and 2011 passout only)
Hare Krishna..
If you know anyone , please ask to send resumes urgently to Profile should match below constraints.
Please make sure that
1. The profile you are referring matches the required criteria given
2. The details you are entering are true and correct
3. Candidates are referred only once
4. Candidates referred earlier are not referred again
The required criteria for the above position are as below: Highest Degree
- BE, B.Tech, ME, M.Tech, MCA Branches - All branches except Pharma and
Fashion Technology. Passout Year - 2010 and 2011 only *Cut-off*
PG - 70% (Maharashtra University - 65% agg ) Grad - 65% (If Graduation is
the Highest qualification - 70% agg
and for Maharashtra university it will be 65 %) XIIth - 65% Xth - 65%
--------------------------------------------------------------- - Don't settle for anything less
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Yours Servant
Sri Krishna Hari Das
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Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
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Topic: [granthraj] Graciously Overtaken by Lord's Mercy
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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jan 12 11:40PM +0530
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From: Saikumar AR <>
Date: 2012/1/10
Subject: [granthraj] Graciously Overtaken by Lord's Mercy
Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and
Srila Gurudev.
Recently one of our godbrother HG Dasarathanandan prabhuji who is working
here in Abudhabi had a very traumatic experience of losing his 3 year old
grandson due to some virus fever in India. He could not even go and see the
child because of his work conditions. He is working as a welder in company
with a meager salary. His living condition is like a concentration camp
surrounded by vicious living entities. Though he has to work for extended
hours, he regularly does mangala arati at 3 am silently because he cannot
disturb the other room-mates. He chants his rounds very sincerely.
When I spoke to him about the loss of his grandson, his acceptance of the
will of the Lord astounded me. I asked him how he was able to accept this
tragedy. Had I been in his position, I would have questioned the Lord that
after so many years of chanting, reading and preaching, why am I put in
this miserable condition. Prabhuji immediately replied, "*Neither I, nor
the child's parents can do anything to protect the child. It is Krishna
desire to take the child and who am I to question that. I am praying to
Krishna that, 'Anyway You have taken the child as per Your desire. But
please give peace to that soul, wherever he goes and engage him in Your
eternal service*.'"
The real opulence of a devotee is that he would be able to see the hand of
Krishna in all circumstances and here we can see a living example of the
same in Prabhuji. I was astonished to see the mature and sober manner in
which he had accepted this trying situation in his life. Our beloved
spiritual master H H Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj says that "*Maturity is a
gift. It cannot be cultivated. Gift can be there if you behave good. If
cent-percent Krishna consciousness is there, then He will give the gift of
maturity*." Srila Prabhupada in his wonderful purport to Srimad Bhagavatam
verse 4.22.16 says that, "*The Supreme Personality of Godhead, as
Paramatma, is sitting within everyone's heart, trying to elevate everyone
to the platform of Krishna consciousness. Therefore He is called
aatma-bhaavana. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always trying to give
the individual soul the intelligence to understand about Himself. He is
always with the individual as a friend sitting by the side of a friend, and
He gives facilities to all living entities according to their desires*."
Although Prabhuji has so many challenges in material life, he sincerely
performs devotional service and so we can see how Supreme Lord Krishna has
given him the transcendental intelligence and maturity to accept the
reverses in life. This reminds me of a beautiful verse (SB 1.19.14) spoken
by Pariskhit Maharaj.
*tasyaiva me 'ghasya paraavaresho
vyaasakta cittasya grheshv abhikshnam
nirveda mulo dvija shaapa rupo
yatra prasakto bhayam aashu dhatte *
"*The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the controller of both the
transcendental and mundane worlds, has graciously overtaken me in the form
of a brahmana's curse. Due to my being too much attached to family life,
the Lord, in order to save me, has appeared before me in such a way that
only out of fear I will detach myself from the world*."
In this verse Parikshit Maharaj accepts the curse. He did not complain or
counter-act. But he accepted this curse gracefully as Krishna's mercy.
Maharaj says that, '*There is only one struggle we have to do and that is
to understand the Lord through the pages of Srimad Bhagavatam. We have to
constantly pray to Krishna to apply Srimad Bhagavatam in our lives*.' As H
G Devakinandan prabhuji said in one of the conversations, '*Struggle is
good. We have to struggle for our whole life time and one day Krishna
willing we may try to realize the real import of these verses in our lives*
I pray to Srila Gurudev, Srila Prabhupada and Lord Sri Krishna to give me
the mercy to accept the reverses in life (*sangraahitah*) as the grace of
the Lord instead of complaining.
Thank you very much.
Your humble servant,
Sajjanapriya Krishna das,
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