Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fwd: [Heaven] Digest for heavensoon@googlegroups.com - 10 Messages in 10 Topics

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From: heavensoon+noreply@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 11:49:46 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for heavensoon@googlegroups.com - 10 Messages
in 10 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <heavensoon+digest@googlegroups.com>

Today's Topic Summary

Group: heavensoon@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/topics

- Leaked U.S. Document Calls For "Global Regime" To Tackle Climate
Change [1 Update]
- Saving Souls - Losing Freedom [1 Update]
- Extraordinary Number of US Quakes – Still Climbing [1 Update]
- David Bay Sees Prophecy Hidden In Obama Nuclear Pact [1 Update]
- The Jerusalem Post: Hillary Clinton Thinks She's The Supreme
Commander Of Israel [1 Update]
- World Council Of Churches: The KGB Connection [1 Update]
- Soros: It's Not So Easy Being God [1 Update]
- More People Turning To Home Surveillance Cameras [1 Update]
- Matrix Creep: Merging Man And Machines [1 Update]
- Key News Events [1 Update]

Topic: Leaked U.S. Document Calls For "Global Regime" To Tackle Climate Change
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/70ae94b8821e4dbf

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 08:03PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/e6cadb97dbe6d07e

Leaked U.S. Document Calls For "Global Regime" To Tackle Climate Change

Leaked U.S. Document Calls For Global Regime To Tackle Climate Change

Says critics must be disarmed, all elements of Copenhagen Accord must be

Steve Watson
Monday, April 12th, 2010

A confidential U.S. government document obtained by the London Guardian
highlights the ongoing agenda to create a structure of global governance in
the name of combating climate change.

"Titled Strategic communications objectives and dated 11 March 2010, it
outlines the key messages that the Obama administration wants to convey to
its critics and to the world media in the run-up to the vital UN climate
talks in Cancun, Mexico in November." The Guardian reports.

The newspaper says that the document (full text below) was "accidentally
left on a European hotel computer" before it was passed to their editors.

The number one item on the itinerary is to "Reinforce the perception that
the US is constructively engaged in UN negotiations in an effort to produce
a global regime to combat climate change." (my emphasis)

The news comes on the back of revelations that rich countries have
threatened to cut vital aid to developing nations if they do not back the
deal agreed at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen last year.

Elsewhere, the leaked document pinpoints the need to continue "driving the
climate change story" in the mainstream media, but also identifies the need
to "disarm" critics and to bypass traditional media outlets to do so,
focusing more on "new media".

The document also highlights a need to "Create a clear understanding of the
CA's [Copenhagen accord's] standing and the importance of operationalising
ALL elements."

Although the final Copenhagen agreement was largely dismissed as a failure
by both the mainstream media and climate skeptics, it established the
framework for a global government which will control climate finances via
taxes on CO2 emissions.

The latest leaked U.S. document calls for operationalising the elements of
that framework.

The final text of the accord (PDF) states that funds obtained from climate
financing will be controlled by a "governance structure," and that a "High
Level Panel" will be appointed to decide where the money will come from. In
effect, this means that a UN-controlled structure of global governance will
override the sovereignty of nation states in collecting and doling out funds
obtained under the justification of climate change.

The agreement also gives the green light for carbon trading markets, which
as we have documented are all owned by climate kingpins like Maurice Strong
and Al Gore, to be more heavily financed and expanded.

Leaked U.S. Document Calls For Global Regime To Tackle Climate Change

Leaked UN documents uncovered in February also highlighted the need to
establish a global governance structure in the name of combating climate
change by 2012.

"Moving towards a green economy would also provide an opportunity to
re-examine national and global governance structures and consider whether
such structures allow the international community to respond to current and
future environmental and development challenges and to capitalize on
emerging opportunities," the leaked white paper stated.

The paper outlined that the imposition of such "global governance
structures" will be achieved with the help of "vast wealth transfers" from
richer countries (in the form of carbon taxes levied on citizens) to poorer
nations, amounting to no less than $45 trillion dollars.

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, has not been shy in proclaiming the
unfolding agenda for a global governance structure to override national
parliaments on the issue of climate change.

In an October New York Times editorial entitled "We Can Do It," Ki-moon
wrote that efforts to impose restrictions on CO2 emissions "Must include an
equitable global governance structure."

