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opentarotnexus@googlegroups.comDate: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 20:25:39 +0000
Subject: {Open Tarot Nexus} Digest for
opentarotnexus@googlegroups.com- 7 Messages in 7 Topics
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Today's Topic Summary
Group: opentarotnexus@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/topics
- The man who hand-draws mathematical fractals [1 Update]
- Pentacles Overview and the Two of Pentacles (TarotTeachings) [1 Update]
- Fairy Tarot - Two of Pentacles [1 Update]
- Angel Paths for January 30 - Two of Disks [1 Update]
- Card of the Day for January 30 - Two of Pentacles [1 Update]
- Monday January 30, 2012: Reference.com On This Day [1 Update]
- A.Word.A.Day--wellerism [1 Update]
Topic: The man who hand-draws mathematical fractals
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/t/49b50fd43717461e
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From: msesheta <msesheta@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30 12:31PM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/msg/c99cef87546cb7ca
The man who hand-draws mathematical fractals
One of the subjects I work with, JP, has acquired synesthesia and
acquired savant syndrome. This happened as a result of a brutal
assault in 2002, during which he was kicked and hit on the head. He
was subsequently diagnosed with a bleeding kidney and an unspecified
head injury. What the doctors didn't know was that JP no longer saw
the world the way he used to. Objects suddenly did not have smooth
boundaries. Things no longer moved smoothly. Motion took place in
picture frames. It looked like someone paused and unpaused the flow of
the world very rapidly. Even more amazing: JP was suddenly able to see
vivid fractal images of objects with a fractal structure (such as,
broccoli). Fractal 3
JP's response to his new way of seeing the world was to withdraw from
it. He spent the following three years in his apartment and refused to
leave unless it was strictly necessary. After three years in complete
isolation JP figured that he would try to draw what he saw, so he
could make people understand him. He started drawing. And he
continued. He drew and drew and drew, using only a pencil, a ruler and
a compass. The results were beautiful hand-drawn fractal-like images.
JP didn't know then that he was the first in the world to hand-draw
mathematical fractals and that he would later win prizes for his
drawings. He didn't even know what he was drawing, except that it was
what he saw.
A year later a mathematician came into the store where JP worked as a
sales person. He saw some of JP's drawings and urged JP to take some
college math courses. JP had barely passed his high school math exams.
But he went back to school and learned a few basics that enabled him
to describe to people in mathematical terms what he saw. Once he
learned some basic equations for the structures he saw, these
equations, too, would trigger fractal images. Fractal 1
It was around this time I first met JP. Maureen Seaberg, a New
York-based journalist and synesthete, had told me about JP, and I
quickly realized how special he was. I decided to do a case study.
From his descriptions of what he saw, I guessed that JP had some
damage to the motion and boundary areas of the brain, and a regular
MRI did indeed reveal possible structural damage to the MT/LOC
regions, the regions responsible for generating images of motion and
Together with my collaborators in Finland I decided to do some
functional brain scans. We also carried out a transcranial magnetic
stimulation study. The results of the study were quite amazing. During
fractal generation, JP's brain uses the left hemisphere exclusively,
and none of the regions in visual cortex are involved in producing the
visual images. The regions in the temporal lobe normally associated
with memory were not hyperactivated either. We don't quite know what
to make of this yet. But it does seem to show for the first time that
areas other than memory and visual areas can generate visual features.
This is very strong evidence against modular views of the brain.
Topic: Pentacles Overview and the Two of Pentacles (TarotTeachings)
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/t/44a37f8659699368
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From: msesheta <msesheta@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30 12:09PM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/msg/b03c056e70f4dc
Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are
infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.
Oscar Wilde
Pentacles Overview
Two of Pentacles
The pop star Madonna said we're living in a material world. I don't
necessarily agree with this conveyance, but I do know the Tarot
pentacles are a glimpse into the world of material & physical matters.
All of the four categories of the Tarot are equally important.
However, the pentacles tend to grab our attention because these
represent what has become manifest in the physical world
Many Tarot scholars place the pentacles as the last suit in the
ordering of the Tarot deck because they are the result of the elements
brought about by executing elements of the other suits.
In other words, emotion (cups), thought (swords), and
spirit/creativity (wands) brings about a culmination of events that
manifest themselves in our physical (pentacle) reality.
Not all of us may be living in Madonna's material world, but we can
agree that all of us are most certainly subjects and objects of the
physical plane.
