Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:17:21 +0000
Subject: Take a Minute Digest for - 1
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Today's Topic Summary
- -- Tuesday, 4/20/10 -- WHAT'S IN A NAME? - Exodus 3:13 [1 Update]
Topic: -- Tuesday, 4/20/10 -- WHAT'S IN A NAME? - Exodus 3:13
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From: "J.R. & Bonnie Ricks" <>
Date: Apr 19 05:29PM -0500
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WHAT'S IN A NAME? - Exodus 3:13 NIV
Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God
of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?'
Then what shall I tell them?"
Picture Moses at this point... he's having a pretty wild experience here!
God has dropped a pretty heavy load on him and, up until now, he's been
pretty shaken up by the entire thing. But now, he's beginning to get into
the situation. He's starting to accept his assignment. But he still has
problems with it. If he does take on this seemingly impossible task, he
doesn't want to appear stupid (ego getting in the way, maybe?). At the same
time, in Moses' day, a man's name was a very important thing to know.
Sharing your name with someone gave them some sort of power over you, so
people rarely shared their name with anyone other than those very close to
them. It was essential to Moses to know the name of the God who was sending
him on this mission. Still feeling inadequate, Moses perhaps felt that he
could better carry out this assignment if he knew who God really was.
Again, it's the same with you and me. The better we know God, the better we
can serve Him. You can't share the plot of a book unless you've read it.
You can't teach school unless you're educated. You can't run a marathon
unless you build your strength and stamina. You can't develop an intimate
relationship with someone unless you know them. You can't witness to others
about the wonderful nature of our Lord unless you get to know that wonderful
nature for yourself! And the very best way to do that is to spend time with
Him in prayer and study of the Bible, every day.
You know His name..."I AM." This was the name by which God wanted to be
known and worshipped - the name that expressed His character as the
dependable and faithful self-existent God who desires the full trust of His
people. That one piece of knowledge is so vast, so compelling, that just
studying and learning what that means could take the rest of your life! Why
don't you start today? One good place to start would be with the book of
John - all of it. But you could also just start with a portion. For
instance, in John 8:24 (NIV), Jesus says, "I told you that you would die in
your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will
indeed die in your sins." Then, in John 8:58 (NIV), He says, "I tell you
the truth, before Abraham was born, I am!" Verse 59 says that the people
picked up stones to stone him, but he slipped away. Why would they want to
stone him? Because He had just identified himself as the one and only God
who spoke to Moses at the burning bush. the One who said His name was, "I
AM." Jesus had just told the people that He was God, and they thought he
had committed blasphemy.
I AM WHO I AM. This name also reveals God as the Being who is absolutely
self-existent, and who, in Himself, possesses essential life and permanent
existence. To the Hebrew, "to be" does not just mean to exist, but to be
active, to express oneself in active being. God is the One who acts. When
you understand this, the imperfect tense of the verb becomes clear. God's
manifestation to Israel is in the future at the time of the burning bush
incident. The "I AM" or "I will be" is God's promise that He will redeem
the children of Israel. The people wanted to be reassured that this God
would meet them in their time of need, proving His Character and promises.
I AM WHO I AM. So simple, and yet so profound. He had no beginning and has
no end. I AM. He requires nothing and no one to be Who He is. I AM. The
Hebrews called Him Yahweh (which is often incorrectly spelled "Jehovah"),
which means simply, "HE IS." So when God speaks of Himself, He says, "I
AM", and when we speak of Him, we say, "HE IS".
That will get you started. Now, this week, take that one piece of
information - the name "I AM" - and discover what that means, and what it
means to you. Do you believe he is who he says he is? Think about it.
".but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ...." 2 Peter 3:18 NIV
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