He re-iterated those sentiments in December following the Copenhagen summit,
telling the LA Times "We will establish a global governance structure to
monitor and manage the implementation of this."

Last year at a forum in Oxford, England, Al Gore also called for global
governance in order to implement global agreements on climate change.

Globalists are persistent and they will continue hammering away until they
get what they want, not because the environment is on the verge of collapse,
but because their agenda for world government is stalling as more people
find out the true agenda behind the global warming scam.

Meanwhile, anyone who suggests global governance is on the agenda is derided
as a conspiracy theorist, despite such open announcements of this very


Text of the leaked document:

Strategic communications objectives

1) Reinforce the perception that the US is constructively engaged in UN
negotiations in an effort to produce a global regime to combat climate
change. This includes support for a symmetrical and legally binding treaty.

2) Manage expectations for Cancun – Without owning the message, advance
the narrative that while a symmetrical legally binding treaty in Mexico is
unlikely, solid progress can be made on the six or so main elements.

3) Create a clear understanding of the CA's standing and the importance
of operationalising ALL elements.

4) Build and maintain outside support for the administration's
commitment to meeting the climate and clean energy challenge despite an
increasingly difficult political environment to pass legislation.

5) Deepen support and understanding from the developing world that
advanced developing countries must be part of any meaningful solution to
climate change including taking responsibilities under a legally binding

Media outreach

• Continue to conduct interviews with print, TV and radio outlets
driving the climate change story.

• Increase use of off-the-record conversations.

• Strengthen presence in international media markets during trips
abroad. Focus efforts on radio and television markets.

• Take greater advantage of new media opportunities such as podcasts to
advance US position in the field bypassing traditional media outlets.

• Consider a series of policy speeches/public forums during trips abroad
to make our case directly to the developing world.

Key outreach efforts

• Comprehensive and early outreach to policy makers, key stakeholders
and validators is critical to broadening support for our positions in the
coming year.

• Prior to the 9-11 April meeting in Bonn it would be good for Todd to
meet with leading NGOs. This should come in the form of 1:1s and small group

• Larger group sessions, similar to the one held at CAP prior to
Copenhagen, will be useful down the line, but more intimate meetings in the
spring are essential to building the foundation of support. Or at the very
least, disarming some of the harsher critics.


Topic: Saving Souls - Losing Freedom
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/62030f46cb60d194

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 08:00PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/7adb63a96babc0cc

Saving Souls - Losing Freedom

By Dr. Chuck Baldwin - April 9, 2010

Bookmark and Share

One would have to be a blind man to not see that America is fast losing the
fundamental principles of liberty upon which our once-great country was
established. And, without a doubt, the single biggest reason for this
decline is the lack of concern and effort on the part of today's Christians
and pastors to resist it.

All over America, when one approaches our pastors and church leaders with
the obvious decay and ruination of constitutional government and Declaration
principles taking place in our land today, the response flippantly comes
back: "God hasn't called me to do that; I'm supposed to win souls and that's
it." (Or words to that effect.) As if the call to Gospel preaching,
evangelism, and missionary endeavor negates our responsibility as citizens
of a free land.

Of course, this call to "win souls" doesn't interfere with these preachers'
golf games; it doesn't interfere with their family vacations; it doesn't
interfere with their active membership in whatever local civic organization
they happen to belong to; it doesn't interfere with their hiring of a lawyer
if they are falsely accused or defrauded; it doesn't interfere with their
invitations to celebrity politicians for special church recognition on
patriotic holidays; it doesn't interfere with them going to the polls to
vote; it only seems to interfere when they are personally asked to take a
stand in the gap for our country's liberties. Then, all of a sudden, they
haven't been "called," or "God will take care of it," or "Jesus is coming
soon," or "Religion and politics don't mix," ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

As a result of America's preachers' indifference (and that of the Christians
they influence), our country is on the brink of becoming an oppressive and
tyrannical state. No, let me rephrase that. America is already in the
process of becoming an oppressive and tyrannical state. And it's the
preachers' fault!

For some, it is a matter of ignorance (I think "willful ignorance" is more
appropriate). For some, it is a matter of convenience. For some, it is
comfort. For some, it is ambition. Whatever the reason, America's preachers
are contributing to the collapse of the greatest free country the world has
ever known–all in the name of saving souls.

