Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 11:54:27 +0000
Subject: [Heaven] Digest for - 12 Messages
in 12 Topics
To: Digest Recipients <>
Today's Topic Summary
- Iran, Syria, Hizballah gear up to provoke summer war [1 Update]
- Israel refuses to sell Turkey advanced naval Barak-8 interceptor [1 Update]
- GM Crops Go To US High Court, Laws On The Line [1 Update]
- US To Push For Global Capital Rules [1 Update]
- Special Army Unit Ready To Be Deployed On American Soil Just
Before November Elections [1 Update]
- Exclusive: Are The CIA And U.S. State Department Supporting A New
Islamic World Order? [1 Update]
- Obama Renews Vow Of 'New Beginning' With Muslims [1 Update]
- Are We Sleepwalking Into A Surveillance Society? [1 Update]
- Triple Helix: Designing A New Standard Of Life [1 Update]
- NextGen Triple-Helix DNA To Unleash Our Inner Nephilim [1 Update]
- Cap and trade 'flat out dead' [1 Update]
Topic: Iran, Syria, Hizballah gear up to provoke summer war
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From: "Goodtiding" <>
Date: Apr 28 07:06AM -0400
Iran, Syria, Hizballah gear up to provoke summer war
DEBKAfile Special Report April 28, 2010, 1:31 PM (GMT+02:00)
Syrian Fateh A-110B for Hizballah
US defense secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday night, April 27:
"Hizballah has far more rockets and missile than most governments in
the world." He and Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak were talking to
reporters after their talks in the Pentagon. Military sources did not
see his as high commendation for Barak's achievements as defense
minister. All he had to contribute on this occasion was: "We do not
intend to provoke any kind of major collision in Lebanon or with
Syria, but are watching closely these developments."
Gates went on to accuse Syria and Iran of "providing Hizballah with
rockets of ever-increasing capability," adding, "This is obviously
destabilizing for the whole region and we're watching it very
Both defense chiefs seemed to think that careful watching would
somehow erase the hostile buildup of deadly hardware. In fact, Barak's
comment told Iran, Syria and Hizballah they had nothing to fear from
continuing their "carefully watched" buildup, even though Syria took
it a step forward this month. As debkafile's military sources reported
last week, Syrian instructors have trained two Hizballah brigades in
the use of mobile Scud missiles which carry one-ton warheads. It does
not matter if those missiles are moved physically across the border to
Lebanon, because those brigades can operate them against Israel at
short notice from either side of the border.
Our Washington sources report that Syrian president Bashar Assad,
under heavy pressure from Washington to keep the Scuds out of
Hizballah's hands, explained to the Obama administration through
diplomatic channels that as long as they were kept inside Syria, the
Scuds must be seen as a defensive and deterrent weapon against a
possible Israeli attack on Lebanon and Syria. He thus placed on Israel
the onus for any future outbreak of hostilities.
Gates' accusation of Iran and Syria Tuesday was the administration's
way of telling Damascus that it does not buy that message.
Unlike the United States, Israel has a ringside seat for watching the
rockets and missiles pile up just across its 70-kilometer long border
with Lebanon. Gates' comment - and even more Barak's assurance - gave
Syria and the Hizballah space to carry on building a mighty arsenal,
which is aimed at only one country, Israel.
Barak as defense minister, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and
Israel's security chiefs need to explain how Hizballah was allowed in
the four years since the 2006 war to pile up tens of thousands of
rockets and missiles, which in volume and sophistication have already
overtaken the weaponry that battered northern Israel then and which
have extended their reach to all parts of Israel.
"Careful watch" - without corresponding action to interrupt the
massive flow of weapons shipments constantly smuggled in from Syria to
Hizballah - is a repeat of the misplaced self-restraint which invited
the Hizballah to launch the last Lebanon conflict in the summer of
2006. Dragging Israeli and its homeland into war in the summer of 2010
would serve the political and military interests of Iran, Syria and
Hizballah well. It would generate a Middle East crisis overwhelming
enough to focus international efforts on calming the situation, so
distracting the world's attention Iran's arrival at the critical
stages of its nuclear bomb program and its drive for sanctions against
the Islamic Republic.
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Topic: Israel refuses to sell Turkey advanced naval Barak-8 interceptor
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:49PM -0400
Israel refuses to sell Turkey advanced naval Barak-8 interceptor
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report April 27, 2010, 4:50 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Barak 8 interceptor<>
Israel <>
Israel's Barak-8 naval shield
Israel has turned down several Turkish requests for advanced military
hardware, according to Israeli and Western intelligence sources. Sources in
Ankara say that the impact from Prime minister Tayyep Recep Erdogan's
alignment with Syria and Iran and poisonous attacks on Israel is beginning
to cut into the Turkish army's operational capabilities. In recent weeks,
Turkish naval chiefs tried to find out in particular if Israel would be
willing to sell the Barak 8 missile interceptor, whose radar provides
360-degree coverage against incoming missiles or air attack, and which was
developed in partnership with India.
Security sources told debkafile that it was decided in Jerusalem not to
sell, in case Erdogan decided to allow Iranian military intelligence experts
to study the Barak-8 and analyze its technology. This interceptor is a key
defensive component for the Israeli missile and warships patrolling the
Persian Gulf seas opposite Iran, the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean
opposite Syrian and Lebanese shores.
As debkafile revealed exclusively last November, the Turkish Prime minister
and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad signed a secret military pact on
Oct. 28, 2009, requiring Turkey's military intelligence, its air force and
navy to help Iran repel a possible Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities.
It included a provision for the sharing of any data and technology on
Israeli weapons systems in Turkish possession, which the IDF might use for a
potential strike. Click here for article.<>
Since that pact was signed, Israel has cut off all advanced weapons supplies
to the Turkish armed forces. India too is flatly against letting Turkey
getting hold of the Barak 8, in whose development the Indian Navy has
invested $330 million since the program began in 2004. New Delhi fears that
from Turkey, the technology might leak to Tehran, which India fears is
capable of trading its secrets with Islamabad for Pakistani nuclear and
missile technology.
Six months ago, India and Israel signed a $1.1 billion contract for the
purchase of the interceptor and its installation on most of its navy's
warships. The system, complete with launchers, radar and installation sells
for $24 million.
The Barak 8 provides warships with all-weather, day-and-night, 360 degrees
coverage and is capable of intercepting incoming missiles when they are no
more than 500 meters away from target.
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Topic: GM Crops Go To US High Court, Laws On The Line
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:46PM -0400
*GM Crops Go To US High Court, Laws On The
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in its first-ever case
involving genetically modified crops. The decision in this case may have a
significant impact on both the future of genetically modified foods and
government oversight of that and other environmental issues. The case,
Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, revolves around an herbicide-resistant
alfalfa, the planting of which has been banned in the U.S. since a federal
court prohibited the multinational Monsanto from selling the seeds in 2007.
That decision found that the U.S. Department of Agriculture did not do a
thorough enough study of the impacts the GM alfalfa would have on human
health and the environment and ordered the agency to do another
environmental impact statement (EIS) review. Though a draft was released in
December, "there is no anticipated date" for the final EIS, Suzanne Bond, a
spokeswoman with the USDA division charged with regulating GM organisms -
the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) - told IPS.
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Topic: US To Push For Global Capital Rules
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:46PM -0400
*US To Push For Global Capital
The US is preparing to pivot from domestic regulatory reform to a push for a
tough new international capital regime after the weekend's G20 and
International Monetary Fund meetings glossed over differences between
leading economies.
Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, met Mario Draghi, chairman of the
Financial Stability Board, on Sunday to discuss the contours of a system
that would decide the safety and profitability of banks for decades to come
and could eclipse the arguments over bank taxes and regulation. But the
different positions of senior central bank and government officials from
several countries expressed to the Financial Times on the sidelines of the
G20 meetings in Washington suggested that a final international agreement
remains a challenge. The G20 communiqué on Friday said: "We recommitted to
developing by end-2010 internationally agreed rules to improve both the
quantity and quality of bank capital and to discourage excessive leverage."
But participants said little time was spent on the issue and that officials
were gearing up for a battle at the June meeting over the direction of the
new standards, which would prevent banks from relying on short-term funding
and disqualify some assets from counting towards core regulatory capital,
the highest-quality loss-absorbing part of the capital structure.
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Topic: Special Army Unit Ready To Be Deployed On American Soil Just
Before November Elections
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:45PM -0400
*Special Army Unit Ready To Be Deployed On American Soil Just Before
November Elections*<>
In October of this year, one month prior to the November midterm elections,
a special army unit known as 'Consequence Management Response Force' will be
ready for deployment on *American soil* if so ordered by the President. The
special force, which is the new name being given to the 1st Brigade Combat
Team of the 3rd Infantry, has been training at Fort Stewart, Georgia and is
composed of 80,000 troops. According to the Army Times, "They may be called
upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially
horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a
chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or
CBRNE, attack." The key phrase is 'may be called upon to help with civil
unrest.' This afternoon a local radio talk show host reported that he had
been in contact with a member of the military. This military source stated
that the armed forces have been alerted to the strong possibility that civil
unrest may occur in the United States this summer, prior to the midterm
elections of 2010.
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Topic: Exclusive: Are The CIA And U.S. State Department Supporting A
New Islamic World Order?
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:44PM -0400
*Exclusive: Are The CIA And U.S. State Department Supporting A New Islamic
World Order?<>
Court transcripts show that Fethullah Gulen and his vast empire of radical
madrassahs (religious schools), which stretch from coast to coast, is
supported by the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. State Department.
This evidence came to light during the proceedings in the Eastern District
Court in Philadelphia where Gulen applied for permanent resident alien
status. His application was accompanied by a letters of endorsement from
former CIA Deputy Director Graham Fuller, former Under Secretary of
StateMarc Grossman, and former Ambassador to Turkey Morton Abramowitz.
Could it
be that Osama bin Laden's hope for a universal caliphate ruled by Sharia
(Islamic law) is not an idle pipe dream? That dream is becoming a reality in
Turkey – thanks to Gulen, who remains sheltered in the U.S., and operates
with the blessings of the Obama administration. Gulen fled to the United
States from his native Turkey in 1998 to avoid prosecution on charges that
he was attempting to undermine Turkey's secular government with the
objective of establishing an Islamic government.
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Topic: Obama Renews Vow Of 'New Beginning' With Muslims
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:43PM -0400
*Obama Renews Vow Of 'New Beginning' With
President Barack Obama on Monday renewed his commitment to a "new beginning"
with the Muslim world, vowing no let-up in US efforts to [force Israel into
a corner] promote Middle East peace, curb militant violence and boost
economic development.
Seeking to build on his outreach to Muslims in a speech in Cairo last June,
Obama used a US-hosted Muslim business conference to underscore what his
administration has done so far and to pledge further work to overcome
mistrust. While Obama has made progress toward mending America's image in
the Islamic world, he still faces stiff challenges in his handling of the
stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the nuclear standoff with Iran
and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "I knew that this vision would not be
fulfilled in a single year, or even several. But I knew we had to begin and
that all of us have responsibilities to fulfill," Obama told the
Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship. But, speaking to an audience of 250
business people from more than 50 countries, Obama also waded into some of
the hot-button issues between Washington and the Muslim world that he
acknowledged "have often been a source of tension." Many Muslims are
especially disappointed by Obama's failure so far to advance
Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking despite promising in his first days in
office to make it a high priority.
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Topic: Are We Sleepwalking Into A Surveillance Society?
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:42PM -0400
*Are We Sleepwalking Into A Surveillance
Personal Identity technology (ID-tech) is the complex of devices and
techniques by which the identity of individuals is established and/or
verified. It largely consists of biometric systems, that is, automated
technical systems that measure physical human characteristics, some of them
dynamically and in real time. The biometric device matches the input sample
against a stored template, in order to include or exclude an individual from
some action or activity. It is used for verifying who you are (with smart
card, username or ID number) or identifying who you are. The data so
collected could be used for purposes other than those initially intended.
Fingerprint biometrics were first used at the 2004 Olympic Summer Games,
Athens. In the USA, Australia, UK, EU and other countries biometrics are
being introduced into passport and visa control. For example, citizens of
Brazil have their signature, photo, and 10 rolled fingerprints collected by
passport requests. There is a very wide variety of uses e.g. in immigration,
customs, ATMs, retail, schools, policing, and intelligence.
