Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fwd: Searching-For-Truth: Digest for - 4 Messages in 4 Topics

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Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2011 18:31:49 +0000
Subject: Searching-For-Truth: Digest for - 4 Messages in 4 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Chilam Balam, Supernovas and Nostradamus's Solar Flip Part 2. [1 Update]
- Chilam Balam, Supernovas and Nostradamus's Solar Flip Pt. 1 [1 Update]
- [Wisdom-l] Jean Klein from Transmission of the Flame [1 Update]
- FW: [Wisdom-l] The Light of Awareness - Jackson Peterson [1 Update]

Topic: Chilam Balam, Supernovas and Nostradamus's Solar Flip Part 2.

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From: Echo2002 <>
Date: Sep 09 10:54AM -0700

Chilam Balam, Supernovas and Nostradamus's Solar Flip

Peter Farley Part 2.

Kryon: "When the amazing coincidences (of strange weather) occur again, and
again, and again, they (the authorities) are going to have to come up with
another story. . . There will be areas, where you used to grow crops, where
they will no longer grow . . . other areas which were never conducive to the
growth of anything, which will be fertile.

"Earth is being prepared for Graduate Status . . . for the portal to the
other dimension. . . Those of you who know how earthquakes work, will
understand how they are related to the engine of the magnetic field. For the
magnetic field is generated by the polarity of the engine between your
Earth's Core (iron) and the Sun. And when Kryon starts to adjust the
magnetic grids, other things will take place. . . Move where it was cooler .
. . the Earth will move in places where you never thought it would move
before. Those who feel they are living in complete safety . . . in the
middle of your continent of the Americas, where the wheat is grown . . . the
Earth will move there. In your desert areas . . . theirs will move as well!
. . . Earth is under construction.

"As the Earth moves accordingly . . . there will be shifts in the Core:
volcanoes will be the result . . . islands in the ocean that will be new. .
. volcanoes which lay dormant may now be active . . . *and hills which you
never suspected were anything but hills may become raging infernos*."

Kryon said that his main purpose in coming to the planet was to readjust the
Earth's magnetic grid in order to accommodate the present acceleration and
`ascension process'. These are the ley lines of the planet discussed in many
areas of my work. According to Kryon a dozen years ago, we are all about to
have our homes remodeled (or are currently undergoing same), and what we
will need to survive these changes is the ability to ask, and to marry to
our Higher Self in order to "be at the right place, at the right time." This
marriage of your Self and your Higher Self is an automatic response to
ascension and does not require work done if your DNA is `healthy' and awake.

"How could you ever be expected to understand your own duality . . . the
fact that you are split? There is a part of you that does not reside (in
you) right now. There is a part of you, which we call the `higher self'
which is stored elsewhere . . . Now they are stored in the grid system [of
the planet] itself.

"The energy of your own essence, which is your higher self, is represented
as liquid light . . . flowing into your humanness as you take your power . .
. as permission is granted for you to do so . . . and you pull on the energy
of the grid system. . . The more enlightenment you allow yourself to have,
and create for yourself, the more you draw from the grid."

*Learning a divination skill or channeling your own personal Guidance is
absolutely essential for the attainment of mastery and to be able to follow
one's guidance at a moment-to-moment level*. It will be essential for each
of us to be able to tap into our Higher Self for the guidance it will
provide to `get us through' these coming days. The Tarot is not an option,
and many of the others based on its principles are also not an option for it
is all based in Freemasonic/darkside symbolism.

The mass consciousness of the planet often works through such means as
weather and geophysical disasters, not for the purpose of righting
imbalances, but to allow people to demonstrate to themselves choices which
either show them their life has reached a dead end (in which case, they will
now clearly have an opportunity to leave it), or to cause them to bring to
themselves that strength and force of character which will allow them to
complete the lessons the inner self requires of them. This can be true
regardless of the choice the mass consciousness makes of which probability
they wish to realize or what combination of probabilities.

This planet which we and many high-level spiritual individuals experience is
the central Earth among a large number of probable Earths, each one of which
explores one or a combination of several possible futures. But as Gordon
Michael-Scallion suggests, now that he gets only one vision rather than four
or five, that one future is quickly materializing.

This planet is emotionally unstable as manifested in the mental instability
of the masses now, precisely because it literally has superimposed on it
ghost figures of several realities happening powerfully on other Earths in
these various different systems. Individuals who are at that stage of
awareness where they can participate in this reality and others frequently
get visions of disasters because they are tuning in to what is happening now
on one of these other "probable Earths."**

The most recent reversals of the poles recorded on the planet *have been
mellow compared with reversals in the past*. "This is because it is now time
to heal, but you also need to understand that fatigue has played more of a
role here than you realize," says ENJLIOU in *Original Cause*.

