Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 04:30:54 +0000
Subject: [Your Daily Tripod] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic
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Today's Topic Summary


- Great Love (June 13) [1 Update]

Topic: Great Love (June 13)

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From: "" <>
Date: Jun 12 06:47PM -0700

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Rev. Joe McCloskey, SJ

"The LORD on his part has forgiven your sin." 2 Samuel 12:13b

For through the law I died to the law, that I might live for God. I
have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ
lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in
the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me. Galatians

So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown
great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little. Luke


Love of God is what Piety is all about. Love is not something we can
deserve. The heart has reasons the mind will never comprehend. The
trip from the head to the heart takes a lifetime. It is the shortest
distance, but the longest journey of life. We learn to love in our
parents' love for us. God's love for us antedates our conception. We
were loved before we arrived in our mother's womb. God has first loved
us and we are capable of loving back. We learn what love is all about
in the love of God for us. Christ tells us he loves us even as the
Father has loved him. Christ invites us to live in his love. How much
we love is seen in the ways we give our lives for the sake of another.
Piety is our love affair with Christ. God is love and he who lives in
love, lives in God. There is no limit on God's love for us once we
realize he loved us so much that he gave us his only son. God loves us
so much he wants to be one of us. The Son loves us so much that he
dies for us. Do I love God so much, I am willing to die for Christ?
Even as Christ is willing to be one of us, am I willing to be one with
Christ? Our human love is modeled on Christ's love for us in his dying
on the cross for our redemption. Because God is pure love, there is no
limit on the love of God. When we touch God's love, we touch all of
God's love for us. Yet it is true to say that we can limit how much of
God's love we have. When we say we do not deserve God's love that is
all too true. Love is a free gift of God and we could never deserve
it. God's love is in all that happens in our lives. The Hidden Life
grace allows God's love to be in the insignificant of our lives.
Christ's death on the cross allows our suffering to take on the
meaning of Christ's suffering when we join our suffering to the
suffering of Christ. In our Baptism we are born again into God's love.
Christ gives us all of himself. We have the freedom to accept as much
of God's love in Christ as we are willing to accept. Baptism gives us
God's love in Christ. Christ becomes the deepest meaning of our lives.
When we are willing to live fully in Christ we have discovered the
fullness of who we are meant to be.


We study how to join our lives to Christ. Spirituality is putting on
the mind and the heart of Christ. We do not have to strain our minds
to do that. Love is what Christ is all about in our lives. The image
that expresses his love for me is Christ is a prisoner of my hearts.
We are not only called to love one another as Christ has loved us. We
are called to work at the scriptures and to pay attention to our
heart's coming alive to what we are reading and praying. Love of the
least ones who come into our lives Christ takes as love for him. If I
want to know how much I love Christ in my brother or sister, I need to
see what I do for the least ones in my life. I deliberately try to
love the least ones with all the love I have for the ones I most love
in my life. If I could love with such a love, no one would know who it
was that I most love. Our Gospel of the woman who washes the feet of
Christ with her tears and dries them with her hair speaks a wonderful
image to me and gives the challenge. My sinfulness does not have to
keep me away from Christ. Rather my sinfulness should draw me even
more closely to Christ. His love covers a multitude of sins if we
would let it.


The best actions will always be the ones that flow out of our hearts
because we care for one another. The best resolution is to try to do
something beautiful for each person that crosses our path. We need to
do that with the love that comes from Christ's cross. He can live on
in us as we fill up what is wanting to the suffering of Christ's body,
his Church. The only way I can hold unto Christ's love is to give it
away. The only way I can save my life is to lose it for Christ. When I
can say I no longer live, it is Christ who lives in me, I will have
arrived at the summit of love. The paradox of love is the truth that I
can only keep Christ in my heart by giving him away to every person
who comes my way.

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