Wednesday, February 8, 2012


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Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 01:24:25 +0000
Subject: Searching-For-Truth: Digest for - 25 Messages in 23 Topics
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Today's Topic Summary


- Universal Healing Ancient Egyptian zodiac signs [1 Update]
- [prophetictimes] The world's biggest iceberg: 19-mile crack in the
ice breaking away from Antarctica [1 Update]
- [Wisdom-l] Han Shan poem [1 Update]
- Universal Healing Learning from Intuition [1 Update]
- Universal Healing Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide [1 Update]
- [Wisdom-l] Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj [1 Update]
- [EarthQuest] NASA Finds 2011 is Ninth-Warmest Year on Record [1 Update]
- [spirit_truths] "The 5 Reasons Why We Suffer and Physical Mastery:
How to End the Cycle of Suffe [1 Update]
- [Historiography1] Penn Research Finds Genetic Link Between Native
Americans, Russian Region [1 Update]
- [spirit_truths] Check out Shipwreck hunters stumble across
mysterious find - [1 Update]
- [Historiography1] Ancient Walled City, Older than Egypt's
Pyramids, Unearthed off US Georgia Coast [1 Update]
- Universal Healing Massive solar flare hitting us now - the effects
[1 Update]
- Universal Healing Re: Cosmic Energy Changes [1 Update]
- [Conspiracy-Theory-UFO-Extraterrestrial] Ancient Mysteries On
Paranormal Palace Part 6 [1 Update]
- [spirit_truths] You all need to make a point of asking each day
for assistance [1 Update]
- Universal Healing Basking in the Eternal Sunshine of our Infinite
Mind by DL Zeta [1 Update]
- [Wisdom-l] Nisargadatta Maharaj [1 Update]
- [Wisdom-l] J.D. Hazlewood quote [1 Update]
- [Wisdom-l] from Guru Vachaka Kovai [3 Updates]
- [EarthQuest] Mysterious 'Winged' Structure from Ancient Rome Found
[1 Update]
- [Para-Discuss] Ringing Rocks? [1 Update]
- Universal Healing Warning Signs Of A Torn Aura [1 Update]
- Universal Healing Closing a cycle [1 Update]

Topic: Universal Healing Ancient Egyptian zodiac signs

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Feb 04 05:30PM

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From: "Atasha" <>
Date: Feb 1, 2012 2:01 PM
Subject: Universal Healing Ancient Egyptian zodiac signs


This is new to me – looks fun.


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Topic: [prophetictimes] The world's biggest iceberg: 19-mile crack in
the ice breaking away from Antarctica

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Feb 04 05:24PM

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From: "Billie Brinkley" <>
Date: Feb 1, 2012 4:00 PM
Subject: [prophetictimes] The world&apos;s biggest iceberg: 19-mile crack
in the ice breaking away from Antarctica
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The world's biggest iceberg: 19-mile crack in the ice breaking away from
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Topic: [Wisdom-l] Han Shan poem

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Feb 04 05:18PM

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From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: Feb 2, 2012 1:13 AM
Subject: [Wisdom-l] Han Shan poem
To: "wisdom-l" <>


Han Shan
(of the Ming Dynasty)

(Han-Shan Te'-Ch'-ing, Han-shan De-ching, Sramana Te Ch'ing,

Silly Mountain)

( 1546 - 1623 )

Look upon the body as unreal,
an image in a mirror,
the reflection of the moon in water.
Contemplate the mind as formless,
yet bright and pure.

Not a single thought arising,
empty, yet perceptive;
still, yet illuminating;
complete like the great emptiness,
containing all that is wonderful.

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Topic: Universal Healing Learning from Intuition

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Feb 04 05:10PM

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From: "StarStuffs" <>
Date: Feb 2, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Universal Healing Learning from Intuition
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Intuitive awareness is more than just an indicator of how adept we are at
accessing psychic perceptions. It is an indication of how attuned we are to
our spiritual side.

When we allow ourselves to learn from our intuition, to move with it, and
togrow with it, we truly progress, even, or perhaps especially, when we
stumble and make mistakes.

When we develop and rely on our abilities, discern inner truths, and
applythat awareness on the physical level, we open the doorway to
manifesting ourtrue highest selves.

From the article:Diversions & Pitfalls on the Intuitive Path, by Nancy C.
Pohle & Ellen L.Selover.

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~~ Blessings of Peace, Love and Light! ~~

The Universal Healing Group

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Topic: Universal Healing Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Feb 04 05:09PM

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From: "StarStuffs" <>
Date: Feb 2, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Universal Healing Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
To: <>



In every moment that you are awake or conscious, you are literally radiating
a signal, not so different from a radio signal, and the Universe accepts
that signal as your point of attraction. Every moment that you are conscious
or awake, you are literally pulsing an electronic vibration, and the entire
Universe is accepting that electronic vibration as your point of attraction
and is matching it with other things that are like it.

Your job is to start monitoring your feelings so you really know what is
joy, and what is appreciation, what is love and what is sadness, what is
anxiety, what is frustration, what is anger. When you can detect subtle
shifts in your feelings, you will be able to do subtle adjustments in your
vibration which will bring you the ability to follow your bliss

As you begin to play with your emotions, or be aware of the way you feel,
when you pay attention to the way that you feel, what you are going to
notice is ... your emotions let you know, your emotions are your guidance
system, that let you know how you are vibrating. And it is so important to
understand that, because when you know how you are vibrating, then you
understand why it is that you are attracting what you are getting.


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The Universal Healing Group

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Topic: [Wisdom-l] Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Feb 04 04:58PM

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From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: Feb 3, 2012 6:25 PM
Subject: [Wisdom-l] Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
To: "wisdom-l" <>


Be true to your own self, love your self absolutely. Do not pretend
that you love others as yourself. Unless you have realized them as
one with yourself, you cannot love them. Don't pretend to be what
you are not, don't refuse to be what you are. Your love of others is
the result of self-knowledge, not its cause. Without self-realization,
no virtue is genuine. When you know beyond all doubting that the
same life flows through all that is and you are that life, you will love
all naturally and spontaneously.

~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

#4501 - Thursday, February 2, 2012 - Editor: Gloria Lee
The Nonduality Highlights -

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Topic: [EarthQuest] NASA Finds 2011 is Ninth-Warmest Year on Record

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 31 11:14PM

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Date: 20 January 2012 14:10
Subject: [EarthQuest] NASA Finds 2011 is Ninth-Warmest Year on Record


NASA Finds 2011 is Ninth-Warmest Year on Record


While average global temperature will still fluctuate from year to year,
scientists focus on the decadal trend. Nine of the 10 warmest years since
1880 have occurred since the year 2000, as the Earth has experienced
sustained higher temperatures than in any decade during the 20th century.
As greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue
to rise, scientists expect the long-term temperature increase to continue
as well. (Data source: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Image
credit: NASA Earth Observatory, Robert Simmon)

*From a NASA press

The global average surface temperature in 2011 was the ninth warmest since
1880, according to NASA scientists. The finding continues a trend in which
nine of the 10 warmest years in the modern meteorological record have
occurred since the year 2000.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, which
monitors global surface temperatures on an ongoing basis, released an
updated analysis that shows temperatures around the globe in 2011 compared
to the average global temperature from the mid-20th century. The comparison
shows how Earth continues to experience warmer temperatures than several
decades ago. The average temperature around the globe in 2011 was 0.92
degrees F (0.51 C) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline.

"We know the planet is absorbing more energy than it is emitting," said
GISS Director James E. Hansen. "So we are continuing to see a trend toward
higher temperatures. Even with the cooling effects of a strong La Niña
influence and low solar activity for the past several years, 2011 was one
of the 10 warmest years on record."
Read the rest of NASA Finds 2011 is Ninth-Warmest Year on

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Topic: [spirit_truths] "The 5 Reasons Why We Suffer and Physical
Mastery: How to End the Cycle of Suffe

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 31 11:08PM

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From: <>
Date: 22 January 2012 12:57
Subject: [spirit_truths] "The 5 Reasons Why We Suffer and Physical Mastery:
How to End the Cycle of Suffe


"The 5 Reasons Why We Suffer and Physical Mastery: How to End the Cycle of

Let us talk about the reasons why people suffer, how it is manifested, what
to do to avoid it and from which cause it came from and how to bring
forward the ultimate cure, the end of ALL Suffering.
Anger is the gateway in the heart center, 4th chakra to Hate and Suffering.
Even if you do not necessarily feel anger in-between one of the other 4
major resons why one may manifest a state of suffering within thier lives.
There are five major and distinct reasons why humans will suffer. These
reasons in the following progressive order 1) pain 2) fear 3)Sick 4)self
doubt 5) Guilt
We had solutions for each reason
1) To Heal Anger, You Must Give Love
2) To heal pain, you must find peace
3) to heal fear you must be brave
4) to heal self doubt you must act confident
5) to heal guilt you must seek purpose
Anger is the gateway to Hate and this line is the most powerful and direct
experience to Suffering. Even if you do not necessarily feel anger
in-between one of the other major reasons why you may bring yourself to
it is almost always activated by a lower vibrational reason we suffer as it
is the Gateway in the Heart Center to the two dualistic 4th dimensional
realities and the most essential states of our emotional bodies, suffering
divine contentment.
For this anger and hate produce the most suffering, internally and
collectively to those who connect with the person who suffers from anger
and Hate.
The cure for suffering caused by anger is Love. There are clearly many
varieties of anger and hate and equally these many varieties have similar
but unique methods and treatments to create the love that will transform
Suffering to a Divine Contentment that will act as an infinite back drop
to draw the Varieties of Love from.
When any pain is the cause to the suffering experienced or felt, you must
only look to find Peace. Wounds, whether they are mental, physical or
emotional require treatment. The person who suffers because of pain must
treatment. The level and intensity of the pain should determine whether
self treatment is possible or you must search for professional treatment.
As if you nipped your hand with the knife while cutting vegetables, the
suffering would be low and you yourself could apply the treatment. However,
you cut off he tip of your finger while cutting vegetables the suffering
would be intense and you would not want to seek to treat it yourself or you
could follow an incorrect procedure and end up with a scar or disability
that cannot be erased.
There is no difference in this reality within mental pain, emotional pain,
family or relationship pain and spiritual pain. The same standard should
be applied, Treatment should be sought to correctly and efficiently heal
wound and once the wound is healed you will by default be left in a state
of peace due to the distinct difference between having pain and not having
pain. However equally as the pain from a back injury and its treatment
differs greatly from a deep flesh wound or an issue with an internal organ,
the method of treatment of different types of other pains we may experience
to bring us to the point of suffering are distinct as well.
When any wound is it cut into mind body or soul, you must seek treatment
for it to heal.
Fear is the third reason why a person will end up in suffering. To Heal
Suffering that is caused by Fear on must be brave and confront their fears
and the obstacles that generally keep them from even thinking about facing
what they fear. Again, like all causes of suffering, it is a process to
overcome the cause and liberate yourself from suffering. Fear is the third
most powerful feeling that will cause suffering. As fear is below the first
two most powerful causes of suffering, it will generally produce and
internal anger or external anger to pass into a state of suffering. Have
heard of the fight or flight reaction?
This fear based intuitive reaction when faced with a dangerous and
potentially painful experience that would lead to suffering happens to
avoid the
suffering equally as it happens to produce suffering. If you are a Fight
person fear will manifest as an external anger before stabilizing suffering
deeper into your heart center. If you are a Flight person fear will
manifest itself as an internal anger towards yourself. In either form the
produced by fear stems from not being able to do what you want because of a
fear obstacle in the path towards your greater intention, purpose or
When any fear comes up or is experienced you must be brave and got at it
like warrior.
Self doubt or insecurity, lack of confidence is the forth cause of
Suffering. To heal suffering caused by Self Doubt and Insecurity you must
look to
challenge yourself. Using your force and will you must push yourself to
do something you CANNOT believe you are capable of doing, whether it be
pushing yourself to talk to a random girl that grabs your attention or rock
climbing the side of a canyon the suffering caused by insecurity will only
overcome when you prove to yourself that you are capable of doing more than
you imagined possible. If you continue to doubt yourself it is likely to
produce an internal anger in which you are angry at yourself for lacking
confidence to do what you need to do.
As the 4th cause of suffering, self doubt or insecurity is a cause of
suffering that is much easier to cure. If the person becomes conscious that
they do in fact have these tendencies most Self Doubt based Suffering can
transformed by one's self into courage and confidence. However, equally
notable, is the power of having someone to push you on. Shown in an
uncountable number of movies and surely experienced in your life at one
time or
another social pressure from friends can often lead to overcoming self
in that specific experience. If you are working with a trained and
practiced master, they (I) will know the manner in which is most effective
to do
the pushing and the insecurities and self doubts that are most important
in order to break the contract to suffering and come out confident and
proud, no longer limited by the weight of suffering.
When any self doubt stops your path you must look for something to
challenge you most.
The 5th and final major reason why people suffer is guilt. A guilty
conscious can cause a tremendous amount of suffering, however, it is a
cause of the 5 major and people with guilty conscious will generally get
at the people they feel guilty about hurting. As in all of the 5 major
reasons why people suffer the internal and external anger is general and in
some certain unique cases a guilty conscious may lead to internal anger
before resulting in the core problem of a suffering heart. To heal a guilty
conscious one must dedicate themselves to a purpose.
It is for this reason that the guilty conscious is the 5th major cause of
fear. Because although it may result in much more suffering than
insecurity, fear or even pain… It has the simplest and easiest cure.
yourself to a purpose should also connect you with a community of people
dedicated to the same purpose. The group energy will easily overcome the
previous guilt and by completing positive work in relation to your purpose
guilty conscious has the fastest potential to completely heal and integrate
into a greater understanding of your past, the lessons learned and to be
as wisdom to help others and aid in directing your towards your true
purpose, you soul purpose
When you feel guilty of the past you must feel proud of your purpose for
the future.
Just as the Guilty Conscious, all major reasons for suffering transform
themselves into a positive wisdom that can be used to benefit your own
spiritual purpose and help others pass through the same problem after they
been integrated into the compassionate aspect of your heart center, or in
some cases other sub-chakras of the heart center that bring about positive
emotional realities. You do not want to let go by means of leaving behind
losing the energy and consciousness caused by your suffering. You want to
transform the suffering into a habitual action or wisdom that can be used
for the benefit of your self and those around you.
You Are Infinitely Loved
Dhachi Yam Budha

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Topic: [Historiography1] Penn Research Finds Genetic Link Between
Native Americans, Russian Region

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 31 09:11PM

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From: Drou <>
Date: 31 January 2012 12:50
Subject: [Historiography1] Penn Research Finds Genetic Link Between Native
Americans, Russian Region


Penn Research Finds Genetic Link Between Native Americans, Russian

Faye Flam
2012-01-30 14:48:00

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By comparing DNA samples from hundreds of volunteers, a Penn anthropologist
and his colleagues have tied Native Americans to a group of people living
in a small region of Russia called the Altai, near the borders of Mongolia,
China, and Kazakstan.

The results, published in Friday's issue of the *American Journal of Human
Genetics,* add another chapter to the story of the settlement of the
Americas. Increasingly efficient DNA technology is helping scientists flesh
out the prehistory of the Native Americans and of the human race in general.

Archaeologists have long surmised that Native Americans came from Asia,
migrating to Alaska during a time when sea levels were lower and it was
possible to walk over the Bering Strait.

But these latest results use the most complete genetic profiling done on
the Asian and American sides, offering new insights into the ancestry of
Native Americans, the routes they took to the New World, and the timing of
the migration.

Artifacts show that humans were living in North America 15,000 years ago;
they reached the tip of South America over the next 2,000 years.

Using techniques akin to DNA fingerprinting, scientists have continued to
gather evidence that the majority of current native people of North and
South America derive their ancestry from Asia.

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Topic: [spirit_truths] Check out Shipwreck hunters stumble across
mysterious find -

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 31 08:55PM

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Date: 31 January 2012 16:00
Subject: [spirit_truths] Check out Shipwreck hunters stumble across
mysterious find -


_Shipwreck hunters stumble across mysterious find - CNN.com_



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Topic: [Historiography1] Ancient Walled City, Older than Egypt's
Pyramids, Unearthed off US Georgia Coast

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 31 08:36PM

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From: Drou <>
Date: 31 January 2012 19:54
Subject: [Historiography1] Ancient Walled City, Older than Egypt's
Pyramids, Unearthed off US Georgia Coast


Ancient Walled City, Older than Egypt's Pyramids, Unearthed off US Georgia
Gary Daniels
Fri, 27 Jan 2012 22:21 CST
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[image: Sapelo- an artist's
© Gary C. Daniels,
Sapelo- an artist's rendition.
Six hours southeast of Atlanta off the Georgia coast on Sapelo Island,
archaeologists have unearthed the remains of an ancient walled city which
predates the construction of Egypt's pyramids. Known as the
Sapelo<>Shell Ring Complex,
this ancient city was constructed around 2300 B.C. and
featured three neighborhoods each surrounded by circular walls twenty feet
in height constructed from tons of seashells. Some of the earliest pottery
in North America was also found buried in the remains of this lost city.

The site is quite an enigma because at the time of its construction the
Native Americans living in the area were simple hunters and gatherers who
had yet to invent agriculture. Many scholars believe agriculture is a
prerequisite for civilization. Did these simple tribal people somehow make
the leap from hunting-and-gathering to civilization in a single bound
producing not only a walled city but also the new technology of pottery
without the benefit of agriculture? Or did an already civilized people
arrive on the coast of Georgia from elsewhere and, if so, where did they
come from and why?

Just thirty years before the construction of the Sapelo Shell Rings
researchers have noted that Bronze Age civilizations around the world show
a pattern of collapse. According
<>to the website

In the Middle East, Akkadian Sumer collapsed at this time and the Dead Sea
water levels reached their lowest point. In China, the Hongsan culture
collapsed. Sediments from Greenland and Iceland show a cold peak around
2200 BC. The population of Finland decreased by a third between 2400 and
2000 BC. In Turkey's Anatolia region, including the site of ancient Troy,
over 350 sites show evidence of being burnt and deserted. Entire regions
reverted to a nomadic way of life after thousands of years of settled
agricultural life. In fact, most sites throughout the Old World which
collapsed around 2200 BC showed unambiguous signs of natural calamities
and/or rapid abandonment.

What happened around 2200 B.C. that could have caused such widespread

Meteor Storms & Cosmic Catastrophe?

Evidence is mounting that this devastation came from the sky. Astronomers
have theorized that at this time Earth passed through a dense concentration
of cosmic debris. Just picture the asteroid scene in *Star Wars* and you'll
get the idea. Yet researchers don't think much of this debris actually
impacted the ground. Instead they believe these meteors exploded in air
bursts high above the ground, creating an ancient version of an atomic bomb

These air bursts would have first incinerated everything within tens if not
hundreds of miles. Next they would have created hurricane force winds which
would have obliterated any above-ground structures as well as forests.

Astronomers believe this catastrophe was similar to the Tunguska
Event<>which flattened 80
million trees over a 2,000 square mile area of Russian
Siberia in 1908. Russian scientists believe this event was caused by the
explosion of a large meteor tens of meters across at an altitude of 3-6
miles. A similar event is thought to have caused the climate
downturn<>in 3200 BC which
flash froze the so-called Ice Man in the Swiss Alps.

Who Built the Sapelo Shell Rings?

At the time of European contact, two Native American tribes were known for
constructing round, walled villages: the Timucua and Yuchi. Archaeologists
believe some time in the past the Timucua migrated to Georgia and Florida
from South America since their language was similar to that spoken by
Indians in Venezuela. Did they flee their homeland after it was devastated
by a meteor swarm that destroyed huge swaths of jungle? The Rio Cuarto
impact craters in Argentina are thought by some geologists to date to this
time period which supports the idea that South America was affected by the
same event that struck the Old World.

The Yuchi also have a legend that they arrived in Georgia after "the old
moon broke" and devastated their island homeland. Could they have thought
these meteors were pieces of the moon falling to Earth? Could impact
tsunamis have devastated their island home in the Bahamas forcing them to
flee to the mainland? Only further research will answer the questions.

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Topic: Universal Healing Massive solar flare hitting us now - the effects

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 05:31PM

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From: "Atasha" <>
Date: Jan 27, 2012 1:59 PM
Subject: Universal Healing Massive solar flare hitting us now - the effects


Massive CME Proton Storm Is Hitting the Earth Now

The largest Solar Storm, Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) in 7 years exploded
today and is bombarding the Earth right now.

Dr Greg Braden was the first to speak of this activity in relation to
planetary frequency increase.
Archangel Metatron has spoken on this topic. CME are one of the mechanisms
of the energy increase into Crystalline Dimensions.

CME's, Solar Flares and Winds create havoc with electronics & communication
The Human Auric Field can be mal-effected. The magnetics & radiation can
create fissure cracking , imbalance and ruptures in the Auric sheath.

The resulting imbalance can result in emotional swings, anger bursts and a
heightened sense of anxiety. Many of you are sensing this now.

CME energy is relatively short term, and by optimally managing the Auric
Field ruptures from CME's, the Aura can be quickly restored. Effort is

The CME result is somewhat like a full moon X 10. Take time to meditate,
exercise, and guard against anxiety and untoward mood amplification. Take
mineral baths and saunas !

The January 24 Solar Flare or CME is the largest in 7 years. High tech
software, computers, cell phones and communication can be effected by the
magnetic influx.There will be many solar flares in 2012 , increasing toward
2013. These are actually a function of the Ascension, increasing the
frequency of the planet.

Its effects are not reaching apocalyptic proportions as portrayed in some
Hollywood movies. But the solar storm, which is hitting the earth right
now, and began around 2 pm GMT (9 am Eastern Time), is putting some systems
in a spin, more so because of the raging proton storm accompanying the
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the sun impacting us at 1,400 miles per

The power grid and Global Positioning System (GPS) are likely to face
fluctuations due to the storm, which is the biggest since 2005. CME's are
normal in a solar cycle and earth has endured quite a bit with around 2000
similar incidents occurring in each 11-year solar cycle. What's worrying is
the S3 grade (on a scale of 5) proton storm which is already in full swing,
is that its intensity is still increasing and on the rise at this moment.
Its impact has already been felt on earth with aircraft traffic and
satellite computers and networks being affected, though not on a large

Proton storms interfere with the high frequency (HF) communication links
between airplanes and Air Traffic Control and any disruption in it can be
disastrous. Airlines have already started avoiding routes over the north
pole as the polar region is where the earth is prone to the pandemonium
caused by proton bursts.

Satellites in orbit will also face glitches in their imaging systems while
increased electric activity might cause reboots of onboard computers. Space
scientists have already taken such eventualities into consideration and
have prepared their systems for it. While GPS will be affected, average
road commuter and mobile user may not feel its full brunt. Scientists and
people required to use high-precision positioning equipments will face
disruptions in their work.
Of course, the question is how badly human health will be affected from the
radiation shower. Scientists believe there is no need to worry.

So, the CME hitting earth today at 1,400 miles per second will cause a
geomagnetic storm followed by a moderate radio blackout (high-frequency)
which might last for some minutes. Power lines may get affected but not to
a degree that lives will be disrupted.

Doomsday predictions will have to wait for now. The world is not likely to
end today but there might be some awesome light-shows in the sky from
auroras in areas farther from the poles, especially in the north side of
the globe.

Space Weather News for Jan. 24, 2012

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Topic: Universal Healing Re: Cosmic Energy Changes

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 05:29PM

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From: "StarStuffs" <>
Date: Jan 27, 2012 2:37 PM
Subject: Universal Healing Re: Cosmic Energy Changes
To: <>


Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is 'weathering' the recent solar flare activity well.
We are the midst of the 11 year solar max which spans from about 2011-2013.
We've been seeing some good flares for some time..and will continue. For
some people, the cme's exacerbate sensitivities and you pair that with the
current energy phase we are can be disorienting.

Some of you noticed since about January 10th quite the cosmic energy
changes. This month is indeed a trying time of faith which
gives us an opportunity to further trigger our awakening. Like it or not.
The following weeks there had been dream and sleep disturbances, a few
astral attacks at night, slight anxiety issues, along with some physical
changes and ways of perceiving.

By the start of January 17 things continued to cascade. Dyslexia and mental
fuzziness along with eye/hand coordination has made the usual and mundane a
bit disorienting. Many lightworkers noticed that physical ailments were
flaring up and/or exacerbated. The physical body was starting to experience
energy exchanges; a slight to strong feeling sensation of ascending and
descending of energy as all of the bodies. Dreaming and sleep has became
more unbalanced.

Extreme dizzy spells then moments of extreme clarity and sentience. Moments
of itching and crawling sensations onthe scalp and skin to energy rushes
that left you basking in the light. Eye sight changes as well. Which all of
this enhances the periods of lightness and heaviness in the body.

Many lightworkers have been busy clearing past energies; conscious
and unconcious thoughts, feelings and attitudes. This is another Spring
Cleaning to the spirit and body.

Have you felt like everything seems to have slowed down? A feeling like
everything around you is way too slow? Cars going to slow, computers too
slow, tv channels change too slow, people walk to slow. It's not due to a
lack of patience or that things are actually slower. Perceptions are in the
midst of changing.

With all the stress and chaos many are experiencing, this leaves an
open window for energy-thought manipulation.

The negatives are highly adaptable to what is going on energetically
and will exploit any vulnerability. They produce emotional malfunctions as
in bringing up suspicions, past issues, insecurities etc. They distort
energies for their own purposes.

The best solution for this is to keep yourself centered and affirm your
positive light. Affectionate detachment is a valuable tool. Become an
observer and leave the negative thoughts outside of the mind and self. Be
mindful of what your energy feels like and where it is going. Be aware of
the various body clues that something is trying to get to you and/or
syphoning you energy. Mostly be aware of your thoughts and when a negative
enters, acknowledge it and tell it to be
gone. You may think "Where did that come from?".

It seems like with any big energy change, dealing with electronics
and internet media do not work properly. Computers going down and
unexplicable quirks, programs not working correctly, communication
devices and media forms not working - with no good reason.

Light bulbs and anything electrical may be affected.


To recap noticable symptoms:


- sensation of ascending and descending of energy as all of the bodies
- intensitification of body energy, core chakra sensations lasting long
- heart palpatations and flutters, pains
- dizziness, vertigo and feeling of spinning
- hand/eye coordination is off
- balance is off
- restlessnes or great lethargy
- body heaviness
- exhaustion due to lack of sleep
- involuntary body movements, spasms
- periods of dyslexia
- vibrating, prickly- tingly, stinging, or crawling sensations
throughout the head and body
- drastic changes in feeling hot or cold
- heavy or very light body feeling
- ears ringing, eyesight cutting out
- periods of exhaustion and little sleep
- periods of being high strung a few days then crashes
- physical ailments exacerbated (neck, back, joints, sinuses,
headaches, head/body pressures)
- eletronics electrical power fluctuations, failures and glitches, emails
lost, phone calls not connecting etc


- change in attitudes, anxiety, panic attacks,
- feeling chaotic and stressful
- mental fuzziness, confusion, forgetfullness, difficulty
- dreaming and dream world oddities
- overwhelming feelings and awareness
- dyslexic


- shapeshifting, bilocating, astral traveling
- timelines merging
- increased astral visitors, sensing, hearing people coming and going
- an enhancement of clairsentience
- spontaneous awakenings
- feeling energy body expanding
- increase of etheric entities, attacks, intrusions, attachments
- clearing of past energies; thoughts, feelings, attitudes


A few reminders:

*Be aware of your thoughts and keep positive vibes going. It can be a
lot of mental work but it's needed.
*Ground and center yourself often throughout the day
*Look to the light and keep balanced and focused on what you know is
*Keep heart centered in all things you do, daily activities, people
you're around
*Listen to your internal heart voice, not the one in your head.
Calming the mind chatter airwaves will help in discernment
*If family members are not sleeping well, surround with white light
*If visited by Beings/Spirits while sleep/dream and waking life,
demand!! clarification of intents and get rid of them
*Connect often with nature: trees, sunlight, running water
*Chakra meditations are helpful in stabilizing energies, those
closest to you and the outer layers of the aura.
*Be aware of your Solar Plexus energies and balance accordingly
*Stand up for yourself if you feel threatened in any way

~ Be well, stay grounded and walk in the light ~

Love and Light,

The Universal Healing Group
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StarStuffs - Healing The Body, Mind and Spirit

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Topic: [Conspiracy-Theory-UFO-Extraterrestrial] Ancient Mysteries On
Paranormal Palace Part 6

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 05:13PM

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From: "Royce Holleman" <>
Date: Jan 29, 2012 3:02 PM
Subject: [Conspiracy-Theory-UFO-Extraterrestrial] Ancient Mysteries On
Paranormal Palace Part 6
To: <>


*Show airs Saturday January 31 st at 8:00 pm CST

To listen click the arrow on the player above
You may need to refresh your browser window if you were here before the
show started*

Visions are real, they do exist.
Visions arise in intelligent brains.
Every intelligent brain has the
prerequisites for creating visions.
The impulse for producing visions
is of extraterrestrial origin. --Erich von Daniken

What you are about to read may shock and disturb you.

You may find it difficult to believe.
It is the story of Big Jake.

To most people, Big Jake would appear to be nothing more than a rock. To
most people, that is, except for the man who discovered and named Big Jake.
He is Les Tindell, and he's convinced that Big Jake is "a very
sophisticated message system that's been developed by a highly technical
ancestor to humanity."

Tindell believes that what seem like naturally hewn nooks, crannies, chips
and fissures in Big Jake are actually a complex series of images that, when
enhanced photographically, reveal views into the past.

Such as: scenes of ancient Mesopotamia. A profile of Sargon, king of Akkad.
The ethological history of bison. The legendary Incan city of Machu Picchu.
A paleographical "smiley face." The more you examine Big Jake, the more you
will see.

"I guarantee you," Tindell emphasizes, "you change the perspective, you'd
be somewhere else. You might find the Sphinx in here, you might find the
White House, you never know. I've seen a little chip in the rock that
develops out into a city that develops into fossil images of dinosaurs,
and, of course, the dragons and the usual scary-looking devil stuff that's
in there."

Scary-looking devil stuff?
"I think this rock is an indication we needed to learn good and evil
because we were endowed with the ability to be superior . . . something to
scare people into doing the right thing," Tindell offers somewhat
impatiently. "That rock was meant to tell us that we have a very
sophisticated heritage--the gift of intelligence. And, at the same time,
the animal world was provided a gift to us, a gene for domestication,
mostly the animals with horns. But all that has horns isn't evil. If you go
to Burger King, you're now indulging in something that has horns; it's all
a matter of perspective.

"One thing I can honestly say about all of the scary-looking things in that
rock, they're all smiling. They all seem to be happy in what they're doing
and the message they're part of."

Tindell did not simply pluck "Big Jake," the name for this astonishing
vessel of intrigue, out of thin air, he reveals:

"I played racquetball on the weekends for many years and Big Jake was a guy
that used to be there. He no longer shows up so I figured it was okay [to
use his name]. He was a big guy, a real friendly guy."

Les Tindell says he not only has a degree in anthropology from ASU, but is
a "microelectronic engineer by trade. I worked for many years in the Valley
in a medical electronics plant making pacemakers. My specialty was laser
processing with silicone monolithic materials, trimming them with the
laser. Because I learned fabrication technology and microelectronics, I was
able to relate that to the fabrication technology that I saw within the
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Topic: [spirit_truths] You all need to make a point of asking each day
for assistance

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 05:13PM

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From: "Janis Gilbreath" <>
Date: Jan 29, 2012 3:41 PM
Subject: [spirit_truths] You all need to make a point of asking each day
for assistance
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WordPress.comWonderful message


From: Jesus through John []
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 11:02 PM

New post on Jesus through John

You all need to make a point of asking each day for assistance
by John Smallman
As humanity continues to make increasingly rapid progress on its path of
spiritual evolution, you all need to make a point of asking regularly each
day for assistance from your friends and loved ones in the spiritual
realms; that's who all of us here are – your friends and loved ones – and
our joyful task, which we approach with enormous enthusiasm, is to assist
you in any way we can. We are always available 24/7, but you have to ask.

The illusion is a very strange and unreal environment, and as a result
decisions that you make and intentions that you hold need constant
reinforcement. You have to make them at least daily, and hourly if you can,
because your egos are always looking for an opportunity to set up an attack
or a defense, and the behavior of another, while totally inoffensive in
intent or in delivery, can and often will be deliberately misinterpreted to
permit your ego to make a condemnatory judgment of it and goad you into
responding inappropriately. Doubtless you have all had occasion to misjudge
someone, and, later, when you recalled the incident, you wondered why you
had reacted so strongly to something so insignificant.

Behaving with loving kindness, acceptance, and forgiveness are the
strongest and most effective ways in which you can move along your
evolutionary paths, and of course to do so is your constant intent that you
hold at the center of Yourself. However, at the level of your awareness
available to you in the illusion, that deep center is extremely difficult
for you to access, and you need all the spiritual assistance you can get.
And that is why we are available 24/7.

Until the period that your history defines as the Enlightenment, the vast
majority of humans were in awe of the authority exercised by the church and
its minions, and by royalty and the elite with which it surrounded itself.
Very few ever asked for help from us in the spiritual realms as they were
far too busy desperately pleading to an imaginary god of immense power whom
they believed commanded their obeisance, and who could, in an instant,
condemn them to the everlasting fires of hell. Your egos loved this! They
encouraged you to watch and judge others so that you could compare your
good works or minor sins to the major omissions and monstrous sins that you
observed others committing. That very perverse and divisive selection of
attitudes and behaviors put beyond doubt or question your belief that you
were all individuals valiantly and desperately fighting for the approval of
a god who could and did intervene in your human affairs – battles won or
lost, illnesses imposed or cured, good fortune given or taken away –
rendering you helpless victims of a demanding and merciless tyrant. It was
effective and it demonstrated convincingly for you your separateness from
God, and your worthlessness in His eyes.

The Enlightenment was a great leap forward for humanity, and it was
strongly resisted and condemned by those who exercised authority in any
form, because people suddenly began to question everything. Nevertheless,
it was unstoppable, and, over time, led to all the freedoms that those who
live in so-called democracies now take for granted. But, as is apparent to
all, you still have a long way to go before basic human rights and freedoms
for all are guaranteed and protected worldwide.

The spiritual evolution in progress throughout the world at this moment in
her history is accelerating rapidly. Although there are still many who
believe in a harsh and judgmental god, and who take it upon themselves to
try and enforce his will on others according to the way they arrogantly and
mercilessly interpret it, they are in retreat. God's Love field envelops
the Earth and, along with the love that an increasingly large number of
humans are offering and sharing with one another as they meld and blend
with that divine field, its effect is to stabilize, strengthen, and
intensify this evolutionary progress. Each day further evidence of your
evolutionary progress comes into view.

As I said, we in the spiritual realms are here to help you 24/7, so call on
us, open your hearts to receive the abundance of Love that surrounds you,
and allow the guidance that we offer to flow easily into your conscious
awareness. Settling yourselves comfortably and quietly into an easy chair
where your peace will not be disturbed while you call on us is recommended.
Know that your request will be heard and answered instantly. The form in
which you receive the answer will vary, depending on the circumstances, so
be open to any gentle nudges with which your intuition presents you, and be
prepared to be pleasantly surprised. We love you and want only to help you
resolve the issues and problems with which you are assailed, and which
frequently make it difficult for you to believe that behaving with loving
kindness is always the most effective way to deal with any issues or
problems that disturb you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | January 29, 2012 at 12:01 am | Categories: Uncategorized |
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Topic: Universal Healing Basking in the Eternal Sunshine of our
Infinite Mind by DL Zeta

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 12:55AM

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From: "DL Zeta" <>
Date: Jan 28, 2012 4:53 AM
Subject: Universal Healing Basking in the Eternal Sunshine of our Infinite
Mind by DL Zeta


Basking in the Eternal Sunshine of our Infinite Mind
</channeling/151632/basking-eternal-sunshine-our-infinite-mind> by
DL Zeta

Beauty and perfection exist all around us. They are contained within
every breath and within every moment. The only imperfection we encounter
is the incomplete nature of a physical-based consciousness that limits
our ability to see all that is before us.

When our vision is limited, we tend to project our own incompletion and
need for healing onto the present moment. If there's anything we
perceive as missing within our present reality, this is a tip-off that
we're projecting the template of our own consciousness onto the moment.
This projection is actually beneficial because it provides us the
opportunity to stop and observe and define for ourselves just what
appears imperfect in our reality. By doing so, we receive clues as to
changes we can make to transform our own consciousness so we are able to
perceive the divine perfection present within every moment.

Love and Blessings are Bio-Available within Every Moment

Every moment contains the wealth of information we need to live fully
within that moment. When we live fully within a moment -- with 'full
throttle' perception of what exists there - we are able to distill
spiritual understandings at the quantum level. When our understanding
grows, our conscious awareness grows and joy and love multiply
exponentially. Time and space become flexible. A month of linear time
may equal a year of "vertical" time. As we transcend space, we begin to
have awareness of locations beyond our physical coordinates.

Blocks and Filters to 'Full-Throttle' Awareness

Love, abundance and all the blessings of spirit exist within every
moment and are bio-available. If we find ourselves unable to access the
full spectrum of a moment, we can look to see what may be standing in
the way of our expanding consciousness. These barriers can derive from a
variety of reasons - most having to do with various screens and filters
we have placed on the doorways and access points to our conscious awareness.

