Friday, September 2, 2011

Fwd: Digest for - 4 Messages in 4 Topics

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Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 14:38:17 +0000
Subject: Digest for - 4 Messages
in 4 Topics
To: Digest Recipients

Today's Topic Summary


- Shocking truths about KFC & McDonald - Featherless Chickens
Organism [1 Update]
- Seven Wonder's of India together, at one place - amazing [1 Update]
- Government must be prepared for another
agitation..........starting September [1 Update]
- Inspiring: The hidden hand behind Dr Subramanian Swamy's success [1 Update]

Topic: Shocking truths about KFC & McDonald - Featherless Chickens Organism

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From: Prakriti Aarogya Kendra <>
Date: Sep 01 08:33PM +0530

*A Horrible* N *Fact about KFC*

*KFC has been a part of our American traditions for many
Many people, day in and day out, eat at KFC religiously.
Do they really know what they are eating?
During a recent study of KFC done at the University of New Hampshire ,
they found some very upsetting facts.
First of all, has anybody noticed that just recently,
the company has changed their name? **
Kentucky Fried Chicken has become KFC.
Does anybody know why?
We thought the real reason was because of the 'FRIED' food issue. **
IT'S NOT! ! **
The reason why they call it KFC is because they can not use the word chicken
Why? KFC does not use real chickens.
They actually use genetically manipulated organisms.
These so called 'chickens' are kept alive by tubes inserted into their
to pump blood and nutrients throughout their structure.* *
They have no beaks, no feathers, and no feet.
Their bone structure is dramatically shrunk to get more meat out of them.
This is great for KFC. **
Because they do not have to pay so much for their production costs.
There is no more plucking of the feathers or the removal of the beaks and
The government has told them to change all of their menus
so they do not say chicken anywhere. If you look closely you will notice
Listen to their commercials, I guarantee you will not see or hear the word
I find this matter to be very disturbing.* *
I hope people will start to realize this and let other people know.
Please forward this message to as many people as you can.
Together we make KFC start using real chicken again. **
Deidre Williams* *
Mis Tech, Boston/Hingham
Boston (617) 626 - 1295
Hingham (781) 740 - 1600
ext.112 **
* <>*
* <>*
* <>*
* <>


*Foie Gras *
[image: cid:A1B60BFE-5EBA-40BE-BE68-EAE60C0008EB]

Foie Gras Foie Gras means "Fat Liver"

It's very very luxury menu that originates from France But this dish comes
from FORCE FEEDING a goose to make them develop FATTY LIVER DISEASE.

Let's see the source of this wonderful dish

[image: cid:15179F87-7FD2-41FF-919F-06A13AF2C433]
The geese are forced to eat.. even if it does not desire to

[image: cid:3786731C-F60F-4E75-BF1D-45337086CFB8]
The metal pipe pass through the throat to stomach ...even if it does not
want to eat anything
To make the liver bigger and fatter
[image: cid:4058ED91-7512-482B-976D-D72205880DC3]
Cages are very small and they force the geese to stay in one position to
avoid using energy, thus converting all food into fat.
[image: cid:467225A4-AC8C-4229-B456-D183A25C61F4]
How sad their eyes show up

[image: cid:C47E0DAF-8238-428A-9FE2-7434785C3D50]
Their legs were bloated from long standing everyday. No need to sleep
because they will be caught to eat again
[image: cid:39746A72-B7E4-4E45-8444-9A73449D1487]
Although they try to defend themselves But it is useless

[image: cid:3767DD7E-EB37-45BA-8983-DE7D8B9667BC]
How sad this life is..

[image: cid:8926B643-59D0-4C9A-A977-CE07315DCD8F]
They are forced to eat until they are dead or their bodies cant stand with
You see... the food is over its mouth

[image: cid:57F841F5-72C4-40D1-B6A0-59FDFDBBE35C]
The left who survive have crapped to be inflamed asses...blood easily come
up with the shit
*Not only mouth hurt, throat hurt , all time stomach ache from the food ,
Fat to bloated legs , no sleep , no exercise But also no free movement for
life to see the sky or river*
* This your Healthy Liver like those Chicken*

[image: cid:F8B851FF-3584-49D2-BAD1-A2C85A077BC5]

To get the beautiful and white liver that becomes unusually big like this
As Liver-canned from aboard

[image: cid:8ED84864-E1F5-4E0B-B010-06BF1B3B3684]

[image: cid:8926B643-59D0-4C9A-A977-CE07315DCD8F]


William Arthur Ward

II ओ३म II
परम पूज्य महाराज श्री के प्रतिदिन के विचार तथा भारत स्वाभिमान की नयी
जानकारियों के लिए स्वयं देखें तथा दूसरों को वेबसाइट देखने के लिए प्रेरित
करें.भारतस्वाभिमान के पत्रक जैसे अग्नि पत्र, व्यवस्था परिवर्तन, जीवन दर्शन
, भारत स्वाभिमान पत्रक , योग सन्देश हमारे वेबसाईट पर निशुल्क उपलब्ध
है........ वेबसाईट देखने के लिए धन्यवाद I
आत्मपरिवर्तन से राष्ट्र परिवर्तन का अभियान "भारत स्वाभिमान"
भारतस्वाभिमान न्यास
पतंजलि योग पीठ, हरिद्वार
महर्षि दयानन्द ग्राम, दिल्ली-हरिद्वार राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग,
निकट बहादराबाद, हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड,भारत


धन्यवाद एवं हार्दिक शुभेच्छा,

*प्रकृति आरोग्य केंद्र*

*सेंद्रिय, आयुर्वेदिक, वनस्पतीय, प्राकृतिक और स्वदेशी वस्तुओं
का वैशेषिक विक्रय केंद्र*
*Thanks and Regards,
Prakriti Aarogya Kendra
Specialty Store of Organic, Ayurvedic, Herbal, Natural & Swadeshi Products

*Shop No. 2, Buena Vista,
Off Ganpati Chowk,
Near Kailas Super Market
Viman Nagar, Pune - 411014
Contact Number : 020-40038542, 9822622905, 9881308509

Google Group

Other Useful Links,

Topic: Seven Wonder's of India together, at one place - amazing

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From: Prakriti Aarogya Kendra <>
Date: Aug 30 05:15PM +0530

---------- Forwarded message ----------

>>> --
>>> Regards
>>> Manisha

B P S Chandel 09893512991


धन्यवाद एवं हार्दिक शुभेच्छा,

*प्रकृति आरोग्य केंद्र*

*सेंद्रिय, आयुर्वेदिक, वनस्पतीय, प्राकृतिक और स्वदेशी वस्तुओं
का वैशेषिक विक्रय केंद्र*
*Thanks and Regards,
Prakriti Aarogya Kendra
Specialty Store of Organic, Ayurvedic, Herbal, Natural & Swadeshi Products

*Shop No. 2, Buena Vista,
Off Ganpati Chowk,
Near Kailas Super Market
Viman Nagar, Pune - 411014
Contact Number : 020-40038542, 9822622905, 9881308509

Google Group

Other Useful Links,

Topic: Government must be prepared for another
agitation..........starting September

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Prakriti Aarogya Kendra <>
Date: Aug 29 01:42PM +0530


प्रिय दोस्तो,

अन्नाजी के अनशन की समाप्ति के बाद अब दुबारा कांग्रेस सरकार कालाधन के मुद्दे
पर स्वामी रामदेवजी के पंजे में आने वाली है और शायद इस बार इस मुद्दे पर
अन्नाजी की टीम भी साथ में होगी.

इस बार दो अभियान साथ साथ चलाये जाएंगे :

१-कालाधन को राष्ट्रीय संपत्ति घोषित करना और उसे वापस भारत लाना.

२-"प्रजाधीन राजा यानि राइट टू रिकाल" और राइट टू रिजेक्ट कानून २०१४ से पहले
पास कराना

२० सितम्बर से स्वामीजी देश व्यापी अभियान शुरू कर रहे है इस बीच एक अच्छी
योजना पर स्वामीजी की टीम ने काफी काम कर लिया है अन्नाजी की अनशन की वजह से
इसे रोका गया था और पूरी ताकत जनलोकपाल बिल के लिए लगा दिया गया था जिसका असर
अपने को मिल गया है.

इस बीच हमारी इस आशंका की पुष्टि भी हो गयी की अग्निवेश कांग्रेस के छुपे हुए
एजेंट है और वह सही समय पर नंगे भी हो गए है जिसे भारत स्वभिमान के लोग पहले
ही अलग कर चुके है. यह अग्निवेश हिंदू विरोधी भी है. अब हम आशा कर सकते है की
इसके बाद हम अग्निवेश जैसे किसी भी दोगले को अन्नाजी और स्वामी रामदेव जी के
अभियान से नहीं जुडने देंगे

स्वामीजी का पहला पड़ाव यू पी की झांसी से शुरू होगा जो रानी लक्ष्मी बाई की
कर्म स्थली रही है और जिनकी लड़ाई में सिंधिया जैसे गद्दार को पहचाना गया था जो
अंग्रेजो से मिलकर भारत को गुलाम बनाये रखने में अपनी घृणापूर्ण भूमिका निभाते
रहे जिसका फायदा उन्हें बाद में अंग्रेजो ने दिया. आज भी बहुत सारे सिंधिया
इस भारत और संसद में बैठे जिन्हें नंगा कर देना है और हमारे शहीदों का बलिदान
बरबाद न चला जाये ऐसा काम कर देना है,

साथ साथ "प्रजाधीन राजा" (राइट टू रिकाल) कानून को सही दिशा में ले जाने के लिए
भी काम चलेगा और इसे २०१४ के चुनाव से पहले इसी भ्रष्ट कांग्रेस सरकार से पास
भी करा लेना है. अब ये एक बार झुक गए है तो इन्हें बार बार झुकना पड़ेगा. अब
इनकी कमजोरी पकड़ में आ चुकी है. इस कानून के बन जाने पर जनता किसी भी
जनप्रतिनिधि को ५ साल के पहले कभी भी बर्खास्त कर सकेगी और और नए ईमानदार लोंगो
को स्थापित कर सकेगी. यदि यह कानून लागु होता तो आज कांग्रेस और विपक्ष के
कितने ही सांसद बर्खास्त किये जा चुके होते. परन्तु अब इस कानून ला देना ही
भारत को सुरक्षित कर पायेगा.

इसे अग्रेषित करे और भारतीय होने का फर्ज निभाए, अगली पीढ़ी आपका अहसान मानेगी.

जय भारत

संजय कुमार मौर्य

*Activist Anna Hazare may have galvanised India's [
Images<>] youth
on the issue of corruption but the central government doesn't seem
to be changing its approach to the issue of black money.**

**According to a reliable source in the government, the finance ministry has
received over 600 names of Indians who have accounts in HSBC Bank's
Switzerland [ **Images*<>
* ] branch, from the government of France [
* ].

**These names were obtained by the French government after an employee of
HSBC Bank became a whistleblower. He took refuge in France and brought along
a long list of account holders who have allegedly stashed money in the Swiss
branch of HSBC Bank.

**Now the Indian government is sitting on those names, giving excuses like
some of those names may be of Indians who have legitimate bank accounts,
said a senior politician in the government during an off-the-record
conversation with *** <>*. ***

* *

*In March 2010, banking giant HSBC had publicly apologised after revealing
that details of 15,000 wealthy customers, who had accounts with its Swiss
branch, were stolen by an employee. ***

*The bank had initially claimed that less than ten clients had been affected
by the incident but later said that Herve Falciani, a former computer
specialist with the bank, has taken away the secret data and handed it over
to the French government.***

*Since then, various affluent customers of HSBC have been worried. At that
time, the bank had said that nearly 15,000 bank accounts, whose details have
been stolen, were operated before October 2006. ***

*Nearly 9,000 accounts, which were closed down long ago, were also affected.
It's believed that India got the names its account holders from the list of

*But this piece of information could not be confirmed.***

*The United Progressive Alliance [
* ] government has not informed the people, so far, about the details of
Swiss account holders it has received from France.***

*I**n a shocking revelation, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said black
money mainly comes from India. In an interview to **Times Now**, Assange
said the names of the Swiss bank account holders will be revealed. He said
Wikileaks will coordinate with specialised agencies before publishing the
Swiss bank data.*

*A**ssange pulled up the Indian government for not acting tough on tax
evaders. He told **Times Now **that India should be more aggressive as the
country is losing per capita much more tax money than Germany. *

*Meanwhile, the central government announced it had set up a
multi-disciplinary committee with top officers to probe the issue of black
money parked in foreign tax havens.*

*T**he government had earlier declined to make public names of the people
who have stashed black money in foreign banks, saying it is not possible to
disclose information received from foreign governments under Double Taxation
Avoidance Agreement. *

*The Centre, however, agreed to reveal the names of six persons who had
deposited money with the Liechtenstein Bank in Germany and who are being
prosecuted by the government authorities*



धन्यवाद एवं हार्दिक शुभेच्छा,

*प्रकृति आरोग्य केंद्र*

*सेंद्रिय, आयुर्वेदिक, वनस्पतीय, प्राकृतिक और स्वदेशी वस्तुओं
का वैशेषिक विक्रय केंद्र*
*Thanks and Regards,
Prakriti Aarogya Kendra
Specialty Store of Organic, Ayurvedic, Herbal, Natural & Swadeshi Products

*Shop No. 2, Buena Vista,
Off Ganpati Chowk,
Near Kailas Super Market
Viman Nagar, Pune - 411014
Contact Number : 020-40038542, 9822622905, 9881308509

Google Group

Other Useful Links,

Topic: Inspiring: The hidden hand behind Dr Subramanian Swamy's success

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: CG Krishnamurthi <>
Date: Aug 31 10:37AM

First I think any right minded Bharatiyah belonging to any religion
particularly Hindu should criticize BJP. We all want a bunch of good
and non-corrupt people coming forward to be a responsible opposition
and not merely a clone of Congress with the same kind of
power-hungriness, corrupt-mindset, infighting and chamchagiri etc.

The don't need to be from this religion or that religion - as long as
they withhold Dharma - like getting rid of the corrupt policies which
exploit common man and benefits the rich businesses, many such

Arun Jaitley continues to be in the board of IPL (an agency or a money
spinning machine in the name of sport), Yeddy and Sushma's connections
with the Bellary mining cartel, Utranchal CM responsible for the death
of Swami Nigamananda more so with allowing quarrying near sacred
Ganga, or the party's connections with Ambani's and Tatas who are the
large scale exploiters of Nature and people.

The proposed Sports bill brought out by Ajay Maken (today 31-08-2011)
was vehemently opposed by V.K.Malhotra, Sharad Pawar and Yashwant
Sinha - why ?? - That bill if passed would have exposed the
shortcomings of many sports-bodies. Government allocates tons of money
for sports but most of which end up in Foreign banks...

I certainly don't aspire to have an India similar to an Arab country -
ruled by religious muslims who are exploiting the poor muslim people.
Instead I look forward to the golden era of Gupta empire who are
Buddist sympathizers but upholders of Dharma. During in their long
period of ruling there was an explosion of Science and Mathematics in
India - Aryabhatta, Bramagupta, Bhaskara all flourished in their
period and not only that those 300-400 years were hailed as the
longest period of prosperity and wellbeing throughout the Empire. Or
may be a modern day Dara Shikoh who was a friend of Hindu's and Sikhs
and translated 50 Upanishads into Persian.

The great Adi Shankaracharya first started with criticizing wrong
practices with the followers of Sanata Dharma - reformed the Hindu
religion and integrated them - though Buddism was widespread he never
criticized them except in one-to-one Tarka based debates - even in
those debates he established that many of the Buddist dharmas were in
fact came from Upanishads.

Dr. MM Joshi - clean person well educated with a vision - but many in
BJP don't like him. He was the person who integrated RECs into NIT and
the original architect of the NIT act which brought out 10 new NITs
which offered IIT standard technology education at much lower fees, he
was responsible for revamping Rashtriya Samskrita Samstan and revived
the Sanskrit distance education at National Level, one of the best HRD
minister India has seen. But we don't want such people - we want media
suvvy modern leaders who are clones of Congressmen.


Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:19:13 +0530
Subject: Inspiring: The hidden hand behind Dr Subramanian Swamy's success

One of the most inspiring articles! Gives insights into how and why he acts the
way he does and the the divine hand behind his successes.

Note: (It appears the articles were written in the pre hindu awakening stage of

Dr Swamy since we notice a few anti BJP etc comments here and there).

Parmacharya - Part I
Subramanian Swamy

I have bowed before only one sanyasi in my life, and that is Sri
Chandrasekhar Saraswathi, known to the world as the Parmacharya. It is
not that I am arrogant or that I have no respect for sanyasis and
sadhus. In fact I respect many sadhus in this country for their

learning and social services. But my upbringing, first in an English
convent school, and then ten years in USA had created a distance
between me and traditional Hindu culture of bowing and prostrating
before any elder, or anyone in saffron clothes. Therefore, I was the

"modern" Indian, believer in science, and with little concern for
spiritual diversions.

In fact till the age of 30, I had not even heard of a god like human
being called Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswathi. It was a chance meeting

with an Indian student at Harvard in his room in the university
hostel, that I saw a picture of Parmacharya on top of this student's
TV set. I asked him: "Who is he? And why are you keeping his picture?"

