Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fwd: [Heaven] Digest for heavensoon@googlegroups.com - 3 Messages in 3 Topics

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Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 11:53:44 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for heavensoon@googlegroups.com - 3 Messages
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Today's Topic Summary

Group: heavensoon@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/topics

- Key News Events [1 Update]
- Search the Scriptures Daily Programs for this week: [1 Update]

Topic: Key News Events
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/172e4ef816b06b20

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From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Sep 20 08:49PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/9199a37c4a39b28

*Key News Events*

<http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2253>*I. Sarah Palin is clearly
embarking on a political campaign for the White House in 2012!*

*She is proving to be the energizing figure in politics today, but her
"Dominionist" philosophy is very dangerous, for it is the same basis on
which President Bush based his entire foreign policy, and upon which he
defended his invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. *

*This philosophy also ties in tightly with the inherent Dominionist doctrine
of Mormonism, which Glenn Beck is strenously promoting.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Time to Rethink Palin
*", Editorial by Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Huffington Post, September 19, 2010

"It's time to rethink Sarah Palin ... her string of victories by candidates
she endorsed in the primaries, and a flip-flop in some polls that now show
more people than not say that she should run, and a more than a few say that
she should win, have radically changed the game. The tough to swallow truth
is that she has greater national political name recognition than any other
Republican and that includes her former ticket head, McCain. She energizes
and rallies conservatives, and polls say more Americans self-identify
themselves as conservatives than liberals, let alone progressives. Palin's
motherly, family-values, fundamentalist pitch fascinates even those who
personally detest her message."

Tens of millions of Americans are so fed up with the politics of Washington,
D.C., and with the realization that both Democrat and Republican are
following identical paths, that they are gravitating toward both Sarah Palin
and Glenn Beck right now, ignoring the dangers posed by both candidates.
Sarah Palin, as this DVD above -- *"The Truth Behind Joel's Army"
demonstrates, does not represent true Biblical Christianity, as her
philosophy is centered on the "Dominionist" heresy, which states that Jesus
cannot return until and unless the Christian Church conquers the world for

Now that we know that Palin is pursuing "Dominionist" Theology, you now know
why she was a natural choice for Bush/McCain to select her to be the
Vice-Presidential candidate in the election of 2008. Bush based his
invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan squarely on Dominionist Theology and asked
Evangelical pastors for their support on this basis. Bush said he was
conquering the world for Jesus, using America's might.

Thus, Sarah Palin was a natural fit with the Bush/McCain Dominionist camp!
That is the real reason she was selected!

But, there is more!

Mormonism is also centered on this dangerous heresy. They believe that
America is the Chosen Nation, not Israel, and that America must conquer the
world for Jesus. Even though the Mormon Jesus is a flesh-and-blood Jesus and
is the brother of Lucifer -- in other words, not the Biblical Jesus -- at
least Beck is speaking much the same language as genuine Christians.

Thus do Palin and Beck make natural political allies. They both speak of
"return to God" and "family values", and they both believe America must use
her superpower might to conquer the world for Jesus, thus giving them an
enticing appeal to the vast majority of genuine Christians who are simply
starved for a political candidate who speaks their language! However, should
a Palin-Beck or Beck-Palin ticket actually win the White House, genuine
Christian voters will discover quickly that they have been deceived.

<http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2228>*New DVD*

*II. The British Government is secretly mixing the H1N1 flu virus into the
vaccine for regular flu!*

*Thus, many millions of citizens who refused to take the Swine Flu vaccine
are going to get it anyway!*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Millions to Get Secret Flu Vaccination
*", News of the World, September 19, 2010

"MILLIONS of people will be given a secret swine flu jab by health bosses
this winter. The H1N1 vaccine will be mixed into the regular flu jab for
OAPs, pregnant women and others at high risk. While millions refused to take
the jab during last winter's pandemic, this time they will have no choice if
they want to be protected against normal flu. "

Why would the British Government take this action, knowing that many
millions of British citizens are so afraid of the animal genetic material
which is part of the Swine Flu that they refused to take the shot this past
flu season -- to no reported side affects!

The answer is a variation of "supply and demand" -- the government is left
with a huge supply of Swine Flu and the demand is incredibly weak! Listen:

"The Government was left with more than 30million swine flu vaccines after
the pandemic fizzled out in 2010."

