Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 11:20:41 +0000
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Today's Topic Summary


- -- Wednesday, 8/25/10 --- WISE UP! -- Judges 16 [1 Update]

Topic: -- Wednesday, 8/25/10 --- WISE UP! -- Judges 16

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From: "J.R. & Bonnie Ricks" <>
Date: Aug 24 06:14PM -0500

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WISE UP! -- Judges 16 NIV

Judges <>
16 NIV

Some people never learn, do they? Take a look at Samson. His first wife's
nagging and cajoling got him into a mess and caused his wife to end up
burned to death with her father. Then a prostitute's allure almost got him
into trouble in Gaza. Samson had just barely avoided that quagmire when
along came Delilah, who lied to Samson four times. and Samson fell for it.
all four times. It makes you wonder if maybe his cheese had slid off his
cracker, doesn't it?

Actually, Samson's behavior is not surprising when we remember that he was
controlled by his gonads, rather than by the Spirit of God, or even by
something as mundane as common sense. Samson was a purist in his pursuit of
fleshly pleasure. He was so focused, in fact, that it caused his brain to
shut down when it came in contact with a beautiful woman. Samson never
wised up at all.

It's easy to sit here and judge Samson, isn't it? After all, none of us has
the same problem, right? You and I would never allow flattery to blind us
to the truth, right? So how come so many people are buying into the New Age
philosophy of every person being a god? Or the more subtly flattering
slogans of positive thinkers who value their own capabilities but exclude
the need for the Lord's assistance in everything. These folks will tell you
things like "Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can
achieve." And it's not just "in the world" that you'll hear these things.
all too many churches are teaching doctrines that bring glory to the
individual, not to God.

You and I would never allow someone's persistent nagging to cause us to give
in and do something we knew was wrong, would we? But that's the type of
situation that gets kids hooked on drugs, causes young girls to end up
pregnant, and is spreading AIDS like wildfire, even in the heterosexual

You and I would never espouse ungodly beliefs even though they look good or
feel comfortable or make much better human sense than what God has to say,
would we? Then why are so many television shows so popular. the ones that
do everything the writers and producers can think of to not only go against
what God wants His people to believe, but to blatantly ridicule Christians
and Christian beliefs? And you and I just keep on watching them. and
enjoying them.

When are we going to wise up? When are we going to stop being like Samson?
When you and I give in to Jesus... when we allow Him to control our thoughts
and our actions and our desires. When you and I stay in the Word daily, and
spend time in prayer daily, and make a full commitment to the deep,
personal, intimate relationship Jesus wants us to have with Him. Then we
will wise up, because then we will have the "mind of Christ."

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve
what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2 NIV


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