What these preachers seemingly do not comprehend is that when the hammer
falls on liberty in this country, it is going to FALL RIGHT ON TOP OF
THEM–HARD. There is no mistaking it: when oppression's hammer strikes,
Gospel preachers and Bible believers will be the anvil. And when it happens,
it will not matter that a preacher was popular, or was likeable, or was
non-controversial, or was compassionate, or was a Moose or Elk club member,
or had a big church, or was a friend of the governor, or had "Law
Enforcement Appreciation Day" in his church every year, or that he was
sought out by political candidates for his endorsement. None of that will
matter to a tinker's dam. The boot of state oppression will squash him like
a bug! It will not spare him, his wife, his children, his health, his
finances, or his feelings. And, ladies and gentlemen, at this very moment,
we are not very far away from the hammer falling.

I have just recently come across an official document from one of our war
colleges that is downright frightening. I will expose this document during
my Sunday morning address, which is livestreamed on the Internet, this
Sunday, April 11, 2010, at 10:30 a.m., Central Daylight Time. To watch this
address, go here:


As I read over this document (and the chill bumps began rising all over my
body), I thought of all those preachers out there who have purposely refused
to engage the body politic on behalf of freedom's principles; those who
refused to take a stand for the Constitution and Bill of Rights; those who
took the path of least resistance and refused to be controversial; those who
put money and success before honor and right; those who meekly looked the
other way while George W. Bush (and other neocons) dismantled constitutional
government (and had John McCain been elected and was doing much of what
Barack Obama is currently doing–which he would have been–they would still be
looking the other way); those who claimed to be "too busy" to worry about
politics; and those who thought that somehow their Christian duty did not
include freedom's fight. What they do not realize is that they, themselves,
are in the crosshairs. While they are making a hundred excuses for not
actively helping to defend freedom principles, the enemy–after having
eradicated the constitutional protections of our liberties–will jump on
Gospel preachers and Bible believers "like a chicken on a June bug," as my
dad used to say. I am personally convinced that the plans for Christian (and
patriot) persecution are already in place.

As I read the above-referenced document (which I will expose this Sunday
morning), many things–including the now-infamous MIAC report that most
readers should already be very familiar with–began to make sense. And so did
those reports of FEMA camps that we have all heard so much about, and maybe
even the raid on the Hutaree "Christian" militia.

And does anyone really believe that those pastors who will not jeopardize
their social standing or retirement programs in order to be faithful to the
truth are going to miraculously grow backbones when serious persecution
comes? Get real! These timid trumpeters piously extol the ancient example of
Daniel's courage in rebelling against the unlawful command of his king;
praise the Three Hebrew Children who would not bow to the image of
Nebuchadnezzar; and commend Simon Peter for defiantly telling Jewish
authorities, "We ought to obey God rather than men"–while, at the same time,
quoting Romans 13 to justify their own cowardice and indifference.

It is no hyperbole to say that preachers who ignore and avoid the freedom
fight do so at their own peril.

At this point, it might be helpful to remember Winston Churchill's challenge
to England's citizens: "If you will not fight for the right when you can
easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will
be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to
fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of
survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there
is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as

I invite readers to tune in to my Sunday address this Sunday, April 11,
2010, at approximately 10:30 a.m., Central Daylight Time, as I expose this
disturbing document from one of America's war colleges. Believe me, what I
am going to expose has serious implications for every Christian, every
freedom lover, and every American citizen who believes in an independent
United States.

To watch the broadcast live this Sunday, April 11, at 10:30 a.m. (CDT), go


P.S. If you would like to vote for me as Ron Paul's Vice Presidential
running mate in 2012, you can do so here:


*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these
editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by
credit card, check, or Money Order. Donate using this link.

Copyright © Chuck Baldwin,


Topic: Extraordinary Number of US Quakes – Still Climbing
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/4883083602d8751b

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:59PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/3ad2ce5d3019195f

Extraordinary Number of US Quakes – Still Climbing*

April 11, 2010
Holly Deyo

shaking hasn't stopped after a 7.2 earthquake rattled the U.S. and Mexico
Easter Sunday. Yesterday around 2 a.m. local time, a respectable 4.5 quake
rattled San Diego<http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/apr/10/magnitude-45-quake-others-shake-san-diego-area/>,
which was followed by more than a dozen Richter 3's in the same area.

