Monday, June 21, 2010

Fwd: [ChristLife] Digest for - 3 Messages in 3 Topics

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Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 20:00:59 +0000
Subject: [ChristLife] Digest for - 3
Messages in 3 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- A Survey - What do you think about the Bible? [1 Update]
- When we love [1 Update]

Topic: A Survey - What do you think about the Bible?

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From: B A Berean <>
Date: Jun 19 08:12PM -0700

After following many posts, I would like to take a survey.

With this post itself, I would prefer to avoid (if possible)
discussions about the topic. I am interested in learning what
Christians think about this.

Please tell us what you think of the Bible from the choices below.
(Feel free to add other choices, if I have missed some.)

1) In the original languages, it is the infallible, inerrant and
complete (66 Books) Word of God. The Bible alone is the ultimate
authority for all spiritual truth. God wants us to understand it and
leads Christians into all Truth by His Holy Spirit.

2) In the original languages, it is the infallible, inerrant and
complete (66 Books) Word of God. The Bible alone is the ultimate
authority for all spiritual truth. God wants us to understand the
important aspects of the Bible and leads Christians into those Truths
by His Holy Spirit. Peripheral issues may be subject to personal

3) In the original languages, it is the infallible, inerrant and
complete (66 Books) Word of God. The Bible is the absolute Truth;
however, people interpret it so differently that it is difficult or at
times impossible to understand. Therefore, we must hold loosely to our
interpretatios, since there is no way to know for sure that our's is

4) In the original languages, it is the infallible and inerrant Word
of God. All of the Bible is the ultimate authority for all spiritual
truth. However, the current 66 Books of the Bible do not include all
Scriptures. These books were arbitrarily decided upon by groups many
centuries ago. These groups did not have all of the knowledge that we
have today and may have mistakenly omitted Scriptures. Certain
Christian groups today have Bibles that include more than 66 Books.

5) In the original languages, it is the Word of God. All Scripture is
the ultimate authority for all spiritual truth. However, the current
66 Books of the Bible do not include all Scriptures. These books were
arbitrarily decided upon by groups many centuries ago. These groups
did not have all of the knowledge that we have today and may have
mistakenly omitted Scriptures. Modern day prophets and prophecies hold
the same weight of authority as the Bible.

6) In the original languages, it is the Word of God. However, the
current 66 Books of the Bible do not include all Scriptures and may
include some that should not be in the Bible. These books were
arbitrarily decided upon by groups many centuries ago. These groups
did not have all of the knowledge that we have today and may have
mistakenly included or omitted Scriptures.

7) As a part of society, the Bible is a valuable book of moral
teachings. If adhered to, many parts of the Bible would make our world
a much better place. However, it cannot be completely trusted, due to
the human errors that inevitably happened during translation and

8) The Bible is a book written by men and therefore is unreliable.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Bob Dallmann - group moderator

Topic: When we love

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From: Jacob <>
Date: Jun 19 06:48PM -0700

When people say they love someone, in most cases it means that they
like something in the other person that makes them happy. Perhaps the
other person's looks and behaviour are pleasing to them, or the other
person does something for them. In other words, the others meet their
needs. Don't we realise that this kind of 'love' is essentially
selfish and self-centred? Yet even among many 'Christians' this is the
only kind of love that is going around.

This love has its problems. When the other person doesn't do what we
expect, love grows cold. When the other person does something that
hurts us, this love turns into hatred!

Then we look at another kind of love that God has for us and which God
wants us to have towards the others. Isn't that totally opposite to
the love we usually think of? His love loves the 'unlovely' and the
'unlovable.' He loves sinners and even His enemies. He shows mercy and
goodness to those who deserve the very opposite. He forgives the worst
of sins and accepts people as if they were saints. He puts behind past
sins without gloating over them again and again. He gives good things
both to the wicked and the righteous. He is patient even when a sinner
slips up for the umpteenth time and is always on the lookout to run to
someone who turns to Him.

Unbelievable love! If God simply asked us to have this love towards
the others it would have been ridiculous because it would be
impossible for us to love like that. But God first showed us that love
Himself, and then He puts that love in our heart (Ro.5:5). Then we are
empowered to love others like He does.

Many of us make the mistake of trying to love others like God does
without having gone at first to the source of that love. And we cannot
just walk in and ask Him for that love, until we are willing to
acknowledge our selfishness and lack of love (repent, in other words)
and worship Him (fall at His feet and surrender to Him) in love and
thankfulness (Is.30:15). Then He takes away the old heart of stone and
gives us a heart of flesh (Ez.36:26). That is when we begin to be able
to love others in this new way.

Once we taste this love, the old love becomes something to be spat
out. We wonder how we could have imagined that we loved others when
all we had was selfishness in disguise. Actually we were looking for
this new kind of love from the others, while we ourselves were giving
them the old kind of love!

When we love with this new love others will know we are His disciples
(Jn.13:35), because only such can love like this. What the world needs
are people who have this love.

Let us put away the old love whenever it comes up in us, and replace
it with love that comes from God (Ep.4:21-24). Then we will be happy
ourselves and we can also make others happy.


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From: Bayo Afolaranmi <>
Date: Jun 19 10:33AM -0700

Dear Beloved,
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never
leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged"(Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV).
"…because God has said, `Never will I leave you; never will I forsake
you'" (Hebrews 13:5, NIV).
My two-year-old daughter said a statement that was a challenge to me
the other day. We were having our breakfast that Sunday morning in
preparation for the worship service. When my wife discovered that our
daughter was slow in eating her food, she said jokingly that we will
leave her at home if she does not eat fast. She just said confidently
and emphatically, "My daddy will not leave me!"
We laughed over the matter, but her confidence in me was a
thought-provoking issue for me throughout the day. Do I have such a
confidence in my heavenly Father? Can I say with assurance that He
will not leave me even when it seems that everyone and everything is
against me?
The psalmist in Psalm 77 faced difficult situation that made him think
that God had forsaken him. He asked six questions to ascertain the
presence of God with him (verses 7-9). He concluded in his thought,
"To this I will appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High.
I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your
miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider
all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so
great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display
your power among the peoples"(Psalm 77:10-14, NIV). The psalmist knew
that the Lord is there for him all the time and that he just has to
remember the goodness of God and trust in Him. No wonder he said
somewhere else, "For the LORD will not reject his people; he will
never forsake his inheritance" (Psalm 94:14, NIV).
The Lord will not leave you even when all others forsake you and you
are passing through the most turbulent time. Yes I will say
confidently, "My heavenly Daddy will not leave me!"
In His service,
Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).
NBAs we celebrate the Fathers' Day, I dedicate this message to all
good, loving, caring and exemplary fathers throughout the world.
This message was first posted on June 19, 2005.

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