Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 11:53:39 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for - 15 Messages
in 14 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>
Today's Topic Summary
- There Is Very Little Holding Us Back From Cloning Humans "Except
Ethics And Law" [1 Update]
- Obama Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Advocated For Cloning
Humans To Experiment On [1 Update]
- Monsanto GM Seed Ban Overturned By US Supreme Court [1 Update]
- Cartoon Characters Sell Kids On Unhealthy Foods [1 Update]
- Working 'Lightsaber' Can Set Fire To Your Skin [1 Update]
- G20 Brings Baghdad To Toronto [1 Update]
- BP Has Opened The Gates Of Hell [1 Update]
- Bee decline could be down to chemical cocktail interfering with
brains [1 Update]
- Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter [1 Update]
- Hizballah's "change of mind" over assassinating Israeli - a
face-saver [1 Update]
- This IS Chilling! [2/2] [1 Update]
- This IS Chilling! [1/2] [1 Update]
- US administration and the Military all showing their true face
now-- Hahhahahah [1 Update]
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:05PM -0400
[TBC: In the July 1997 issue of the newsletter, we made note of the words of
the late Carl Sagan, who declared that "any efforts to safeguard and cherish
the environment need to be infused with a vision of the sacred." A concerned
Nazarene church member recently drew our attention to a statement from page
59 of "Creation Care: Environmental Stewardship for the Church of the
Nazarene," released in 2005.]
"In this most critical moment in Earth's history, we are convinced that the
central moral imperative of our time is the care for Earth as God's
creation. Churches, as communities of God's people in the world, are called
to exist as representatives of the loving Creator, Sustainer, and Restorer
of all creation. We are called to worship God with all our being and
actions, and to treat creation as sacred. We must engage our political
leaders in supporting the very future of this planet. We are called to cling
to the true Gospel - for 'God so loved the world' (John 3:16)."
[TBC: In the July 1997 article ("The Greening of the
Dave noted, "Reverence does not pertain to things but to persons. To
reverence the impersonal creation instead of the personal God who created us
is a perversion designed for escaping moral accountability to the Creator.
God indicts those who worship the creation instead of its Creator (Rom
1:18-23) and warns of the corruption of morals and behavior which results
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 10:57PM -0400
[TBC: In the July 1997 issue of the newsletter, we made note of the words of
the late Carl Sagan, who declared that "any efforts to safeguard and cherish
the environment need to be infused with a vision of the sacred." A concerned
Nazarene church member recently drew our attention to a statement from page
59 of "Creation Care: Environmental Stewardship for the Church of the
Nazarene," released in 2005.]
"In this most critical moment in Earth's history, we are convinced that the
central moral imperative of our time is the care for Earth as God's
creation. Churches, as communities of God's people in the world, are called
to exist as representatives of the loving Creator, Sustainer, and Restorer
of all creation. We are called to worship God with all our being and
actions, and to treat creation as sacred. We must engage our political
leaders in supporting the very future of this planet. We are called to cling
to the true Gospel - for 'God so loved the world' (John 3:16)."
[TBC: In the July 1997 article ("The Greening of the Cross"), Dave noted,
"Reverence does not pertain to things but to persons. To reverence the
impersonal creation instead of the personal God who created us is a
perversion designed for escaping moral accountability to the Creator. God
indicts those who worship the creation instead of its Creator (Rom 1:18-23)
and warns of the corruption of morals and behavior which results (24-32)."]
