Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fwd: [Heaven] Digest for - 12 Messages in 12 Topics

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Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 11:51:50 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for - 12 Messages
in 12 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Secret Synth-Bio Test? Previously Unknown Microbe Thriving By
Eating Spilled Oil In Gulf Of Mexico [1 Update]
- Electromagnetic Pulse Can Be Used To Disrupt Morality In The Human
Brain [1 Update]
- New York state high school exam slams Christianity, praises Islam [1 Update]
- The Return Of The Mahdi Is Nigh [1 Update]
- NASA Study: Massive Solar Storm Is Coming In 2012 - 2013, Could
Wipe Out Power Grid [1 Update]
- Teacher Assigns Students To Plan Terrorist Attack To Kill As Many
As Possible [1 Update]
- Obama's Nebulous Christianity [1 Update]
- Hamas' large-scale terror plot sets off high Israel, Palestinian
alerts [1 Update]
- Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware [1 Update]
- Study: Oil spill cleanup workers suffered chromosome damage,
respiratory issues [1 Update]
- Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter [1 Update]

Topic: Secret Synth-Bio Test? Previously Unknown Microbe Thriving By
Eating Spilled Oil In Gulf Of Mexico

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:37PM -0400

*Secret Synth-Bio Test? Previously Unknown Microbe Thriving By Eating
Spilled Oil In Gulf Of
A newly discovered type of oil-eating microbe suddenly is flourishing in the
Gulf of Mexico. Scientists discovered the new microbe while studying the
underwater dispersion of millions of gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf
since the explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. Also, the
microbe works without significantly depleting oxygen in the water,
researchers led by Terry Hazen at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in
Berkeley, California, reported Tuesday in the online journal Sciencexpress.
"Our findings, which provide the first data ever on microbial activity from
a deep-water dispersed oil plume, suggest" a great potential for bacteria to
help dispose of oil plumes in the deep-sea, Mr. Hazen said in a statement.
Environmentalists have raised fears about the giant oil spill and the
underwater plume of dispersed oil, particularly its potential effects on sea
life. A report just last week described a 35-kilometre-long underwater mist
of tiny oil droplets.


Topic: Electromagnetic Pulse Can Be Used To Disrupt Morality In The Human Brain

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:36PM -0400

*Electromagnetic Pulse Can Be Used To Disrupt Morality In The Human
The ability to evaluate other people's actions as right or wrong can be
disrupted with an electromagnetic pulse to the brain, according to a study
conducted by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
published in the *Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences*. "You
think of morality as being a really high-level behavior," lead researcher Dr
Liane Young said. "To be able to apply a magnetic field to a specific brain
region and change people's moral judgments is really astonishing."
Researchers had 20 volunteers listen to several scenarios, then assess the
ethics of the people involved. In one experiment, some of the participants
received a 25-minute burst of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the
nerve cluster known as the right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ) before
hearing the stories. In another experiment, some participants received the
TMS burst for only 500 milliseconds after the stories, while being asked to
make a judgment.


Topic: New York state high school exam slams Christianity, praises Islam

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:28PM -0400

New York state high school exam slams Christianity, praises Islam

"Christian buildings often constructed on sites of destroyed native temples
in order to symbolize and emphasize the substitution of one religion by the
other." That certainly happened in Christian history, but it happened much
more frequently in Islamic history -- as with the Ground Zero mega-mosque
today. "HS test 'slams' Christianity, lauds Islam," by Yoav Gonen in the New
York Post, August 24:

State testmakers played favorites when quizzing high-schoolers on world
religions -- giving Islam and Buddhism the kid-gloves treatment while
socking it to Christianity, critics say.

Teachers complain that the reading selections from the Regents exam in
global history and geography given last week featured glowing passages
pertaining to Muslim society but much more critical essay excerpts on the
subject of Christianity....

The most troubling passage came from Daniel Roselle's "A World History:
A Cultural Approach," observers said.

The passage reads: "Wherever they went, the Moslems [sic] brought with
them their love of art, beauty and learning. From about the eighth to the
eleventh century, their culture was superior in many ways to that of western

Meanwhile, an excerpt listing the common procedures used by Christian
friars to introduce the religion in Latin America stated that "idols,
temples and other material evidences of paganism [were] destroyed," and
"Christian buildings [were] often constructed on sites of destroyed native
temples" -- and built with free Indian labor, to boot....

