Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 11:48:32 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for - 10 Messages
in 10 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>
Today's Topic Summary
- Why The Great Buzz About Bees? [1 Update]
- Absence Of Sunspots Make Scientists Wonder If They're Seeing A
Calm Before A Storm Of Energy [1 Update]
- Poverty, Starvation and Sickness: Welcome to The New World Order! [1 Update]
- The Fast of Tammuz [1 Update]
- Sharia in Minnesota: free speech under fire as man faces hearing
for "anti-Islam" posters [1 Update]
- Every German household will have to have TV licence from 2013 [1 Update]
- Methane in Gulf "As much as 1 million times the normal level":
U.S. scientist [1 Update]
- ME war tensions mount over Gaza-bound "enemy ships." Hizballah
pledges reprisal [1 Update]
- Key News Events [1 Update]
Topic: Why The Great Buzz About Bees?
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 08:18PM -0400
*Why The Great Buzz About
As I worked my way through the frames of my beehive this spring, it soon
became clear that something was wrong. The bees had not eaten enough of the
honey stores they had accumulated last summer and, while there were still a
good number of them, they seemed a little aggressive and lacking in
direction. After a few more visits to the hive, which I keep on some
allotments in Hampstead, north London, it became clear that the queen was
missing, probably killed by the cold snows of December and January.
Honeybees suffer from a wide range of pests and diseases, but in her case
I'm sure it was just the cold and her age. Queens live for three to five
years, much longer than the four or five weeks of toil allotted to a worker
bee in summer, but we all go in the end. A new one arrived in the post from
a Gloucestershire breeder, sealed in a tiny plastic cage with a lump of
sugar and a few attendant workers to keep her going on her journey. She was
introduced as gently as possible to the remaining workers, but to no avail.
The old bees, set in their ways and reluctant to change, couldn't accept a
new leader and rejected her, even though it meant their numbers would
dwindle to nothing. I'm now looking for a fresh new colony or I shall be
without bees to keep, which is a sad situation.
Topic: Absence Of Sunspots Make Scientists Wonder If They're Seeing A
Calm Before A Storm Of Energy
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 08:17PM -0400
*Absence Of Sunspots Make Scientists Wonder If They're Seeing A Calm Before
A Storm Of Energy*<>
Sunspots come and go, but recently they have mostly gone. For centuries,
astronomers have recorded when these dark blemishes on the solar surface
emerge, only to fade away after a few days, weeks or months. Thanks to their
efforts, we know that sunspot numbers ebb and flow in cycles lasting about
11 years. But for the past two years, the sunspots have mostly been missing.
Their absence, the most prolonged in nearly 100 years, has taken even
seasoned sun watchers by surprise. "This is solar behavior we haven't seen
in living memory," says David Hathaway, a physicist at NASA's Marshall Space
Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. The sun is under scrutiny as never before,
thanks to an armada of space telescopes. The results they beam back are
portraying our nearest star, and its influence on Earth, in a new light.
Sunspots and other clues indicate that the sun's magnetic activity is
diminishing and that the sun may even be shrinking. Together, the results
hint that something profound is happening inside the sun. The big question
is: What?
Topic: Poverty, Starvation and Sickness: Welcome to The New World Order!
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 08:13PM -0400
Poverty, Starvation and Sickness: Welcome to The New World Order!
Neil Foster,
Sovereign Independent
June 24, 2010
With the propagandist rag, The Irish Times now 'reporting', or in my opinion
telling us what their masters intend doing to us, that 30% of people,
according to an EU survey, are now worried about being able to afford to buy
This is the same 'newspaper' that tells you to think that bailing out the
banks, ahead of feeding the people, seems like a good idea, 'to keep the
economy afloat' of course and to make sure that the criminal bankers are
still able to live their jet set lifestyle.
But hey, we've to starve to save the bankers who've already eaten our
savings and our futures for generations to come. That's alright isn't it? We
must have voted for that right?
They love us and want to save us from ourselves don't they? Oh, and by the
way, there are too many people don't you know. Hmm it seems, according to
The Irish Times again, that people are going to struggle to pay for
healthcare too. So we're going to get sicker before we starve to death.
Well that's just fine and dandy for the pharmaceutical industry who recently
tried to kill us with a fake swine flu 'vaccination'. But hey, we need our
drugs right?
But the good news is that the recession is over! We can all celebrate the
recovery that includes starvation, sickness and utter poverty. Welcome to
Huxley's 'Brave New World' where those that are required to do all those
jobs the bankers need the slaves to do for them will all get drugged up to
the eyeballs and be very happy with our new found servitude to the state.
But before we get to the 'Brave New World', our generation are going to have
to go through the '1984' scenario of utter poverty, the 'Big Brother' police
state and of course mass murder of the people.