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Topic: Triple Helix: Designing A New Standard Of Life
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:41PM -0400
*Triple Helix: Designing A New Standard Of
For all the magnificent diversity of life on this planet, ranging from tiny
bacteria to majestic blue whales, from sunshine-harvesting plants to
mineral-digesting endoliths miles underground, only one kind of "life as we
know it" exists. All these organisms are based on nucleic acids—DNA and
RNA—and proteins, working together more or less as described by the
so-called central dogma of molecular biology: DNA stores information that is
transcribed into RNA, which then serves as a template for producing a
protein. The proteins, in turn, serve as important structural elements in
tissues and, as enzymes, are the cell's workhorses. Yet scientists dream of
synthesizing life that is utterly alien to this world—both to better
understand the minimum components required for life (as part of the quest to
uncover the essence of life and how life originated on earth) and, frankly,
to see if they can do it. That is, they hope to put together a novel
combination of molecules that can self-organize, metabolize (make use of an
energy source), grow, reproduce and evolve.
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Topic: NextGen Triple-Helix DNA To Unleash Our Inner Nephilim
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:40PM -0400
*NextGen Triple-Helix DNA To Unleash Our Inner Nephilim
*Cyborgs have been the sci-fi dream of a generation, merging man and machine
in amazing new combinations. Most of which seem to look like major action
stars. But a team at the University of Copenhagen think that's amateur hour.
In fact they find the entirety of life of planet Earth to be distinctly
underwhelming, which is why they're working on an upgrade - triple-helixed
DNA. The idea is to add a third Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) strand to the two
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) strands we started with. This ultimate
artificial additive can regulate the activity of the existing genes,
blocking some or enhancing others, and that's just for starters: the
cyber-strand is not limited to the four letter vocabulary of GATC, meaning
that extra characters could be added tothat very exclusive club.
When a team at the Center for Biomolecular Recognition first attempted to
install a PNA strand into the "Major Groove" of regular DNA (yes, this
concept is so cool that even the scientific terms involved are funky), they
were excited by a surprising and sophisticated effect. Because unintended
consequences of far greater complexity than anticipated are exactly what you
want to happen in a lab working on life-capable chemicals... To recap: you
have artificial cyber-genetics with capabilities beyond those of weak
organics, they're stronger, and they can replicate faster. It's clear that
this entire branch of science has escaped from a movie somehow...
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Topic: Cap and trade 'flat out dead'
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:40PM -0400
Cap and trade 'flat out dead'
Weekend whirlwind in Senate puts kibosh on climate tax bills
Posted: April 26, 2010
8:07 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Climate bill champion, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.
In a sudden turnaround of events over the weekend, efforts to push
cap-and-trade climate bills through Congress came to a screeching halt.
Proponents of laws that would combat "global warming" through capping
emissions and compelling businesses that exceed the cap to purchase credits
from companies that don't had been looking at two possible avenues to get
the scheme passed.
The first route stems from last year, when the House passed H.R. 2454, the
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, by the razor-thin vote of
219-212. Two months later, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., introduced a companion
bill – S.1733 – in the Senate, which was then put on the legislative
But there the bill has languished.
"Global warming" critic Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., in fact, told Newsmax this
weekend that the bill has very little support, even among Democrats, falling
more than 20 votes short of the needed 51 to pass.
Matt Dempsey, Inhofe's communications director, further told WND, "Senate
Bill 1733 is flat out dead."
Dempsey, however, also told WND of the second legislative avenue, a joint
effort by Kerry, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and independent Sen. Joe
Lieberman of Connecticut to skirt the usual Senate channels to get cap and
trade passed.
Be the first to see the full documentation of how your life could be changed
by climate-related laws, taxes and regulations, in "Climategate"
"The Kerry-Graham-Lieberman bill has never been introduced; they never
intended to release it publicly, because they didn't want it to go through
the five or six committees with jurisdiction," Dempsey explained. "They
hoped to circumvent the committee process, hand it off to Sen. Reid and,
through closed-door deals, bring it to the floor for a vote."
On Saturday, however, this second avenue suddenly closed as well, when
Graham publicly abandoned support for the plan.
The New York Times reports Graham sent a "sharply worded" letter to his
colleagues, protesting reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of
Nevada planned to push through sweeping immigration reform before climate
and energy legislation.
Graham reportedly wrote that Reid's refusal to give priority to climate
policy "has destroyed my confidence that there will be a serious commitment
and focus to move energy legislation this year."
"All of the key players, particularly the Senate leadership, have to want
this debate as much as we do," Graham reportedly wrote. "This is clearly not
the case."