The Muslim reading:

* "Wherever they went, the Moslems [sic] brought with them their love of
art, beauty and learning. From about the eighth to the eleventh century,
their culture was superior in many ways to that of western Christendom.

* "Some of the finest centers of Moslem life were established in Spain.
In Cordova, the streets were solidly paved, while at the same time in Paris
people waded ankle-deep in mud after a rain. Cordovan public lamps lighted
roads for as far as ten miles; yet seven hundred years later there was still
not a single public lamp in London!"

Source: Daniel Roselle, A World History: A Cultural Approach

The Christian reading:
Common Procedures used by Friars in Converting Areas in Spanish America:

* "Idols, temples and other material evidences of paganism destroyed."

* "Christian buildings often constructed on sites of destroyed native
temples in order to symbolize and emphasize the substitution of one religion
by the other."

* "Indians supplied construction labor without receiving payment."

* "In a converted community, services and fiestas were regularly held in
the church building."

Source: Based on information from Charles Gibson, Spain in America


Topic: The Return Of The Mahdi Is Nigh

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:39PM -0400

*The Return Of The Mahdi Is
Iran may be days away from going nuclear—in the full sense of the word.
Russia is complicit, Israel is handcuffed, America's will is broken, and
Europe appears impotent. The countdown to a nuclear Iran is nearing its end.
Will anyone stop Iran from unleashing a Muslim-inspired Armageddon? On
Saturday, Iran began commissioning its first nuclear power plant. Barring a
full-scale invasion, it may now be impossible to stop Iran from building
nuclear weapons (if it hasn't already). With Russian-supplied uranium in its
reactors, any aerial bombing risks spreading nuclear fallout far beyond the
Persian Gulf region. Who would take such a risk? Israel might have
previously, but American handcuffing purposefully postponed military options
until the risk of fallout made them possibly non-options. America does not
have the will to stop Iran either. It has proven great at talking, at
negotiating, at pleading. And at being told what it can do with all its
empty rhetoric. Iran just doesn't care! On Friday, the day before it began
loading its radioactive uranium rods, Iranian Defense Minister, Brig. Gen.
Ahmad Vahidi announced the launch of a special new upgraded
surface-to-surface missile. Written on the side of the missile was a very
specific and literal message for President Obama, the world, and anyone who
would oppose Iran. "Ya Mahdi."


Topic: NASA Study: Massive Solar Storm Is Coming In 2012 - 2013, Could
Wipe Out Power Grid

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:40PM -0400

*NASA Study: Massive Solar Storm Is Coming In 2012 - 2013, Could Wipe Out
Power Grid*<>
NASA has previously warned in a study that a solar storm on the surface of
the sun could hit earth in the coming years causing mass destruction of our
power grids. But unlike the coronal mass ejection that provided views of the
aurora borealis at lower latitudes than normal earlier this month, this type
of solar storm could be so powerful it may wipe out the power grid on the
entire planet. NASA says that other geomagnetic storms occurred back in 1859
and 1921, wiping out telegraph wires completely. A solar storm of greater
magnitude could be even more severe today, possibly leaving humans without
transportation, communication, or power. This could have a profound effect
on the world economy and hold us hostage in a power-less electrical
gridlock. The current cycle of the sun has been projected by some scientists
to be one of the most intense since record keeping began almost 400 years
ago. The geomagnetic storms in the earth's atmosphere from such a solar
storm could have catastrophic effects on the ground here in the Capital
District of Albany and upstate New York, with the auroras being a beautiful
side effect.


Topic: Teacher Assigns Students To Plan Terrorist Attack To Kill As
Many As Possible

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:40PM -0400

*Teacher Assigns Students To Plan Terrorist Attack To Kill As Many As
A high school teacher who assigned her class to plan a terrorist attack that
would kill as many innocent Australians as possible had no intent to promote
terrorism, education officials said Wednesday. The Year 10 students at
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School in the state of Western Australia
were given the assignment last week in a class on contemporary conflict and
terrorism. Principal Terry Martino said he withdrew the assignment as soon
as he heard of it. But after news of the assignment was published in
Wednesday's West Australian newspaper, talk radio and online forums began a
busy debate and some survivors of terror attacks across Australia — which
has been a target of terror campaigns at home and abroad — came forward to
express their outrage. "It's extremely offensive if you've ever been
involved in it," said Peter Hughes, who was burned over half of his body in
the 2002 Bali bombings, which killed 202 people, including 88 Australians,
on the Indonesian resort island.


