Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fwd: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for - 5 Messages in 5 Topics

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Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 20:06:34 +0000
Subject: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for
- 5 Messages in 5 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Angel Paths for January 11 - Nine of Swords [1 Update]
- Card of the Day for January 11 - Nine of Swords [1 Update]
- Wednesday January 11, 2012: On This Day [1 Update]
- A.Word.A.Day--dysthymia [1 Update]
- Today's wwftd is... inscient [1 Update]

Topic: Angel Paths for January 11 - Nine of Swords

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 11 09:43AM -0500

The Nine of Swords

The Lord of Cruelty is never a happy card to emerge in a reading - it
always indicates hardness and unkindness, a total lack of
consideration or compassion. There's something almost mechanical in
the way that this kind of cruelty manifests - almost as though
inflicting pain is force of habit. There is no ethical responsibility
for the victim of the attack, nor even any useful result from its

The card can come up to indicate some other person's cruelty toward
you - in which case look for 'people' cards to give you a clue as to
the instigator. It can come up to mark your cruelty to another person
- in which case expect to find corrective cards nearby. Or it may
indicate your unkindness and lack of empathy with your own inner needs
and feelings.

Whatever the apparent motive may be for this type of cruelty, it is
the stuff of darkness. Here we see venom dealt for venom's sake; we
see the power of ill-wishing in action. And anyone who engages in such
behaviour is not only fouling our world for the rest of us, but is
also invoking such a level of redemptive force against themselves that
they will have a hard job managing when the tidal wave hits them.

A moral and spiritual human being maybe not engage in this type of
behaviour. And if we end up the target of spite and malice, we may not
seek vengeance. Such a flow of dirty energy will be strengthened by
any engagement with it. Rather, if we are unfortunate enough to find
ourselves on the receiving end, whether from some-one else, or our own
subconscious self-doubt, we need to use any method at our disposal to
lift us away from the whole thing.

Working with the Nine of Swords

The Lord of Cruelty highlights dark influences in our lives - within
or beyond us - that will do us no good at all. Here we see the
smallest emotions of our race at work, creating damage and harm.

Whenever it appears, it warns us that somewhere nearby there is danger
lurking, waiting to cause disruption and sorrow. So we need to act
very fast and decisively in order to nip trouble in the bud.

Often, this card will be a comment on your own treatment of yourself -
if you denigrate yourself and beat yourself up, you are facing the
worst enemy of your entire life - you know your every weak spot, your
every Achilles heel. You know just exactly what hurts you most, you
have no defence against yourself, and you cannot walk away.

So.when this card assumes importance in your life, you must examine
yourself first and foremost. Are you treating yourself badly? Are you
giving yourself a hard time? Are you chipping away at yourself
relentlessly? If you discover you are, it's time to stop. Hurting
yourself about things within that you feel unhappy about is as
pointless as trying to carry water in a leaky cannot
adjust what you see to be wrong, because you are too busy standing in
judgement upon yourself to gain any form of perspective or
objectivity. And without these two useful analytical tools, you won't
understand what you need to do to feel better, neither will you have
the motivation or self-love to follow through. So..treat yourself with
respect and tenderness whilst attempting to change what you do not
like. Give yourself plenty of encouragement and praise for each small
step you make. Don't be cruel.

If you feel convinced that you are in balance with
examine what you're doing to others. Remember something...there is
never an excuse for cruelty. No matter what situation you find
yourself in, there is always a better way to deal with a situation
than to exert mindless cruelty which will damage you, in the long
term, much more than the person you aim it at.

Finally, consider the possibility that somebody in your environment is
aiming cruel thoughts or deeds in your direction. Be on your guard so
that you are not taken unawares.. Every now and again this card comes
up as a firm warning of danger...

Affirmation: Love dissolves cruelty and fills the world with beauty.

Topic: Card of the Day for January 11 - Nine of Swords

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 11 09:40AM -0500


Attribution - Mars in Gemini

Esoteric Title: Lord of Despair and Cruelty

Swords is the suit of the intellect. It represents air, authority,
thought, reason, justice, truth and ethical principles. It is
knowledge, conflict, struggles and turmoil.

Nines are about nearing the end, the final stage, dreams, courage,
mastery, letting go and terminating properly.

Rider-Waite Imagery

The suit of swords is related to the element of air. It concerns
matters of thoughts, ideas and the mind.

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)

One seated on her couch in lamentation, with the swords over her. She
is as one who knows no sorrow which is like unto hers. It is a card of
utter desolation.

Divinatory Meanings

Upright: Death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair.

Reversed: Imprisonment, suspicion, doubt, reasonable fear, shame.

Some Additional Meanings of the Lesser Arcana

Nine: An ecclesiastic, a priest; generally, a card of bad omen.
Reversed: Good ground for suspicion against a doubtful person.


The suit of Swords often represents what we "think" about a situation,
not necessarily the reality. Is there another way to view the problem?
Is it as bad as we think it is? Should we be spending this much time
and energy being upset? What is the reality and what is our fear?
Maintain your composure and attempt to turn your nervous energy into
something productive.