The next day, Inhofe told Newsmax cap and trade has no chance of passing the
"Every time we bring this up again, the American people are more and more
aware that this constitutes the largest tax increase in the history of this
country, and so they are going to be voting it down," Inhofe said. "On cap
and trade, the Senate has voted on it so many times now, and each time they
lose more and more support because people are aware that this is just
another huge tax increase."
How cap and trade could make a comeback
Just as there were two avenues to passing cap-and-trade legislation through
the Senate, there are two routes that could bring it back to life.
The first, of course, is if Kerry and Lieberman can bring Graham back to the
negotiation table.
Hours after Graham released his letter, the Times reports, Kerry released a
statement calling 2010 the "best and perhaps last chance" for climate change
legislation and suggesting the delay was only a temporary postponement of
Kerry also said the coalition was prepared to resume work should Graham be
convinced to return.
"We will continue to work, and we will do everything necessary to be ready
when the moment presents itself," Kerry said.
The second avenue is to skip legislation altogether and enforce new climate
regulations through the Environmental Protection Agency.
In December of last year, the EPA announced that six common gases pose a
threat to American health and that the agency intended to start crafting
regulations to reduce emissions of those gases, including carbon dioxide,
the natural byproduct of burning and even breathing.
Then, last month, the EPA announced plans to "phase in" greenhouse gas
permit requirements for industrial facilities beginning in 2011.
In a released statement, the agency said it will "make a decision later this
spring on the amount of [greenhouse gases] facilities can emit before having
to include limits for these emissions in their permits."
Then, earlier this month, the EPA released another set of new regulations on
automobile emissions.
"Starting with 2012 model year vehicles, the rules together require
automakers to improve fleet-wide fuel economy and reduce fleet-wide
greenhouse gas emissions by approximately five percent every year," the
release explains.
By 2016, according to new regulations, automakers will be required to reach
an estimated 34.1 miles per gallon on their combined industry-wide fleets.
Manufacturers will also be required to reduce their combined average vehicle
emission levels to 250 grams of carbon dioxide per mile.
"These are the first national standards ever to address climate change,"
said EPA Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation Gina McCarthy in the
statement. "Over the coming years, America will witness an amazing leap
forward in vehicle technologies, delivering fuel efficiency that will save
us money and protect the environment."
Voices in industry and the Senate, however, have expressed objections to the
administration implementing emissions caps and regulations apart from the
"This adds more uncertainty and could impact how companies make decisions,"
warned Keith McCoy, vice president of the National Association of
Dan Riedinger of the Edison Electric Institute, a power industry trade
group, told USA Today that energy costs will "go up more under EPA
regulation" than they would under congressional climate laws.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Ala., told the Washington Post last year that the
EPA's involvement in regulating emissions would be "a blunt instrument that
will severely hamper our attempts to bolster the economy and get Americans
back to work."
Even Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., an advocate of clean energy
and curbing greenhouse gases, told the Post the EPA's declaration of carbon
dioxide as a pollutant to be regulated "will create burdens on American
industry without providing any significant environmental benefits."
"I strongly urge EPA to wait for Congress to find a solution," she said.
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From: Heaven soon <>
Date: Apr 27 04:31PM -0400
A Second Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Caught on Tape Giving Misleading
Medical Information
A new undercover video reveals medically inaccurate abortion counseling at a
tax-funded Milwaukee Planned Parenthood clinic. The video, released by
youth-led pro-life group Live Action, records Planned Parenthood staff
distorting basic facts of fetal development and pressuring a woman to have
an abortion.
In the video, a staffer tells a woman who is reportedly 6 to 8 weeks
pregnant that at this stage her baby has "no arms, no legs, no heart no
head, no brain." The staffer emphasizes the difficulties of adoption, urges
the woman to obtain an abortion as soon as possible, says that images of
abortion are fabricated, and states that the unborn child at 6 to 8 weeks
has no "identifiable parts" and is just "fetal matter."
Lila Rose, UCLA student and president of Live Action, says the new footage
further confirms the deceptive and manipulative practices of Planned
Parenthood: "Planned Parenthood has an abortion-first mentality that is
driven both by ideology and the desire for money," says Rose. "Since women
will often choose against abortion if they learn the scientific facts about
the unborn child inside the womb, Planned Parenthood distorts basic facts in
an attempt to perform more abortions."
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