Sunday, January 15, 2012

Open Tarot Nexus

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Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 21:02:29 +0000
Subject: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for
- 6 Messages in 5 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Angel Paths for January 15 - Two of Wands [1 Update]
- Card of the Day for January 15 - Two of Wands [2 Updates]
- A.Word.A.Day--pneumatic [1 Update]
- Sunday January 15, 2012: On This Day [1 Update]
- A Phrase A Week - Nail your colours to the mast [1 Update]

Topic: Angel Paths for January 15 - Two of Wands

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 15 10:04AM -0500

The Two of Wands

The Lord of Dominion is an important card when we consider our
personal freedom of choice, for it relates to the way in which we live
in accordance with our own Will, and the consequent results of this.

The card indicates that we are in charge of the way that our lives are
unfolding, and that this happens in the fashion we had anticipated. It
does not rule out the occasional nice surprise, nor obstacle, but it
does promise us that we are in a state of mind which allows us to
fulfil our needs and chase our destiny.

There's harmony and contentment when we manage to achieve this
position in life. Events take place in an ordered and positive
fashion. Things unfold around us the way that we want them to.
Everything goes according to plan.

In fact, this is probably a natural state for a healthy human being.
The fact that we have to struggle so hard to achieve it, and then
maintain it, is more a comment on the type of life we lead, than
anything else.

When we can bring ourselves in harmony with the forces of our
Universe, achieving our dreams becomes far more possible than at any
other time. We attain harmony when we are centred and at ease with

Careful planning is always important when this card comes up - again
there is a need to order our future so that we know where we're
headed. And it's also important to reconcile any uncertainty or
confusion generated within us. Both of these actions will ensure that
nothing interferes with the flow of our own Will out into the

On very rare occasions this card will come up with others like the
Star, or the Priestess, to indicate periods of huge spiritual
breakthrough. Make the best of them when they arrive!!

Working with the Two of Wands

The Lord of Dominion is a card about mastery - of life and of
ourselves. It indicates the ability to follow through on our personal
destiny, to make our dreams into reality, and to realise our strongest

Dominion is a word not much used these days - and therefore sometimes
misunderstood. It means 'rulership'.....and has almost nothing to do
with domination, even though each of them comes from the same root -
domain. In the context of the Tarot, we are relating to our personal
domain or territory as our own lives, and our potentials.

This card has a great deal to do with the application of the True
Will. We all have one of these, whether we have worked to discover and
understand it or not. One thing that many people don't understand is
the fact that the Will functions at all times, in every second of
existence. Every thought, concept, hope, dream, whether positive or
negative, creates a piece of our upcoming reality.

This is one reason why we have, in the Working With commentaries,
concentrated very hard on looking at what we think and feel, how we
see ourselves, and how we relate to life. Because, with every thought
you think, your Will operates to bring that thought into existence. So
if you happen to be thinking negatively and unhappily, your Will trots
off and makes a little bit more negativity and unhappiness for you.

The Lord of Dominion gives us power over our thoughts, by asking us to
take responsibility for the future we are making for ourselves. We
must do this by observing (without judgement nor self-recrimination)
our thought patterns. And then we must consider where those thought
patterns are leading us. And if we don't like the look of the future -
well, we have the opportunity to change it before it's too late!!

Part of your domain is what you think. So on a day ruled by the Lord
of Dominion, check out your thoughts on a regular basis. And if you
aren't the affirmation!! And then decide what you want to
invite into your domain which is positive and constructive and
rewarding. Then think about that!!

On this day, make no easy compromises. Cut straight to the heart of
your desires and needs. Discard any thoughts which get in the way of
you getting what you want. Make every action and choice a deliberate
attempt to get closer to your goal. And enjoy!!

Affirmation: My Will flows effortlessly in perfect acts of creation.

Topic: Card of the Day for January 15 - Two of Wands

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 15 09:57AM -0500


Attribution - Mars in Aries

The suit of Wands represents the element of fire. It is the intuitive
function, the libido, the primitive life force.

Some associations are – career, creativity, energy, desire, action,
intuition, sex, movement, victory, enthusiasm, confidence,
competition, magic and excellence.

Twos represent formation, duality, balance, partnership, dilemmas,
choices, competing or combined forces, conflict, see-saw, creativity
not yet fulfilled, refection. The number two represents yin energy and
promotes co-operation, partnership, friendship and receptivity.

Rider-Waite Imagery

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)

A tall man looks from a battlemented roof over sea and shore; he holds
a globe in his right hand, while a staff in his left rests on the
battlement; another is fixed in a ring. The Rose and Cross and Lily
should be noticed on the left side.

Divinatory Meanings

Upright: Between the alternative readings there is no marriage
possible; on the one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence; on the
other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification.
The design gives one suggestion; here is a lord overlooking his
dominion and alternately contemplating a globe; it looks like the
malady, the mortification, the sadness of Alexander amidst the
grandeur of this world's wealth.

Reversed: Surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion, trouble, fear.

Some Additional Meanings of the Lesser Arcana

Two: A young lady may expect trivial disappointments.


Possessing strong will and high standards.

No marriage but a wealth of riches. (Vargo)

The early stages of an enterprise.

Waiting for results.

A decision to be made.

Considering possibilities for the future.

Someone who will help you along the way.

Balance of energies.


Confidence, boldness.

The desire for a quest or a purpose.

Good things will come to the deserving.

Intellect and vision.

Ambitions and enthusiasm.

A well balanced, creative person.

Preparing to get underway.

Authority and wealth gained by hard work.

A good partnership moving in the right direction.

An exchange of good ideas.

Look ahead – know what you want and decide how to get it.

Dissatisfaction and yearning – looking at what you have but wanting more.


Surprise and wonderment (Vargo)

No movement is being made toward your goal.

Going back to square one.

A sea change is in the air.

Not listening to advice.

A bully.

Unable to make a decision.

Misgivings about a venture.

An incompetent partner.



Lack of co-operation.




Lack of self-confidence.



Childless marriage.

Marriage for money.

1. Old Path

2. Robin Wood

3. Morgan Greer

4. Herbal

5. Hudes

6. Master

---------- 2 of 2 ----------
From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 15 10:01AM -0500


Attribution - Mars in Aries

The suit of Wands represents the element of fire. It is the intuitive
function, the libido, the primitive life force.

Some associations are – career, creativity, energy, desire, action,
intuition, sex, movement, victory, enthusiasm, confidence,
competition, magic and excellence.

Twos represent formation, duality, balance, partnership, dilemmas,
choices, competing or combined forces, conflict, see-saw, creativity
not yet fulfilled, refection. The number two represents yin energy and
promotes co-operation, partnership, friendship and receptivity.

Rider-Waite Imagery

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)

A tall man looks from a battlemented roof over sea and shore; he holds
a globe in his right hand, while a staff in his left rests on the
battlement; another is fixed in a ring. The Rose and Cross and Lily
should be noticed on the left side.

Divinatory Meanings

Upright: Between the alternative readings there is no marriage
possible; on the one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence; on the
other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification.
The design gives one suggestion; here is a lord overlooking his
dominion and alternately contemplating a globe; it looks like the
malady, the mortification, the sadness of Alexander amidst the
grandeur of this world's wealth.

Reversed: Surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion, trouble, fear.

Some Additional Meanings of the Lesser Arcana

Two: A young lady may expect trivial disappointments.


Possessing strong will and high standards.

No marriage but a wealth of riches. (Vargo)

The early stages of an enterprise.

Waiting for results.

A decision to be made.

Considering possibilities for the future.

Someone who will help you along the way.

Balance of energies.


Confidence, boldness.

The desire for a quest or a purpose.

Good things will come to the deserving.

Intellect and vision.

Ambitions and enthusiasm.

A well balanced, creative person.

Preparing to get underway.

Authority and wealth gained by hard work.

A good partnership moving in the right direction.

An exchange of good ideas.

Look ahead – know what you want and decide how to get it.

Dissatisfaction and yearning – looking at what you have but wanting more.


Surprise and wonderment (Vargo)

No movement is being made toward your goal.

Going back to square one.

A sea change is in the air.

Not listening to advice.

A bully.

Unable to make a decision.

Misgivings about a venture.

An incompetent partner.



Lack of co-operation.




Lack of self-confidence.



Childless marriage.

Marriage for money.

1. Old Path

2. Robin Wood

3. Morgan Greer

4. Herbal

5. Hudes

6. Master

Topic: A.Word.A.Day--pneumatic

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 15 09:56AM -0500
Url: The Magic of Words

Jan 6, 2012

This week's theme

"New" words

This week's words






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A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg



(noo-MAT-ik, nyoo-)



1. Of or relating to air, wind, or gases.

2. Spiritual.

3. Buxom, zaftig.


From Greek pneuma (breath, wind, spirit). Ultimately from the
Indo-European root pneu- (to breathe), which is also the source of
pneumatic, pneumonia, apnea, sneer, sneeze, snort, snore, and
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Earliest documented
use: 1624.


"The Greyhound from Toronto pulled up and with a sucking pneumatic hiss."

James Bartleman; As Long as the Rivers Flow; Knopf; 2011.

"This in itself set up a kind of suspicion about pneumatic claims that
is, if someone said, 'The Spirit told me.'"

Ben Witherington; Is There a Doctor in the House?; Zondervan; 2011.

"Uncorseted, her friendly bust

Gives promise of pneumatic bliss."

TS Eliot; Whispers of Immortality; 1920.

Explore "pneumatic" in the Visual Thesaurus.


There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
-James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

Books by Anu Garg

© 2012

Topic: Sunday January 15, 2012: On This Day

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 15 09:55AM -0500

On This Day:

Sunday January 15, 2012

This is the 15th day of the year, with 351 days remaining in 2012.

Fact of the Day: ants

Ants cannot chew their food, they move their jaws sidewards, like a
scissor, to extract the juices from the food.


Feast day of St. Macarius the Elder, St. Isidore of Alexandria, St.
Bonitus or Bonet, St. Ita, and St. John Calybites.

Guatemala: Feast of Christ of Esquipulas or Black Christ Festival.

Japan: Coming of Age Day.

Quarterly estimated US federal income tax due date (other dates are
April, June, September).


1535 - Henry VIII assumed the title "Supreme Head of the Church."

1559 - England's Queen Elizabeth I was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

1759 - The British Museum opened, at Montague House, Bloomsbury, London.

1777 - The people of New Connecticut declared their independence; the
tiny republic later became the state of Vermont.

1844 - The University of Notre Dame received its charter from the
state of Indiana.

1870 - The Democratic party was represented as a donkey for the first
time in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in "Harper's Weekly."

1892 - The rules of basketball were published, in Springfield, Massachusetts.

1919 - Ignace Jan Paderewski (also a pianist) became the first premier
of the newly created republic of Poland.

1922 - The Irish Free State was established.

1927 - The Dumbarton Bridge opened in San Francisco carrying the first
automobile traffic across the bay.

1929 - The Kellogg-Briand pact was ratified by the US Senate, an
agreement for the peaceful settlement of international disputes.

1943 - Work was completed on the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US
Department of Defense.

1962 - The centigrade scale or Celsius scale was used for the first
time in British Meteorological Office weather forecasts. It was
invented 200 years earlier.

1967 - The Green Bay Packers of the National Football League defeated
the Kansas City Chiefs of the American Football League in the first
Super Bowl, 35-10.

1970 - Muammar al-Qaddafi, Libyan army captain who deposed King Idris
in September 1969, was proclaimed premier of Libya by the so-called
General People's Congress.

1970 - The Republic of Biafra, a breakaway state of eastern Nigeria,
surrendered to Nigeria after three years of fighting.