Doubt and despair over problems that are mostly imagined.

Night terrors.

Mental anguish.

Anxiety, despair, danger, disasters, attack.

Desperation, loss of hope.



The dark night of the soul.

A day of upsets.

Anxiety over a loved one.

Borrowing trouble.


Extreme stress.


Someone is mad!

Physical pain, injuries.

Bad back, knees, migraines, severe arthritis.

Damage from severe weather.


Rational fears.



Anger turned inward.

Depression, shame, guilt.

Abandoned to deal with a mess alone.



The pain is behind you.

Healing from a difficult ordeal.

Tomorrow is a new day.

The dark cloud of trauma passes and you have developed great strength
because of this ordeal.


Bombs, terrorists, wicked threats, heart attack, stroke, circulatory
problems, blood clots (E. Hazel)

1. Fey

2. Alchemical

3. Robin Wood

4. Victoria Regina

5. Shadowscapes

6. Alleged

Topic: Wednesday January 11, 2012: On This Day

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 11 09:39AM -0500

On This Day:

Wednesday January 11, 2012

This is the 11th day of the year, with 355 days remaining in 2012.

Fact of the Day: pearl necklaces

Pearl Necklace Terminology: Choker: 14"-15" in length - should nestle
around the base of the neck. Princess: 18" in length - should fall
halfway between choker and matinee length. Matinee: 22"-23" in length
- should fall to the top of the cleavage. Opera: 30"-36" in length -
should fall to the breastbone. Sautoir or Rope: Any pearl necklace
longer than opera length. Dog Collar: Multiple strands of pearls
fitting closely around the neck. Bib: Multiple strands of pearls, each
shorter than the one below, nested together in one necklace.
Graduated: A necklace composed of pearls which taper downward in size
from large pearls in the center. Uniform: A necklace which appears to
be composed entirely of pearls of the same size.


Feast day of St. Salvius or Sauve of Amiens, and St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch.

Albania: Proclamation of the Republic Day (1946).

Nepal: National Unity Day.

Puerto Rico: De Hostos' Birthday (patriot).

Morocco: Independence Day.


49 BCE - Julius Caesar led his army across the Rubicon River, plunging
Rome into civil war.

1775 - Francis Salvador, the first Jew to be elected in the Americas,
took his seat on the South Carolina Provincial Congress.

1805 - The Michigan Territory was created.

1861 - Alabama seceded from the Union.

1922 - Leonard Thompson was the first person to be successfully
treated with insulin, at Toronto General Hospital.

1935 - Aviator Amelia Earhart began a trip from Honolulu, Hawaii to
Oakland, California, that made her the first woman to fly solo across
the Pacific Ocean.

1940 - Benjamin O. Davis, Sr., became the United States Army's first
black general.

1964 - US Surgeon General Luther Terry issued the first government
report saying smoking may be hazardous to one's health.

1973 - The American League adopted the "designated hitter" rule in baseball.

2003 - Declaring the death penalty "arbitrary and capricious, and
therefore immoral," Illinois Governor George Ryan commuted the
sentences of 167 condemned inmates, emptying his state's death row two
days before leaving office.


1757 - Alexander Hamilton, US statesman, first Secretary of the Treasury.

1885 - Alice Paul, American, chief strategist for the suffrage
movement and author of the Equal Rights Amendment.


1928 - Thomas Hardy, English poet and novelist.

2008 - Sir Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand mountaineer and explorer,
who, on May 29, 1953, became the first climber known to have reached
the summit of Mount Everest. On This Day

Topic: A.Word.A.Day--dysthymia

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 11 09:38AM -0500
Url: The Magic of Words

Jan 11, 2012

This week's theme

Words coined using combining forms

This week's words




A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg





noun: A mild depression.


From Greek dys- (bad) + -thymia (mental disorder), from thymos (mind,
soul). Earliest documented use: 1842.


"It was as if my mood had been goaded away from situational
discontentedness into a dysthymia that seemed now to be heading into
full-fledged depression."

Meghan Daum; Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House; Knopf; 2011.

Explore "dysthymia" in the Visual Thesaurus.


There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A
scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done
with. -Harry Crews, novelist and playwright (b. 1935)

© 2012

Topic: Today's wwftd is... inscient

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From: msesheta <>
Date: Jan 11 09:35AM -0500

The worthless word for the day is: inscient

Here's one of those opposite thingnames*, brought about by the
duplicity of the in- prefix

[in- + L. scire, to know]

1) now rare : lacking knowledge; nescient, ignorant

2) rare : having inward knowledge or insight

*Janus word, contronym, or enantiodrome

"In the thirties the Oxford mind was inscient."

- The Speaker, 10 Dec. 1898

Gaze on, with inscient vision toward the sun,

And, from his visceral heat, pluck out the roots

Of light beyond him.

- EB Browning, Aurora Leigh (1856)



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