Topic: There Is Very Little Holding Us Back From Cloning Humans
"Except Ethics And Law"
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:21PM -0400
*There Is Very Little Holding Us Back From Cloning Humans "Except Ethics And
This is according to Jeanne Cavelos, author of The Science of Star Wars in
an interview with Scientific American magazine. "It's entirely conceivable
that we will see humans cloned for medical or reproductive purposes in the
coming decades," she says. Not only is cloning possible, Cavelos also thinks
the genes of these clones could be manipulated to make them more obedient to
authority and to cause them to learn more quickly. "One area of Star Wars
cloning technology that is not very realistic according to today's science
is the limited amount of time the clones have to grow and learn," says
Cavelos. "Nevertheless, cloning technology is something in Star Wars that we
will be seeing more of soon." The clone army makes its first appearance in
the Star Wars saga in Episode II, all copied from a bounty hunter named
Jango Fett — a fine physical specimen but a mercenary. Unfortunately for our
heroes, this clone army turns out to be loyal only to evil Chancellor
Palpatine, who uses them to magnify his own power and take over the
Topic: Obama Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Advocated For Cloning
Humans To Experiment On
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:20PM -0400
*Obama Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Advocated For Cloning Humans To
Experiment On* <>
We already know something of the unusual ideas of human rights and commerce
held by U.S. Solicitor General, Elena Kagan. Kagan has been nominated by
President Obama to succeed the retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. Kagan
also served in the Clinton White House, where she left an extensive paper
trail of documented opinions. Most interesting, perhaps, is Kagan's support
for cloning human beings. Clinton Library documents show that she opposed
any effort by Congress to prevent human beings from being cloned
specifically to create embryos that would be experimented upon, then killed.
Gallup recently reported that 88% of Americans *oppose *cloning human
beings. Kagan does not. We also know, from her record as Solicitor General
in the Obama administration, that there are circumstances in which Elena
Kagan would vote to ban political books... Here we can clearly see that the
kind of disregard for human rights Kagan denied in her advocacy of cloning
human beings extends to property rights and to suppression of free speech.
All our Bill of Rights guarantees–including freedom of speech and
assembly–can only be safe in a constitutional order that respects human
life. We must stand for free markets, but those free markets themselves are
supported by respect for those inalienable rights with which we are endowed
by our Creator. When those rights are denied by government, destructive
forces are unleashed against free markets as well.
Topic: Monsanto GM Seed Ban Overturned By US Supreme Court
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:20PM -0400
*Monsanto GM Seed Ban Overturned By US Supreme
The bio-tech company Monsanto can sell genetically modified seeds before
safety tests on them are completed, the US Supreme Court has ruled. A lower
court had barred the sale of the modified alfalfa seeds until an
environmental impact study could be carried out. But seven of the nine
Supreme Court Justices decided that ruling was unconstitutional. The seed is
modified to be resistant to Monsanto's brand of weedkiller. The US is the
world's largest producer of alfalfa, a grass-like plant used as animal feed.
It is the fourth most valuable crop grown in the country. Environmentalists
had argued that there might be a risk of cross-pollination between
genetically modified plants and neighbouring crops. They also argued
over-use of the company's weedkiller Roundup, the chemical treatment the
alfalfa is modified to be resistant to, could cause pollution of ground
water and lead to resistant "super-weeds". But Monsanto says claims its
products were dangerous amounted to "bad science fiction with no support on
the record".
Topic: Cartoon Characters Sell Kids On Unhealthy Foods
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:19PM -0400
*Cartoon Characters Sell Kids On Unhealthy
Popular cartoon characters are influencing the taste preferences of very
young children, and not in a positive way, a new study suggests. Researchers
found that the branding of American food product packaging with characters
such as Dora the Explorer drives preschoolers to choose higher-calorie, less
healthful foods over more nutritious options. "The bottom line is that when
kids are presented with a choice of graham crackers, fruit snacks or
carrots, and the only difference is that one package has a licensed
character on it, they actually think that the food with the character tastes
better," said study author Christina Roberto, a doctoral student working at
the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University in New Haven,
Conn. The findings, reported online June 21 in *Pediatrics*, reflect on the
food preferences of 4- to 6-year-old boys and girls who found foods tastier
when the packaging bore the likenesses of beloved TV and movie characters.
