Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fwd: Take a Minute Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

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Date: Sun, 02 May 2010 11:13:51 +0000
Subject: Take a Minute Digest for - 1
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Today's Topic Summary


- -- Sunday, 5/2/10 -- DEALING WITH SLOW LEARNERS -- Deuteronomy 2 [1 Update]

Topic: -- Sunday, 5/2/10 -- DEALING WITH SLOW LEARNERS -- Deuteronomy 2

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From: "J.R. & Bonnie Ricks" <>
Date: May 01 04:23PM -0500

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The Israelites had proven to God that they were slow learners. So He set
out to teach them obedience and faith. A whole generation of them died in
the wilderness learning these two important lessons. They spent forty years
having manna for every meal. (see Exodus 16) Every meal was the same thing.
Can you imagine that? There are a lot of different foods that I love, but I
can't imagine a diet consisting of just one of them - ANY of them - three
meals a day, for forty long years! Can you imagine anything more boring?

But that was the only food available to them. That was it. And God made
sure they knew they had absolutely no hand in providing it for themselves.
They were totally dependent upon God for every bite that went into their
mouths. If they tried to gather extra to save up, it rotted during the
night. They would find it filled with maggots and stinking the next
morning. The only time it didn't rot was the double portion they gathered
to get them through the meals for the Sabbath. Every morning, they had to
wake up and have faith that the manna would be there again. God had made
them aware that they were totally dependent upon Him for their very
existence. And He was preparing the people to understand their total
dependence upon Him for salvation through Jesus Christ.

Occasionally He does the same to you and me. When we don't have enough
faith, He places us in a position that confirms our dependence upon Him. He
teaches us faith. And I know from experience, that particular learning
process can be painful, very painful.

As obstacles arise in your path, big or small, believe that God is where you
should place your faith. Not in someone else. Not in yourself. Not in the
economy. Not in any man-affected or man-directed action. Place your faith
only in God, and then watch the miraculous way He controls things.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love
him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 NIV


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