The scope of the Tarot pentacles spans across everything physical you
can conceptualize. Here are the physical issues of the pentacles:
* Health
* Money
* Homestead
But we know that everything about the Tarot is multi-dimensional, so
we know there are much deeper meanings to the Tarot pentacles than
just materialism.
I would encourage you to spread out the suit of pentacles before you
in order. Observe these 14 cards in earnest. They will begin to tell
you a story of balance and goodness that is wrought by our own
The pentacles serve as a taproot of the Tarot deck. Your observations
of this suit will take you to the richest reaches of the earth where
immeasurable gifts are found.
While gazing at your suit of pentacles, contemplate the deeper
meanings this facet of the Tarot has to offer you, such as:
# Faith
# Charity
# Bounty
# Equality
# Generosity
# Reciprocity
# Appreciation
# Dedication
# Groundedness
# Responsibility
# Determination
Pretty heavy-hitting concepts, aren't they? Did these concepts occur
to you while gazing at the Tarot pentacles? What other deeper meanings
come to your awareness? Write these down, keep a little journal about
your thoughts, feelings and experiences with the pentacles. The more
you get to know the overall feeling of this suit, the better your
interpretations will be.
Refer to this chart while you continue to observe the intricacies of
this suit. What kind of associations can you add? Do you agree with
these associations? What would you change?
Tarot card suit of pentacles
AKA: Discs, Coins
Symbolism: Health, Wealth, Physical
Colors: Tarot pentacles color association Green
Seasons: Spring
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Elements: Tarot pentacles associate with earth element Earth
Realm: Home & Hearth
Playing Card: Tarot pentacles associate with the playing card suit of
diamonds Diamonds
Gender: Female
Directions: East
The Tarot is an intensely personal mode of communication. Volumes have
been written to help us interpret and clarify various meanings
pertaining to it. However, ultimately you are the only interpreter who
matters. Therefore, associations and meanings are your prerogative.
There are many examples to draw upon when relating these deeper
meanings (above listed) to the pentacles. The prime example here is
nature itself. All of these elements can be found in nature, and this
is the backbone of the pentacles message.
Nature is a vast web of generosity, bounty, and balance. Look around
at the simplest wonders in our physical world: A tree, flower, a blade
of grass. Their very existence is the purest expression of generosity.
Nature is a cornucopia filled with gifts of grace. To use the ?reap as
we sow? analogy, we as humans have the ability to enhance these gifts
by properly sowing our seeds in fertile soils and tending to them
Among your Tarot pentacle associations of health, wealth, and physical
properties, also consider the deeper meanings provided by the earth
and nature itself.
Two of Pentacles
Tarot Card Meaning
Some keywords for the Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:
Utilizing skill
Thought before action
At the heart of the Two of Pentacles is the feeling of flexibility.
Pentacles represent the element of earth. Within this suit's realm,
our attention is drawn to grounding effects, and matters of a physical
However, the this card purposefully reveals an ethereal quality. We
see this in the woozy water waves that undulate in the background the
Further, we see the prominent lemniscate (infinity symbol) wrapped
around each of the Pentacles.
The physicality of Pentacles (stability, earth) juxtaposed with the
more intangibles of water and the infinite is a clear message of
combination and unification on an energetic level.
When the 2 of Pentacles shows up in a reading, it is a calling to:
Strike a balance
Travel beyond the conventional to reach your goals
Consider the infinite channels of energy that provide you well-being
Root yourself in your mission statement while trusting in the flow of
your higher purpose to transport you
These points are the cause for that pensive look on our character's
face in the Two of Pentacles card. He is contemplating the vehicles
that will move him to his greatest, most balanced, and longest lasting
A few symbol meanings on for the Two of Pentacles card:
click for a larger view of all cards with the Lemniscate symbol
Lemniscate: The lemniscate (also known as the infinity symbol) is a
geometrical represetation of the endless and eternal nature of energy.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply continues on forever
in motion. The symbol meanings of this emblem serve to remind us of
the infinite nature of our spirit, as well as our thoughts. When this
symbol comes to our attention it may be a message that we should
consider the consequences of our thoughts and deeds - the effects of
which can be infinite. See other cards with the lemniscate here.
click for a larger view of all cards with the Ship symbol
Ship: Yes, of course ship symbol meanings deal with travel and
journey's. However a commonly overlooked factor is the medium upon
which they sail - water - it deals with the deeper levels of the
psyche and the subconscious. When Ships sail across your vision in a
reading, take into consideration where your thoughts (psyche) are
traveling - what kind of baggage (cargo) are you carrying around, and
are you charting (navigating) out the best course for your thoughts
and emotions? View cards with ships here.
