Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fwd: [Heaven] Digest for - 7 Messages in 7 Topics

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Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 12:06:06 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for - 7 Messages
in 7 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>

Today's Topic Summary


- Forget The E-Priest, Say Mormon Transhumanists -- We Are Making
Progress Toward Becoming Gods [1 Update]
- Buying And Genetically Modifying The Perfect Little Babies! [1 Update]
- CIA Wants Next Phase In Scanners Identification [1 Update]
- Ron Paul May Have Just Cut His Own Throat; Splits With Son And
Conservative Supporters, Backs Islamic "Celebration Over Americans
Ground Zero Mosque" [1 Update]
- Moderate Muslim spokesman issues veiled threat over Ground Zero
mega-mosque opposition and "Islamophobia" [1 Update]
- GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens destroy trial
vineyard [1 Update]
- Iran Guards chief secretly oversees war plans - in Damascus [1 Update]

Topic: Forget The E-Priest, Say Mormon Transhumanists -- We Are Making
Progress Toward Becoming Gods

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 24 05:19PM -0400

*Forget The E-Priest, Say Mormon Transhumanists -- We Are Making Progress
Toward Becoming
*H+: Is the Mormons religion compatible with transhumanism?* *LC:* Most
Mormon Transhumanists consider our religion to be remarkably compatible with
transhumanism. We consider Mormonism to be a religious transhumanism.
Eternal progression is a central doctrine of Mormonism. Basically, the idea
is that we have all existed in some form or another into the indefinite
past, that we have been and are progressing toward becoming like God in a
creative and benevolent capacity, and that we should each help others do the
same into the indefinite future. Mormon scripture asserts the work of God
to be that of bringing about immortality and eternal life, and invites us
all to participate in that work. Mormon scripture also situates us in the
"Dispensation of the Fullness of Times", when God is accelerating the work,
inspiring us with greater knowledge and endowing us with greater power in
preparation for the prophesied millennium, a time of transfiguration,
immortality, resurrection, renewal of this world, and ultimately the
discovery and creation of worlds without end. Early Mormon prophets, Joseph
Smith and Brigham Young, suggested that we would begin performing the
ordinance of transfiguration before the millennium, and that immortals would
begin performing the ordinance of resurrection during the millennium.


Topic: Buying And Genetically Modifying The Perfect Little Babies!

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 24 05:18PM -0400

*Buying And Genetically Modifying The Perfect Little Babies!
a look at the latest ads from Lorigen Engineering, a company that wants to
build you a better baby. Plus three new zombie flicks, and a talking shell
with a sweet attitude. *Jim* was written and directed by Jeremy Morris-Burke
— the film tells the story of Jim, a man from the not-so-distant future, and
his dead wife's frozen eggs. Jim's disgusted by the state of the world, and
decides to go ahead and allow a bio-tech company, Lorigen Engineering, to
experiment on his wife's frozen eggs. This creates the perfect breed of
terror-resistant humans. Here's the first-ever video of the company's first
commercial. But that's not all — apparently this film has a two-pronged
timeline, as the other half of this film focuses on the leader of a clone
army and her strange connection to this Jim. We think the picture below
represents this subplot. Color us curious, *Jim* creators.


Topic: CIA Wants Next Phase In Scanners Identification

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 24 05:16PM -0400

*CIA Wants Next Phase In Scanners
Wright State University Research Institute is one of a dozen groups chosen
from a field of 500 applicants to submit plans to the Central Intelligence
Agency for cutting-edge technology to identify potential terrorists and
other suspects. University researchers working to develop what they believe
is the nation's first bone-scanning identification system should know next
year whether the CIA will opt to use their biometric identifier. Each
skeletal structure is unique and can be identified with X-rays by measuring
bones, the distance between them and bone density. Existing identification
systems like fingerprints and facial recognition software can be tricked,
say researchers tasked with developing the new technology. "We think this is
spoof-proof," said Julie Skipper, an associate professor and biomedical
engineer, who expects a prototype to be ready by this time next year.
Skipper is working with fellow researcher Phani Kidambi to develop the idea
of S. Narayanan, the dean of the engineering and computer science college,
who envisions the technology being used at points of entry into the country.