What a wonderful world it really is now that the bankers are going to save
us all from them, or is it from ourselves? Because hey, we're too stupid to
look after ourselves, aren't we? We need psychopaths to do our thinking for
us don't we? We need them, as George Bernard Shaw said, to make us justify
to them why they should allow us to live and what our usefulness to their
society will be. Otherwise it's a bullet in the back of the head in true
Fascist/Communist style.
On serious note, as if the above weren't serious enough, it's time people
started to look after themselves instead of relying on the politicians to
look after them, because as you may have noticed in previous scribblings by
myself, I don't have much time for the view that government is there to look
after or quite frankly give a toss for you at all because it should be
obvious by now that they don't!
Poverty, Starvation and Sickness: Welcome to The New World Order!
People need to start storing food for the future when the New World Order
lunatics really kick off their agenda, whether this be a Third World War,
which is looking more likely by the day, or they simply create total
economic devastation across the planet to force starvation, sickness and
abject poverty on us all.
This was all planned a long time ago and unless people realise that this is
the case, they are goners.
If you can't grow food, start storing it. Tins of food currently last upto 3
years with dry foods such as beans, pulses, pasta, rice etc lasting a
shorter time. This is going to be essential if we the people are going to be
able to fight back against the tyranny when it inevitably arrives. Even if
you live in an apartment with a balcony you'd be surprised how much you can
grow in a small area but anyway, anything you can grow is better than
If you can grow food, grow as much as you can. It's not just you that will
need it. You and your family will of course be your first priority but the
time has come to restore our humanity and help our friends, neighbours and
our fellow man in general so it is essential that as much good, healthy food
is available.
If you are a farmer or have friends who are, can I suggest that you talk to
them about growing food crops for the locals? If food is grown locally,
without the use of chemicals, then it is far healthier for you than anything
you'll find in Tescos!
Also start stocking up on high quality vitamins and minerals, again not the
junk vitamins from high street chemists, which are useless and basically
fraudulent in that they do you no good whatsoever as the doses are minimal
at best.
Do your own research into vitamins etc and find out what the human body
really needs and take it from there. There are good quality, high potency
vitamins etc available from many reputable sources online.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health and are generally
deficient in our 'processed' diets of today. This again is another reason to
grow as much of your own food as possible.
Money is going to become nonexistent in the coming years so we'll need to
get down to a barter system whereby we can either exchange food items for
other essentials or services. We should stock up on things like toilet
paper, batteries medical supplies such as plasters etc to name but a few.
For those reading this who understand that this is happening I urge you to
get organised yourselves if you haven't done so already. We need as many
people as possible who understand the enemy to get through what's coming.
For those who are reading this kind of thing for the first time, it's not my
intention to scare you but you must understand that this is going to happen.
It was written about in many books over the past centuries leading upto this
time in history. The current financial collapse was predicted by many
alternative media sources over a decade ago. So when you hear governments
say they never foresaw it coming, it becomes very obvious that they are
utter liars. This being the case, would you trust them to look after your
family in times of crisis?
We must take responsibility back into our own hands and start to look after
ourselves and our fellow man. Our so called leaders have led us into what
will be desperate times. They won't help us so we must stop relying on them.
We must indeed, stop them interfering in every aspect of our lives whereby
we look after ourselves regardless of fraudulent and criminal rules and
regulations from the EU, the UN or any other criminal organisation.
It's time to stand up for what's right and expose the liars and criminals
that have destroyed our country and others for nothing more than greed and
power which they only have if we give it to them.
It's time that the power was taken back into the hands of we the people who
own it and we stopped bowing down to this criminal elite who simply want us
as their slaves.
Topic: The Fast of Tammuz
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 08:08PM -0400
The Fast of Tammuz
By Dr. Chuck Missler - June 24, 2010
In 2010, June 29th on the Hebrew calendar is Shiva Asar B'Tammuz - the 17th
of Tammuz, the beginning of the Three Weeks of mourning leading up to Tisha
B'Av (9th of Av) on July 20th.
The 9th of Av is a familiar date for Jewish grief. On both occasions when
foreigners destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, they did it on the 9th of Av.
Many other tragedies befell Israel on this date throughout history. The 9th
of Av is not alone, however. Another date, the 17th of Tammuz, has also been
filled with suffering. On June 29th, many observant Jews will fast to
commemorate five tragedies that befell Israel on 17 Tammuz throughout
On 17 Tammuz:
* Moses broke the tablets of the Law after seeing the people dancing
around the golden calf they had made while he was on Mt. Sinai. (Exodus
32:19). The LORD later replaced the tablets (Exodus 34);
* The daily sacrifice ended during Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem
for lack of sheep and other sacrificial animals;
* The Romans broke through the walls of Jerusalem shortly before the 2nd
Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70;
* Years prior to the Great Revolt, the Roman general Apostumus burned a
scroll of the Torah;
* An idol was erected in the Temple.
