Friday, November 18, 2011

Spiritual Super Conscious World: Agyat Sansar

अज्ञात संसार Agyat Sansar: Adwait(अद्वैत)= (दो नहीं). It not means
one, two, three or.... It simply means Zero, because if there is one,
there must be someone who recognizes the one and for the both's
recognization third comes on! Adwait
Darshana(अद्वैत दर्शन) says that the Super Conscious Existence is
Zero, in the Super Conscious Stage of mind there is nothing except the
Purest Consciousness! In Samadhi, in the Super Conscious Stage,
Duality(द्वैत) is impossible to be felt. More you will know about
'Agyat Sansar' in future here: -Swami Amritand
Saraswati, PSN:01/ATAMPA Date-11.11.2011 7.13 GMT +5.30

Agyatasheesh, PSN:02/ATAMPA. Writer:Search(Mystical,Psychological &
Spiritual Serial Publication). Website:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

कल्याण संसार

विचार, भावादि सब बाहर(बाह्य जगत) से ही अन्तस(अन्तर जगत) में आते हैं
हर किसी के। ये सारे अस्तित्व से आते हैं। इन्हें स्वास्तित्वगत मानना या
इन पर स्वामित्व का विचार या भाव भयंकर आध्यात्मिक भूल है। इसे
आध्यात्मिक चोरी या पाप भी कह सकते हैं।
इस पाप या भूल से मुक्त होने के दो मार्ग हैं- पहला: ध्यान साधना या
भक्ति भावना के द्वारा नित्य सुबह-शाम अस्तित्व को, शून्यास्तित्व को
इन्हें समर्पित करते रहना। दूसरा मार्ग है- साहित्याभिव्यक्ति।
'कल्याण संसार' के किसी साधक या साधिका को दोनों मार्गों या किसी एक
मार्ग पर नित्य गमन करना चाहिये। -अमृताकाशी 

अमृताकाशी, PSN:06/ATAMPA, रचनाकार: "कृष्ण नहीं..." Blog:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

साहित्य रचना मातृभाषा में ही

संसार की किन्हीं भाषाओं को पढ़ना, समझना- यह किसी को करनी चाहिये, लेकिन
साहित्याभिव्यक्ति सिर्फ मातृभाषा में ही करनी चाहिये, क्योँकि
अनुभूतियों, संवेदनाओं तथा कल्पनाओं आदि का स्पष्ट प्रतिबिम्बन सिर्फ
मातृभाषा में ही सम्भव है। -अमृताकाशी

Amritakashee, Writer: "Krishna Naheen (Hindi)" Blog:

Monday, November 14, 2011


"I am in favour of creation, whether I fail or succeed"- Agyatasheesh
"I am in favour of destruction, because every creations
have destructed by destructors, destructive elements"- Agnikendra
said. (from "Krishna Naheen")

Amritakashee, Writer: "Krishna Naheen (Hindi)" Blog:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

असुर और सुर

असुर हर कर्म को सुरविहीन ढंग से, बेढंग करते हैं और सुरों के हर
कार्यों में सरलता, सरसता, माधुर्य और सुर का समावेश रहता है।

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spiritual Commandments Or Spiritual Guidelines? By Richard Blackstone

Spiritual Commandments Or Spiritual Guidelines?

By Richard Blackstone

Once you start waking up to your true authentic self you begin to change the concepts that have held you in a bondage of fear. As you awaken to the light of true consciousness, the fears that have enslaved you in your past don't look so fearsome in the light of awareness.

We see things for what they are and we observe whether they serve us or not, given our definition of who we are and who we determine ourselves to be. So when we take on the paradigm that we are one with God and start to challenge the institutions that have held us in fear for so long, we begin to examine the core concepts of all three major institutions and take a closer look at God's commandments.

When we immerse ourselves in the concepts of unity and love we take on the knowledge that God is the source of all that is, and we are created in the image and likeness of God. So we are made of the same stuff as God and have the same talents and abilities. At the core of God is love, and at our core is love.

Our purpose, as spirit children, is to experience in the relative physical world all that God knows conceptually in the absolute world. Because God's true essence is love, then the belief system that God goes by is a love-based belief system. This is what God is. In order to experience God's belief system, we are allowed to know what God's belief system is not. In fact we must know and experience what God's belief system is not in order for us to know experientially exactly what it is.

God sent his belief system to us not only in the core being that we are, but also in a physical form so that man would have a tangible thing to know of that represents God's value system.

We have come to describe this physical representation of these values as “The Ten Commandments.” We have based our core institutions of religion, education and government on them in order to control us under threat of condemnation to hell if we don't follow them.