The most events I can ever recall for the U.S. was 1,482 on May 3,
Normally the USGS registers around 700-800 events in America that show on
the US maps. This includes all quakes occurring in Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto
Rico. There's a lot of real estate where quakes can shake.

Maps start to look interesting when they hit 1,100 shakes. Aftershocks from
the Easter quake have rocketed this tally way beyond anything we've
experienced in recent years. U.S. quakes are approaching the 4,000 ground
breaking benchmark.

When you click the map on the right, you can read the number of quake events
both for the Cal-Nevada area as well as the U.S. total. Over 3,700 quakes
have hit the U.S in the last week. Of those, these areas account for 161
shakes: Puerto Rico – 37, Hawaii – 7, and Alaska – 117. Another 285 are
scattered throughout Washington, Yellowstone/Montana, Utah and in a "smiley
face" across New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. That leaves the
vast majority – over 3,270 – pummeling California. That is mighty!

Because so many earthquakes have occurred atop each other, it's hard to get
a good grasp of just how many have struck since the jaw-rattling 7.2.
Clicking the top map brings up a much larger version showing Mexico and
southern California.

Quakes are concentrated right on the border and extend southeast to the Baja
Peninsula and north to the Salton Sea. The whole area is positively inflamed
with quake activity.

The small inset maps only tracks Mag. 1+ quakes for a week before they fall
off. It's unfortunate that the larger "green" map plots events in gray since
they're harder to see. However, the more you study the map, you'll be
surprised how many "stars" your eyes pick up.

The May 4th major event is designated in red and looks like it happened
after the rest. This quake had to be marked in again since it was buried in
aftershocks and impossible to see locate.

Below, a Google Earth map has been included, which ties into the USGS
database. Even looking at this map, it's impossible for the eye to
distinguish over 3,500 individual quakes. This further reinforces that
certain areas are getting hammered as quake after quake hits the same spots.
Looking at the Earthquake List for Map California
you can see various locations popping up time and again.

One other thing to consider when looking at the Google map is the line in
red. This marks a plate boundary which are always busy with quake activity.
The North American Plate boundary ties into the San Andreas Fault starting
just off-shore of northern California by Point Arena and snakes south before
running its course on the east side of the Salton Sea just above Mexico.
Both of these factors – a major fault and a tectonic plate boundary – place
massive stress on western California.

The interesting thing to note on this map is the distinct march of quakes
northward from the main shake. The greatest number of temblors isn't
concentrated right at the heart of the 7.2 quake, but clustered on the
border extending into both countries. Hopefully this is as far as they
travel and leave San Diego and Los Angeles alone.



Topic: David Bay Sees Prophecy Hidden In Obama Nuclear Pact
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/9bb83198b8e87b42

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:53PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/cf097cb66cc7690e

*David Bay Sees Prophecy Hidden In Obama Nuclear
President Obama seems as though he has etched his place in modern world
history. He has negotiated a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia, a
feat which escaped his predecessors. When Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize, many said he was given the award because of what he was going
to accomplish, not for what he had already accomplished. That caveat was
necessary because everyone knew that he had not accomplished anything
remotely deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize. But, now the President has
overseeen negotiations with the Russians which supposedly will dramatically
reduce the number of active warheads deployed by each side. Certainly, one
would suppose, the fact that Obama was a Nobel Peace Laureate gave his
efforts increased weight. Right? This scenario will probably be bantered
around the world by the Mass Media. However, the reality is much different.
The reason the Americans and the Russians have now suddenly reached
agreement on the reduction of nuclear arms is very simple, and very
pragmatic. Both nuclear warheads and the missile delivery systems are
obsolete and needed to be scrapped anyway! Let me put this matter in another
perspective: since current missile systems cannot deliver their warheads to
enemy targets, they are obsolete and so worthless they are not even worth
the money to keep them in working order.