Some questions the Two of Pentacles ask us:
Am I prepared for the journey I'm taking?
What are my upper-most thoughts, and how are the affecting my path?
How can I use my skills to navigate to my desires?
Personal note:
When I see this card in a reading I'm drawn in by the cross at the
center of the lemniscate.
In most card renditions, this cross meets at the character's heart
chakra. This is a symbolic, intuitive "hit" indicating whatever is at
the heart of the querent's request also hold the solution to his/her
Within that ribbon of infinite energy is a connection point that
launches motion. It is within the crux of the matter (the contrast or
conflict) where we find our launching pad for achievement.
Topic: Fairy Tarot - Two of Pentacles
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/t/366141199a21d0f9
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From: msesheta <msesheta@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30 12:07PM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/msg/bfccd1ea543d8cb1
Two of Pentacles
The image portrayed here is of a glade in the forest with a large
mushroom. A Fairy wearing a red pointed beret leaning over the red top
of the mushroom is kissing a lovely young girl, also one of the
enchanted people.
The picture could easily be entitled: "Idyll in the forest", as it is
so enchanting!
Observing closely however, it can be seen that this is the suit of
Bells that identify this card and we know they refer to the element
Earth and to the world of work and business. This little scene
therefore, even if delicate, is in its entirety rather out of place
and altogether in the wrong context.
The young Fairy therefore is a little absent-minded, a little unaware.
He is not intending to do any harm but is obviously neglecting his
work and obligations to instead court his beloved. This clearly is not
a negative card if it appears in your oracle. In fact, together with
other positive cards, it could refer to small annoyances getting in
the way of favourable events.
It could also announce the arrival of a letter or a telephone call,
that could alert you to something important.
Card upright: delay of a project or a payment or the conclusion of a
Reversed: small troubles coming; advice against gambling or placing
bets of any type.
Fairy Tarot
page 84
Topic: Angel Paths for January 30 - Two of Disks
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/t/3b0ff37cb737c242
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From: msesheta <msesheta@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30 12:06PM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/msg/d0d8e40c46cec1ff
The Two of Disks
The Lord of Change is a card that indicates the necessity of constant
change in life if we are not to stagnate. It often marks a turning
point - a new job, a shift of fortune, a move of home.
Disks are an earthy suit, covering matters of material life, and the
manifest Universe. If you look at the planet we live on, though in
itself it seems solid and predictable (less so in recent years, mind
you) it is in a constant state of change and movement. It turns in
space, and if it did not, we'd all be very unhappy with the
consequences. The cycle of seasons swings past us each and every year.
The tides ebb and rise. Constant change is natural, normal and
We do, though, often fear change in our lives. We will struggle
against anything that appears to alter the pre-planned pattern we have
applied to our future. But that's exactly what this card does -
instigates change. Sometimes we think that the change is bad - and on
the face of it, it may appear to be - yet whenever the 2 of Disks
appears, it's warning us that change has become imperative. Something
is stagnating, demanding to be broken down and made over.
It's worth remembering that if you resist the change advocated by the
Lord of Change, you might find that life imposes it upon you anyway -
and then you'll feel the effects either of the Death card, or the
Tower. When this card appears, it demands a thorough re-assessment of
your overall position and willingness to go with the chances that come
your way.
The card is especially strengthened by cards like Fortune, and
positive Disks and Wands. You can usually track down which area of
life it applies to by looking at the cards that surround it - Cups
would suggest you need to look at your emotional life. Disks would
imply that it's either your working or financial area that needs
attention. Swords would probably indicate conflict around whatever
changes you need to make, and may point to a need for clear
communication. Wands would be more connected with your own application
of Will, and the way you are trying to build your life. Major Arcana
cards would suggest an inner, more spiritual area needs to be looked
Working with the Two of Disks
The Lord of Change brings in a necessary breath of fresh air to sweep
away stagnation, and brush the dust off the things we need to get
done. Everything is constantly changing around us.
My favourite example of change is the sky......so on a day ruled by
the Lord of Change, go and watch the sky. Look at the way it alters in
every single moment. Never for more than a few seconds does it create
the same pattern.