Topic: Working 'Lightsaber' Can Set Fire To Your Skin
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:18PM -0400
*Working 'Lightsaber' Can Set Fire To Your
Sometimes the word "why?" is just an exclamation. We don't really expect an
answer. We just wish something hadn't happened. Yet, perhaps you might be
able to answer the "why" part of this question: Why has a laser manufacturer
produced a Star Wars-ish laser that it proudly describes as being "the most
dangerous ever created"? I am indebted to Canada's National Post, which came
across a product that really makes one wonder. It is called the Spyder III
Pro Arctic. Its manufacturer, Wicked Lasers of Shanghai, is rather excited
about its potential. May I quote its Web site? "Don't let the Arctic name
fool you, this laser possesses the most burning capabilities of any portable
laser in existence. That's why it's also the most dangerous laser ever
created." Personally, I didn't let the name fool me. You see, just below
this claim to success, Wicked Lasers offers a very bright yellow warning:
"Extremely dangerous is an understatement to 1W of laser power. At close
range, this Class 4 beam will cause immediate and irreversible retinal
damage." Oh, and "it will blind permanently and instantly and set fire
quickly to skin and other body parts."
Topic: G20 Brings Baghdad To Toronto
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:17PM -0400
*G20 Brings Baghdad To
Excessively armed thugs parading through the streets, military checkpoints
at traffic lights, police helicopters hovering over the city, a long
chain-link fence around the center of downtown, secret snipers on rooftops,
urban warfare weapons, bomb-sniffing dogs, sound canons; this is not the
sight of the infamous Green Zone in blood-drenched Baghdad, but a picture of
what downtown Toronto will look like this weekend when the city hosts the
world's leading heads of states, and government officials. They are in
Toronto for the G20 conference, where they plan to discuss a global economic
order, and new austerity measures for heavily indebted nations. It is
expected that U.S. President Barack Obama will fearmonger about Iran's
nuclear capabilities and motives, just as he did at the last G20 meeting
that took place in Pittsburgh in September, 2009.
Topic: BP Has Opened The Gates Of Hell
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:16PM -0400
*BP Has Opened The Gates Of Hell<>
*Some geologists say that BP's arrogance has set off a series of events that
may be irreversible. There are some that think that BP has drilled into an
deep-core oil volcano that cannot be stopped, regardless of the horizontal
drills the company claims will stop the oil plume in August... I don't know
if you've stopped to contemplate what BP was trying to do... The well itself
started 5,000 feet below the surface. That's the depth of the Grand Canyon
from the rim. And then the company attempted to drill more than 30,000 feet
below that — Mt. Everest would give 972 feet to spare. Furthermore, the
company sought oil in a dangerous area of the seabed. It was unstable and
many think BP sought it out because seismic data showed huge pools of
methane gas — the very gas that blew the top off Deepwater Horizon and
killed 11 people. More than a year ago, geologists criticized Transocean for
putting their exploratory rig directly over a massive underground reservoir
of methane. According to the *New York Times *, BP's internal "documents
show that in March, after several weeks of problems on the rig, BP was
struggling with a loss of 'well control.' And as far back as 11 months ago,
it was concerned about the well casing and the blowout preventer." The
problem is that this methane, located deep in the bowels of the earth, is
under tremendous pressure... Some speculate as much as 100,000 psi — far too
much for current technology to contain. The shutoff vales and safety
measures were built for only 1,000 psi. It was an accident waiting to
happen... And there are many that say it could get worse — much worse.
Topic: Bee decline could be down to chemical cocktail interfering with brains
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:11PM -0400
Bee decline could be down to chemical cocktail interfering with brains
£10m Insect Pollinators Initiative will look at the multiple reasons thought
to be behind devastation of bees, moths and hoverflies
[image: A bumble bee prepares to land on a plant in Boroughbridge] A bumble
bee prepares to land on a plant. Photograph: Nigel Roddis/REUTERS
A cocktail of chemicals from pesticides could be damaging the brains of
British bees, according to scientists about to embark on a study into why
the populations of the
insects<> have
dropped so rapidly in recent
By affecting the way bees' brains work, the pesticides might be affecting
the ability of bees to find food or communicate with others in their
Neuroscientists at Dundee University, Royal Holloway and University College
London will investigate the hypothesis as part of a £10m research programme
launched today aimed at finding ways to stop the decline in the numbers of
bees and other insect pollinators in the UK.