These screens and filters may include beliefs, unprocessed emotions,
health and physical challenges and limited thinking. As we gain
awareness of how these operate in our life, we are able to neutralize
any filters that prevent us from perceiving and accessing the energetic
field where our potentials reside.

Our Energetic Field is Holographic to All-That-Is

Our energetic field is holographic to all-that is. As such, it contains
all the elements of the universe. When we become aware of a new "sector"
within our energetic field, we are able to tap into the frequencies,
knowledge, wisdom, and wealth that exist within that sector.

At the same time, filters can screen out certain sectors of our
energetic field. As we have said, these filters can derive from things
such as our beliefs and fears, unprocessed emotions, and undigested
pockets of life experience. Our level of enmeshment with physical
reality can block whole sectors from us.

For instance, if we believe we are unlovable, our filters will block
anything in our energy field that indicates otherwise. If we believe we
are all alone in a hostile world, our filters will block segments of the
field that show us otherwise. If we believe we are poor or unlucky or
unhealthy or foolish or any number of unwholesome identities, we filter
vast segments of our potential.

Adopting Expansive Identities and Timelines

On the other hand, if we believe everything is possible, we naturally
adopt expansive identities and their accompanying timelines. These allow
us to constantly perceive and gain access to new sectors within our
energetic field.

This field is complete and all encompassing. It holds unlimited
potentials - limitless health, limitless joy, unconditional love,
abundance and prosperity, creativity, knowledge, wisdom and guidance.
All that we might seek exists there. As we expand to take in more of the
limitless nature of our energetic field, we increasingly exist within
the eternal sunshine of our infinite mind.

For more on timeline shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New
Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit

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~~ Blessings of Peace, Love and Light! ~~

The Universal Healing Group

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Topic: [Wisdom-l] Nisargadatta Maharaj

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 12:39AM

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From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: Jan 28, 2012 5:21 PM
Subject: [Wisdom-l] Nisargadatta Maharaj
To: "wisdom-l" <>


Within the prison of your world appears a man who tells you that the world
of painful contradictions, which you have created, is neither continuous
nor permanent and is based on a misapprehension. He pleads with you to get
out of it, by the same way by which you got into it. You got into it by
forgetting what you are and you will get out of it by knowing yourself as
you are.

- Nisargadatta Maharaj, posted to ANetofJewels
NondualityHighlights: Issue #3737 <>,
Sunday, December 6, 2009, Editor: Mark
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Topic: [Wisdom-l] J.D. Hazlewood quote

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 12:38AM

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From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: Jan 28, 2012 5:21 PM
Subject: [Wisdom-l] J.D. Hazlewood quote
To: "wisdom-l" <>


The core principal to all this is that the mind doesn't like to be
challenged as being nothing more than a preprogrammed illusion. Once this
is seen through as clear as daylight, the game is over, there are no more
assumed problems that existed for an assumed self. This whole show of light
and sound is just seen for what it is and the undying peace that was always
present is all there is, and all there ever is in the present moment.

Know that all the resistance to this is only the conceptual mind, just
doing its thing. Don't worry about it, it's just what must play out. With a
little investigation, this whole shooting match can come to an end, and the
suffering is over!

- J.D. Hazlewood
NondualityHighlights: Issue #3736 <>,
Saturday, December 5, 2009, Editor: Mark
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Topic: [Wisdom-l] from Guru Vachaka Kovai

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 24 07:03PM

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From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: Jan 24, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: [Wisdom-l] from Guru Vachaka Kovai
To: "wisdom-l" <>


Bhagavan: Though the Atma-swarupa is one's own true nature, the reason why
it appears difficult to attain is because of the powerful illusion wrought
through suttarivu.*

That which exists is only the one consciousness. The many conceptualized
varieties of objectified consciousness are only an imaginary notion in that
which is.

It is foolishness to suffer by desiring and struggling to know the Self in
the same way that sense objects are known by the suttarivu.

It is not possible to see the eye with the eye. (In the same way] it is not
possible to see the Self with suttarivu.

The experience of the bliss of blemishless, true jnana-samadhi will abide
in a heart in which the suttarivu has perished.

Knowledge of the reality of the knower terminates mind-consciousness, the
suttarivu that knows the non-Self

Confusion, the whirling of the mind that is suttarivu, will not cease
except by internal renunciation.

The cavorting mind, suttarivu, will not die except by awareness of the
truth of the real nature of the thinker.

Just as yellow turmeric powder loses its colour and becomes white under
sunlight, this wholly mental world perishes before the sunlight of the
knowledge of reality. Therefore, it is not a creation of God, the sun of
true jnana. Like the many-hued eye of the peacock feather, this bright
world is only a vast picture, a reflection seen in the darkened mirror of
the impure mind.

*The term suttarivu comes from Saiva Siddhanta philosophy, a subject
Muruganar had a strong grounding in, but it does not appear in Vedanta. The
word is generally translated as `objectifying consciousness', `objectified
consciousness', `objective knowledge' or `relative knowledge', but since
these terms are a little abstract and do not fully convey this process
whereby the externalising of attention brings about duality, we have
retained the Tamil word suttarivu in many of the verses.

Guru Vachaka Kovai
published by Avadhuta Foundation
P.O.Box 296
Boulder, Colorado
copyright David Godman 2008
currently out of print
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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 26 06:44PM

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From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: Jan 26, 2012 6:18 PM
Subject: [Wisdom-l] from Guru Vachaka Kovai
To: "wisdom-l" <>


52 If one corrects one's gross vision, transforming it into the eye of
jnana, and if one attentively views [the world] with that eye of truth that
is wholly jnana, then the world which was previously seen as the form of
the five elements, beginning with space, will be only the Brahman that is
entirely consciousness.
This idea appears in Ulladu Narpadu, verse 4:

Bhagavan: If one's self is a form, then it follows that the world and the
Supreme will have form also. If one's self is not a form, who is there to
see their forms, and how? Is there anything that is seen whose nature is
other than that of the eye (that sees]? That eye is in reality the Self,
the infinite eye."

Bhagavan elaborated on this in an explanation he gave to Lakshmana Sarma:

If the eye that sees be the eye of flesh, then gross forms are seen; if the
eye be assisted by lenses, then even invisible things are seen to have
form; if the mind be that eye, then subtle forms are seen; thus the seeing
eye and the objects seen are of the same nature; that is, if the eye be
itself a form, it sees nothing but forms. But neither the physical eye nor
the mind has any power of vision of its own. The real eye is the Self as he
is formless, being the pure and infinite consciousness, the reality, he
does not see forms.