This is a revelation of the inner you....... constantly changing,
growing, expanding, altering. Your body cells change in every living
second. Your thoughts flash faster than computer messages. Your memory
stores a vast wealth of information, and is steadily adding more and
more. This day that you now experience will never come
again....tomorrow will be different, because you are.
Some people are afraid of change and alternation in life..... Some
people spend too much energy trying to keep things the same...... But
you would not consider fixing the sky in any one final pattern would
you? So.....don't do it to yourself. Allow excitement and joy to run
alongside change in your life.....and you will get so much more out of
Affirmation: I celebrate my growth and power.
Topic: Card of the Day for January 30 - Two of Pentacles
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/t/b6d1f3d784010f0f
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From: msesheta <msesheta@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30 12:01PM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/msg/fe78f24d555c5acd
The suit of Pentacles represents the element earth. This is the suit
through which we can appreciate what we have been given and it shows
how we experience the external world.
Pentacles can represent money matters, resources, security, material
concerns, prosperity, wealth, service, status, and physical
experiences in the body.
Twos represent formation, duality, balance, partnership, dilemmas,
choices, competing or combined forces, conflict, see-saw, creativity
not yet fulfilled, refection. The number two represents yin energy and
promotes co-operation, partnership, friendship and receptivity.
Rider-Waite Imagery
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)
A young man, in the act of dancing, has a pentacle in either hand, and
they are joined by that endless cord which is like the number 8
Divinatory Meanings
Upright: On the one hand it is represented as a card of gaiety,
recreation and its connexions, which is the subject of the design; but
it is read also as news and messages in writing, as obstacles,
agitation, trouble, embroilment.
Reversed: Enforced gaiety, simulated enjoyment, literal sense,
handwriting, composition, letters of exchange.
Two: Troubles are more imaginary than real. Reversed: Bad omen,
ignorance, injustice.
Attribution - Jupiter/Capricorn
Lord of Change.
Balance, foundation, security, influence, authority.
You need to see both sides of a situation.
Mixing business with pleasure.
Multi-tasking, and making it look easy.
Mixed news, some good, some bad.
Money in, money out.
Don't take on more than you can handle.
Juggling the books.
Harmony in the midst of conflict and change.
Control maintained in a stressful situation.
Manic phase of manic-depression.
The ups and downs of fortune.
Pulled in many directions.
Splitting up resources.
A change of job or environment.
Go with the flow.
The ability to handle several projects at once.
Good news or a gift may be on the way.
Relocation involving work.
A transition.
Temporary financial setbacks; drop in stock values etc.
False enjoyment.
Reckless spending.
Fear of losing a job or a loved one.
Embezzler – trying to balance 2 sets of books.
Stressed and having too much to handle.
Overstressed and overworked.
Having too many irons in the fire.
Procrastination; laziness.
Discouraging news.
Too much money being spent on frivolous or small things.
Double check your numbers.
Unhappy with changes that are necessary.
1. Robin Wood
2. Trees
3. Old Path
4. Shadowscapes
5. Alleged
6. Secret
Topic: Monday January 30, 2012: Reference.com On This Day
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/t/547ec62d0348922e
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From: msesheta <msesheta@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30 11:59AM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/msg/6f43f8c652e9592a
On This Day:
Monday January 30, 2012
This is the 30th day of the year, with 336 days remaining in 2012.
Fact of the Day: jazz and blues
Jazz is a musical form, often improvisational, developed by
African-Americans and influenced by both European harmonic structure
and African rhythmic complexity. It also is often characterized by its
use of blues and speech intonations. Blues denotes a secular folk
music of African-Americans. It has origins in the Mississippi Delta in
the early 20th century. As a musical style the blues are characterized
by expressive pitch inflections (blue notes), a three-line textual
stanza of the form AAB, and a 12-measure form. Typically the first two
and a half measures of each line are devoted to singing, the last
measure and a half consisting of an instrumental "break" that repeats,
answers, or complements the vocal line. Blues and jazz are closely
related; such seminal jazzmen as Jelly Roll Morton and Louis Armstrong
employed blues elements in their music.
Feast day of St. Martina, St. Bathildis, St. Adelelmus or Aleaume, St.
Aldegundis, St. Barsimaeus, and St. Hyacintha Mariscotti.
Greece: Holiday of the Three Hierarchs.
1781 - Maryland became the last of the 13 original states to adopt the
Articles of Confederation.