Insects such as bees, moths and hoverflies pollinate around a third of the
agricultural crops grown around the world. If all of the UK's insect
pollinators were wiped out, the drop in crop production would cost the UK
economy up to £440m a year, equivalent to around 13% of the UK's income from
farming <>.
Pollinators are also crucial for the quality of fruits and vegetables.
Perfectly shaped strawberries, for example, are created only if every single
ovary has been pollinated by an insect. And the number of seeds in a pumpkin
depends on the number of species of insects that have pollinated the plants.
"If you've got 10 pollinators, you'll get more seeds in the pumpkin than you
would have got if you've just got one pollinator," said Giles Budge of the
Food and Environment Research Agency. "It is important to have that
diversity in a pollinating population."
According to the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology <>,
three of the 25 British species of bumblebees are already extinct and half
of the remainder have shown serious declines, often up to 70%, since around
the 1970s. In addition, around 75% of all butterfly species in the
been shown to be in decline. The new £10m Insect
Pollinators Initiative
the largest programme to date of its kind, will look at the multiple reasons
thought to be behind this devastation in insect population.
Chris Connolly of Dundee University's Centre for
Neuroscience<>has been
awarded £1.5m to lead the work on whether pesticides are having an
affect on the brains of bees. Pesticides could be blocking the electrical
and chemical signals between neurons, he said, and only subtle changes may
be required to produce serious brain disorders. These problems might stop
bees identifying the best sources of nectar, or it might affect their
ability to navigate to nearby food source and back home again.
Brain disorders in bees might also interfere with their ability to
communicate with nest-mates using the "waggle
where bees come back to their hive and spread information about the food
sources they have found.
The IPI will bring together ecologists, molecular biologists, mathematicians
and computer experts to study the decline of honeybees and other insect
pollinators from a range of different angles.
"The landscape has changed considerably over the last 30-40 years, we've
seen well-documented changes in our birds, our flora and also in some of our
insects but now there's a growing concern that our insect pollinators are
also in decline, whether that's in terms of the number of honeybees, number
of bumblebee species, butterflies and hoverflies," said Andrew Watkinson,
director of the Living with Environmental Change programme, which is part of
the IPI.
Jane Memmott of the University of Bristol has been awarded a £1.2m grant to
identify the hotspots of insect biodiversity in Bristol, Reading, Leeds and
Edinburgh. "We're divvying the cities up not just into gardens – we'll look
at bits of wasteland, industrial estates, shopping malls – to ask where
there are the little oases for plant pollinators. We'll ask what we can do
in cities to make them more pollinator-friendly?"
Claire Carvell of the Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology<>will use her £500,000 award to analyse
DNA from live wild bees to track how
far and wide queen bees fly to start new nests and how far worker bees fly
to look for food. "Bumblebees live in colonies of a few hundred workers and
a queen. If we want to conserve their populations, we need to think about
the number of nests and not just the number of individual bees. But we're
faced with a challenge – it's almost impossible to find bumblebee nests in
the wild."
The IPI has been funded by the Natural and Environmental Research Council
<> (Nerc), the UK government's department for
environment, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the
Scottish Government and the Wellcome Trust. Alan Thorpe, chief executive of
Nerc, said: "We can take for granted the variety of vegetables, fruits and
flowers that we can enjoy every day but some of the insect pollinators on
which they rely are in serious decline. Understanding the complexities of
environmental ecosystems is a priority that will help to ensure the survival
of pollinators and the benefits they provide."
Topic: Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Jun 22 07:10PM -0400
*--------- This Week's Hot News --------*
<>*I. The world has become
obsessed with tiny Israel and her eternal capital, Jerusalem! Why?*
*"I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about
... in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people ...
all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."* (Zechariah
Imagine how accurately this 2,500+ year-old prophecy describes the attitude
of the peoples of the world today! The agitation of the many people
throughout the world against Israel increases every single day.