Topic: The Jerusalem Post: Hillary Clinton Thinks She's The Supreme
Commander Of Israel
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/354e966cb2a2bd17

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:51PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/c83ec7b3162b76dd

*The Jerusalem Post: Hillary Clinton Thinks She's The Supreme Commander Of
Can't the US recognize that all the pro-Arab pressure has only resulted in
more terror and war, and anything but security? We have to ask: When was
Hillary Clinton anointed the supreme boss of Israel, as she seems to think
she is? Supporters of Israel were probably not surprised at the scolding
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
shortly after Vice President Joseph Biden's March visit to Israel. Media
reports said that Clinton chewed Netanyahu out over the decision to build
new homes in the area that the Palestinians claim belongs to them and their
future state, and she stressed that American officials saw this as "a major
insult." A State Department spokesman related that Clinton told Netanyahu
"she could not understand how this could happen, particularly in light of
the United States' strong commitment to Israel's security." Which, being
interpreted, means that since the US gives Israel a little military aid, it
therefore has the right to control the government of Israel.


Topic: World Council Of Churches: The KGB Connection
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/b70a344639ea4732

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:50PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/c7a5486cad06153a

*World Council Of Churches: The KGB
During the 1970's and 1980's the Geneva-based World Council of Churches
(WCC), to which hundreds of Protestant and Orthodox communions belonged,
routinely espoused pro-Soviet and anti-Western stances. It even funded
Marxist guerrilla groups. Critics assumed that the WCC was simply naively
captive to Liberation Theology, which tried to exchange salvation for class
warfare and revolution. But a new book by a Bulgarian author reveals that
the KGB and its Bulgarian intelligence affiliate exploited the Bulgarian
Orthodox Church for direct influence on the WCC and the Conference of
European Churches. In "Between Faith and Compromise," Bulgarian historian
Momchil Metodiev chronicles how the Soviets and their Bulgarian proxies
employed the Bulgarian Orthodox and WCC to promote Soviet strategic goals
globally. "Participation of the Bulgarian church in ecumenical organizations
was not inspired by the idea of interdenominational dialogue and
co-operation," Metodiev reported amid his book's release this month. "If,
in popular perceptions, state security is classified as a state within the
state, then the ecumenical activity [conducted by Soviet bloc
representatives] could be classified as a church within the Church," wrote
Metodiev, who has researched Bulgarian communist archives for the Cold War
International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson Institute in Washington,


Topic: Soros: It's Not So Easy Being God
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/77b12b1871164375

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:49PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/c8758ddb0eb8c1f7

*Soros: It's Not So Easy Being
Soros figured out early on that his messiah complex wasn't going to be well
received in the real world and he should try to tone it down a bit. He's
having mixed results with that. There are those who still cling doggedly to
the fabrication that Soros is some kind of "philanthropist" despite
overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The compassionate philanthropist has
been pushing for human euthanasia for years. The august altruist has long
believed we made much too big of a fuss about 9/11, an event which he found
inspiring: "Hijacking fully fueled airliners and using them as suicide
bombs was an audacious idea, and its execution could not have been more
spectacular." (George Soros, "The Bubble Of American Supremacy," The
Atlantic Monthly, 12/03) Poor George, like his current Jackal in Chief, has
carried the burden of being a god throughout his life: "A passage in his
book The Alchemy of Finance, published in 1987, distinguishes Soros from all
other financiers, ever. 'I have always harboured an exaggerated view of my
self-importance,' he wrote. 'To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some
kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes, or, even better, like
Einstein. My sense of reality was strong enough to make me realise that
these expectations were excessive, and I kept them hidden as a guilty
secret. This was a source of considerable unhappiness through much of my
adult life. As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to my
fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself. Needless to say,
I feel much happier as a result.'"


Topic: More People Turning To Home Surveillance Cameras
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/b53160d29cebcb4

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:45PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/ab5137ef2b6e8348

*More People Turning To Home Surveillance
Simple surveillance devices can help keep homes safe from break-ins, and
more people are using the inexpensive devices to catch thieves in the act.
With more than 30,000 burglaries in Columbus every year, more people are
installing personal security systems that they can view from their
computers, CrimeTracker 10's Angela An reported Wednesday. From Web cams to
those installed outside your home, experts said they could help you fight
back against crime. After his car was broken into, Steve Hill installed
security cameras around his Old Town East home, An reported. "I've had four
attempts in a week, basically," Hill said. From his home office Hill can
monitor the surveillance system that captured criminals in the act. "This is
the person that was walking in front of my home at 2:30 in the morning,"
Hill said, watching surveillance footage. "If you look really closely, he
has his fingerprints covered up as he's trying my door right now. And he
actually looks in, looks right up at the camera a couple times." Police said
it is hard to tell whether or not personal home surveillance will make a
difference when it comes to stopping a break-in. But Hill said it has made a
difference, when it comes to peace of mind.