1835 - President Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United
States, survived the first attempt against the life of a US President,
when shots were fired in the US House of Representatives.
1862 - The USS Monitor was launched at Greenpoint, Long Island.
1933 - Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
1933 - The first episode of the "Lone Ranger" radio program was
broadcast on station WXYZ in Detroit.
1968 - The Vietcong launched the Tet offensive against South Vietnamese cities.
1969 - The Beatles made their last public appearance together, on the
roof of their Apple Studios in London.
1972 - In Londonderry, Northern Ireland, 13 unarmed civil rights
demonstrators were shot dead by British Army paratroopers, a day later
known as "Bloody Sunday."
1996 - Gino Gallagher, the reputed leader of the Irish National
Liberation Army, was shot and killed while waiting in line for his
unemployment benefit.
2003 - Richard Reid, also known as the "shoe bomber," was found guilty
on terrorism charges in a federal court in Boston.
2005 - Iraqis voted in their country's first free election in a half-century.
1882 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States
of America (1933-1945).
1937 - Vanessa Redgrave, English actress.
1941 - Dick Cheney, 46th Vice President of the United States.
1951 - Phil Collins, English rock and pop musician.
1649 - King Charles I, beheaded for treason. The Commonwealth of
England was established.
1948 - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, political and spiritual leader of
the Indian independence movement, assassinated in New Delhi by a Hindu
1948 - Orville Wright, American aviation pioneer.
1995 - Gerald Durrell, English zoologist, traveller, writer, and
broadcaster, born in Jamshedpur, India.
1999 - Huntz Hall, radio, theatrical, and motion picture performer
perhaps best known for his acting roll in the "Dead End Kids" movies.
2006 - Coretta Scott King, wife of the assassinated civil rights
activist Martin Luther King, Jr. She was 78.
Reference.com On This Day
Topic: A.Word.A.Day--wellerism
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/t/b747c9ecee867421
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From: msesheta <msesheta@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 30 11:58AM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/opentarotnexus/msg/caf794ad68fd42f2
Wordsmith.org The Magic of Words
Jan 30, 2012
This week's theme
Dickensian characters that became words
This week's words
Sam Weller from Charles Dickens's novel Pickwick Papers
Sam Weller
Illustrator: Kyd (Joseph Clayton Clarke) (1856-1937)
A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg
Next week marks the 200th anniversary of the British novelist Charles
Dickens's birth. The London of Dickens's time was a bleak place:
little social support, debtor's prisons, pollution, and children
working in factories.
If you look at the Republican presidential aspirants today you'd think
they want to return to those good old times: no environmental
regulations; no worker protection laws; no social safety net; and
children working as janitors.
As a child Charles himself was forced to work in a boot polish
factory. All that he saw around him and experienced is reflected in
his novels. It's a sign of an author's genius when his characters step
out of the stories and become words in the language. Dozens of
Dickens's characters are now part of the English language. This week
we'll meet five of them.
Contest: Can you come up with an original wellerism? Send it in to the contest.
Prizes: Best entries will receive their choice of any of the following prizes:
o Word game: One Up!
o T-shirt: AWAD to the wise is sufficient
o Any of my books
How to Enter: Send your entries to contest@wordsmith.org by this
Friday. Be sure to include your location (city/state/country).
Selected entries will be featured in this weekend's AWADmail.
To get you primed, here are a few wellerisms from me:
"So far, so good," said the escapee as he looked at the prison in the distance.
"Beauty is only skin deep," said the woman as she received a Botox injection.
noun: An expression involving a familiar proverb or quotation and its
facetious sequel. It usually comprises three parts: statement,
speaker, situation.
"We'll have to rehearse that," said the undertaker as the coffin fell
out of the car.
"Prevention is better than cure," said the pig when it ran away from
the butcher.
After Sam Weller and his father, characters known for such utterances
in Charles Dickens's novel Pickwick Papers. Earliest documented use:
"A particularly telling example of a wellerism discussed by Dundes is
the following:
'Shall I sit awhile?' says the parasite before becoming a permanent dweller."
Wolfgang Mieder; Alan Dundes; Western Folklore (Long Beach,
California); Jul 2006.
Explore "wellerism" in the Visual Thesaurus.
Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the human heart can
hold. -Zelda Fitzgerald, novelist (1900-1948)
To post to this group, send email to opentarotnexus@googlegroups.com
Blissformula, PSN:13/ATAMPA(All Types Adequate Meditating
Personalities Assembling). Website: