Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fwd: Digest for prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature@googlegroups.com - 2 Messages in 2 Topics

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From: prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature+noreply@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 14:06:59 +0000
Subject: Digest for
prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature@googlegroups.com - 2 Messages
in 2 Topics
To: Digest Recipients

Today's Topic Summary

Group: prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature/topics

- For Many Decades Indian Women have USED a Cure for AIDS! [1 Update]
- अन्ना के साथ न हो हम जैसा सलूक : रामदेव | [1 Update]

Topic: For Many Decades Indian Women have USED a Cure for AIDS!
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature/t/1190b19518abf0e1

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Prakriti Aarogya Kendra <prakriti.pune@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 02:27PM +0530
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature/msg/ee1959509ca4d476

Dear all,

Very useful articles.




Dear Sir,
As you can see many unsuspected benefits are there in our cultural
cooking as well as behaviour. You will benefit from them ever=n if you are
unaware and follow the culture effectively. The modern culture may be adding
many more problems in your life that you are unaware of. Why not stick to
our ancient culture including food habits?
The process referred to in the e-mail is फोडणी (in Maharashtr) and
तड़का in उत्तर भारत. You must have already understood it, I am sure.
With regards to all,
------Mukund Apte

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in>
Date: Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 5:10 AM
Subject: (Desiyatra)-- Fw: For Many Decades Indian Women have USED a Cure
for AIDS!
To: Desiyatra <desiyatra@googlegroups.com>


----- Original Message -----
*From:* Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in>
*To:* HindToday <hindtoday@gmail.com> ; THE TELEGRAPH <ttedit@abpmail.com> ;
Palash Biswas <palashbiswaskl@gmail.com> ; Dalit Freedom
Network<info@dalitnetwork.org>; tribal
tribune <thetribaltribune@yahoo.com>
*Cc:* Dalit Minority <dalitminority@gmail.com> ; Jagannath
Chatterjee<jagchat01@yahoo.com>; Mrs.
Stanley <kittoh@storm.ca> ; Sankar Narayanan <psn.1946@gmail.com> ; S.
Kalyanaraman <kalyan97@gmail.com>
*Sent:* 06 Jul 2011 3:18 AM
*Subject:* For Many Decades Indian Women have USED a Cure for AIDS!

For Many Decades Indian Women
Have USED a Cure for AIDS!
*Can the World's Scientists Accept this Fact? *
* For many decades, Indian women have USED a cure for AIDS that is caused
by the ingestion of traces of petrol and other petroleum products. They heat
the edible oil before its use for cooking food. This practice helps in
preventing and controlling many of the symptoms of AIDS that is associated
with persistent diarrhea. *
* Many medical scientists of India are likely to feel very embarrassed
when they come to know about my statement that millions of Indian women have
been using a scientific practice to prevent and cure one type of AIDS, which
is associated with persistent diarrhea. There is actually no reason why any
Indian should feel embarrassed by the statement of that fact by me. Many
Indian women have been actually using the cure for that one type of AIDS
without knowing the theory behind it. *

* It just does not matter whether this fact about the cure for one type
of AIDS is acceptable to the top male scientists of the world. Millions of
people have lived longer lives in India because of this practice of heating
the oil before its use for cooking food, which the Indian women have been
following for many decades. *

* Due to this fact, India should actually feel proud of such women. We
should be ready to give CREDIT to all those Indian women who have adopted
the scientifically correct practices while preparing the food for their
families. We should express our gratitude to all such women. *

* From my personal experience, I can mention that I usually become sick
when I regularly consume any foods that contain oil which is not heated
before its use for cooking. I have suffered from many health problems
whenever I have ignored the practice of heating the oil before using it for
cooking foods for myself. I am still alive because I have basically learnt
to follow this practice. *

* Millions of people, including me, have avoided early deaths, and lived
longer in India, because of this practice of heating the oil before its
use for cooking food, which the Indian women have been following for many
decades. At the age of 68 years, I can consider myself lucky for being
active, and in reasonably good health, to be able to look after myself
without any help from others. *

I regret that I had omitted in my previous articles to give credit to
the Indian women for their good practice of heating the oil before its use
for cooking foods. This scientific practice has prevented many diseases in
the consumers of foods, which are cooked with the oil that is heated first.
It is difficult for me to explain why I had NOT mentioned this fact till
now. I am not able to give the reasons that had prevented me from
acknowledging this fact before.

Even though the acknowledgement of the fact by me has been delayed for
many years, I am dedicating this article to all those women of India and the
world who believe in using the scientific methods for preparing diets and
cooking foods.

*Why do Indian Women Heat Oil *
*Before its Use for Cooking? *

Many Indian women heat the oil before cooking anything with it or frying
anything in it. They deserve to be honored for helping to reduce the
incidence of diseases associated with diarrhea and in improving the health
of their families. But there are also many other women in India who do not
heat the oil before using it for cooking and frying foods. They should be
given the proper information and convinced that unheated oil should not be
put in foods, as it can be harmful for health.

** There are many scientists who believe that the foods fried in the oil,
which is repeatedly heated and reused, may produce cancer in the persons who
regularly eat such fried foods for many years. This belief can be correct,
but not heating the oil for some time, before cooking or frying food with
it, can turn out to be many times worse. Some Indian women must have
realized this fact due to which they heat the oil before its use. The proof
of this fact is explained below. *

* A fact cannot cease to be a fact just because some well-known
"scientists" refuse to accept it for any reason. Such pseudo-scientists
should learn that they can never really succeed in falsifying any truth. *

The Indian women also know that the use of preheated oil for cooking any
foods greatly improves their flavor. The foods cooked with preheated
oil taste much better than the foods that are cooked with oil that is not
heated first.
* I have known for more than fifty years about this practice of the
Indian women, which involves the heating of edible oil before its use for
cooking. *
* My mother followed this practice of heating the edible oil before its
use for cooking. I assume that she had learned this practice from her
mother. My maternal grandmother may have learnt it from her mother or some
other female relatives. *

* Started by a few unknown women, this practice of first heating the oil
must have spread gradually among thousands of women, and later among
millions of women in India over a long period of time. This practice may
have been followed for many decades of the last 100 years, ever since the
petroleum products have been used extensively by us for various purposes. *

We should know that a petroleum product called Hexane is used as a
solvent for extracting oils from oilseeds. Hexane petrol is used for
extracting the maximum amount of oils from the oilseeds like sunflower
seeds, soyabeans, groundnuts, etc. Even after refining the extracted oils,
traces of Hexane are still likely to remain in the oils. The Hexane residue
in the oils, which are used for cooking foods, can even cause AIDS in the
persons who regularly consume such foods.

The boiling point of Hexane is only 69°Celsius. You or your chef should
heat the edible oil before cooking food with it. The traces of petrol with a
low boiling point like Hexane get evaporated when the edible oil is heated
for some time. If the oil contains any other volatile contaminants
with lowboiling points, such substances also get evaporated during the
process, and the heated oil becomes purified.

* This old practice of heating the edible oils before their use is an
indirect proof that our cooking oils and other foods have been contaminated
with small traces of petroleum products over a very long period of time.
This practice also proves that AIDS is not a new disease or syndrome, as
some pseudo-scientists want us to believe. *

* In December 2000, I had written an article with the following
title, "Petrol
Ingestion causes AIDS!" The article has been displayed on my website with
the following link: http://www.wonder-cures.com/art9.htm for more than 9
years. *

*Symptoms caused by Petrol-Contaminated Foods*

* As I have mentioned before, **Hexane is a petroleum product that is
used as a solvent for extracting oils from oilseeds. The Hexane residue in
the oils, which are used for cooking foods, can even cause AIDS in the
persons who regularly consume such foods. *

* The presence of even minute amounts of Hexane in a person's diet
drastically reduces the absorption of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, fat
and amino acids by his body, which can cause severe deficiencies of these
nutrients in him. Indirectly, the regular ingestion of traces of Hexane also
produces deficiencies of many other essential nutrients in the affected
person. Such a person can suffer from many diseases due to the multiple
deficiencies of essential nutrients that are produced by chronic poisoning
with Hexane. *

* When ingested, Hexane, kerosene, diesel oil and other petroleum
products are corrosive to the gastro-intestinal tract, as they are poisonous
substances. Their ingestion causes a burning sensation in the mouth, throat
and stomach. *

* Low-level, regular poisoning with even very small amounts of Hexane and
other petroleum products can cause many of the following symptoms and
conditions in the affected person's body who does not get any proper medical
treatment: *

*1. Irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract (GI tract); ***

*2. Persistent loose motions (diarrhea); *

**3. Dehydration; *

*4. Low blood pressure; *

*5. Dry and sore throat due to **lack of phlegm (mucus); *

6. Asthma and other respiratory problems;

7. Allergies to foods that are particularly rich in laxative factors like
many vegetables and fruits, wheat products, milk (especially milk fortified
with Vitamin D), iodized salt, soft drinks (cola drinks) containing
phosphoric acid, etc;

8. Allergy to exposure of the skin to sunshine, which causes the synthesis
of the laxative factor, Vitamin D, in the body;

9. Massive production of gases, including foul-smelling gases, leading to
constant belching and f@rting;

*10. Ulcers and chronic pain in many parts of the GI tract due to irritation
produced by the corrosive effect of petroleum products; *

*11. Cancers of the stomach and intestines due to continuous erosion of the
mucous membranes of the GI tract; *

*12. Bleeding tendency (Hemophilia) due to Vitamin K deficiency, which can
cause bleeding gums, excessive loss of blood during menstruation in women,
etc; *

*13. Piles associated with persistent diarrhea and bleeding tendency; *

14. Headaches, sleeplessness and depression;

*15. Eyes, kidneys, liver, pancreas and other organs are adversely affected
by multiple deficiencies of essential nutrients in the body; *

*16. Insulin-deficiency diabetes (IDD); *

*17. Rapid loss of body weight; *

18. Arthritis with aches and pains in many parts of the body;

19. Chronic fatigue syndrome;

*20. AIDS associated with persistent diarrhea; *

*21. DEATH at a younger age. *

* To avoid the problems mentioned above, you or your chef should heat
the oil before cooking food with it. When the oil is heated, any minute
quantity of Hexane petrol present in the oil gets easily evaporated, as the
boiling point of Hexane is only 69°Celsius. I must however inform that the
boiling points of regular petrol, kerosene and diesel oil are higher. So we
need to take proper measures to ensure that these toxic substances do not
get into our foods even in the smallest quantities. *

*Massive Danger from Contamination of Edible Oils*

* Edible oils can get contaminated with traces of petroleum products in
the tanks of ships, which are used for transporting them between different
countries. The tanker ships can be transporting both the edible oils and the
petroleum products during different trips without the tanks being
washed. The edible oils are likely to get contaminated with small quantities
of petrol, kerosene, diesel oil, etc, that can remain in the tanks of ships
that are not cleaned properly after unloading the petroleum products from
them. *

* A similar problem can also arise when the same tanker lorries are used
for transporting edible oils by road, after unloading petroleum products of
the previous trips, without their tanks being first cleaned properly. *

* It is even possible for some Multi-National Companies (MNCs) to hatch a
criminal conspiracy to poison millions of people by supplying them the
edible oils that are deliberately contaminated with traces of petroleum
products with the help of Mafia syndicates. The Mafia syndicates can easily
contaminate the edible oils while transporting them in the tanker ships and
tanker lorries that have been previously used for transporting petroleum
products. *

* By using the Mafia syndicates to transport and sell contaminated edible
oils, the MNCs can spread many diseases, including AIDS, among many million
people all over the world. Then, they can sell their drugs worth billions of
dollars every year to treat such people. The MNCs can form cartels of
companies that manufacture pharmaceutical drugs and other companies that own
ships, which transport petroleum products and edible oils between different
countries. *

* Even now, a criminal conspiracy of some MNCs might be secretly in
operation for deliberately contaminating edible oils with traces of
petroleum products to spread epidemics. Besides helping such MNCs to earn
billions of dollars every year through the sale of drugs, the conspiracy can
also be one part of the Secret Plan of some racist groups who want to
depopulate many poor countries of the Third World. *

*Petroleum Products can Contaminate Drinking Water *

* Even the sources of drinking water like the rivers, lakes and wells can
get contaminated with the petroleum products, which are drawn from oil wells
and purified in refineries in many parts of the world. In the north-eastern
states of India, the contaminated drinking water, which is known to contain
traces of petroleum, can be the main cause of AIDS in many people of that
region. In many towns and cities of India, the traces of petroleum products,
along with other pollutants, can contaminate the rivers when the drainage
water is released in them. *

The contamination of edible oils and other food products can also take
place due to the wrong handling of petroleum products like kerosene in
homes, restaurants, hospitals and other places where the food items and
petroleum products are stored in close proximity. Sometimes the jars, cans
and drums, which contain traces of petroleum products, may be carelessly
used for storing edible oils and other food items, leading to their

** We should take all measures to prevent the contamination of drinking
water and items of food with even very small quantities of petroleum
products. *

* Ashok T. Jaisinghani.
Editor & Publisher:
**www.Wonder-Cures.com* <http://www.Wonder-Cures.com>
*www.Nutritionist-No-1.com* <http://www.Nutritionist-No-1.com>
*****www.Top-Nut.com Top Nutritionist
www.SindhiKalakar.com *

* *
* *
*Petrol Ingestion causes AIDS!
*Petrol-contaminated Foods cause AIDS!
*By Ashok T. Jaisinghani, Nutritionist. *

Topic: अन्ना के साथ न हो हम जैसा सलूक : रामदेव |
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature/t/a4e57940ca243d71

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Prakriti Aarogya Kendra <prakriti.pune@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 16 02:17PM +0530
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/prakriti-a-call-to-return-to-the-nature/msg/69c33e66e4345ef5

अब तो एक ही नारा होना चाहिए, मनमोहन सिंह और कांग्रेस गद्दी छोडो. हद कर दी
इन्होने. और ये चिदंबरम, सिब्बल और अम्बिका सोनी की तिकड़ी बैठकर प्रेस कांफेरेस
में जनता और देश को बेवक़ूफ़ बनाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं.

कल सब लोग काम छोड़कर देश के लिए उपवास करें, काली पट्टी बांधकर प्रदर्शन करें.

2011/8/16 Rajendra Swarnkar <swarnkarrajendra@gmail.com>

>> अलोकतांत्रिक तरीकों से दमन नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। हम उम्मीद करेंगे कि आप
>> आत्मसंयम का परिचय देंगे और रामलीला मैदान में 4 जून की रात हमारे खिलाफ जो
>> हुआ, उसे दोहराने की अनुमति नहीं देंगे।


धन्यवाद एवं हार्दिक शुभेच्छा,

*प्रकृति आरोग्य केंद्र*

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*Thanks and Regards,
Prakriti Aarogya Kendra
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