Topic: Obama's Nebulous Christianity

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:33PM -0400

Obama's Nebulous Christianity

By Dr. Chuck Missler - August 25, 2010

A recent Pew Research Poll reports that as many as 20 percent of Americans -
and as many as 31 percent of Republicans - consider President Barack Obama
to be a Muslim. Only one-third of the populace thinks he is a Christian, and
43 percent do not know what religion Obama upholds. The doubts about Obama's
Christianity have mounted since March 2009, when Pew estimated that 11
percent of Americans considered Obama a Muslim. After Obama's recent
comments asserting the right of Muslims to build a mosque near New York's
Ground Zero, the same poll may have demonstrated an even higher margin of
doubt about Obama's faith in Christ.

President Obama has declared that he is a Christian. He describes a
milestone of his faith - public confession and acceptance of Christ - as
taking place at an altar call in Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church over twenty
years ago. Obama broke ties with Wright and that particular church body,
which was widely accused of being un-American and un-Christian, and he now
holds a membership at the United Church of Christ although he does not
attend regularly.

Last week, White House Deputy Communications Secretary Jen Psaki reiterated
the official position on Obama's religious belief, saying, "President Obama
is a committed Christian, and his faith is an important part of his daily
life. He prays every day, he seeks a small circle of Christian pastors to
give him spiritual advice and counseling, he even receives a daily
devotional that he uses each morning."

Neither Obama nor the White House seem eager to spell out details, however.
"I have a deep faith," Obama has explained. "I'm rooted in the Christian

Many Christians doubt the depth of Obama's actual commitment to Jesus
Christ. Obama's multi-cultural and multi-religious upbringing certainly did
mold his perspective on salvation. His roots in Christianity developed in a
complex soil of many influences, and the result is a plant with fruit
alarming to most conservatives - Obama's belief that, "there are many paths
to the same place."

Religious Upbringing:
Obama was born to a non-practicing Muslim father and raised in Indonesia, a
primarily Islamic country. His father left his mother when Obama was only
two. In childhood, Obama attended a private Catholic elementary school in
Jakarta that taught students of both Christian and Islamic backgrounds, and
he claims to have heard both catechism and Koranic readings in the
classroom. He was raised by an agnostic but "spiritual" mother who brought
him to church on holidays, and later, occasionally took him to Buddhist
temples for worship.

During the 2008 Saddleback Civic Forum, speaking before what was likely a
Christian majority, Obama declared that it was Jesus who saved him, a Jesus
he has a personal relationship with. He also doesn't want that personal
relationship to influence him in governing. He explained to Cathleen Falsani
of the Chicago Sun-Times, "I am a great admirer of our founding charter [the
Constitution] and its resolve to prevent theocracies from forming and its
resolve to prevent disruptive strains of fundamentalism from taking root in
this country. I think there is an enormous danger on the part of public
figures to rationalize or justify their actions by claiming God's mandate. I
don't think it's healthy for public figures to wear religion on their

To Obama, the United States is not a Christian nation, but a nation in which
Christians are allowed the freedom to worship as they choose along with
peoples of all other faiths."

President Obama may not be Muslim, but his brand of Christianity leaves
enough leeway to cause confusion and concern among evangelicals. "My
particular set of beliefs may not be perfectly consistent with the beliefs
of other Christians," Obama told Newsweek. "There's the belief, certainly in
some quarters, that if people haven't embraced Jesus Christ as their
personal savior, they're going to hell."

In a discussion with Franklin Graham, Mr. Obama explained, "I do not believe
that my mother, who never formally embraced Christianity as far as I know,
went to hell."

There is no evidence that Obama has ever practiced Islam, but critics point
to a history of Obama public comments lauding the accomplishments of the
Islamic world, the beauty of the Islamic call to prayer, and his willingness
to quote the Koran in speeches. Graham's portrait of Obama's faith is

"If you're willing to ... let Jesus Christ be the lord of your life, God
will forgive your sins, he'll heal your heart and that's the only way you
can become a Christian," Graham said. "If the president has done that, then
I would say he's a Christian ... Now it's obvious that the president has
renounced the prophet Mohammed and he has renounced Islam and he has
accepted Jesus Christ ... So I just have to believe that the president is
what he has said."

Obama's statements do raise some questions. What-- if any-- advantage does
Barack Obama see in choosing Christ? Why did he choose Christ and not
another of his many perceived paths to God? If, in the name of inclusion and
acceptance, he sees nothing sacred in Jesus Christ, what will he do to
preserve the role of Christianity in America's heritage and America's
future? As a self-declared follower of Christ, is he willing to present a
loving but unyielding example of Christ to the world?