The three week period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av is called
Bein Hametzarim - "between the troubles". On the Sabbath during the Three
Weeks, passages on the Temple's destruction and the exile of the Jewish
people are read from Isaiah and Jeremiah. During this period of time,
Orthodox and other observant Jews refrain from the following:
* wearing new clothes
* listening to music
* bathing for pleasure
* shaving or hair cutting
* weddings
* drinking wine or eating meat
* long journeys
While the Fasts of Tammuz and Av (the 4th and 5th months) are a time of
mourning, many Jews believe that after the future redemption of Israel,
these days of mourning will be turned into days of feasts and rejoicing. As
the LORD told the prophet Zechariah:
The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of
the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy
and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace."
(Zech 8:19).
Copyright © Koinonia House Inc.
Topic: Sharia in Minnesota: free speech under fire as man faces
hearing for "anti-Islam" posters
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 08:05PM -0400
Sharia in Minnesota: free speech under fire as man faces hearing for
"anti-Islam" posters
Dhimmi pseudo-journalist Dave Aeikins (that is how his name is spelled at
the St. Cloud Times site, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a typo)
doesn't mention in this story that the attorneys in Benton and Stearns
counties declined to file criminal charges against Elyea because they
recognized that what he did -- no matter how obnoxious it may have been, and
I have not seen the material he posted -- was protected on First Amendment
That fact in itself gives the lie to the St. Cloud City Attorney Matt
Staehling's claim that he is being prosecuted only for violating the city's
ordinance against posting items on city poles. Elyea's attorney says, "Our
basic argument is, we live in a country where you should be able to say what
you want. Even controversial statements about political or religious views
are protected by the First Amendment." Staehling appears to be pandering to
Hamas-linked CAIR and to the Muslim community in Minnesota, and catering to
its distaste for the freedom of speech.
An update on this story. "Hearing set for Waite Park man who put up
anti-Islamic posters," by Dave Aeikens for the St. Cloud Times, June 24
(thanks to Twostellas):
Sidney Elyea admits he did it. He posted those anti-Islam posters on
utility poles near a Somali-owned business and the Islamic Center.
The city attorney says the Waite Park man violated the city's ordinance
against posting items on city poles and should pay a fine. Elyea says he's
being punished because people didn't like what he put on his posters. He was
just exercising his First Amendment rights.
An administrative hearing this afternoon at the Lake George Municipal
Building will be used to determine who is right.
It's an unusual case that stirred emotions when the graphic posters
showed up around town in December. The St. Paul-based Council on
American-Islamic Relations conducted a public forum to discuss their impact.
The Stearns and Benton County attorneys declined to prosecute. In January,
the city issued two citations to Elyea, saying he violated city ordinances
prohibiting the posting of materials on city fixtures.
The fine for each civil citation is $250, and efforts to settle have
been rejected by Elyea, whose lawyer says there is a constitutional
principle at stake here -- that people have First Amendment rights even when
most disagree with the message.
"Our basic argument is, we live in a country where you should be able to
say what you want. Even controversial statements about political or
religious views are protected by the First Amendment," said Ryan Garry, a
Minneapolis-based criminal defense lawyer who is defending Elyea in the
The drawings contained explicit depictions of bestiality and sodomy,
contained images of the Prophet Muhammad in derogatory positions and
contained pictures and words offensive to Muslims in particular.
Garry argues that if Elyea had put up a sign about a garage sale or a
lost kitten, his client would not have been cited.
St. Cloud City Attorney Matt Staehling said that is not case.
"I'm sure that is what they will argue; I think we have evidence to
controvert that," Staehling said.
Staehling said the city occasionally hands out citations for violations
of the city ordinance against hanging things on utility poles. This is the
first time it has gone to an administrative hearing, he said....
He has received some support from anti-Muslim bloggers, but has not
gotten any backing from the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota or
any other group that often stands up for unpopular speech.
Apparently dhimmi pseudo-journalist Dave Aeikins believes it is
"anti-Muslim" to stand up for the freedom of speech. How very interesting,
and revealing.
Minnesota ACLU Executive Director Chuck Samuelson said he finds the case
interesting, but his organization has not been asked to take part.
And you know, of course, that the ACLU always waits for an engraved
Samuelson said Elyea could win the case if his lawyer can show the
utility pole ordinance is not being enforced evenly.
"Our position is that, what Elyea did was protected by the First
Amendment. I believe he has been treated differently than others have been
treated in this situation," Garry said.
Samuelson said the government showed great restraint in not pressing
charges for what was printed on the posters.
"The interesting thing, and I commend the county attorney for this, is
not going after the topic directly. The government should not be involved in
content, as reprehensible as it is," Samuelson said.