Topic: Matrix Creep: Merging Man And Machines
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/c0b945ea7ac188ec

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:44PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/bafc5fcffcf046aa

*Matrix Creep: Merging Man And
If the idea of turning consumers into true cyborgs sounds creepy, don't tell
Intel researchers. Intel's Pittsburgh lab aims to develop brain implants
that can control all sorts of gadgets directly via brain waves by 2020…There
are still more implications to creating a seamless brain interface, besides
having more cyborgs running around. If scientists can translate brain waves
into specific actions, there's no reason they could not create a virtual
world with a full spectrum of activity tied to those brain waves. That's
right -- we're seeing Matrix creep... The Internet represents a major step
in our evolution, and is a forerunner of things to come. Artificial
intelligence researcher Francis Heylighen sees huge growth as this new
world-wide communication system continues to gain power from billions of
humans adding to its intelligence every day. "It will get smarter,"
Heylighen says, "as it morphs into a global super-organism that could one
day provide solutions to most of humanity's problems." Experts compare the
Internet to a planet growing a global brain. As users, we represent the
neurons. Texting, emails, and IM act as nerve endings, and electromagnetic
waves through the sky become neural pathways. Like germinating seeds, this
global brain continues to evolve and as some forward-thinkers believe, will
not stop until it develops feelings and achieves consciousness.


Topic: Key News Events
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/t/dbf9239da89b3328

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Heaven soon <heavensoon@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 12 07:41PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/heavensoon/msg/e780d804701b58f7

*Key News Events*

Behold A Pale Horse <http://cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=952>

*I. President Obama opens a Nuclear Terrorist Summit today in Washington,

*Leaders of 47 countries gather to hear the President warn that nuclear
terrorism is the most serious threat we face, even though our new Headline
News article, below, demonstrates that our military capability makes it
impossible for terrorists to move a nuclear device into place.*

NEWS BRIEF: "*President opens nuclear
*The Associated Press, April 12, 2010

"WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama plays host to leaders of more than 40
countries as the Nuclear Security Summit opens in the nation's capital. The
two-day summit opening Monday aims to find ways to secure the world's
nuclear stockpile."

"Securing the world's nuclear stockpile" is one way of saying that nuclear
devices might be used by terrorists to carry out nuclear terror strikes
against major cities throughout the world. This year's TV series "24"
features the threat of a nuclear "dirty bomb" against New York City. Thus,
"24" is conditioning people to the very "threat" which this summit is said
to be facing.

President Obama spells out the supposed threat very clearly.

NEWS BRIEF: "*President Obama
Al Qaeda Is Seeking a Nuke -- and They Will Use It*", ABC News, April 11,

"On the eve of his Nuclear Security Summit, President Obama issued a dire
warning: terrorist groups are trying to obtain nuclear weapons -- and they
will use it. 'We know that organizations like al Qaeda are in the process of
trying to secure a nuclear weapon -- a weapon of mass destruction that they
have no compunction at using', the president said."

To the average citizen, the thought of a terrorist organization setting off
a nuclear device in a crowded modern city is one of the most frightening
thoughts they will ever have. After all, everyone is aware of the utter
destruction which a nuclear weapon can wreak upon a city. Further, everyone
can imagine themselves caught in the city under attack, suffering death
and/or severe radiation.

In Spring, 1991, while I was studying the New World Order Plan to stage
Antichrist on the world scene, William Cooper unleashed his monumentally
important book, *"Behold A Pale Horse"<http://cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=952>
*, through the New Age bookstore retail system. New Age adherents were very
excited about the revelations contained within this book because it revealed
the depth of the horror that Black Magick Illuminists are planning to loose
upon the world so they may successfully stage their "Masonic Christ". You
see, most White Magic practitioners are very horrified by the realization
that the current drive to the New World Order is being driven by Black
Magick Illuminists, and not White Magic. The difference between these two
belief structures is that a White Magic person will commit themselves to
using the power of the occult for the "good of mankind", while the Black
Magick practitioners make no bones about the fact that they are going to use
that same occult power for the hurt of mankind. Of course, as Anton LaVey
says in his "Satanic Bible", there is really no difference between White and
Black Magic, except that the Black Magick person is honest enough to admit
whom it is he serves!