The student just avoided the question. I also forgot about it, except
that Parmacharya shining smiling face in that photograph got etched in
my memory. Six years later, as my Pan American Airways plane was about

to land at Delhi airport during the Emergency, I saw that smiling
Parmacharya's face reappear before me for a brief second for no reason
at that time. I was coming to Delhi surreptitiously to make my now

famous appearance in Parliament and subsequent disappearance, while a

MISA warrant was pending for my arrest in the Emergency. At that
moment, as the plane landed, I resolved that whenever the Emergency
gets over, I shall search for Parmacharya and meet him.

In 1977, after the Emergency was over, and the Janata Party in Power I

went to Kanchipuram to see the Parmacharya. It was in sheer curiosity
that I went. Some friends arranged for me to come before him. It was a
hot June evening, and Parmacharya was sitting in a cottage, a few
kilometers outside Kanchipuram. As soon as he saw me, he abruptly got

up, and turned his back on me, and went inside the cottage. My friends
who took me there were greatly embarrassed, and I was puzzled. Since
no body including the other sadhus at that ashram had any idea what

went wrong, I told my friends that we should leave, since Parmacharya

was not interested in giving me "darshan".

From the cottage, we walked a few hundred yards to where my car, by
which I had come to the ashram, had been parked. Just as I was getting
into the car, a priest came running to me. He said "Parmacharya wants

to see you, so please come back". Again puzzled, I walked back to the

Back at the cottage, a smiling Parmacharya was waiting for me. He
first asked me in Tamil: "Do you understand Tamil?" I nodded. In those

days, I hardly knew much Tamil, but I hoped the Parmacharya would
speak in the simplest Tamil to make it easy to understand.

He then asked me another question: "Who gave you permission to leave
my cottage?" The Tamil word he used for "permission" was of Sanskrit

origin, which I immediately understood. So in my broken Tamil with a
mixture of English words, I replied: "Since you turned your back on me
and went inside the cottage, I thought you did not want to see me."

This reply greatly irritated the priest standing in attendance on the

He said "You cannot talk like this to the Parmacharya". But
Parmacharya asked him to be silent, and then said that when he saw me,

he was reminded of a press cutting he had been keeping in store inside
the cottage and he had gone inside to fetch it.

"Here it is" he said. "Open it and read it. I opened the folded press

cutting, and with some difficulty, I read the Tamil question answer

piece printed in Dinamani Kadir, a magazine of Indian Express group.
The press cutting had a photograph of me and below it the question
asked by a reader: "Is the hero of the Emergency struggle,
Dr.Subramanian Swamy a Tamilian?" And the answer given was, "Yes he is

a native of Cholavandhan of Madurai District."

Parmacharya asked me, "Is this your photograph, and is the answer
given to the question correct?" I nodded. Then Parmacharya said: "Now
you may go. But in the future when you come, you cannot leave till I

give you permission to leave." Everyone around me was naturally very
impressed, that Parmacharya had given so much special attention
especially since in those days, he often went on manuvvat (silence
vow). As I left a sense of elation at the meeting with Parmacharya. I

wanted to come back again. I could not understand why a "modern"
person like me should want to see a sanyasi, but I felt the urge

A month later, the Tamilnadu Assembly elections were on, and I was

passing Kanchipuram in the campaign rail. So I told the Janata Party
workers to spare me some time to pay a visit to the Parmacharya.

When I again reached the same cottage, a priest was waiting for me. He

said: "Parmacharya is expecting you." I asked: "How is this possible,
when I decided at that last minute to come, without appointment?" The
priest replied. "That is a silly thing to ask. Parmacharya is divine.

He knows every thing".

Sure enough a radiant smiling Parmacharya received me. I thought that
this time too, our meeting would last a few minutes, and after a few
pleasantries, I can continue on my election campaign. But not so.

Parmacharya spoke to me for 1-1 1/2 hours on all important subjects.
He gave me guidelines on how to conduct myself in politics and what
was necessary to protect the national interest of the country.

He told me that in politics, I should never bother about money or

position, because both would follow me whenever an occasion demanded.
But I should not be afraid to stand alone. He told me that all great
persons of India were those who changed the thinking of the people
from a particular set way of thought to a new way of thinking. "That

is the permanent achievement for a politician, not merely becoming
Minister or Prime Minister. Great persons, starting with Adi Shankara,
to Mahatma Gandhi dared to stand alone and change the trend of
people's thought. But did either hold a government position?" he asked

me. He said "If you dare to think out fresh solutions for current
problems, without bothering about your popularity, and without caring
for whether a government position comes to you or not, you will have

my blessings." When he said that I felt a strange sensation of
happiness. I suddenly felt very strong.

During the period since my first meeting with the Parmacharya, I had
thought a lot about him, heard his praise from so many people. From

what I learnt and what I saw of him, I began to feel his divinity.
There was no other human like him. If nothing else, he was one sadhu
who did not bless Indira Gandhi during the Emergency when in the
height of her power and at the height if the nation's sycophancy, she

came and prostrated before him. And yet when Indira Gandhi was down
during the Janata rule, he received her and gave his blessings to her
after she repented for the Emergency.

It is this thought, every time (that if I do something sincerely, and

for what is for the good of the people) that Parmacharya's blessings
will be with me and see me through the interim period of public and
media criticism and unpopularity, that has given me this courage that

today even my enemies do not deny that I possess. In such endeavours,
even though in the beginning when most thought that I was doomed, I
came out it successful in the end because of his blessing.

In the next few instalments I shall, without drawing the Parmacharya's

name into the controversy, reveal many such initiatives that I took
with his blessings. From 1977 to his day of Samadhi, I met the
Parmacharya so many times and received his oral benediction and
advice. But I never gave it publicity or got myself photographed.

During his life time, I did not boast of my proximity to him either,
although whenever I came to the Kanchi Mutt, always without
appointment, he would see me. If he was asleep, he was awakened by his
close helpers to whom he had obviously given instructions about me.

There may not be another god in human form for another 100 years, but
it was my honour to have known him and received his blessings. He may
not be here today in human form, but because of what he had instructed

me, I know and feel his is around.

Parmacharya - Part II
Subramanian Swamy

After wonderful discourse from Maha Periyawal Sri Chandrashekhara
Saraswathi in 1977, I went to have Parmacharya's darshan numerous

times. Whenever I had a difficult question that I could not answer, I
would go and ask him for guidance. He gave me audience also in
abundance. I got to see him whenever I came to Kanchipuram, or at
Belgam in Karnataka or at Satara in Maharashtra or wherever else he

was. But I did not publicize these darshan sessions in the newspapers
as some others were doing. This was greatly appreciated by the Mutt
officials and pujaris.

When Indira Gandhi returned to power in 1980, defeating the Janata

Party, I was upset, and wondered if Emergency would be declared again.
So I went with a group of Janata workers to the Karnataka -
Maharashtra border, where Sri Parmacharya was camping on his walking
tour. When I reached him, he was sitting in a hut almost as if he was

waiting for me. As soon as he saw me, he got up and started briskly
walking to a nearby temple. I just stood there watching him. Soon he
stopped walking and sent someone to ask me to come to him alone.

When I reached where he was standing, he said to me anticipating my

question; "It is a good thing that Indira Gandhi has got an absolute
majority. At this juncture, the country needs a stable government, and
only Indira Gandhi is in a position to give that stability." "But what

if she declares another Emergency and tries to put us all in jail?" I

To this question, Parmacharya only smiled and put his hand up in his
known style of bestowing his blessings. I did not realize at that

time, that Indira Gandhi had before elections, gone to Hubli in
Karnataka where he was camping and prostrated before the Parmacharya.
On her own, she had vowed to him and had said that if she came back to
power, she will not repeat the mistakes of the past of declaring an

Emergency. Then she asked for his blessings, which the Parmacharya had
given by raising his hand and showing his palm.

As I was leaving, Parmacharya asked me if I could work to unite the
opposition and include the communists in it. "Communists!" I asked in

utter incredulity. I added: "The Soviet Union has just invaded
Afghanistan (December 27, 1979), and are preparing to capture
Pakistan, and then soon they will swallow India. How can we believe
the Communists?"

"Not like that at all" said Parmacharya to me. He clearly gave me a
hint that Communists will never be a danger to India. In fact he gave
me a clear indication that in some years to come the Soviet Union will

not be there at all. I just could not believe what I heard. But eleven
years later, that is exactly what happened. The Soviet Union broke up
in 1991 into 16 countries, a development no human being foresaw.
Parmacharya was above human, a divine soul. He could see it. To this

day I regret that I did not act on his advice because I spent nearly a
decade (ten years 1980 -90) opposing Communism, little realizing that
it was going to collapse of its own weight. I earned the Communists

enmity for nothing. That is the only advice of Parmacharya I did not
act on. On other occasions, I blindly followed whatever he told me.
Of course, the golden rule with Parmacharya was that he would not on
his own offer any advice, but when I asked him, he showed me the way.

When my mind was made up on anything, I did not ask him what I should
do. Of course if I did not have his blessings, I rarely succeeded.

In 1987 for example, I tried to land with some fisherman in the island

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