Topic: Every German household will have to have TV licence from 2013
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 08:03PM -0400
Every German household will have to have TV licence from 2013
Published on 06-24-2010
Source: Rapid TV
Every single household in Germany will have to pay a flat fee of €17.98 per
month for a TV licence regardless of whether they have a TV or not under a
new law due to come into force on January 1 2013.
The change will see public broadcasters ARD and ZDF getting an extra billion
euros to fund government propaganda following the decision by the prime
ministers of the federal states made on June 9 in Berlin.
40 million German households will have to pay the fee from 2013.
There are currently 33.5 million TV sets registered.
The change is expected to boost revenue from TV licences from 7.2 to 8.5
billion, according to expoerts.
The change comes as ARD is making headlines for axing a political talk show
host Anne Will, who has interviewed guest Edmund Stoiber warning of collapse
of the euro, among others.
Will is to be replaced by popular TV showmaster Gunther Jauch in what
appears to be a government driven effort to bring the media into line with
the power elite.
Copyright © 2006-2010
Topic: Methane in Gulf "As much as 1 million times the normal level":
U.S. scientist
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 08:01PM -0400
Methane in Gulf "As much as 1 million times the normal level": U.S.
Published on 06-24-2010
Source: Reuters
As much as 1 million times the normal level of methane gas has been found in
some regions near the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, enough to potentially
deplete oxygen and create a dead zone, U.S. scientists said on Tuesday.
Texas A&M University oceanography professor John Kessler, just back from a
10-day research expedition near the BP Plc oil spill in the gulf, says
methane gas levels in some areas are "astonishingly high."
Kessler's crew took measurements of both surface and deep water within a
5-mile (8 kilometer) radius of BP's broken wellhead.
"There is an incredible amount of methane in there," Kessler told reporters
in a telephone briefing.
In some areas, the crew of 12 scientists found concentrations that were
100,000 times higher than normal.
"We saw them approach a million times above background concentrations" in
some areas, Kessler said.
The scientists were looking for signs that the methane gas had depleted
levels of oxygen dissolved in the water needed to sustain marine life.
"At some locations, we saw depletions of up to 30 percent of oxygen based on
its natural concentration in the waters. At other places, we saw no
depletion of oxygen in the waters. We need to determine why that is," he
told the briefing.
Methane occurs naturally in sea water, but high concentrations can encourage
the growth of microbes that gobble up oxygen needed by marine life.
Kessler said oxygen depletions have not reached a critical level yet, but
the oil is still spilling into the Gulf, now at a rate of as much as 60,000
barrels a day, according to U.S. government estimates.
"What is it going to look like two months down the road, six months down the
road, two years down the road?" he asked.
Methane, a natural gas, dissolves in seawater and some scientists think
measuring methane could give a more accurate picture of the extent of the
oil spill.
Kessler said his team has taken those measurements, and is hoping to have an
estimate soon.
"Give us about a week and we should have some preliminary numbers on that,"
he said.
Copyright © 2006-2010
Topic: ME war tensions mount over Gaza-bound "enemy ships." Hizballah
pledges reprisal
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 07:58PM -0400
ME war tensions mount over Gaza-bound "enemy ships." Hizballah pledges
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 24, 2010, 1:11 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Enemy vessels <> Gaza
blockade <>
Lebanese PM Hariri<>
The stop-go Lebanese Julia
Ominous clouds gathered over the Mediterranean Thursday, June 24 after
Israel announced that ships bound for Gaza would be deemed "enemy vessels"
and halted by its navy by whatever means were necessary. Hizballah shot back
with a threat of violent retaliation, while Israel's northern commander
warned that the IDF was prepared to deal with threats from Lebanon by
"appropriate means."
With two ships, one Lebanese and one Iranian, already at sea, the Lebanese
Prime Minister Saad Hariri was reported by debkafile's intelligence sources
as coupling his public support for the sea campaign to break Israel's
blockade of Gaza with a quiet bid to stall it.
He privately asked Cypriot President Demetris Christofias, Turkish Prime
Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and the
Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to deny Lebanese ships bound for Gaza
permission to drop anchor, refuel or load provisions at their ports, in
order to prevent them from proceeding to Gaza.
Hariri explained that he feared the flotilla campaign to break the Israeli
blockade would precipitate a new Middle East war.
Last week, the freighter "Julia," docked at the North Lebanese port of
Tripoli was denied permission to head to Gaza Port. Refusing to be put off,
the activists decided to sail first to Cyprus and then head for Gaza.
Permission was granted by the Lebanese Transportation Minister Ghazi Aridi
Wednesday, June 23.
On Thursday, June 24, Israel repeated its warning that ships trying to
breach its blockade against the Gaza Strip would be deemed "enemy vessels."
The Israeli Navy has been instructed to employ every available means to bar
their access to Gaza's shore. Israel OC Northern Command Gen. Gadi Eizenkot
said: "The Lebanese side is issuing threats against Israel and we are
confident that the Israeli army is preparing to confront these threats in an
appropriate manner."