Obama's resolve feels discomfortingly like gelatin. It's lukewarm at best,
and very dangerous at worst. As James Dobson told Newsweek, he believes the
President is "deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the
Bible to fit his own world view, his own confused theology." He presses
pluralism onto American society and denies the power of Christ whom he says
saved him.

"So what?" some say. Plenty of Americans believe that a president's
religious views are personal and that we the people should only care about
his policies. The fact is, however, that a president's religious views can
strongly affect his policies in a variety of ways. Regarding Israel, for

US-Israeli Relations:
A July 12th Rasmussen survey reported that only 15 percent of Americans
believe that US relations with Israel will improve over the next year, and
44 percent expect things to remain on shaky ground. As many as 31 percent of
Americans expect the two allies' relationship to change for the worse.
Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren reports that the chemistry between
Obama and conservative Prime Minister Netanyahu is so strained, US-Israeli
relations are at the worst they've been in 35 years. According to The Daily
Telegraph, Oren privately met with foreign ministry workers a week before
this month's meeting between Netanyahu and Obama, telling them, "Relations
(between Israel and America) are in a state of tectonic rift in which
continents are drifting apart."

As a Christian, the President of the United States should want to do
everything within his power to protect and defend Israel, develop and
maintain the best of relationships with her, and secure her standing in the
world. Obama, under the purported guise of reaching out to the Islamic
world, does more to improve relations with them than he does to improve
relations with the US ally Israel.

Is Obama's faith a nebulous "feel-good" belief system that has a mere veil
of Christianity? Or does his "deep faith" truly identify with, not just a
Christ who forgives, but also a Christ who reigns? Though a politician may
not be expected to hold his own as a theologian, the leader of the free
world should be capable of clearly conveying his beliefs and intentions, if
not to the entire world, at least to his own constituents.

Copyright © Koinonia House Inc., Reprinted with permission.

Dr. Chuck Missler


Topic: Hamas' large-scale terror plot sets off high Israel, Palestinian alerts

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:17PM -0400

Hamas' large-scale terror plot sets off high Israel, Palestinian alerts
DEBKA*file* Exclusive Report August 25, 2010, 11:34 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Hamas <> Israel-Palestinian
talks <>

Khaled Meshaal plots terror from Damascus

The belligerent speech delivered by Hamas' Damascus-based political leader
Khaled Meshaal Tuesday, Aug. 24 only confirmed the information reaching
Israel and the Palestinian Authority intelligence services that the
extremist Palestinian group is set for large-scale terror attacks against
Israeli and Palestinian West Bank targets. debkafile's intelligence and
counter-terror sources report Hamas is setting its sights on torpedoing the
direct Israel-Palestinian negotiations Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas are to launch in Washington on Sept. 2.
Hamas is said by our sources to be preparing to activate its West Bank
networks for coordinated strikes against a major target inside Israel and
another associated with Abbas' power base or the US- and British-trained
Palestinian security forces. However, if those networks are thwarted by the
preventive measures set in motion meanwhile, Hamas will resort to attacks
from the Gaza Strip which it controls or further South from Sinai, across
the leaky Egyptian-Israeli border.

Hamas last attacked Israel on Aug. 2, sending a cell from its military wing,
the Izzedin al-Qassam Brigades, to infiltrate Sinai through the arms tunnels
running under the Gaza-Sinai border for a rocket attack on the twin Red Sea
towns of Israeli Eilat and Jordanian Aqaba. This attack was more extensive
than admitted at the time. Our military sources report that seven
Iranian-made Grade missiles were fired, hitting the two towns. Two also
knocked over two Egyptian military observation towers on the Israeli border
and left casualties.

Israeli and Palestinian security officials do not rule out a Hamas strike
from Lebanon or even from the Mediterranean Sea.
Meshaal's speech Tuesday, shortly before the iftar meal breaking the Ramadan
fast, was exceptionally vicious. Never before, had he dared vent his fury on
Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah. For the first
time, Khaled Meshal not only openly criticized Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah but threatened them: Should they refuse
to boycott the US-sponsored Israel-Palestinian negotiations, he said, "The
results… will be catastrophic for the interests and the security of Jordan
and Egypt."
The Hamas leader showed he was even prepared to jeopardize the lifelines
given his organization by both Arab governments: Egypt provides Hamas
officials and military leaders with their only exit route from Gaza, while
Jordan tolerates Hamas' extensive political organization, which has always
been careful not to upset its delicate ties with the royal family and risk
its freedom of action there.
Meshaal had only venom to pour on Mahmoud Abbas, who he predicted would end
up like Yasser Arafat (a reference to Hamas' allegations that foreign
parties including Israel poisoned him in 2004). He depicted the PA Chairman
as an enemy of Islam, accusing him of setting loose Palestinian security
forces on mosques, Islamic charitable associations, cultural centers and
Koran study groups.