1971 - The Aswan High Dam, on the Nile in Egypt and financed by the
USSR, was opened.

1973 - President Richard Nixon announced the suspension of all US
offensive action in North Vietnam, citing progress in peace

1974 - "Happy Days" premiered on television.

1981 - The police series "Hill Street Blues" premiered on TV.

1992 - The European Community recognized the republics of Croatia and
Slovenia, ending the Yugoslav federation.


1622 - Jean Baptiste MoliÈre (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), French playwright.

1870 - Pierre S. DuPont, American industrialist.

1908 - Edward Teller, Hungarian-born American scientist known as the
"Father of the Hydrogen Bomb."

1929 - Martin Luther King, Jr., American civil rights leader,
minister, and winner of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize.


1993 - Sammy Cahn, American lyricist. On This Day

Topic: A Phrase A Week - Nail your colours to the mast

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 15 09:54AM -0500

Nail your colours to the mast


To defiantly display one's opinions and beliefs. Also, to show one's
intention to hold on to those beliefs until the end.


In 17th century nautical battles colours (flags) were struck (lowered)
as a mark of submission. It was also the custom in naval warfare to
direct one's cannon fire at the opponent's ship's mast, thus disabling
it. If all of a ship's masts were broken the captain usually had no
alternative but to surrender. If the captain decided to fight on this
was marked by hoisting the colours on the remnants of the ship's
rigging, ie by 'nailing his colours to the mast'.

It is correct to use the English spelling, rather the the US 'nail
one's colors to the mast', as the phrase originated in England. It is
generally agreed that the expression was coined in reference to the
exploits of the crew of the Venerable, at the Battle of Camperdown, a
naval engagement that was fought between English and Dutch ships as
part of the French Revolutionary Wars, in 1797.

Nail your colours to the mast The English fleet was led by the
Venerable, the flagship of Admiral Adam Duncan. The battle didn't
initially go well for the English. The mainmast of Duncan's vessel was
struck and the admiral's blue squadronal standard was brought down.
This could have been interpreted by the rest of the fleet as meaning
that Duncan had surrendered. Step forward, horny-handed son of the sea
and subsequent national hero, Jack Crawford. Crawford climbed what was
left of the mast with the standard and nailed it back where it was
visible to the rest of the fleet. This act proved crucial in the
battle and Duncan's forces were eventually victorious. Some historians
believe that the victory at Camperdown proved to be the end of the
dominance of the Dutch at sea and the beginning of the period in which
'Britannia ruled the waves'. Crawford returned home to Sunderland to a
hero's welcome.

The stalwart reputation of English seamen soon became part of the
national consciousness. An address to the House of Commons by the
playwright Richard Sheridan was reported in The Edinburgh Advertiser
in January 1801:

"I have no hesitation in saying that the Maritime Law is the charter
of our existence, the banner under which we all should rally; it is
the flag which, imitating the example of our gallant seamen, we should
nail to the mast of the nation, and go down with the vessel rather
than strike it!"

The first use of the precise expression 'nail your colours to the
mast' that I have found is from the English newspaper The Hereford
Journal, August 1807. This reported a naval engagement between British
and American ships in which the US captain surrendered without a
fight, much to the disgust of his military superiors:

"You [Commodore James Barron] ought to have nailed your colours to the
mast, and have fought whilst a timber remained on your ship."

Jack Crawford statue - nail your colours to the mast Whether or not
Jack Crawford was the first to 'nail his colours to the mast' we can't
be completely sure, but it does look highly likely. The phrase wasn't
known before his exploit and was widely used soon afterwards. Despite
his heroic status, Crawford died a pauper and a drunkard and was
buried in an unmarked grave. The local community raised a fund to
erect a gravestone and later a commemorative statue. If you do have
any doubts about Jack's role in linguistic history, it might be wise
not to mention it in Sunderland.

See also - 'Jack' phrases.

See also - join the colours.

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