One of the revelations William Cooper published was the general plan by
which Antichrist is going to be staged on the world scene. In one single
paragraph, Cooper captures many different parts of this plan; unfortunately,
one of the parts is the atomic destruction of New York City. Even though we
have quoted this paragraph on numerous occasions, we must do so again, for
this News Alert. Listen to Cooper:

"It is true that without the population or the bomb problem, the elect would
use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to
bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, extraterrestrial
landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things
just to make ... sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary
to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered ... Can you imagine
what would happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is
destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in
the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials
land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the shelves, some people
disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very
short period of time?" [William Cooper, *"Behold A Pale
*, Page 177]

However, if a nuclear device wielded by terrorists does destroy New York
City or any city on earth, discerning people the world over must instantly
demand to know why American and/or Russian authorities allowed it to happen,
for as we state in *NEWS2414* <http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2414.cfm>,
below, American and Russian satellites have the capability of detecting any
nuclear device -- even nuclear rods -- at any location on the earth!

Therefore, satellites can detect when one of the nuclear devices begins to
be moved and can track it in real time. For this reason, no terrorist group
can take control of a nuclear device and begin moving it into location for a
nuclear terrorist attack, without the cooperation of American and Russian

Please take a few moments to read this exciting news, below, plus the
reality that both missiles and atomic warheads are obsolete and are ready to
be destroyed, with or without the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty signed
between Russia and the United States last week.

* <http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletters/n2397.cfm>**President Obama
Seemingly Makes World History As He Negotiates A Nuclear Arms Reduction
Treaty With The Russians <http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2414.cfm> - A
Goal Which Eluded His Predecessors For The Past 40 Years!*

*However, our enthusiasm should be tempered by the realization that missiles
and atomic warheads are completely obsolete and are ready to be phased out


*II. This nuclear summit opening today in Washington, D.C., may turn into a
worldwide platform from which the nations of the world will demand that
Israel give up her nuclear weapons.*

*Is this threat the reason that Israel's Prime Minister cancelled his
planned participation in this nuclear terrorism summit?*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Israel must
Turkey's PM Erdogan", *Press TV News, April 12, 2010

"The Turkish premier says the international community should take action to
disarm Israel as part of the efforts to make the Middle East a nuclear
weapons-free zone."

On several occasions, President Obama has held up the concept of a "nuclear
free" world as a utopian dream. Using this idea, Turkey's President is
voicing the view of many of Israel's enemies, i.e., that the Jewish state be
forced to give up her nuclear weapons to the international community, at the
identical moment when leaders of the international community are meeting in
Washington, D.C., to discuss making the world free of nuclear weapons.

In fact, Israel's enemies have been sounding this refrain for years, so this
call is nothing new in and of itself. What is new is that the Turkish Prime
Minister is voicing his strident opinion at the very moment the nuclear
terror conference opens in America's capital.


*III. The Polish President and 95 other people, mostly within his
government, were killed in an airplane crash in western Russia.*

*This crash virtually wipes out the entire pro-western and pro-Israeli
Polish government!*

NEWS BRIEF: "*Israel grieves over death of Polish
Israel considered the Kaczynski-led Poland to be among its staunchest
European allies*", The Associated Press, April 11, 2010

"JERUSALEM — Israel's leaders on Sunday expressed deep sorrow over the death
of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, calling him a true friend of the Jewish
people and praising his efforts to heal the scars of the Holocaust ... In
recent years, ties improved dramatically and Israel considered the
Kaczynski-led Poland to be among its staunchest European allies. Kaczynski,
who died in plane crash in Russia Saturday, developed strong ties with
Israel ... His death had special resonance in Israel as it came on the eve
of its annual Holocaust Memorial Day."

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened his weekly Cabinet meeting
Sunday by eulogizing Kaczynski and calling him 'a great friend of the state
of Israel'."

"Kaczynski was leading a delegation headed to Russia to honor Polish
officers killed there in World War II. Many of Poland's elite died in the
crash, including its military chief. Israel's military chief Lt. Gen. Gabi
Ashkenazi called his Polish counterpart, Gen. Franciszek Gagor, 'an amazing
military man'."