Allowing the Shin Bet director Yuval Diskin to visit Jenin -"the city of
martyrs - was unconscionable, Meshaal said, and so was permitting Israeli
officers to be present at training courses for Palestinian security

The direct talks with Israel, he said, aimed at "liquidating" the
Palestinian cause.

Meshaal's speech was the last straw, Palestinian and other Arab intelligence
officials said Wednesday: The breach between him and Mahmoud Abbas must be
seen as final and irrevocable.


Topic: Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:27PM -0400

Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware
Published on 08-24-2010

Source: EFF

It looks like Apple, Inc., is exploring a new business opportunity: spyware
and what we're calling "traitorware." While users were celebrating the new
jailbreaking and unlocking exemptions, Apple was quietly preparing to apply
for a patent on technology that, among other things, would allow Apple to
identify and punish users who take advantage of those exemptions or
otherwise tinker with their devices. This patent application does nothing
short of providing a roadmap for how Apple can — and presumably will — spy
on its customers and control the way its customers use Apple products. As
Sony-BMG learned, spying on your customers is bad for business. And the kind
of spying enabled here is especially creepy — it's not just spyware, it's
"traitorware," since it is designed to allow Apple to retaliate against you
if you do something Apple doesn't like.

Essentially, Apple's patent provides for a device to investigate a user's
identity, ostensibly to determine if and when that user is "unauthorized,"
or, in other words, stolen. More specifically, the technology would allow
Apple to record the voice of the device's user, take a photo of the device's
user's current location or even detect and record the heartbeat of the
device's user. Once an unauthorized user is identified, Apple could wipe the
device and remotely store the user's "sensitive data." Apple's patent
application suggests it may use the technology not just to limit
"unauthorized" uses of its phones but also shut down the phone if and when
it has been stolen.

However, Apple's new technology would do much more. This patented device
enables Apple to secretly collect, store and potentially use sensitive
biometric information about you. This is dangerous in two ways: First, it is
far more than what is needed just to protect you against a lost or stolen
phone. It's extremely privacy-invasive and it puts you at great risk if
Apple's data on you are compromised. But it's not only the biometric data
that are a concern. Second, Apple's technology includes various types of
usage monitoring — also very privacy-invasive. This patented process could
be used to retaliate against you if you jailbreak or tinker with your device
in ways that Apple views as "unauthorized" even if it is perfectly legal
under copyright law.

Here's a sample of the kinds of information Apple plans to collect:

* The system can take a picture of the user's face, "without a flash,
any noise, or any indication that a picture is being taken to prevent the
current user from knowing he is being photographed";
* The system can record the user's voice, whether or not a phone call is
even being made;
* The system can determine the user's unique individual heartbeat
* To determine if the device has been hacked, the device can watch for
"a sudden increase in memory usage of the electronic device";
* The user's "Internet activity can be monitored or any communication
packets that are served to the electronic device can be recorded"; and
* The device can take a photograph of the surrounding location to
determine where it is being used.

In other words, Apple will know who you are, where you are, and what you are
doing and saying and even how fast your heart is beating. In some
embodiments of Apple's "invention," this information "can be gathered every
time the electronic device is turned on, unlocked, or used." When an
"unauthorized use" is detected, Apple can contact a "responsible party." A
"responsible party" may be the device's owner, it may also be "proper
authorities or the police."

Apple does not explain what it will do with all of this collected
information on its users, how long it will maintain this information, how it
will use this information, or if it will share this information with other
third parties. We know based on long experience that if Apple collects this
information, law enforcement will come for it, and may even order Apple to
turn it on for reasons other than simply returning a lost phone to its

This patent is downright creepy and invasive — certainly far more than would
be needed to respond to the possible loss of a phone. Spyware, and its new
cousin traitorware, will hurt customers and companies alike — Apple should
shelve this idea before it backfires on both it and its customers.