He was referring to Hizballah's announcement: "We will not stand by idly if
Israel attacks ships bound for Gaza. Detainees taken into Israeli custody
(aboard those vessels) will be deemed prisoners of war who must be released.
As the climate over the Mediterranean heats up, two ships are either at sea
or hours away from embarkation - the Julia from Lebanon and an Iranian ship,
which is said to be making for the Suez Canal from the Persian Gulf port of
In his calls to the Greek, Turkish, Cypriot and Maltese leaders, the
Lebanese prime minister admitted that the embarkation of the pro-Palestinian
vessels from his ports violates US Resolution 1701 enforcing the
Israel-Lebanon ceasefire which ended the 2006 war, but he was helpless to
stop them because they were backed by powerful elements. Hariri did not say
who they were, but they were understood to be Syria and Hizballah.
He stressed that more urgent issues confronted Beirut than the Gaza
blockade, such as the Shaaba Farms on the Hermon slopes, which he said,
"Hizballah only talks about liberating but has not fired a single shell."
Hariri made it clear that by sponsoring the ships for Gaza, Hizballah is
bringing Lebanon dangerously close to a clash with Israel.
Unlike the May 31 episode, when the activists who resisted Israel's raid of
a Turkish ship to prevent if from reaching Gaza were unknown quantities,
this time, on Thursday, Israeli intelligence sources released the identities
of the ships' owners and the organizations mounting the expeditions.
The Lebanese "Julia" belongs to a Syrian shipping firm headed by a cousin of
President Bashar Assad, who made it available to Hizballah for the challenge
to Israel. The Lebanese flotilla effort is funded by a Palestinian by the
name of Yasser Kashlak who, posing as a wealthy businessman, serves as
Tehran's secret channel for remitting funds to Hizballah and Palestinian
terrorist organizations, including Hamas.
Therefore, Israel's designation of these ships and those of Iran as enemy
vessels meets the case.
From Washington, debkafile reports that when Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
Barak met US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on June 22, he voiced
extreme concern about the Lebanese Prime Minister's inability to rein in
Hizballah. Because of this, the situation in the region could rapidly
deteriorate, said Barak.
Right after the meeting, the US issued a statement about the "aid" flotillas
saying, "Direct delivery by sea is neither appropriate nor responsible, and
certainly not effective, under the circumstances. There is no need for
unnecessary confrontations, and we, along with our partners in the Quartet,
call on all parties to act responsibly in meeting the needs of the people of
Topic: Key News Events
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 07:57PM -0400
*Key News Events*
<>*4-DVD Set*
*I. President Obama relieved General McChrystal of his Afghan War Command
*Did McChrystal realize the war was being lost and wanted out before the
loss was pinned on him?*
*Let us begin with an article from last week. Notice that the word, 'exits'
was clearly used during Congressional testimony from General David Petraeus,
the general who commanded the Iraqi "surge", a strategy which today is
understood to have been the first step in getting out of Iraq.*
NEWS BRIEF: "*The West is Tiptoeing to the Exit in Afghanistan
*The Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2010
"President Barack Obama has committed to starting withdrawals of American
troops by July 2011. Is that wise? Gen. Petraeus offered what he described
as a 'qualified yes'.
"' There was a nuance to what the president said that was very important,
that did not imply a race for the exits, a search for the light to turn off
or anything like that', he said."
In diplomatic and political jargon, words can be expressed which convey the
opposite meaning from their surface meaning. In this instance, General
Petraeus and President Obama used the word "exits", denying that anyone was
trying to rush to an exit out of Afghanistan. Yet, the very fact that he
used this word should alert any discerning people that moving toward the
exits in a dignified manner is exactly what the Obama Administration is
Let us return to this Wall Street Journal article one more time:
"No race for the exits and no search for the light to turn off, then. Yet
the focus is clearly very much on finding a dignified way out. Once the
Afghan surge, the latest major Petraeus initiative, finishes next summer the
policy looks set to be: Organize an orderly retreat and call it a victory.
Enemies of the U.S. and NATO are, it has to be said, unlikely to draw the
conclusion from this that they are deeply committed to a robust defense of
Western values."
The medical facts are also clear: Western forces have spread enough *Depleted
Uranium* <> in
Afghanistan and in Iraq that these nations are doomed over the next 10
years. Further, people are going to start dying rapidly in both these
countries from D.U. poisoning and it would not be wise to still have
American troops in either country.
Now that we have established that President Obama is going to start
"tiptoeing to the exit in Afghanistan", it seems that General McChrystal
wants out of his Afghan War Command before he gets pinned with the loss. I
think the general deliberately chose this fight with the President to both
get out of his command before the "loss" word starts flowing forth and
because he genuinely believes the timetable he is being forced to adhere to
as he attempts to work out his strategy is fatally flawed. The general is
simply not being given enough time to win his counterinsurgency war.