Guru Vachaka Kovai
published by Avadhuta Foundation
P.O.Box 296
Boulder, Colorado
copyright David Godman 2008
currently out of print
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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 12:37AM

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From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: Jan 28, 2012 5:22 PM
Subject: [Wisdom-l] from Guru Vachaka Kovai
To: "wisdom-l" <>


62 The world apperance is an association that comprises the five sense
perceptions. He who has known it to be wholly Self, the consciousness that
is the supreme, knows and experiences the same swarupa through his five
senses as well.

Muruganar: This verse explains the little-known truth that the sahaja state
is experienced even in external perceptions. For him who truly knows sense
perceptions to be his own Self, the world is not an obstacle. He
experiences and enjoys his own Self in all perceptions and rejoices
identically both internally and externally, without even a trace of the
thought of bondage.

Guru Vachaka Kovai
published by Avadhuta Foundation
P.O.Box 296
Boulder, Colorado
copyright David Godman 2008
currently out of print
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Topic: [EarthQuest] Mysterious 'Winged' Structure from Ancient Rome Found

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Jan 29 12:26AM

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Date: Jan 26, 2012 1:16 PM
Subject: [EarthQuest] Mysterious 'Winged' Structure from Ancient Rome Found
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Mysterious 'Winged' Structure from Ancient Rome FoundTuesday, January 24th,

recently discovered mysterious "winged" structure in England, which in the
Roman period may have been used as a temple, presents a puzzle for
archaeologists, who say the building has no known parallels.

Built around 1,800 years ago, the structure was discovered in Norfolk, in
eastern England, just to the south of the ancient town of Venta Icenorum.
The structure has two wings radiating out from a rectangular room that in
turn leads to a central room.

"Generally speaking, [during] the Roman Empire people built within a fixed
repertoire of architectural forms," said William Bowden, a professor at the
University of Nottingham, who reported the find in the most recent edition
of the Journal of Roman Archaeology. The investigation was carried out in
conjunction with the Norfolk Archaeological and Historical Research Group.

The winged shape of the building appears to be unique in the Roman Empire,
with no other example known. "It's very unusual to find a building like
this where you have no known parallels for it," Bowden told LiveScience.
"What they were trying to achieve by using this design is really very
difficult to say."

The building appears to have been part of a complex that includes a villa
to the north and at least two other structures to the northeast and
northwest. An *aerial photograph* suggests the existence of an oval or
polygonal building with an apse located to the east.

The foundation of the two wings and the rectangular room was made of a thin
layer of rammed clay and chalk. "This suggests that the superstructure of
much of the building was quite light, probably timber and clay-lump walls
with a thatched roof," writes Bowden. This raises the possibility that the
building was not intended to be used long term.

The central room, on the other hand, was made of stronger stuff, with its
foundations crafted from lime mortar mixed with clay and small pieces of
flint and brick. That section likely had a tiled roof. "Roman tiles are
very large things, they're very heavy," Bowden said.

Sometime after the demise of this wing-shaped structure, another building,
this one decorated, was built over it. Archaeologists found post holes from
it with painted wall plaster inside.

Bowden said few artifacts were found at the site and none that could be
linked to the winged structure with certainty. A plough had ripped through
the site at some point, scattering debris. Also, metal detecting is a major
problem in the Norfolk area, with people using metal detectors to locate
and confiscate materials, something that may have happened at this site.

Still, even when the team found undisturbed layers, there was little in the
way of artifacts. "This could suggest that it [the winged building] wasn't
used for a very particularly long time," Bowden said.

Researchers are not certain what the building was used for. While its
elevated position made it visible from the town of Venta Icenorum, the
foundations of the radiating wings are weak. "It's possible that this was a
temporary building constructed for a single event or ceremony, which might
account for its insubstantial construction,' writes Bowden in the journal

"Alternatively the building may represent a shrine or temple on a hilltop
close to a Roman road, visible from the road as well as from the town."

Adding another layer to this mystery is the ancient history of Norfolk,
where the structure was found.

The local people in the area, who lived here before the Roman conquest,
were known as the Iceni. It may have been their descendents who lived at
the site and constructed the winged building.

Iceni architecture was quite simple and, as Bowden explained, not as
elaborate as this. On the other hand, their religion was intertwined with
nature, something which may help explain the wind-blown location of the
site. "Iceni gods, pre-Roman gods, tend to be associated with the natural
sites: the springs, trees, sacred groves, this kind of thing," said Bowden.

The history between the Iceni and the Romans is a violent one. In A.D. 43,
when the Romans, under Emperor Claudius, invaded Britain, they encountered
fierce resistance from them. After a failed revolt in A.D. 47 they became a
client kingdom of the empire, with Prasutagus as their leader. When he
died, around A.D. 60, the Romans tried to finish the subjugation, in brutal

"First, his [Prasutagus'] wife Boudicea was scourged, and his daughters
outraged. All the chief men of the Iceni, as if Rome had received the whole
country as a gift, were stripped of their ancestral possessions, and the
king's relatives were made slaves," wrote Tacitus*, *a Roman writer in *The
Annals*.* *(From the book, "Complete Works of Tacitus," 1942, edited for
the Perseus Digital Library.)

This led Boudicea (more commonly spelled Boudicca) to form an army and lead
a revolt against the Romans. At first she was successful, defeating Roman
military units and even sacking Londinium. In the end the Romans rallied
and defeated her at the Battle of Watling Street. With the Roman victory
the rebellion came to an end, and a town named Venta Icenorumwas eventually
set up on their land.

"The Iceni vanish from history effectively after the Boudicca revolt in
[A.D.] 60-61," said Bowden.

But while they vanished from written history, archaeological clues hint
that their spirit remained very much alive. Bowden and David Mattingly, an
archaeologist at the University of Leicester, both point out that the area
has a low number of villas compared with elsewhere in Britain, suggesting
the people continued to resist Roman culture long after Boudicca's failed

This lack of villas, along with problems attracting people to Roman
settlements in the area, "can be read as a transcript of resistant adaption
and rejection of Roman norms," writes Mattingly in his book "An Imperial
Possession: Britain in the Roman Empire" (Penguin Books, 2007).

There is "still a fairly strong local identity," said Bowden, who cautioned
that while local people may have lived at the complex, the winged building
is out of character for both Roman and Iceni architectural styles, a fact
that leaves his team with a mystery.
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