Copyright © 2006-2010


Topic: Study: Oil spill cleanup workers suffered chromosome damage,
respiratory issues

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:23PM -0400

Study: Oil spill cleanup workers suffered chromosome damage, respiratory

Aug 25, 2010

Spanish fishermen who took part in a clean-up operation after the Prestige
oil tanker spill in 2002 have shown symptoms of chromosomal damage and
respiratory problems, a study released Tuesday said.

The study, conducted by Spanish researchers between September 2004 and
February 2005 on 501 fishermen who helped clean up Europe's worst oil spill,
was published in the American review Annals of Internal Medicine.

On November 19, 2002 Liberian-flagged oil tanker the Prestige broke up and
sank off Galicia in northwestern Spain, a region famed for its pristine
coastline and ecological diversity.

The ship spewed 64,000 tonnes of thick, heavy fuel oil into the waters,
polluting thousands of kilometres (miles) along the Atlantic coast of
France, Spain and Portugal.

The Spanish study said "those who participated in the clean-up had a higher
prevalence of respiratory symptoms, higher levels of markers suggestive of
airway injury in exhaled breath condensate, and chromosomal alterations in
lymphocytes compared with those who did not participate in clean-up



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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:14PM -0400


"People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as
missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives ... and
when the bubble has burst, they will have nothing of eternal significance to
show for the years they have wasted."

--Nate Saint, missionary pilot, who along with Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Roger
Youderian, Pete Fleming were killed in 1956 at the hand of Waorani tribesmen
they sought to reach with the Gospel. In 1958 Jim's widow Elisabeth, along
with Rachel Saint (sister of Nate Saint), went to live with the same Waorani


Topic: Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 25 05:19PM -0400

*------ This Week's Hot News --------*


*I. China's economic and military power are growing so rapidly that some
American leaders are starting to worry.*

*Do we have cause to be concerned -- especially since our own President
Clinton greatly aided China's acquisition of military muscle?*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Should China's Economic and Military Rise Worry the
*", The Atlantic Wire, August 23, 2010

"Last week, China overtook Japan to become the world's second-largest
economy. Also last week, the Pentagon issued its annual report on Chinese
military capabilities, in which it warned of significant naval and missile
development. The two stories have led to a frenzy of op-eds reevaluating
China, the China-U.S. relationship, and the extent to which the U.S. should
fear its long-predicted rival. How worried should Americans be?"

Yes, the question as to how worried Americans should be about China is a
relevant question and deserves a thoughtful answer based upon fact, not

The reality is that, since China changed her economy after the death of Mao
Tse-tung to a *Fascist based
her economic growth has been spectacular! From a relatively modest beginning
in 1981 until now, China has blossomed into a real powerhouse and is
steadily reaching for Superpower status.

Her economy has grown so great that she now has the cash reserves which can
boldly and badly topple the world's economy, should she so choose to do so.
China's military has acquired modern weaponry to the point where she could
challenge American superiority in her Asian Sphere of Influence.

However, as worrisome as China's sharp ascendancy seems to us, President
Bill Clinton wasted no opportunity during his eight years of Presidency to
slip arms technology to China, to the point where Conservatives wanted him
impeached for High Treason.

Let us examine some of Clinton's most grievous transfers of arms technology
to China.

*NEWS1114 <>*- *"Clinton's campaign
With The Chinese Government Is Only The Tip of the Proverbial Iceberg!*

"... Clinton is not about to let the growing scandal concerning possible
illegal campaign contributions from the Chinese Government stand in his way
in giving the final go-ahead to sell China civilian nuclear reactors."

And we are worried about tiny Iran developing her own nuclear warheads, even
though the American government sold China nuclear reactors? But, wait,
Clinton was not the only President who granted Communist China material she
should not possess.

"President Clinton is not acting alone in this cooperation with Communist
China. President Nixon and his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, 'opened
the door' to China in 1972. Ever since then, American Government officials,
both Republican and Democrat, have been cooperating in the plan to steadily
build China up to Super Power status, without most Americans being aware of
the dangers. An entire litany of American officials and businessmen are
involved in this effort. Donald McAlvany, writing in the Christian
newsletter, 'Lion of Judah', lists the following people who have been
cooperating in this endeavor with China:

"Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Alexander Haig, Brent Scowcroft, Lawrence
Eagleburger, the late David Rockefeller, the late Armand Hammer, Vice
President Al Gore, Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Dick Armey, Tom Delay, and Bob

Therefore, this sale and/or transfer of extremely advanced weapons
technology is a bi-partisan program, which explains why Conservative
Republicans and Democrats allowed Democrat Clinton to get away with his
wholesale transfer and sale of extremely highly advanced weapons and weapons
technology to China.

