Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 13:50:51 +0000
Subject: Digest for - 3
Messages in 3 Topics
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Today's Topic Summary
- Openings @ Agnity Technolgies NOIDA [1 Update]
- [ISKCON_jivatattva] Sins and Offences -Krsna The Perfect Gentleman
[1 Update]
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From: Sita Rani Devi Dasi <>
Date: Jan 12 03:14PM +0530
*Spiritual Masters*
Those who are being initiated must also understand that within the Krishna
Consciousness movement there are several spiritual masters, but they should
not discriminate between one spiritual master and the other. They should
not think, "My spiritual master is better than the other spiritual masters
in the Krsna Consciousness movement." All the spiritual masters are working
together under the order of Srila Prabhupada, which is coming from the
Governing Body Commission to fulfil the instructions of Srila Prabhupada.*
Freedom by surrender*
*The holy name is the most valuable asset that you can possess!*
- By H.H.Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj
Topic: Openings @ Agnity Technolgies NOIDA
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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jan 12 12:28PM +0530
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rajesh Moorjani <>
Date: Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:59 PM
Subject: Fwd: Openings @ Agnity Technolgies NOIDA
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From: Mayank Gupta <>
Date: Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:48 PM
Subject: Openings @ Agnity Technolgies NOIDA
Hi All,
There are openings in AGNITY NOIDA for following skills.
Any one interested can send in resume at
*1. **Android Developer- 3 – 6 years of experience*
- Must Have : 1 -2 yrs exp in Android Apps development and SDK
(Core Java development and related technologies)
- Good to Have: iOS experience.
*2. **iPhone Developer- 3 – 6 years of experience*
- Must Have : 1 -2 yrs exp in iphone Apps development and related
*3. **Embedded Engineer- 3 – 6 years of experience*
- Candidate with background in projects in Linux\C \embedded
- Good knowledge of Networking protocols – work in
NAT-server\client would be a plus point & Good debugging skills.
*4. **Java Backend Developer – 3- 4 years of experience*
- Must have: *Java programming*, OOPS, J2EE concepts,
REST/SOAP(interfaces for web services).
- Good to have: EJB/ Springs/ Struts, Hibernate, Maven (project
object model), IDE-Myeclips
*5. **Java Frontend Developer- 3 – 6 years of experience*
- Must have: *Java programming*, OOPS , AJAX based tool kit, GWT,
GXT/ EXTJS(browser compatibility experience), Experience in creating
browser agnostic application and understanding of cross browser
idiosyncrasies.(Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari)
Thanks & Regards,
Rajesh Moorjani
Engineering Project Manager,
Aricent Communication System,
Mob. No: - +91 93-501-84118
Yours Servant
Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
ISKCON-learn Bhagavad-gita Community on orkut:
My Bhagavad-gita Lecture Videos on
Topic: [ISKCON_jivatattva] Sins and Offences -Krsna The Perfect Gentleman
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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Jan 12 12:27PM +0530
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From: Jiva Tattva <>
Date: Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:42 AM
Subject: [ISKCON_jivatattva] Sins and Offences -Krsna The Perfect Gentleman
To: "" <>
Dear Devotee Member
"Srila Prabhupad Ki Jai"
Question & Answer on the Burden of Sins and Offences were is the hope
We are already overloaded with so many sins and when we come to the Lord
the devotees scare u sof the the many offences which I have never heard of.
How is it possible to any kind of hope in such circumstances?
Krsna The Perfect Gentleman never ever stabs someone from behind the back
Best examples are present in Brihat Samita that speakes of omens which
people call it as andha visvas(blind faith)
Even before giving us the result of our bad or sinful activities(vikarma's)
that is to hits us. The all merciful Lord sends warning signals of the ill
effects through the nature. Brihat Samita is book that speaks of such
warnings and signals of the Lord to the humans. It also speaks of results
of good activities.
This shows the demigods who have to punish us when the time comes from
punishment cannot do so without intimating us before attacking us or
awarding punishment to us.