Therefore, in order to get rid of an unwanted supply of very expensive Swine
Flu vaccine, the British Government is quietly mixing it in with the regular
flu shot. Remember the annual Cutting Edge warning that no one should take
the regular flu shot, either. Not only is it unnecessary, it is
unscientific. Since the flu is caused by a virus which is mutating all the
time, any flu shot will treat you for a flu strain that was prevalent years
ago, not for the mutated strain in circulation now. This scientific reality
means that a flu shot is unnecessary.

However, the real problem is that a regular flu shot contains animal genetic
material, thus making it downright dangerous to the elderly, to people with
weakened or compromised immune systems, or to pregnant women - in other
words, a regular flu shot is dangerous to the very people the CDC claims
will be protected by the vaccine.

My daughter is an RN and she told me in the strongest terms possible not to
take the flu shot and not to allow anyone in my family to take it. She said
the doctors and nurses on her ward called the annual regular flu shot the
"old people killer"! During the 1990's, my wife, Mary, took an annual
regular flu shot and she always came down with the flu; I always refused to
take the annual flu shot and never, ever came down with the flu!

The American Government is also sitting on a pile of unused Swine Flu
vaccinations. Will it also seek to get rid of this high inventory by mixing
it in with the regular flu shot?

Remember Doc Marquis' warning in *"The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible
Prophecy"* <http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2228>, that the
Illuminati Plan calls for the CDC to generate the murderous plagues foretold
in Revelation 6. In the guise of helping people, the CDC plans to one day
issue a vaccine which shall kill nearly 100% of the people to whom it is
given. At that moment, this prophecy will be fulfilled.

"There will be mighty and violent earthquakes, and in various places famines
and pestilences plagues: malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic
diseases which are deadly and devastating ..." (Luke 21:11; Parallel Bible,
KJV/KJV/Parallel Bible Commentary)

The CDC will play a huge part in this final, End of the Age plague.

<http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2229>*New DVD*

*III. Roman Catholic sexual deviancy is running rampant within the Catholic
faithful in India!*

*This sad reality is further proof that the sexual deviancy is inherent --
is systemic -- within the Catholic priesthood!*

NEWS BRIEF: *"At Their
by John Mary, Outlook India Magazine, Week Ending September 27, 2010

"These are trying times for the Catholic Church the world over, what with
the plethora of charges, sex abuse and otherwise, coming up every other day.
In Kerala, it's symptomatic of something else. Priests and nuns, 'unable to
stem the rot within', are leaving the Church. And to add insult to injury,
they are writing tell-all books to expose what they call the dark underbelly
of the establishment."

"Leaving the Church" is a road which many priests, nuns, and followers are
taking today! Tens of millions of Roman Catholics the world over are shaking
in their boots because of the tremendous damage which the revelations of
sexual deviancy has done to their faith. These faithful are truly shaken in
their spirits, unable to reconcile the image of the Church they received as
children with the shocking reality that 75% of the priests were gay and that
many of them sexually abused young boys and girls.

Today, the average Catholic is open to hearing the truth of the Gospel to a
degree unprecedented! They are fervently seeking the answers. This reason is
why we created Bill Schnoebelen's DVD, *"Catholicism: The Church On Haunted
Hill"* <http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2229>. In language they can
understand, Bill provides the answer as to why sexual deviancy should be
expected from a priesthood forced to be celibate. Normal Catholics are being
receptive to the compassionate message contained within Bill's new video.

Now, let us return to this featured article, about the sexual sins of the
clergy in India.

"The 160-page book contains his experiences of "homosexuality in the
seminaries, the sexual misconduct of priests, the lack of transparency in
money matters and the authoritarian ways of the Church higher-ups". Priests
in the Catholic orders take vows of celibacy, obedience and poverty when
they are ordained. 'These rules are broken because they are impossible to
follow...they go against the very grain of human nature. The result is that
priests and nuns are forced into a life of hypocrisy within the Church',
says Shibu, overcome with emotion."

This condition is identical to the Catholic priesthood in Europe, Ireland,
America, Australia and all over the world! Zebras reproduce zebras with
lines because that is their genetic makeup; likewise, Catholicism reproduce
sexual deviancy within the priesthood because that is their spiritual
genetic makeup.

Over the past 1,000 years, Satan has exploited the forced celibacy of the
Catholic priests <http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1679.cfm>as a weapon to
force the priesthood into his service, to destroy the lives and the faith of
untold millions of people all over the world.

As the world spins toward the End of the Age, this destruction of people's
faith simply opens the door to Antichrist wider and wider.