*NEWS1166 <> -- "Clinton Enables
China To Build Up Her Nuclear Arsenal, Thus Setting The Stage For China To
Fulfill Revelation Prophecy"*

"On April 4, 1998, The New York Times reported that a Federal grand jury was
investigating whether two U.S. companies, Loral Space and Electronic and
Hughes Electronic, illegally gave space expertise to China that
significantly advanced Beijing's ballistic-missile programs. But the
reporters, Jeff Gerth and Raymond Bonner, wrote that while the inquiry was
under way Mr. Clinton dealt it a serious blow by quietly approving export to
China of similar technology by one of the companies under investigation --

How can this be? How can patriotic American Presidents deliberately arm an
enemy which one day might turn her modern weapons upon us? This is the
Communist thinking, after all. Listen to a quote from Russian dictator,

"The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them".

The only way in which we can make sense of American Illuminati Presidents
arming China is to understand that they are not patriots, but global
Illuminati. Communist leaders have always been loyal soldiers in the battle
to bring the global New World Order into reality. In other words, Western
leaders, like Clinton and Bush, look upon Russian and Chinese leaders as
"fellow compatriots" in the New World Order agenda!! Therefore, Western
monies and technologies have always flowed steadily to Russia and China,
most often through "Business " deals that have always had a back door

However, there is yet one more reason American Presidents have allowed China
to have so much military hardware and technology as to make them guilty of
treason; we must understand that *"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion" <>* envision that, in the
New World Order, China is to be given a very special role.

Listen to the role which the Protocols assign to America and China after the
New World Order and its Superman, Antichrist, have been established. The
Protocols envision that, just perhaps, some nations might resist their
Christ and his new global government. Listen:

"... if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall
respond with the guns of America, or China ..." [Protocol #7, last

Read this part of the Plan over and over again until you thoroughly
understand it. The Protocols envision building up the armies of America and
China to the point where they will be used to respond to any and all
attempted uprisings against the global rule of Antichrist! America has
always led the world in this century in technological advances, while China
has always remained a very backward nation. Therefore, in order to fulfill
the Illuminati Plan called the *Protocols of the Learned Elders of
* , America had to build up China technologically! We had to deliberately
give her, "sell" her, or allow her spies to steal our information, until she
possessed a state-of-the-art nuclear first-strike force and a modern
conventional army, navy and air force.

Now, LYC Beardon reports that Russia has provided China with Scalar Wave

Now you know the truth about China. Neither Biblical prophecy or the
Illuminati Plan envision China annihilating America. I believe God has
assigned that role to Russia.


*II. We have always stated that the world is 'on fire' in the
"Non-Integrating Gap" countries, by which we meant that wars and rumors of
wars are exploding in this region of the world.*

*But, now, increasingly, nations in this "Non-Integrating Gap" are facing
unprecedented flooding.*

NEWS BRIEF: *"UN says 800,000 cut off by Pakistan
AP News, August 24, 2010

"ISLAMABAD (AP) -- About 800,000 people have been cut off by floods in
Pakistan and are only reachable by air ... adding it needs at least 40 more
helicopters to ferry lifesaving aid to increasingly desperate people. The
appeal was an indication of the massive problems facing the relief effort in
Pakistan more than three weeks after the floods hit the country, affecting
more than 17 million people and raising concerns about possible social
unrest and political instability."

Let us stop right here to review the few key words in this paragraph.

"... possible social unrest and political instability."

In the book, *"The Pentagon's New
Senior Naval War College Strategic Planner, Thomas Barnett, states that the
countries of the world fall into two broad categories:

* *Functioning Core* - those nations whose economies can fit into the coming
cashless system, either right now or in the foreseeable future.

* *Non-Integrating Gap Countries *-- those nations whose economies cannot
fit into the coming global cashless system in the foreseeable future!

The plan is to manipulate these countries so they are "kicked into it by
U.S. or European troops, or by the threat of invasion".

This is one of the REAL reasons the West invaded Afghanistan and Iraq; they
were key members of the Non-Integrating Gap region.