The death of virtually the entire Polish government comes at a time when
Russia is beginning her move to form Supernation #5
<http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1002.html>of the 10-Nation Reorganization
Plan of the Illuminati. This planned supernation is listed as "Eastern
Europe, including Russia". As Russia begins her move to create Supernation
#5, it looks as though the planned superstate will be a recreation of the
old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).

End of the Age prophecy is being fulfilled in your Daily

*Phoenix Bird Pin*

* IV. Sarah Palin wore an Illuminati "Phoenix Bird" pin as she addressed the
Republican Southern Leadership Conference on Saturday, April 10!*

Cutting Edge has always maintained a healthy skeptism toward anyone whom the
Illuminati allows on the national stage, as anyone on a major stage will
have had to agree to be completely supportive of the Illuminati Global Plan.

Thus, when Sarah Palin was brought on by Senator McCain as his vice
presidential candidate, I was suspicious that Palin had sold out to the
Illuminati Plan.

During the campaign, we posted an article which showed that Todd Palin had
flashed a well-known Masonic hand signal
but now we see that Sarah is flashing a very well known symbol of the
American Elite, the Phoenix Bird Pin. You can see this pin on her left

Hillary Clinton first started wearing this pin in early 1999, and was soon
followed by every other female serving on President Bill Clinton's Cabinet.
Then, in February, 2000, Mrs. John McCain wore the Phoenix Bird Pin during
her husband's celebration in the 2000 New Hampshire Presidential Primary
victory. Since then, a number of women, both Republican and Democrat, have
been occassionally observed wearing this pin.

Please read our archived Headline News articles detailing the usage and the
meaning of this pin, the wearing of which unmistakably identifies one as a
member of the Illuminati. Once you understand the meaning of the Phoenix
Bird, and its awful agenda for mankind, you will be able to understand the
full depth of the meaning behind her wearing the Illuminati Pin.

This development is a major event in proving that Sarah Palin is willingly
being used by the Illuminati!

Now, here are the archived Headline News Articles about which we spoke:

*"Hillary Wears Illuminist Pin" --

*"Senator John McCain Signals His Illuminist Membership and Backing As His
Wife Boldly Wears the Phoenix Bird Pin During His Celebration of the New
Hampshire Presidential Primary Win"*,


*V. RFID implantable chips are causing cancers in pets!*

*We have long maintained that the RFID Chip is the precursor to the Mark of
the Beast which the False Prophet will force all peoples of the world to
take as a sign of loyalty to Antichrist!*

*: Owners, Medical Reports Point to Link Between RFID Chips and Cancers in
Canines"*, AntiChips. com

"Highly aggressive tumors developed around the microchip implants of two
American dogs, killing one of the pets and leaving the other terminally ill.
Their owners --- and pathology and autopsy reports --- have suggested a link
between the chips and the formation of the fast-growing cancers ... In the
town of Paeonian Springs, Va., a five-year-old male Bullmastiff named Seamus
died in February, nine months after developing a "hemangio-sarcoma" --- a
rare, malignant form of cancer that strikes connective tissues and can kill
even humans in three to six months. The tumor appeared last May between the
dog's shoulder blades where a microchip had been implanted; by September, a
'large mass' had grown with the potential to spread to the lungs, liver and
spleen, according a pathology report from the Blue Ridge Veterinary Clinic
in Purcellville, Va."

"Originally scheduled to receive just a biopsy, Seamus underwent emergency
surgery. A foot-long incision was opened to extract the 4-pound-3-ounce
tumor, and four drains were needed to remove fluid where the tumor had

The conclusion of this matter is simple but revealing:

"In 2007, The Associated Press reported on a series of veterinary and
toxicology studies that found that microchip implants had 'induced'
malignant tumors in some lab animals. Published in veterinary and toxicology
journals between 1996 and 2006, the studies found that between 1 and 10
percent of lab mice and rats injected with microchips developed malignant
tumors, most of them encasing the implants."

Notice the wording here: the microchip implants had "inuduced malignant
turmors" in some lab animals. If this RFID chip technology is the precursor
to the final Mark of the Beast implant, we should expect many humans to
develop painful and fatal cancers as well. What does Bible Prophecy state
will happen to many people who receive a Mark of the Beast microchip?

*"And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and
there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of
the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image."* (Revelation
16:2; *Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible


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