*IV. Support for the Death Penalty continues to erode in America.*

*As Christianity fades away, support for Biblical measures like the Death
Penalty are under unprecedented attack.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Death Penalty Goes on Trial in North
*", Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2010

"Kenneth Bernard Rouse was sentenced to death after a jury found him guilty
in 1992 of fatally stabbing 63-year-old Hazel Colleen Broadway. Police found
her body in a North Carolina convenience store, the knife still in her neck.
Nearly two decades later, Mr. Rouse, now 47, sits on North Carolina's death
row, after filing unsuccessful appeals."

One would expect that a conservative state like North Carolina would be the
last state to bring the Death Penalty into disrepute. Upon what basis is the
Death Penalty under attack in North Carolina?

"But a new, controversial state law might change that. Last year, North
Carolina enacted what's known as the Racial Justice Act, requiring judges to
let any inmate off death row if the judge finds that race was a 'significant
factor' in the death sentence. About 95% of the state's death-row
population, or 152 inmates including Mr. Rouse, filed bias claims by the
August deadline ... The law also allows future capital-murder defendants to
claim racial bias. Convicts whose petitions were successful would instead
face life sentences, with no chance of parole."

The Biblical standard is clear.

The Bible teaches us that there is a place for capital punishment. Rather
than the Death Penalty denying man's dignity, it upholds it.

Did you stop to think that upholding the Biblical standard on Capital
Punishment, society is properly honoring the dignity of the victim, a person
who was created in God's image? Death penalty opponents argue that death for
the convicted strips him of his dignity, when the reality is exactly the

All throughout America, and the Western World as adherence to Christianity
goes down, Biblical standards across the board will drop as well. That
reality is not only sad, but is one of the signs of the End of the Age!


Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/31413a49c156922b

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From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Sep 20 08:48PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/84229b5fe18d060


by Paul Anthony Melanson

Secular Humanism has all the characteristics of a religion. The Secular
Humanist places man at the center of things. In the Humanist Manifesto II,
which was released in 1973, humanists called for a new faith:
"...traditional theism, especially faith in the prayer-hearing God, assumed
to love and care for persons, to hear and understand their prayers, and to
be able to do something about them is an unproved and outmoded faith.

Salvationism, based on mere affirmation, still appears as harmful, diverting
people with false hopes of heaven hereafter. Responsible minds look to other
means for survival." (Humanist Manifesto II, The Humanist; September/October
1973, p. 4). Humanism is, therefore, fundamentally at odds with Christianity
which regards God and not man as the supreme value of the universe.Cosmos,
Creator and Human Destiny

Because Humanists recognize the importance of the public schools in
advancing their man-centered religion, they do everything in their power to
ensure that children are indoctrinated into the tenets of Humanism even as
they attack faith-based schools. It was Paul Blanshard, writing in The
Humanist, who said, "I think that the most important factor moving us toward
a secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools may not teach
Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school until he is
16 tends to lead toward the elimination of religious superstition. The
average American child now acquires a high school education, and this
militates against Adam and Eve and all the other myths of alleged history."
(The Humanist State, March/April 1976, p. 17).

Richard Dawkins, an atheist and evolutionary biologist, is doing his best to
wage war against faith schools in Britain. Even though Johann Hari,
columnist for The Independent, has celebrated what he refers to as "the slow
whining death of Christianity" in Britain, writing that, "My country,
Britain, is now the most irreligious country on earth. This island has shed
superstition faster and more completely than anywhere else," Mr. Dawkins is
alarmed at the tremendous growth of faith schools in Britain. We read here,
"The number of faith schools in Britain is rising. Around 7,000
publicly-funded schools - one in three - now has a religious affiliation."
And Richard Dawkins, being a propagandist for the new religion of Humanism,
finds this intolerable. "Enough is enough" he says.



Topic: Search the Scriptures Daily Programs for this week:
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/a58afef9e154a1a

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Sep 20 08:48PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/c7818d0742c72308

Search the Scriptures Daily Programs for this week:

Cover Article
Reconciling 'Flaws' in the Bible <http://www.thebereancall.org/node/976>
Religion in the News
Celebrating the Diversity of Religion<http://www.thebereancall.org/node/977>

Contending for the Faith
Are You Certain of Your Salvation? <http://www.thebereancall.org/node/978>

Understanding the Scriptures
Are We to Eat the Flesh of Jesus and Drink His


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