NEWS BRIEF: "*McChrystal out, strategy
*The Boston Globe, June 24, 2010
"WASHINGTON — President Obama yesterday replaced General Stanley A.
McChrystal following the four-star general's disparaging remarks about the
White House leadership. The president turned to General David H. Petraeus,
architect of the Iraq war turnaround, to take over the US and NATO command
in Afghanistan."
How I love the spin which the Mass Media puts on events. Notice, in the
above sentence, General Petraeus is described as the "architect of the Iraq
war turnaround", making it sound like we have won that war over there. What
nonsense! We have lost that war, a fact which will one day soon become very
apparent. What President Bush and General Petraeus accomplished in Iraq was
to initiate a temporary troop "surge" which was a prelude to declaring
victory and head for the exits -- exactly the same wording as this Wall
Street Journal uses in describing Afghanistan!
Please take a few moments to read our two articles on the fact that we have
not won the Iraq War and that the war is not over yet!
*NEWS2368 <>*-- *"Iraq War - Not
Over By Any Means -- U.S. Still Headed For Planned Defeat"*
*NEWS2369 <>* - *"Iraq War Not Over
Yet - Part 2 - Why Did Skull & Bones Bush Invade?"*
Now, let us return to our featured news article.
"Some Democrats expressed new concern that the war is not winnable. Other
Democrats as well as some Republicans expressed worry that Obama — who wants
to start withdrawing troops in a year — will not apply the resources needed
to succeed or will pull out prematurely."
The wars in both Afghanistan and in Iraq are following the same script as
the war in South Vietnam. The standard counterinsurgency effort put forth by
all three of these wars placed great emphasis upon building up government
forces so that they can defend the country against the insurgency once
American and Coalition forces are withdrawn. The fly in this ointment is
that everyone should know that the local forces can never, ever defend the
country against the insurgents.
In Vietnam, the North Vietnamese waited two long years before they launched
their fatal attack. However, during those two long years, American and South
Vietnamese leaders continually told the American people that the
counterinsurgency strategy had succeeded. Only when the North Vietnamese
launched their final war, and only when the South Vietnamese people embraced
them, was the awful truth finally revealed.
This is the way it will turn out in both Afghanistan and Iraq. General
McChrystal and his staff know this reality and wanted out while they had
their military reputations intact. Do not be deceived: America is heading
for the exits in both wars, will declare victory in both wars and then will
leave the local forces to meet their doom.
<>*II. The most prestigious
Israeli newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, has editorialized that the Israeli
Defense Force should back down and let the approaching Gaza aid ships
through the blockade!*
NEWS BRIEF: "*Rattling the
Let the flotillas through" - *Jerusalem Post Editorial by Larry Derfner",
June 23, 2010
"If we forcibly stop the ships, it'll be an even greater victory for the
Islamists and an even worse humiliation for Israel ... The Iranians say the
ship Infants of Gaza is due to sail on Sunday, carrying humanitarian aid and
10 pro- Palestinian activists to the Gazan shore. The Lebanese say two more
relief ships, one of them carrying just women passengers, will leave soon
for Cyprus and go on from there to Gaza."
The Islamic enemy of Israel has clearly thrown down the gauntlet, following
the mass media victory they won in the first flotilla incident. Will Israel
dissolve the naval blockade and let these approaching ships through?
"Israel has sworn to stop the ships, saying Gaza cannot become an 'Iranian
port'. Navy commandos are preparing to face suicide bombers. I feel another
fiasco in the making, only this time we're in much worse shape because we're
still reeling from the one with the Mavi Marmara. So if these Iranian and
Lebanese ships come sailing toward Gaza, I say we let them through."
"It'll be a victory for Iran, Lebanon and Hamas and a humiliation for
Israel, as well as for the moderate West Bank Palestinians. The problem is
that if we forcibly stop the ships, especially if there's bloodshed, which
there well may be, it'll be an even greater victory for the Islamists and an
even worse humiliation for Israel and the West Bankers. There's a clear
downside to ending the blockade, but there's no future at all in maintaining
What will be the military effect of dissolving the blockade before the "aid"
ships trying to pass through it?
"I seriously doubt that the Iranian and Lebanese ships will be carrying
weapons of war to Gaza; their sponsors say they're sending humanitarian aid,
and it would be a huge embarrassment for them to be caught red-handed by
Israel, and they know there's a very good chance they'll be caught. So in
all likelihood the ships' cargo will make life a little less harsh for Gazan
civilians without making Hamas and the other terrorists there stronger
"It's not worth stopping them, not at the price of another political debacle
and another round of bloodshed. Wars have started over much less, and I
don't think we want to go to war over our so-called right to blockade Gaza
... And if this means that future ships will be bringing weapons of war to
Hamas? The terrorists are already bringing in thousands of long-range
rockets through the tunnels."