Topic: Ron Paul May Have Just Cut His Own Throat; Splits With Son And
Conservative Supporters, Backs Islamic "Celebration Over Americans
Ground Zero Mosque"

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 24 05:15PM -0400

*Ron Paul May Have Just Cut His Own Throat; Splits With Son And Conservative
Supporters, Backs Islamic "Celebration Over Americans Ground Zero
Libertarian Congressman Ron Paul is breaking with many of his fellow
Republicans - among them his son Rand - to support the creation of the
planned Islamic cultural center near the former site of the World Trade
Center that has come to be known as the "ground zero mosque." In a statement
decrying "demagogy" around the issue, the former Republican presidential
candidate wrote late last week that "the debate should have provided the
conservative defenders of property rights with a perfect example of how the
right to own property also protects the 1st Amendment rights of assembly and
religion by supporting the building of the mosque." "Instead, we hear lip
service given to the property rights position while demanding that the need
to be 'sensitive' requires an all-out assault on the building of a mosque,
several blocks from 'ground zero,'" Paul continues. He goes on to argue that
"the neo-conservatives who demand continual war in the Middle East and
Central Asia...never miss a chance to use hatred toward Muslims to rally
support for the ill conceived preventative wars."


Topic: Moderate Muslim spokesman issues veiled threat over Ground Zero
mega-mosque opposition and "Islamophobia"

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 24 05:09PM -0400

Moderate Muslim spokesman issues veiled threat over Ground Zero mega-mosque
opposition and "Islamophobia"

You don't want to get Reza Aslan angry. "European Islamophobia Finds A Home
In The U.S.," by Reza Aslan for NPR, August 23 (thanks to Anne Crockett):

[...] No matter what your feelings are about the proposed community
center, there can be little doubt that Islamophobia is on the rise in

A Washington Post poll released last year found that nearly half of
Americans -- 48 percent -- have an unfavorable view of Islam. That's nine
points higher than in the months after the Sept. 11 attacks. A new national
survey by the Pew Research Center found that 30 percent of those who
disapprove of President Obama's job performance believe he is Muslim.

Note the snake oil that Aslan is peddling. He pretends that Americans have
some irrational hatred of Islam, and hopes that as he wrings his hands about
"Islamophobia" that his enlightened NPR readers will not remember the Fort
Hood jihadist who murdered thirteen people, or the Christmas underwear
jihadist that almost took down another airliner, or the Mumbai jihad, or the
London jihad, or the Madrid jihad, or the Bali jihad, or so many, many other
jihads around the world since 9/11. He wants you to think that Americans
have an unfavorable view of Islam that stems from irrational hatred, from
bigotry and racism.

And he isn't even concerned that some readers will see through his game and
view him with greater suspicion and reserve once they do, because even that
he will turn around to his own advantage in that parlor game ever-popular
among Muslims in America, The Quest for Privileged Victim Status.

What's more disturbing is that anti-Muslim sentiment seems to have gone
mainstream, with fringe groups like Stop Islamization of America -- which is
behind many of the protests in lower Manhattan and has been participating in
similar anti-Muslim rallies across the country -- suddenly receiving regular
air time on mainstream media outlets.

Stop Islamization of America is actually an affiliate of a European
organization called Stop Islamization of Europe, an anti-Muslim hate group
whose motto is "Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but
Islamophobia is the height of common sense."

Actually SIOA hasn't adopted that slogan precisely because it can be misused
by used car salesmen like Aslan, but its actual meaning should be clear to
anyone who is not playing Gotcha or trying to portray freedom fighters in
the worst possible light. SIOE is emphasizing that the resistance to
Islamization is not racism, as is commonly charged, since the Islamic
supremacist political ideology is not a race, and it is saying that concern
about the advance of Sharia imperatives in the West is not an irrational
fear, but a genuine concern for the preservation of European freedoms.

The connection between the two organizations is telling.

In Europe, the passage of laws curtailing the rights and freedoms of
Muslims and the success of avowedly anti-Islam political parties have led to
a sense of marginalization and disenfranchisement among Europe's Muslim
communities. That in turn has led to what I believe is a sharp increase in
radicalization among Europe's young Muslims.