God has decreed this state of mind against His nation and that is exactly
what is occurring in today's news. These stories tell the tale.
NEWS BRIEF: "*Why this obsession with Israel and the
*", Editorial by Robert Fowke, The Guardian (London), 22 June 2010
"I'm not alone in my disproportionate interest in Israel – but why do so
many of us pick away at this conflict like it's a giant scab? Why do I, so
far away and so much a product of my own country, take such an interest in
the Israel-Palestine conflict? Where does my disproportionate interest come
from, considering that other conflicts around the world are equal or worse
in their unpleasantness?"
Mr. Fowke then describes in detail how he is utterly consumed daily by
conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and their terrorist groups in
Lebanon, The Gaza Strip and in the West Bank.
"Why am I not so worked up about Zimbabwe? North Korea? Sudan? Tibet? Burma?
I am not alone. Comments posted on the internet by Israel supporters, by
Palestinian supporters and by trolls on each side show that there are
millions of us around the world, millions upon millions, picking away at
this one conflict like it's a giant scab."
Fowke's last statement is absolutely prophetic:
"I am not sure where all this leads, all these millions of us from both
sides picking away at this particular scab. The sheer number taking so much
passionate interest is in itself dangerous ... This relatively small
conflict has the potential to destroy on a colossal scale."
Robert Fowke is right. Millions upon millions of people are obsessed with
tiny Israel and her Islamic enemies. God's Holy Spirit is working upon the
peoples of the world to become obsessed with Jerusalem and to decide which
side they are going to support: Israel or Islam.
God's judgment will one day soon fall upon the hundreds of millions of
people who sided with Islam, drawing all the nations of the world into the
Middle East in fulfillment of Joel 3 and then cause army after army after
army to attack Jerusalem.
God's prophecy is being fulfilled, in your *Daily News*!
*II. America's top general in Afghanistan became so angry with the war that
he actually lashed out at President Obama.*
*He is now headed for the White House, probably to get fired!*
*In reality, it is Washington who should be fired.*
NEWS BRIEF: "*Top Afghan commander summoned to
*", Associated Press, June 22, 2010
"WASHINGTON — The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan has been summoned to
Washington to explain his controversial comments about colleagues in a
recent interview, Obama administration officials said Tuesday. The officials
say Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who has issued an apology for his comments, has
been ordered to attend the monthly White House meeting on Afghanistan and
Pakistan in person Wednesday rather than over a secure video teleconference,
so he can discuss his comments with President Barack Obama and top Pentagon
What did General McChrystal say that landed him in such hot water?
"An article in this week's Rolling Stone magazine depicts McChrystal as a
lone wolf on the outs with many important figures in the Obama
administration and unable to persuade even some of his own soldiers that his
strategy can win the war. In the interview, McChrystal is described by an
aide as "disappointed" in his first Oval Office meeting with President
Barack Obama. The article says that although McChrystal voted for Obama, the
two failed to connect from the start. Obama called McChrystal on the carpet
last fall for speaking too bluntly about his desire for more troops."
What you have here is the age-old conflict between American military
commanders and their civilian Commander-In-Chief as to how a war should be
fought. General McChrystal had to have become incensed about the failing
strategy he was being forced to follow, rather than his strategy which he
believes will succeed, that he uncharacteristically lashed out at the
This type of a public clash resulted in General Mac Arthur being fired by
President Truman, and it may very well result in General McChrystal being
fired by President Obama. Both men felt that their hands were being too
tightly tied by their civilian bosses and finally had had enough.
We have always realized that the Illuminati intended for America to not win
most of the wars in which she fought after World War II. General Mac Arthur
became obsessed with the failing strategy he was forced to use in the Korean
War and now General McChrystal has become obsesses with the failing strategy
he is forced to follow in the Afghanistan War.
Old soldiers many times just cannot comprehend how they are asked to lead
brave men into battle in a war in which civilian leaders have determined
before the war ever started that America was not to win the war. Mac Arthur
chose to "fade away"; will McChrystal choose the same route -- a route of
dignified departure?
*III. We have always taught that Bush's Iraq War was not over by any means,
but was just entering a new phase.*
*Events are proving us correct.*
NEWS BRIEF: "*As U.S. Troops Depart, Some Iraqis Fear Their Own Security
Forces <>",
News, June 21, 2010
"In Iraq, the pullout of U.S. troops is picking up pace. By Sept. 1, the
number of U.S. forces in Iraq will be pared to about 50,000 troops, part of
a massive drawdown to continue in 2011 under an agreement negotiated with
This plan of withdrawal from Iraq was set by President Bush and supported
completely by President Obama. America is withdrawing from Iraq, much as the
Coalition Forces have already done so.
"And as U.S. troops withdraw, many Iraqis feel a growing mistrust of the
Iraq security forces that are supposed to protect them. Some of the Iraqi
forces behave with impunity, and as a result, Iraqis say, they are now more
afraid of them than the insurgency."
This situation seems as grim as it was in the days American forces were
completing their withdrawal from South Vietnam. The Vietnamese were afraid
of their own security forces and for good reason. So many atrocities were
committed by South Vietnamese military and para-military forces against the
average South Vietnamese citizen that, when the North Vietnamese Army struck
two years later, South Vietnam collapsed like a house of cards.
We believe the situation is essentially the same in Iraq. The only
difference is that southern Iraq will split into two major warring factions,
the Shi'ite and the Sunni. As soon as the American withdrawal is so far
along that it has become inevitable, civil war will break out with such
ferocity as to take our breath away!
"In the mainly Sunni Baghdad district of Adhimiyah, the leader of the local
paramilitary organization the Sons of Iraq was assassinated recently. Ziyad
Tariq Nouri, a 33-year-old shop owner, witnessed the killing. He says he
believes the security forces colluded in the murder .... Iraq's security
services are now feared here."
"... there is a real fear about what happens after the last American soldier
We came to believe very quickly after the initial invasion on March 20,
2003, that this war was fulfilling the Bible prophecy against Ancient
Babylon in Isaiah 13 (Read full details in
entitled, *"Iraq Is Now A Radioactive Wasteland"*, and
entitled *"Rhetoric Against Iraq Is Now Taking The Shape of a 2,600 year-old
We believe that the prophecy of Isaiah 13 will result in an all-out civil
war against Shi'ite and Sunni factions, a war which will thoroughly deplete
both sides. Then, the final act of God's judgment against Ancient Babylon
will occur, as the Kurds (the Medes) will attack the south from northern
Iraq and almost annihilate the remnants of the Babylonians left alive, the
Shi'ites and Sunnis.
Consider some of the other war events in Iraq recently.
NEWS BRIEF: "*Iraq gunmen kill Sunni Arab leader who fought
Slaying of a key member of the Awakening movement, his wife and two sons", *Los
Angeles Times, June 17, 2010
"The slaying of a key member of the Awakening movement, his wife and two
sons comes amid attacks on groups that helped defeat Al Qaeda in Iraq ... A
Sunni paramilitary leader, his wife and two of his sons were assassinated
Thursday as attacks continued against members of the groups that helped U.S.
troops defeat Al Qaeda in Iraq militants and bring an end to the country's
sectarian war."
"Gunmen opened fire before dawn on the house of Khudair Hamad Saad, a
prominent member of the Sunni Arab Awakening movement, in an area outside
Fallouja in the western province of Anbar..."
As American troops leave, these "Sunni Arab Awakening" leaders have every
reason to be terrified. They backed the American anti-insurgent war and now
they must be realizing that they have backed the losing side.