When we see how all these institutions have followed the values prescribed by these commandments we see the hypocrisy that we have allowed ourselves to live under because of our fears. We see how each of these institutions has lied, cheated and stolen under the sanctimonious guise of doing it for our benefit in order for us to get into heaven. The unholiest of unholies is how each of these institutions has lead us to kill our fellow human beings and say that it was justified in accordance with God's laws and commandments.

The only God they could be talking about is the God of separation and fear, who holds himself out to be a monarch and who is separate from us and separate from the universe he created. Only the God of fear would be separate from the very commandments he sent to us and told us not to violate under threat of condemnation to hell.

The God of Love and unity has a value system that he instilled in us and that has been revealed to us in physical form. But this God would not command us to never violate these values because this God wants us to experience what we are not in order to know what we are. How could we possibly do that if, in so doing, we violate a commandment that she told us not to violate?

The God of Love would not do that. The God of Love would not command us to do anything because the whole premise of our “being” is to create the experiences on earth that we choose using our free will, without restrictions or limitations. The God of Love does not interfere (enter-fear) with our choices. We make the choices. To interfere with our choices would negate the whole premise of God's purpose and violate the process of life.

So, yes, we are privy to God's values, both within our very souls and also within the concept of The Ten Commandments. But instead of using these as God's commandments, we should use them under the concept of God's guidelines. For God, in the form of the soul, is here to guide us in this earthly journey but she is not here to command us to do one thing or another. We are at free choice to be and do one thing or another.

We are at free choice to call this value system “commandments” or “guidelines.” Man, not God, is the one who has told us for 2,000 years that these are commandments, through man's written and spoken words. But what man says or writes doesn't make it so. Remember, everything is temporal and temporary. Everything is a matter of perspective. The only constant in the universe is change.

About the Author: Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spiritual Self Help – 3 Essential Steps to Achieving SpiritualEnlightenmentBy Nelson Berry

Spiritual Self Help – 3 Essential Steps to Achieving Spiritual Enlightenment

By Nelson Berry

Spiritual self help is designed to help anyone who want to embark on a journey towards spiritual awareness, growth, and development. One common problem among people these days is the lack of contentment and a detachment from their inner selves. This, in truth, is the common aim of any religion in the world. Inside each of us lies a spiritual being seeking to be set free. Unfortunately, most people have mistaken religion as a tradition to follow or as a routine or activity. Only a very small percentage of every religion achieves true spiritual enlightenment.

Do you think that a mundane life void of passion is what you’re made for? Do you think that religion is all about outward activities and inward nothingness? Don’t settle for anything less than what you’re meant to experience in this life.

Spiritual self help can help you reach your true destiny. It can help you maintain composure and peace in the face of life’s challenges, and can give you access to your deepest emotions.

1. Get in touch with the inner you. This may sound like a cliché, which is why it is often taken for granted. But the truth is that there is a spiritual being residing inside you. In fact, you are not a physical being seeking for spirituality; you are a spiritual being only residing in a physical body.

The problem is, today’s materialistic world has made us into physical beings that are disconnected from the spiritual beings that we really are. This spiritual being recedes into the background and becomes a faint haunting inside us that we are made for something more.

So what you have to do is find this spiritual being inside you. Once you get in touch with that part of you, you will be overwhelmed with its innate passion, love, and peace – everything you need to live the life you’ve always dreamed.

2. Rest your mind. To achieve spiritual awareness, you need to give your mind some time to breath. Don’t let it get cluttered with day to day concerns. Don’t juggle multiple trains of thought at once. If you busy your mind up, it becomes more and more detached to its true power. If you let your mind rest regularly, you will be able to see an unlimited space which can be filled with peace and contentment, from which we can draw strength in life’s biggest challenges.

3. Remove all doubts. There is no more powerful force that can drive you further from spiritual awakening than doubt. If you doubt the existence of that powerful spiritual being inside you, then it won’t manifest itself in any way. The problem is, the conscious mind is naturally full of doubts; it’s just the way it is wired due to the way it perceives this rather tricky society.

Thankfully, there is a way to remove all negative thoughts and beliefs from your mind so you can free it to believe in the power inside you. This is the use of subliminal messages to uproot all the doubts embedded even in the deepest recesses of your mind.

Here are some examples of positive subliminal messages that can awaken the spiritual power inside you:

I am a spiritual being.

I am in touch with the powerful spirit that dwells in me.

The spirit of peace and contenment lives inside me.

About the Author: Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online. Click Here Now for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Video Downloads (valued at $160)!


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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Do something meaningless!

Do something meaningless! Do something meaningless, useless, desirelessnessly! *
It may give you joy!
Just enjoy something doing meaninglessly!
Entire existence is waving, moving-
breathing- meaninglessly! *
Only mind suffers to do something meaningful!!
- Agyatasheesh