<>Will the Israeli government
of Prime Minister Netanyahu, actually take this proposed course of action? I
doubt it, for the Prime Minister has a "tough-guy" image to protect.
Therefore, we will undoubtedly see Israel stop these ships and stop them
again and again and again. Will there be bloodshed? There probably will be.
But, will all-out war start over this? I don't think so, because the various
Arab governments in the Middle East are not quite ready to go to war against
Israel. Rather, they are using this Gaza blockade as a political and
diplomatic weapon against Israel, in order to make it quite difficult for
"moderate" Arab regimes to continue their pro-West ways. Already, this
dispute has given the Islamic civilian government the political ammunition
it needs to finish moving Turkey from the Western orbit to the Eastern, thus
politically allying Turkey with the Iranian / Russian Magog forces, just as
Ezekiel 38-39 foretells.
This next round of crisis between Israel and the Gaza "aid" ships may very
well be aimed at moving traditional American and Israeli Arab allies out of
the Western bloc and into the Eastern. Who are these countries whose
policies have always been pro-American and pro-Israeli?
* *Egypt *-- her government actually cooperated with Israel in setting up
the current naval blockade of Gaza, realizing that Hamas was more of a
danger than Israel, because if the Egyptian people became infected with the
radical fires which Hamas preaches, President Mubarak could be seriously in
trouble, very quickly.
** Jordan *-- this Hashemite Kingdom has long been more pro-West than
pro-Islamic. In September, 1970, Jordan's King Hussein responded militarily
to the threat which Yassir Arafat and his PLO posed to the sovereignty of
the Kingdom, soundly defeating them. Arafat was thrown out of Jordan, never
to threaten the pro-Western monarchy again.
If a second and third round of the Gaza "humanitarian ship" scenario goes
badly for Israel in Arab media, the people of Jordan could be thoroughly
roused to the Islamic cause, thus putting enormous pressure upon Jordan to
move into the radical Islamic camp.
* *Syria* -- while her government is already allied with the cause of
radical Islam, President Assad would probably welcome a more radicalized
population because he then would have a more free hand to carry out his war
plans against Israel.
* *Lebanon *-- Hezbollah and Syria would love the opportunity to move
against the traditionally pro-Western government of Lebanon and finally
overthrow them completely! Hezbollah has already made significant inroads
against the pro-West government and would probably easily be able to
complete the overthrow if the Lebanese people were completely enraged over
the upcoming confrontation with the Gaza "aid" ships.
The *DVD "Isralestine" *
discusses the prophetic future of these very countries, recognizing that, in
the final war of Magog, these countries are missing. They are not mentioned
as being part of the prophetic lineup of Arab nations joining with Russia in
her Magog invasion. Where are these "missing" countries? Unless they were
dead, their leaders would not pass up the opportunity to march with Russia
in what will be perceived as a "certain victory" against Israel.
The fact is, they are missing because they have been so destroyed that they
will cease being political entities. This confrontation over the Gaza "Aid"
ships could very well radicalize the populations of these countries so much
that current leaders will be able to march in lockstep in a future war with
Israel - a war which shall destroy them!
Prophecy is being fulfilled in your Daily News!
*III. Will President Obama dramatically advance the North American Union by
granting amnesty to illegal immigrants? *
Cutting Edge has long felt that granting North American citizenship to
illegal immigrants will be one of the key factors in establishing *Supernation
#1* <>, the North American Union.
Granting them amnesty may be the final interim step.
NEWS BRIEF: "*GOP Lawmakers Warn of Administration Plan to Grant Amnesty to
Illegal Immigrants<>
*", Fox News, June 23, 2010
"Eight Republican senators and an independent group that supports tighter
limits on immigration are warning that the Obama administration is drafting
a plan to 'unilaterally' issue blanket amnesty for millions of illegal
immigrants as it struggles to win support in Congress for an overhaul of
immigration laws. the administration is readying a "Plan B" in case a
comprehensive reform bill cannot win enough support to clear Congress."
In other words, President Obama may be trying to pull a "Bill Clinton" by
achieving through Executive Order what he could not get through Congress!
"Deferred action and parole, which give illegal immigrants the ability to
seek a work permit and temporary legal status, are normally granted on a
case-by-case basis. But the aide said the lawmakers have learned from
'sources' that the administration is considering flexing its authority to
grant the status on a mass basis ... "
"Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations with Numbers USA, said
she's been hearing for weeks from 'sources close to the Democratic
leadership' in both chambers that administration officials are discussing
whether the Department of Homeland Security could direct staff to grant
'amnesty' for all illegal immigrants in the country.
" 'They're trying to figure out ways around a vote', she said. 'Any attempt
to force an amnesty on the American people using this underhanded method
smacks of despotism', reads the fax the group is urging supporters to sign."