Notice that these Shi'ite gunmen were not content to murder just the Sunni
leader, but they killed his entire family. Sadly, this pattern is going to
be repeated very, very often in the next few years, until the civil war
comes to an end because the Shi'ites and Sunnis have depleted their
resources and manpower against each other.
Then, the Medes (Kurds) are coming!
NEWS BRIEF: "*Bombs targeting Iraqi government and allies kill
*", The Associated Press, June 22, 2010
"BAGHDAD — Bombs targeting Iraqi officials and a Sunni militia leader killed
at least three people and wounded more than 12 in separate attacks in
Baghdad and north of the capital ... The violence began when a roadside bomb
apparently aimed at a convoy carrying a senior Transportation Ministry
official missed its target and killed two bystanders instead. The 8 a.m.
blast occurred in the mainly Sunni area of Dora, a former insurgent
stronghold in southern Baghdad."
Notice that the target was a senior member of the Iraqi government and was
carried out in an area predominately Sunni. But, more violence exploded.
"A bomb attached to a car carrying the leader of an anti-al-Qaida Sunni
group later exploded in Buhriz, a former Saddam Hussein stronghold about 35
miles (60 kilometers) north of Baghdad in Diyala province. Maj. Ghalib
al-Karkhi, a police spokesman for Diyala, said the blast killed Raad
al-Mujamai, the leader of the so-called Awakening Council in a nearby
Once again, a Sunni member of the "Awakening Council" was murdered. Either
these Sunnis need to become truly aggressive in fighting back, or the entire
"Awakening Council" movement is going to be systematically murdered, along
with many members of their family.
"A motorcycle bomb targeting an Iraqi army patrol exploded in the Diyala
provincial capital of Baqouba, wounding eight civilians. A roadside bomb
also struck near the office of a Shiite religious party in Baghdad, wounding
10 people, including eight guards, according to police and hospital
officials ... There have been a series of high profile bombings in the city
since August, killing hundreds of people and raising questions about the
preparedness of Iraq's security forces to take over from the Americans."
NEWS BRIEF: *Suicide Blast in Baghdad Killed 30
Baghdad was intimidated with a couple of bomb blasts today
*", 4Press News, 20 June 2010
"Baghdad was intimidated with a couple of bomb blasts today that killed
nearly 30 people. The blast was caused by two suicide car bombers who struck
in a crowded area just outside a state-run bank and this attack in the
capital's high profile area has raised questions on the security measures
taken by the government. The blast reportedly took place around 11 am and
the area was packed with people during that time."
Since the Iraqi security forces are not capable of maintaining law and order
once the Americans leave, and that fact is obvious to any discerning people,
why are the Americans still planning to leave? The most obvious reason, of
course, is that President Obama is simply continuing the plan set by
President George W. Bush.
But, there is a second, and more important, reason. In late March, 2003, as
American forces were attempting to break through to Baghdad, I received a
phone call from a subscriber who was a doctor in a friendly Middle East
country, specifically trained in modern warfare. This doctor proceeded to
tell me so much about Depleted Uranium munitions that we talked for over
three hours. We encourage you to read the articles in our *Depleted Uranium
Section* <>.
One of the facts this doctor told me was that it would take 20 years before
the uranium poisoning would become so advanced that Iraq would become
unlivable. Further, it would take 10 years for the population to begin dying
so rapidly that the media could not cover it up any longer.
Since President Bush invaded the country in March, 2003, ten years would
take us to March, 2013. By then, dead bodies will be carried from homes,
buildings, and off the public street by the truckload. No American leader
wants troops in Iraq when the dead and dying become painfully obvious!
Hence, Bush planned a withdrawal of American troops well in advance of the
time when the Iraq people will start dying enmass. The same is true of
Afghanistan, since we invaded in November, 2001. However, the D.U.
contamination is largely in the countryside and not in congested cities.
Therefore, the West has a little more time to plan and carry out an
Remember also that the blinding windstorms so prevalent in Iraq and
Afghanistan are spreading deadly D.U. dust over 1,000 miles from
battlefields in those countries. An entire region of the "Non-Integrating
Gap" countries is being systematically eliminated, and few are talking about
Iraq is beginning her national death rattle. Can you hear it?
If you are unfamiliar with the subject of Depleted Uranium, get the DVD
shown above, *"Beyond Treason" <>*,
created by the Gulf War Vets Association. You will discover that President
Bush should be tried for war crimes for initiating a uranium war against the
one billion people of the Middle East, and against all American troops who
have served in that country!
<>*IV. Even as Iraq begins its
national death rattle, her people are lashing out at
Topic: Hizballah's "change of mind" over assassinating Israeli - a face-saver
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From: "Goodtiding" <>
Date: Jun 22 10:48AM -0400
Hizballah's "change of mind" over assassinating Israeli - a face-saver
DEBKAfile Special Report June 22, 2010, 1:22 PM (GMT+02:00)
Hassan Nasrallah fails twice, stays in bunker
Hizballah's secretary general Hassan Nasrallah did not feel safe
enough to take up Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan's invitation to
visit Ankara last week in with the protection of the four intelligence
agencies of Iran, Syria, Turkey and Hizballah's own service,
debkafile's counter-terror sources disclose. To compound this fiasco,
the two Lebanese vessels he planned for breaking Israel's sea blockade
of Gaza are still stuck in Beirut despite bulletins about their
imminent departure.
To save face, Nasrallah had his sources "leak" to the Kuwaiti A-Rai a
claim that his organization pulled back at the eleventh hour from a
plan to kill an unnamed high-ranking Israeli on vacation, who was
thereupon recalled to Tel Aviv.
Our intelligence sources report that Nasrallah decided to stay home in
his Beirut bunker, where he has lived in hiding for four years, for
fear that even he went to Ankara with the promised fourfold security
shield, an Israeli hit team would get him.
The cancellation of his Ankara trip turned out to suit both host and invitee:
1. Nasrallah, who looks after his security in person, found the two
travel plans on offer were chancy. One was to be flown in to Ankara by
a Syrian or Iranian military aircraft after Turkey refused to provide
one. But neither was keen to provide this service or in a hurry to
make the arrangements.
The other was to make his way to Turkey secretly by road through
Syria. Nasrallah decided that the 10-hour journey on Syrian highways
would expose his convoy to surveillance by Israeli drones and he would
very likely not reach his destination alive.
2. As the negotiations between Nasrallah and Turkish security MIT
officials in Beirut on his personal security dragged on, Erdogan
cooled on the prospect of hosting him.
Not only would this vindicate the Israeli charge that the Turkish
leader is not above using terrorists in his hate campaign against
Israel, but the campaign itself is running into more and more
criticism at home from broad political, military and intelligence
circles, who accuse him of a policy which is detrimental to the
country's own interests.
Erdogan was persuaded to shelve his plans for Nasrallah's visit and
order the MIT team to return home.
To save face for this humiliation - and his failure to browbeat the
Lebanese government into permitting the flotilla he sponsored to
embark for Gaza - the Hizballah leader engineered a leak to the
Kuwaiti A-Rai of Tuesday, June 22. The same story also threatened that
an Israeli attempt on the lives of any Hizballah leaders would be
deemed a declaration of war and precipitate hundreds of rockets
against Tel Aviv and its environs and thousands against other
debkafile recalls the dire Shiite terrorists' threatened to avenge the
murder of Imad Mughniyeh, head of their special security branch in a
high-scale Damascus suburb in February 2008. While accusing Israel,
they have never made good on their threat
Topic: This IS Chilling! [2/2]
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From: "Goodtiding" <>
Date: Jun 22 10:23AM -0400
Topic: This IS Chilling! [1/2]
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From: "Goodtiding" <>
Date: Jun 22 10:23AM -0400
Topic: US administration and the Military all showing their true face
now-- Hahhahahah
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From: "Goodtiding" <>
Date: Jun 22 10:20AM -0400
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