So "radicalization" is a response to attempts to preserve European cultural
identity and genuine pluralism. Got it. What specific laws curtailing the
rights and freedoms of Muslims were passed in London before the July 7, 2005
jihad bombings, Mr. Aslan? What specific laws curtailing the rights and
freedoms of Muslims were passed in Madrid before the March 11, 2004 jihad
bombings, Mr. Aslan?

[...] The fear is that this may lead to the same kind of radicalization
among Muslim youth in the U.S. that we've seen in Europe. It has already
played into the hands of al-Qaida, which has for years been trying to
convince American Muslims that the unfettered religious freedoms they enjoy
is a mirage -- that the U.S. will eventually turn against its Muslim

Are we in danger of proving al-Qaida right?

I am a liberal, progressive, secularized American Muslim. But when I see
that bigotry against my faith -- my very identity -- has become so
commonplace in America that it is shaping into a wedge issue for the midterm
elections, I can barely control my anger.

I can't imagine how the next generation of American Muslim youth will
react to such provocations. I pray that we never find out.

Threat noted, Mr. Aslan. But instead of tossing veiled threats onto the
cappuccino-stained pages of National Public Radio, shouldn't you, sterling
moderate that you are, be working among those young Muslims to counter their
tendencies to "radicalization"?

But of course, to do so would be to acknowledge that "radicalization"
proceeds from wellsprings within the Islamic community itself, instead of as
a response to provocation from without -- and that would contradict Aslan's
entire victimhood narrative.


Topic: GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens destroy trial vineyard

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 24 05:07PM -0400

GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens destroy trial vineyard
Published on 08-24-2010
Source: Food Freedom

Early Sunday morning, French police stood helpless as sixty people, locked
inside an open-air field of genetically modified grapevines, uprooted all
the plants. In Spain last month, dozens of people destroyed two GMO fields.
On the millennial cusp, Indian farmers burned Bt cotton in their Cremate
Monsanto campaign. Ignored by multinational corporations and corrupt public
policy makers, citizens act to protect the food supply and the planet.

The French vineyard is the same field attacked last year when the plants
were only cut. But the security features installed after that incident kept
authorities at bay while the group accomplished its mission yesterday.

Speaking for the group, Olivier Florent told Le Figero that they condemned
the use of public funds for open-field testing of GMOs "that we do not

Pitching tents in the rain near France's National Institute for Agronomic
Research (INRA) site in Colmar the night before, the group waited until 5 AM
before converging on the site and locking the gates behind them. They
uprooted all 70 plants, then submitted to arrest.

This is the second attack on GMO crops to make international news this year.
In July dozens of people destroyed two experimental corn crops in Spain. In
an anonymous press release, they wrote, "This kind of direct action is the
best way to respond to the fait accompli policy through which the
Generalitat, the State and the biotech multinationals have been unilaterally
imposing genetically modified organisms."

In the late 1990s, Indian farmers burnt Bt cotton fields in their Cremate
Monsanto campaign. Monsanto did not disclose to farmers that the GM seeds
were experimental. "Despite the heavy use of chemical fertiliser, traces of
which still can be observed in the field, the Bt plants grew miserably, less
than half the size of the traditional cotton plants in the adjacent fields."

GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens destroy trial vineyard

After the Haiti earthquake this year, Monsanto offered 475 tons of hybrid
corn and terminator vegetable seeds in partnership with USAID. In June,
10,000 Haitian farmers marched in protest of the "poison gift" which
produces no viable seeds for future plantings and requires heavy chemical
inputs. Haitian farm leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste observed that the
biotech plan makes farmers dependent on multinational corporations.

In the US, GMOs were secretly foisted on the public in the mid-1990s, and
only now is the US Supreme Court addressing the scourge. In June, the high
court upheld partial deregulation of GM alfalfa, which permits limited
planting while the USDA prepares an Environmental Impact Statement. Natural
and organic alfalfa supply is threatened by the very real potential of GM
contamination. This would destroy the organic meat and dairy industry.

Last Friday, a federal court took a tougher position on GM sugar beets.
Judge Jeffrey S. White revoked USDA approval of the GM beet, while allowing
for its planting this year only.

Also this month, a British farmer exposed that milk and meat from cloned
animals had secretly entered the food supply.

Public opposition to GM crops has grown in recent years as more evidence
surfaces that DNA-altered crops:

* Require massive chemical inputs which destroy local biodiversity and
poison the water tables;
* Cross-pollinate with natural and weedy crops;
* Create superweeds; and
* Have been shown to cause organ damage, sterility, and diabetes and
obesity in mammals.

Meanwhile, President Obama has stacked his Administration with biotech
insiders going so far as to appoint Islam Siddiqui as Agriculture Trade
Negotiator. Siddiqui is a former pesticide lobbyist and vice president of
CropLife America, a biotech and pesticide trade group that lobbies to weaken
environmental laws.

The US is pushing hard at the world to accept GM foods. Recently, the
American Farm Bureau Federation called for stronger sanctions against the
European Union for its GM crop ban.

But as governments and trade agreements circumvent the will of the people,
some take matters into their own hands. The rise in GMO crop destruction is
a clear indication that the world's people reject chemical and genetic
pollution of the food supply and the environment.

Copyright © 2006-2010


Topic: Iran Guards chief secretly oversees war plans - in Damascus

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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Aug 24 05:04PM -0400

Iran Guards chief secretly oversees war plans - in Damascus
DEBKA*file* Exclusive Report August 24, 2010, 6:00 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Hizballah <> Iran's
Revolutionary Guards<>
Israel <>

Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis - Al Qods planner of pre-emptive against Israel

Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief Gen. Mohamed Ali Jafari, who rarely
leaves his country, paid a secret visit to Damascus a few hours before
Tehran launched its first nuclear reactor at Bushehr Saturday, Aug. 21. With
him were top Al Qods Brigades commanders in Lebanon, Iraq and the
Palestinian territories. The group stayed only long enough to confer with
Syrian president Bashar Assad and his military and intelligence chiefs on
three topics:

1. The roles Syria and Hizballah will play in a potential Iranian military
reprisal to a possible American or Israeli strike on its nuclear sites.
2. The probable repercussions of an Iranian decision to use Hizballah or
pro-Iranian terrorists as proxies for a pre-emptive strike - or strikes -
against Israel.
3. How Syria can help discourage the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia from
their willingness to support a US or Israel attack on Iran with bases,
intelligence assets and other means.
The importance and urgency of this discussion is attested to by the IRGC's
supreme commander having made his trip outside Iran for many years. It was
one of the red lights abounding of late that instilled in Israeli defense
minister Ehud Barak a sense of urgency for a strategic response to the
Bushehr startup. He accordingly cut short the furious contest raging in the
IDF's General Staff over the contest for the next chief of staff by an
abrupt announcement of Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant's appointment to the post when
the incumbent ends his tour of duty in February. This quelled the scandals
surrounding forged documents and intrigue, but above all it sent a message
to Tehran: Israel's defensive posture and self-restraint, as practiced by
Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, was about to change. Iran may run into a different
response if it makes goods on its threats of aggression and the flurry of
war preparations they are orchestrating around Israel's borders.
The incoming IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Galant, who commanded the 2009 Cast
lead operation against Hamas in Gaza, subscribes to an offensive, proactive
military approach in contrast to the dovish Ashkenazi. Although he formally
takes the reins next February, Ashkenazi may well will step down before his
term is up and make way for his hawkish successor. With Galant at his side,
the defense minister has begun reshaping the General Staff to match the new
approach and the requirements of the incoming C-of-S.
debkafile's military sources add that Israel is taking very seriously the
presence in Gen. Jafari's secret delegation to Damascus of two high-ranking
IRGC Al Qods officers. They have been identified as Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis,
commander of Iran's terrorist and spy networks in Iraq, the Gaza Strip and
the West Bank, and Hassan Mahdavi, formally designated IRGC envoy to the
Lebanese Hizballah, who was recently elevated to overall command of the
Lebanese terrorist organization.
This promotion effectively changes the status of Hizballah, which is
represented as a political force in Lebanon's parliament and government,
from Tehran's surrogate to external arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards
Corps under the direct command of an al Qods officer - an ominous pointer to
the goals Iran has set itself in a country bordering on northern Israel.

As for Al Muhandis, the US Treasury targeted him for personal sanctions in
July 2009 as "adviser to Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Iran's Qod's
Force, the arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps responsible for
providing material support to Lebanon-based Hizballah, Hamas, Palestinian
Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General
Command" - all of them notorious terrorist groups.


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