The bottom line is that government leaders from both sides of the political
aisle are trying to discover a way to establish the North American Union.
Central to any government are the citizens, so it seems logical for the
Illuminati to consider granting interim amnesty to illegals as a step toward
the final goal of granting them full citizenship in the North American
We must fight this at all costs, through letters, emails and phone calls.
Click here to get the necessary contact information.
*Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet <>*
Find out about bills in congress. Search the text of bills. Check out
current legislation. Find the e-mail address and website of your Senator or
---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 24 07:56PM -0400
Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim. [Excerpts]
Jews have historically considered themselves "people of the book" (am
hasefer in Hebrew), referring to sacred tomes, but the phrase is turning out
to have an equally powerful, if unintended, meaning: scientists are able to
read Jewish genomes like a history book. The latest DNA volume weighs in on
the controversial, centuries-old (and now revived in a 2008 book) claim that
European Jews are all the descendants of Khazars, a Turkic group of the
north Caucasus who converted to Judaism in the late eighth and early ninth
century. The DNA has spoken: no.
In the wake of studies in the 1990s that supported biblically based notions
of a priestly caste descended from Aaron, brother of Moses, an ambitious new
project to analyze genomes collected from Jewish volunteers has yielded its
first discoveries. In a paper with the kind of catchy title you rarely see
in science journals-"Abraham's Children in the Genome Era"-scientists report
that the Jews of the Diaspora share a set of telltale genetic markers,
supporting the traditional belief that Jews scattered around the world have
a common ancestry. But various Diaspora populations have their own distinct
genetic signatures, shedding light on their origins and history. In addition
to the age-old question of whether Jews are simply people who share a
religion or are a distinct population, the scientific verdict is settling on
the latter.
Although the origin of the Jews has been traced, archeologically, to the
Middle East in the second millennium B.C.E., what happened next has been
more opaque. To sort it out, researchers collected DNA from Iranian, Iraqi,
Syrian, and Ashkenazi Jews around New York City; Turkish Sephardic Jews in
Seattle; Greek Sephardic Jews in Thessaloniki and Athens; and Italian Jews
in Rome as part of the Jewish HapMap Project. (All four grandparents of each
participant had to have come from the same community.) As the scientists
will report in the next issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics, the
analysis shows that "each of the Jewish populations formed its own
distinctive cluster, indicating the shared ancestry and relative genetic
isolation of the members of each of those groups."
Jewish populations, that is, have retained their genetic coherence just as
they have retained their cultural and religious traditions, despite
migrations from the Middle East into Europe, North Africa, and beyond over
the centuries, says geneticist Harry Ostrer of NYU Langone Medical Center,
who led the study. Each Diaspora group has distinctive genetic features
"representative of each group's genetic history," he says, but each also
"shares a set of common genetic threads" dating back to their common origin
in the Middle East. "Each of the Jewish populations formed its own
distinctive cluster, indicating the shared ancestry and relative genetic
isolation of the members of each of those groups."
The various Jewish groups were more related to each other than to non-Jews,
as well. Within every Jewish group, individuals shared as much of their
genome as two fourth or fifth cousins, with Italian, Syrian, Iranian, and
Iraqi Jews the most inbred, in the sense that they married within the small,
close-knit community. In general, the genetic similarity of any two groups
was larger the closer they lived to one another, but there was an exception:
Turkish and Italian Jews were most closely related genetically, but are
quite separated geographically.
The DNA analysis undermines the claim that most of today's Jews,
particularly the Ashkenazi, are the direct lineal descendants of converted
Khazars-which has angered many in the Jewish community as an implicit attack
on the Jews' claim to the land of Israel, since it implies that today's Jews
have no blood ties to the original Jews of the Middle East. Instead, find
the scientists, at most there was "limited admixture with local populations,
including Khazars and Slavs ... during the 1,000-year (second millennium)
history of the European Jews."
Analysis of Jewish genomes has been yielding fascinating findings for more
than a decade. A pioneer in this field, Michael Hammer of the University of
Arizona, made the first big splash when he discovered that genetics supports
the biblical account of a priestly family, the Cohanim, descended from
Aaron, the brother of Moses: one specific genetic marker on the Y chromosome
(which is passed on from father to son, as membership in the priestly family
would be) is found in 98.5 percent of people who self-identify as Cohanim,
he and colleagues reported in a 1997 paper in Nature (the PBS science series
Nova did a nice segment on that work, summarized here). The Cohanim DNA has
been found in both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, evidence that it predates
the time when the two groups diverged, about 1,000 years ago. DNA can also
be used to infer when particular genetic markers appeared, and suggests that
the Cohanim emerged about 106 generations ago, making it fall during what is
thought to be the period of the exodus from Egypt, and thus Aaron's
(Begley, "The DNA of Abraham's Children," Newsweek Online, June 3, 2010).
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