However, to save the universe from possible destruction, *the situation on
Earth must be dealt with, and dealt with quickly before it can unbalance the

Topic: Chilam Balam, Supernovas and Nostradamus's Solar Flip Pt. 1

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From: Echo2002 <>
Date: Sep 09 10:17AM -0700

Chilam Balam, Supernovas and Nostradamus's Solar Flip

Peter Farley Part 1.

The so-called Books of *Chilam Balam* are handwritten, chiefly 18th-century
Mayan miscellanies. The Books of Chilam Balam give us the fullness of
18th-century Yucatec-Mayan spiritual life. Whereas the medical texts and
chronicles are quite matter-of-fact, the riddles and prognostications make
abundant use of traditional Mayan metaphors. This holds even more true of
the mythological and ritualistic texts, which, cast in abstruse language,
plainly belong to esoteric <> lore. *The
historical texts derive part of their importance from the fact that they
have been cast in the framework of the native Maya

One section of these books prophesies the current events we're experiencing
in these terms: "For half there will be food, for others misfortunes. A time
of the end of the word of God. A time for uniting for a cause."

We're already experiencing the lack of adequate food supplies in so many
areas around the planet and the climactic destruction of so many of the
world's bread baskets. These climactic and other earth-shift disasters make
for extreme misfortunes for many others. The phrase, `the Word of God" in
the secret code of the Essenes refers to Jesus, used in many books of the
Bible such Acts to identify Jesus' whereabouts after the Ascension. Thus in
Acts 8:14 we find `the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria
had received the Word of God." This prophesy would relate then to the end of
all the alien/man-made religions of control in exchange for "a time for
uniting for a cause" - the shift from the old paradigm of greed and
self-will and control into the newly ascended planet's new paradigm of `it
takes a village'.

Ramtha, in his earlier channelings, was also very aware of what was in store
for the planet if certain events would happen to change the nature of
consciousness on the planet and the shift it would bring to the way man
viewed `God'. He laid these things out fairly plainly, as was His way, in a
book entitled *Destination Freedom: A Time-Travel Adventure, Stage
II*: *Arrival
Instructions* -

"The now is a thought from the light of the future; the past is a thought
from the light of the now. . . Follow me as we take a little time-travel
excursion. See if these words jog your Soul memory.

"There are many ladies and gentlemen in this ready-room, and many people
everywhere, who once were under the rule of and imprisoned by a great God; a
great and *terrible* God of Wrath. He even admitted He was such, not only
through the prophets from the windy deserts but also through absolute
demonstration of that power - it was he who destroyed a great city that
flourished near the sea, which is now known as "dead."

"In order to assure that he was served, so he could exhibit his power, he
begat in the world a people of servitude just to acknowledge his greatness.
This cadre of worshippers was necessary, because there were others who
wouldn't worship this great God and he rid the land of them.

"As pilots you are familiar with cause-and-effect relationships - for every
cause, so to speak, there is an effect. In order to support this great God's
cause, religion was "born" as the "effect." The effect of the religion on
this land has been appalling. It has belittled man by taking the God out of
him, putting it in the hands of tyrants and despots who have ruled,
separated, and warred over the lives of children for eons now. . ."

The period of misfortune for `others' is also addressed by Kryon in one of
his channelings where he says there is nothing whatsoever that can be done
at this time to prevent large groups of humans from perishing

"Groups that have no hope whatsoever of receiving enlightenment or
proceeding on the path . . . now the new energy demands that they leave.
There is no forward motion for them, and no learning."

Topic: [Wisdom-l] Jean Klein from Transmission of the Flame

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From: Dimensional Tourist <>
Date: Sep 09 07:26AM +0100

Sent from my iPod

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Topic: FW: [Wisdom-l] The Light of Awareness - Jackson Peterson

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From: "" <>
Date: Sep 08 07:09PM

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-original message-
Subject: [Wisdom-l] The Light of Awareness - Jackson Peterson
From: "Mark Scorelle" <>
Date: 06-09-2011 22:45

The Light of Awareness
by Jackson Peterson
<>on Tuesday,
September 6, 2011 at 8:22am

The mind as we know it, has two aspects: It's contents and the awareness of
those contents. The contents are all thoughts and images. That's all thats
there. The contents are completely the energy flow of stimulus-response
conditioning. The awareness is not part of the conditioned flow of thought,
yet it is the only cognitive element within the mind. Awareness doesn't
think, but it is the vivid clarity of thought itself. When awareness is
reflecting upon itself, the cognitive quality of thought is no longer
illuminating the mind. Without the illumination of awareness, the mind does
not appear, it can't because awareness is the only cognitive element in the
mind to notice mental events. So as awareness settles within itself fully,
as the simple, naked presence of attentive clarity, mind and mental events
cease naturally. The contents of mind cannot be found as the light of
awareness is illuminating only itself.

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