Secret to Avoid & Overcome Sinful life
Root of Sin
*5 Places that kali resides are Binding activities** – Anything done in
mode of passion and ignorance will bind us.*
* *
Meat eating,
Illicit sex,
Intoxication and
*Not engaging Gold/Aisvarya(lakshmi) in the service of Krsna and wanting
to enjoy her independent of Krsna as Ravan wanted to do with Sita, that is
it enjoy Her though She belonged only to Rama.*
* *
*Wealth/Money will destroy us if not engaged in the service of the Lord as
Aisvarya/lakshmi when one possesses that person ends up in indulging with
sinful thoughts that leads to sinful activities. We desire subtly first
before we could indulge grossly.*
*Therefore Srila Prabhupada trained us to practice Yukta Vairagya.
everything to be engaed in Krsna's service. Parallel to following the above
chanting of 16 rounds of Maha Mantra will help us to overcome sins. *
We accept that to come to the Brahma Bhuta platform of we are not this body
but spirit souls but to come to this platform we need to work on becoming
sinless by following the four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds
of Maha Mantra without offence. To chant the 16 rounds of Mahamantra
without offence it is not possible, if we do not surrender to the
Panchatattva therefore the Panchatattva Mantra to be chanted 3 times before
we start our Japa as these were the set rules by Srila Prabhupada.
At the level of Sins we follow Ekadasi Vrata
Brahma-vaivarta Purana: "Ekadasi destroys all a person's sin, bestows
limitless piety, and causes them to remember Govinda."
Thus, there are three aspects mentioned here to following Ekadasi (1)
removal of bad karma, (2) gain of good karma, and (3) remembrance of
*This Panchatattva mantra can only help us from all the 4 offences. (Nama
Apradha, Seva Apraradha, Vaisnava Apradha, Jiva Apradha) *
Secret to Avoid & Overcome Aparadha
*The way to avoid Aparadha is firstly by holding to the Lotus feet of Srila
Prabhupada for spiritual strength. The next ladder is to hold the feet's of
the Pancha Tattva by chanting the Pancha Tattva Mantra a devotee will be
able to avoid Vaisnava Aparadha This Pancha tattva Matra will be able to
help the devotee in avoiding. The various Aparadhas and its effect can be
seen in full when a devotee with his free will works on developing the 26
qualities of Vaisnavas with utmost sincerity.*
At the level for avoiding and Overcoming Offences we take part in fasts and
festivals according to gaudiya calendar.
In both the case the words avoiding and overcoming are used.
We need to execute our free will then the lord will help and the first free
will is to depend on the lord and surrender.
If we *avoid committing Sins and Aparadhas* *then the Lord will help us
overcome Sins and Aparadhas.* That is if we stay away from sinful life and
avoid offending others including a jiva by our frivolous behavior then the
Spritual Master prays to the Lord and recommends such a soul in
his sincere endeavour to award Victory.
The Lord being the Caitya Guru will surely help us overcome but the
recommendation from the Spiritual Master to the Lord will only fetch us the
Victory of entering into the close domain of the Lord.
*To Summarize to overcome all the sins we need to chant Mahamantra and to
overcome all offences we need to chant Panchatattva Mantra*
*To overcome the root of sins that is were Kali resides the five places.
Follow the 4 regulative Principles of *
1. *No meat eating
2. *No intoxication
3. *No illicit sex
4. *No Gambling
*5th comes Gold this Prabhupada taught us to use it for Krsna by teaching
us the Principle of Yukta Vairagya (Utility is the Principle)*
The Dont's of offences,
To Avoid
10 offences to Holy Name that is the Maha Matra (this is interlinked)
64 Seva Apradhas
Vaisnava Apradha (Different level of devotees)
8,400,000 Jiva Apradha (Jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa') every
living entity is a Vaisnava so ideal is to try to engage every soul in the
service of Krsna.
*Conclusion as per our understanding*
*12 Brahminical qualities will appear if we avoid 4 sins and Chant 16
rounds of Mahamantra and **if we are able to overcome all the **4
types **offences
by avoiding them** 26 Vaisnava Qualities will manifest.*
*Last but not the least the various fasts and festivals coupled with Deity
worship and going to the holy places of the Lords pastimes are the savior
*All the Do's (Orders) of Devotional Service Reside in the One Do and that
is Always remember Krsna (Offence less life helps us remain hear).*
*All the Don'ts (Prohibition) of Devotional Service Reside in One Don't and
that is Never Forget Krsna (Sinless life helps us remain hear)*
For more information please long on to our blogs
"Gaura Bhakta Vrida Ki Jai"
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+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
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