Once these flood waters recede, the governments of devastated
Non-Integrating Gap Countries will be less secure than before and may
actually have to privately, quietly, cede control of their affairs over to
global institutions, like the IMF. But, this transfer of "strategic
ownership" is exactly what the Illuminati has in mind. Returning back to
Professor Barnett in his book, *"The Pentagon's New
*, previewed in Esquire Magazine, March, 2003:

""Our next war in the Gulf will mark a historic tipping point -- the moment
when Washington takes real ownership of strategic security in the age of
globalization." [P. 174]

Once the floodwaters recede, the Illuminati is going to exercise every
pressure conceivable to force these victimized countries to quietly grant
their sovereignty over to a global institution.

Let us now examine other "Non-Integrating Gap" countries which are
experiencing tremendous flooding.

NEWS BRIEF: "*China-Pak floods are a stark
*", Daily News & Analysis, August 23, 2010

"The recent floods in Pakistan and China, which have resulted in the deaths
of thousands of people and the evacuation of millions, prove once again how
vulnerable we are to the fury of nature. Water has inundated villages and
towns and the damage is already incalculable as rescue workers struggle, aid
agencies scramble and medics try and contain epidemics."

Notice the global citizenry propaganda which attempts to explain why this
massive flooding is occurring and what the correct human response should be.

"But the planet seems to remind us again and again that we are in this
together. The after-effects of natural calamities do not confine themselves
within national boundaries."

Bingo! This is the essence of the political portion of the Illuminati Plan,
to abolish all national boundaries. Thus this massive flooding is seen as
advancing the New World Order.


This flooding is also casting much of the region into chaos. Once a nation
is engulfed in chaos -- no matter the source -- it is more easily controlled
and changed! Global Freemasonry utilizes this "Controlled Chaos" concept
every single day, in order to finally bring all nations of the world into
subjection to the coming Masonic Christ, also known as the *"King of
Despots"* <>!

Of course, the Illuminati must be able to control the weather for this
scenario to be credible. Listen to Former Defense Secretary, William Cohen:

"Others (foreign scientists) are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism
whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely
through the use of electromagnetic waves." (*"COHEN ADDRESS 4/28 AT
Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy Sam Nunn Policy
Forum, April 28, 1997 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.)

America's electromagnetic wave system is known as

Russia's electromagnetic wave system is known as

Russia's Scalar system is far more powerful than America's HAARP, which is
the reason Bill Schnoebelen chose the title for his DVD, *"Russia's Secret
Weapon Designed To Defeat
*. As we stated earlier, we believe that God has chosen and armed Russia to
bring His final judgment upon this wicked "Economic Babylon", the United
States of America.


*III. Direct "peace talks" are getting ready to begin, and already tension
is beginning to flourish.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Mideast peace
Israel, Palestine just going through the motions?
*", China English News, August 24, 2010

"WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) -- Friday's announcement of a new round of
Middle East peace talks has stirred skepticism over whether the negotiations
will amount to any meaningful progress. Moreover, some experts said both the
Israelis and Palestinians are simply going through the motions in a bid to
placate Washington."

"Neither side believes that a negotiated solution can result from the talks,
nor are they prepared to make major concessions ... While some have
applauded U.S. President Barack Obama for bringing the issue back to the
front burner, Dunne said the potential for success is low."

Hamas leadership boldly stated that there is zero chance any "peace" might
come out of these "peace talks".

NEWS BRIEF: "*Direct talks with Israel doomed:
*", Press TV, August 24, 2010

"Democratically elected Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh says the
Palestinian Authority's decision to resume direct talks with Israel is
doomed to fail. Speaking at a mosque in Jabaliya, Haniyeh said that
negotiations with Israeli would not restore the Palestinians' rights or
their occupied religious sites, Ma'an news agency reported."

Israel, for her part, was equally adamant.

NEWS BRIEF: "*'Israel won't accept preconditions'
<>*", The Jerusalem
Post, August 23, 2010

"Israel will not accept preconditions before participating in direct peace
talks with Palestinians, Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom told Quartet
envoy Tony Blair on Monday."

Given the reality that both sides are staking out harsh demands before
direct peace talks even begin, this new round of direct negotiations under
the auspices of President Obama will end in failure. Once again, the peoples
of the world will be wearied by the lack of progress.

And, while you can definitely see Israel's enemies allied with each other as
Psalm 83, Obadiah 15-18, and Isaiah 34 foretell, no immediate spark will
occur which will set the Middle East on fire. This Middle East conflagration
will not occur until the Illuminati successfully establishes all ten of
their supernations! (Read full details in
entitled, *"There Is Only ONE Sequential Prophecy Which Shall Provide Us A
Clear Gauge By Which We Can Know The Approximate Time

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